If only Scar and Wrath could have settled it in smash
Make it and I'll joinToonami Gaf needs to get a google fc list for us to play smash during Shippuden
I'm still catching up on Build Fighters, maybe I gotta TRY harder so I can be current.
How the hell can people play something like a fighting game on a handheld I'll never understand. I played the demo and it was an awful experience. I'll wait for the superior console version.
The demo was legit as fuck and literally my only problem with it from a control perspective (not being able to switch grab with x) can be fixed in two seconds in the full version.
They did a great job with the 3DS version.
Toonami Gaf needs to get a google fc list for us to play smash during Shippuden
Shippuden is going to be rotten for a few more weeks.
It's more fun to post during rotten shows though.
The demo was legit as fuck and literally my only problem with it from a control perspective (not being able to switch grab with x) can be fixed in two seconds in the full version.
They did a great job with the 3DS version.
How the hell can people play something like a fighting game on a handheld I'll never understand. I played the demo and it was an awful experience. I'll wait for the superior console version.
Why does no one have pupils in this gif
I thought only waifu and douche get that powerThey going full byakugan.
To be fair, the only way to control in the demo was the analog pad, which is garbage. Hope the full game has Dpad support. Street Fighter 4 was -fine- on the 3DSXL, with the only problem being the triggers aren't as responsive as you would want them to be, and the original 3DS had a terrible Dpad
I thought only waifu and douche get that power
Anyone can awaken the byakugan if they try hard enough.
How much customization do we have in the full thing? Complete?Can't dpad in Smash 3DS. You can for Wii Remote controls in Brawl, but those suck. The circle pad is very accurate and easy to smash with.
Also Bass is right, I jump with X and will make y throw.
Basically you can swap any of the button functions, but you can't reassign them IE you will always have two jump buttons if you do what Man God is planning he'll swap throw with his second jump so L will now be jump and throw is now y. I may do the same thing depends on how it feels compared to L
Well let's look at it this way.
A, B, X are all vital buttons unless you really enjoy stick jumping, which makes up tilts incredibly hard to pull off consistently. Those buttons are reserved for Attack, Special Attack, and Jump. While you don't need a throw button (Shield+Attack will do the same thing) you do need easy access to shield, so put that on R. Y is basically perfect for the throw button, which is needed more than another jump button.
Anyone have any hope for Dracula Untold?
Anyone have any hope for Dracula Untold?
It looks like Hellsing minus the entertainment.
How are you liking GBF ManGod?
But we're in the middle of the page.
pffft. 50 per page is where it's at
Why are we posting three more times?