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Toonami |OT6| Where there's no such thing as filler

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Sanji just died of a heart attack


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
speaking of that spoiler
I was disappointed in the timeskip designs, they didnt change much cept a few, nami looks good, robin was already a adult so she looks fine aswell, sanji just grew a beard, zoro looks pretty badass and probably the most drastic change. I use to like luffy's new design and I still do but I coulda sworn his hair got longer but the more I look at it the more I think it hasent really changed at all but could just be animation, and franky..oh franky :( he looked so badass and now oda ruined his design, I went from hating it to forcing myself ot have mixed feelings, I kinda sorta like it but at the same time not at all. I'm a timeskip junkie so I love when timeskips happen.


No Scrubs
speaking of that spoiler
I was disappointed in the timeskip designs, they didnt change much cept a few, nami looks good, robin was already a adult so she looks fine aswell, sanji just grew a beard, zoro looks pretty badass and probably the most drastic change. I use to like luffy's new design and I still do but I coulda sworn his hair got longer but the more I look at it the more I think it hasent really changed at all but could just be animation, and franky..oh franky :( he looked so badass and now oda ruined his design, I went from hating it to forcing myself ot have mixed feelings, I kinda sorta like it but at the same time not at all. I'm a timeskip junkie so I love when timeskips happen.

You take that back about
! His redesign is amazing. It's the things men's dreams are made of! You'll see! You'll definitely see!
speaking of that spoiler
I was disappointed in the timeskip designs, they didnt change much cept a few, nami looks good, robin was already a adult so she looks fine aswell, sanji just grew a beard, zoro looks pretty badass and probably the most drastic change. I use to like luffy's new design and I still do but I coulda sworn his hair got longer but the more I look at it the more I think it hasent really changed at all but could just be animation, and franky..oh franky :( he looked so badass and now oda ruined his design, I went from hating it to forcing myself ot have mixed feelings, I kinda sorta like it but at the same time not at all. I'm a timeskip junkie so I love when timeskips happen.

i don't like how Robin's skin suddenly became totally white


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
i don't like how Robin's skin suddenly became totally white

To be fair, she's fairly pale in the color pages of the manga. The anime chose to tan her, and then changed it for the time skip.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
You obviously have not see what he can do then. It's instant redemption.

hmm we'll see, I do need to catch up, might watch all the way from when I left off
which was sorta the beginning of the mermaid arc
and then switch to the manga
Have you switched over to the sub? I didn't think the dub got that far

Yup, I just finished 298 where
Sanji and Jabra fight. This is the best battle I've seen so far between CP9 and the Straw Hats, Diable Jambe is no joke! Meanwhile Luffy is getting his ass kicked by Lucci instead of going into 2nd Gear. You'd think he would do that from the start since time is of the essence.

This Kaku v Zoro fight has been dragged out wayyyy too long
Now that I've finished the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc(s), I can say that it is one of the best in the history of shonen anime that I have seen. This has made me a believer in One Piece, I am officially in love with the series. I'll post detailed impressions soon, I'm still in shock at how amazing the experience I just had was.
Now that I've finished the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc(s), I can say that it is one of the best in the history of shonen anime that I have seen. This has made me a believer in One Piece, I am officially in love with the series. I'll post detailed impressions soon, I'm still in shock at how amazing the experience I just had was.

The best part is it only gets better
Now that I've finished the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc(s), I can say that it is one of the best in the history of shonen anime that I have seen. This has made me a believer in One Piece, I am officially in love with the series. I'll post detailed impressions soon, I'm still in shock at how amazing the experience I just had was.


Do you now understand why OP fans are foaming at the mouth to see OP virgin reactions live?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Episode 310 is transcendent. I'm tearing up just thinking about how it ends. Can't wait to see it dubbed, will in fact preorder the set the moment it comes up and I basically haven't bought any anime in eight or nine years.
Dear Lord, Bass, the reactions are going to be incredible! Too bad we won't get to the really good stuff until late spring/early summer.

Episode 310 is transcendent. I'm tearing up just thinking about how it ends. Can't wait to see it dubbed, will in fact preorder the set the moment it comes up and I basically haven't bought any anime in eight or nine years.
I haven't purchased a box set since getting G Gundam complete a few years back but I plan on buying this. 310 and 311 are masterpieces.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I still think ennes lobby is waaayy overrated however I do think the arcs afterwards is better than it
cept chiller bark kinda draaaaggs in the middle
Now that I've finished the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc(s), I can say that it is one of the best in the history of shonen anime that I have seen. This has made me a believer in One Piece, I am officially in love with the series. I'll post detailed impressions soon, I'm still in shock at how amazing the experience I just had was.
This shit right here is heart-warming.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I still think ennes lobby is waaayy overrated however I do think the arcs afterwards is better than it
cept chiller bark kinda draaaaggs in the middle

Probably the best outfits in the series and some of it is laugh out loud hilarious. Has two great openings. (Water Seven has three)

Not that I agree with you. Water Seven and Enies Lobby are definitely the height of the series, if not the entire genre.
I still think ennes lobby is waaayy overrated however I do think the arcs afterwards is better than it
cept chiller bark kinda draaaaggs in the middle

You cray foxuzamaki dunno how anyone can say any arc of OP is more powerful in terms of writing and emotions then W7/EL.
I dunno, the manga thread flipped it's collective shit during
. That was insane.

I personally feel like


Ace's death had far too many death flags shoot up after Luffy saved him. As soon as Akainu called Whitebeard a coward and baited Ace his death was basically sealed so I wasn't shocked when he got punched. On the flip side the Straw Hats had "won" Enies Lobby, they defeated all of CP9, survived the buster call, and were finally all reunited... only to have the Merry finally falter when it's the last thing on your mind.


Course both are still incredible apples to oranges, I just like apples better


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
All this talk of epic shonen arcs and I'm going through the Yorknew arc of Hunter x Hunter and can't really talk about it, lol. At episode 58 now.


Major spoiler be warned

You cray foxuzamaki dunno how anyone can say any arc of OP is more powerful in terms of writing and emotions then W7/EL.

Binka sake,closing of the gate of justice,adventure of fisher tiger and Nothing happened, I would but those above water 7.

I personally feel like


Ace's death had far too many death flags shoot up after Luffy saved him. As soon as Akainu called Whitebeard a coward and baited Ace his death was basically sealed so I wasn't shocked when he got punched. On the flip side the Straw Hats had "won" Enies Lobby, they defeated all of CP9, survived the buster call, and were finally all reunited... only to have the Merry finally falter when it's the last thing on your mind.


Course both are still incredible apples to oranges, I just like apples better

Nah ace death was far more shocking, luffy went on a grand epic mission to save ace,he fought tooth & nail to get to ace and when he finally rescued him we was treated with an awesome bro moment with ace & luffy fighting back to back bro-ing it up and ace defending luffy from akoji, once everyone fell into a false sense of security Bam Ace is dealt a fatal blow

merry death was imminent as far back as the start of water 7 with shipwrights,icebery and franky saying the ship is doomed

"no body dies in one piece" none in the manga thread actually believed it could happen


No Scrubs
Nah ace death was far more shocking, luffy went on a grand epic mission to save ace,he fought tooth & nail to get to ace and when he finally rescued him we was treated with awesome bro moment with ace & luffy fight back to back bro-ing it up and ace defending luffy from akoji, once everyone fell into false sense of security Bam Ace is dealt a fatal blow

merry death was imminent as far back as the start of water 7

"no body dies in one piece" none in the manga thread actually believed it could happen

Looking back it was obvious, but at the time? No one saw that shit coming, no one.
Man, that isn't even the best HxH arc. You are in for a treat.

What!? Yorknew City is freaking incredible,
it blows everything else right out of the water. Let me guess, you think the Chimera Ant arc is the best, right? I'm looking forward to this weeks episode.

The smell of salt permeates the air. A gentle breeze tickles your face. Seagulls chirp in the distance. Fluffy white pillows race across the sky at a leisurely pace…Take a deep breath. Ah…can you feel it toonami-gaf? No really, can you feel it? That’s right my beloved nakama, it’s time for what you’ve all been waiting for. After one week and nearly 100 episodes, I have finally finished the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc(s) of One Piece and am here to share my impressions. Andrex, I apologize in advance.



Whew, this arc was friggin’ incredible. Before Water Seven I considered myself a casual fan of One Piece. It was “meh” to me but I certainly didn’t get why people like Meta, Bass, Batdan, Bdubs and Mangod would make such a big fuss about it. I mean come on, what was the big deal? There was way too much yelling, the art looked like it was done by a drunk Stevie Wonder, Luffy was incompetent to the point of frustration…but somewhere along the way, it all clicked for me. One Piece wasn’t just some dumb kids show to shotgun beers to while waiting for Soul Eater to come on anymore. No my friends, Water 7/Enies Lobby is what converted me into a true believer. This is without a doubt one of the best Shonen arcs that I have ever seen. Seriously, it stands right up there with Yu Yu Hakusho’s Dark Tournament, Hunter x Hunter’s Yorknew City, G Gundam’s Gundam Fight, Bleach’s first Soul Society arc, Dragon Ball Z’s Frieza saga…I could go on, but you get the picture. Name any long running shonen series arc and I’ll argue that this matches or exceeds it, that’s how good Water 7/Enies Lobby is. Go on, I'll wait.


...Now that I think about it, it’s kind of silly to divide up Water 7 and Enies Lobby into separate arcs since the overall plot line overlaps. To avoid confusion I’m just going to refer to the whole thing as the Big Chested Damsel in Distress Super Awesome Ass Kicking Arc!

Wait, scratch that. I’ll just call it Water 7, it’s less descriptive but more concise. Now, where should I begin? Well…probably at the start. Yeah, definitely at the start.

Water 7 is a slow burn initially. The crew runs into Aokiji who saves a bunch of stranded people with his crazy ice powers and then promptly proceeds to kick Luffy’s ass. This was a really great moment for me to see because up until this point it seemed like Luffy was portrayed as some kind of invincible rubber god (RIP Enel). Aokiji straight up DOMINATED the Straw Hat crew with ease which helped not only them, but also me realize that they had a lot more room for growth and development. Thankfully this arc delivers both in spades. We also got a little backstory (no, not THAT kind of backstory) on Nico Robin which was nice because she had been nothing but an enigma up until this point.

Fast forwarding to their arrival at Water 7, I really hated Franky’s design when I first saw him. His forearms were ridiculously huge, his Hawaiian shirt was stupid, wearing nothing but a speedo pissed me off, the mascara eyes were laughable for a villain and his nose…christ, his nose didn’t even match his skin tone. I mean really, what the hell was this crap? Now, this was before I knew he was a cyborg and realized how awesome “Aniki” is. Still though, I shit you not toonami-gaf, that was my initial knee-jerk impression of their future crewmate.


The whole Usopp losing the money and realizing he’s a worthless liar subplot was really well done. I’ve had almost nothing but contempt for Usopp up to this point but this was a real tear-jerker for me. This is where I first started to really “get” Usopp’s character. Really, he’s just an average 17 year old kid traveling around the world with a bunch of superhuman monsters. He’s not ever going to match the physical strength or skill of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Robin, or even Chopper. His fragility resonated with me and I was genuinely upset when he got the money stolen from him by Franky’s gang and then beaten up. I felt his pain and I wanted revenge for him just as much as his crew once they found out. Being able to establish an emotional connection with the viewer is important and Water 7 really cemented my feelings for these characters.

I thought the Usopp v Luffy thing was pretty overblown initially but after seeing the whole arc I understand why it was done. The actual fight though was incredible, it showed off the intelligence and skill Usopp can use in battle when not being a sniveling coward. This was something we hadn't seen before, it was refreshing.

Moving on, I wasn’t really shocked to find out that some of the Galley-La shipwrights were members of CP9. I don’t know why, but I always had a hunch for some reason that they would end up being major antagonists for the straw hats in some way. I’ll admit that I started to absolutely HATE Robin when she defected sides. Her actions were going to really dick over these people she had been traveling with for so long and all for what? Once I learned her motives were to turn herself in and save the crew my attitude obviously softened but god damn she was such a melodramatic whiny POS until the Straw Hats arrived on Enies Lobby and burned the world government flag.


Now, the Enies Lobby fights are top tier. For real guys, every single one is incredible in their own right and for different reasons. I love how each member of the crew has taken some sort of step forward with their abilities. Chopper has monster point (HOLY SHIT BTW, THIS LITERALLY MADE MY JAW DROP), Sanji has diable jambe, Uso…I mean Sogeking has a new slingshot, Nami gets an upgraded weapon, Zoro has new oddly named sword techniques, Luffy has 2nd/3rd gear…If I had to rank the respective fights here’s how it would go:

1. Sanji v Wolf Douche
2. Luffy v Lucci
3. Franky v Lard Ass Zipper Mouth
4. Chopper v Annoying Staff Man
5. Luffy v Blueno
6. Nami v Kalifa
7. Zorro v Kaku
8. Robin v Spandam (FINISH HIM!)

I thought the Kaku/Zoro fight dragged on way longer than it needed to but really that’s my only complaint.

Once the Straw Hats dispatched their foes the arc was probably over, right? WRONG. Now they had to deal with the Buster Call which really meant fighting a shitload of grunts for a few episodes to save money. Oh, and Zoro gets one of his swords rusted. Bummer.

I will admit that I was sitting on the edge of my (sweaty) seat wondering just how in the world these pirates were going to escape Enies Lobby with now ship. But then, the Going Merry makes his (or her?) triumphant return to save the day. In all honestly this was a very heartwarming moment; I’ll admit that I started to tear up a bit. The last 3 or so episodes of the Water 7 arc are a textbook case on how to wrap up an arc. Honestly, they couldn’t have ended it any better if they tried.

goodnight, sweet prince

Water 7 has it all. Action. Drama. Romance. Adversity. Triumph. Sadness. This right here toonami-gaf is a masterpiece. I haven’t been this emotionally invested in an arc in a long time but One Piece really turned me into a believer here. This may sound silly but after experiencing the high’s and low’s of Water 7 with Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Chopper, Nami, Sanji, Robin, and Franky; I feel as if I am a part of this crew. I’ve formed an unbreakable bond with these characters that I feel will last a lifetime.


I know I skipped over a lot of things but if you have specific questions, feel free to ask. It’s a big arc so there’s plenty to talk about.



I am now the troll of ToonamiGAF. Andrex is actually my incarnation who does my dirty work for me.

Oh and I stopped reading that review after the drunken Stevie Wonder comment, how dare you attempt to mock my favourite musician?
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