I thought the english opening was better than the japanese one too.
That would be a fun review. I wanna here Tom scream. HehWhat if tonight's review is Slender: The Arrival? It just came out and I've heard it's pretty short so perhaps they got it out?
Let's be real, the whole dub was awesome. I remember trying to watch a sub and couldn't since they got the English voices so right.
What is this Gurren Lagann and why should I want to spend insane amounts of money? Not that I'm going to buy it as I'll wait for it to show up on TV or Netflix but what type of quality brings a company to release it for that much? After looking at YouTube I just didn't get it. I watched part of the first episode on YouTube and it seemed overly... jokey. Does the story get crazy good? Didn't want to browse Wiki too much as I may run into spoilers.
I did really like the first two Evangelion remake movies if it helps. That's about the only mech anime I've seen. Never saw the show.
From what I can tell, Gurrenn Lagann is the complete opposite of Evangelion. Where the latter is a dark deconstruction of the genre, the former basks in its insanity, taking every possible mech trope and pushing it up to eleven.
Think of it as an anime version of Megas XLR, only even crazier and with a proper conclusion (damn you Cartoon Network).
I admit, I haven't seen it yet. Hell, I only just saw Evangelion a few weeks ago. Maybe I'll pick it up after I finish Brotherhood.
You mean you got a spare $200 or $700 lying around?
You should all be ashamed. Gurren Lagann is the anime that will pierce through the heavens.
Anime man, it's expensive.
Anime man, it's expensive.
Nuh uh! GXP is only $18!
On second thought. That is expense for the quality.
Why is Spike wearing a fedora? I thought that was Inspector Gadget at first.
Nuh uh! GXP is only $18!
On second thought. That is expense for the quality.
Anime man, it's expensive.
Mmmm... more Soul Eater today... sweet
I've been trucking through the manga.
Finished the Christmas Fight to the Death arc. Maka giving in to the black blood was crazy. Asura looks awesome, and we got to see Lord Death kick ass. Also, Stein being Stein.
And it's the exact same in the show.
I've been trucking through the manga.
Finished the Christmas Fight to the Death arc. Maka giving in to the black blood was crazy. Asura looks awesome, and we got to see Lord Death kick ass. Also, Stein being Stein.
Yes, pretty epic Kid episode tonight......
Meanwhile, LiveAction Network's ratings and my feelings drop as The Wizard of Oz broadcasts."
*checks* ... Wow, they're actually airing The Wizard of Oz. That's just bizarre.
Tonight's Soul Eater has the best bro moment ever.
I've always been pretty good at avoiding spoilers and not succumbing to the desire to "watch ahead'. I'm really liking Soul Eater, but I'm watching it here. I find that more fun than marathoning. Also my reactions here are more genuine I suppose.
Let me know if you all think this is a spoiler and I'll remove it.
Oh, you'll love episode 9 then.
Likely the episode where I skip, freakin'.Excalibur
It sounds like he has more screen time in the anime. I'm 25 chapters in and only one has had him.
It sounds like he has more screen time in the anime. I'm 25 chapters in and only one has had him.
Three. Whole. Episodes.
Great, when IGPX comes in, the Show End Dates are gonna screw up once again.