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Toonami |OT7| I Don't Believe It

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Hey Seda when is the new thread going up?

Uh, probably Saturday morning. Might as well use this one until then.

This OT lasted only four 'Toonami's. Kind of crazy. We have a number of new, active posters since Summer. I probably wont even bother with new images if anyone cares.
Toonami |OT8| - Faster, we have to go faster

Toonami |OT8| If you die in the thread there are no consequences
Toonami |OT8| Disregard currency, aquire waifus
Toonami |OT8| Pain is temporary, SAO is forever
Toonami |OT8| Where the power of love conquers muscular dystrophy


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Toonami |OT8| Green-Haired Mini-Skirt Wesley Crusher
Toonami |OT8| If you're going to be a Shipwright, you gotta be tough
Toonami |OT8| Talking about King Star King is an automatic flogging.


- Lady does con work for Funimation (usually hosts panels showing what future Funimation releases are coming soon or available now). Pretty sure she was in the Toonami tribute video a few weeks (or 1-2 months) ago

- Drawing of Tom was done by Sonny Strait

Only doing one more of this. One signature in particular I want and I'll have to wait until next Spring to get it. That signature will be the last ToonamiGAF signature (might make an exception for special cases)


- Lady does con work for Funimation (usually hosts panels showing what future Funimation releases are coming soon or available now). Pretty sure she was in the Toonami tribute video a few weeks (or 1-2 months) ago

- Drawing of Tom was done by Sonny Strait

Only doing one more of this. One signature in particular I want and I'll have to wait until next Spring to get it. That signature will be the last ToonamiGAF signature (might change for special cases)

Awesome! I always enjoy seeing these pictures.


Sketchbook Picasso
I hope you guys don't think I was trying to derail the thread; I thought it legitimately interesting to compare LH and SAO some, since they're such obviously similar concepts.

And so little talk goes towards what SAO might actually do BETTER (IMPOSSIBORU!)... thought it might make some conversation.

"How does the rest of the world compare to Toonami" DOES seem to be the topic of this thread between Saturdays; I think it keeps things interesting, really.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So I finished catching up:

One Piece
FMA Brotherhood
Soul Eater
Inuyasha 2
Inuyasha 1
Kick Heart
Clone Wars
King Star King

Pretty good night besides King Star King, which still isn't the worst thing I've ever seen on Adult Swim. Not even close.


- Lady does con work for Funimation (usually hosts panels showing what future Funimation releases are coming soon or available now). Pretty sure she was in the Toonami tribute video a few weeks (or 1-2 months) ago

- Drawing of Tom was done by Sonny Strait

Only doing one more of this. One signature in particular I want and I'll have to wait until next Spring to get it. That signature will be the last ToonamiGAF signature (might make an exception for special cases)
So fucking cool, lazybones. You're the best for doing this for Toonami-GAF. Sidenote: Where do you keep the autographs you've gotten?


I legitimately liked Korgoth, and I'm so sad now it never made it past pilot stage.

Oh, New thread titles? Hmm....

Toonami |OT8| Logic has died.


No Scrubs
I legitimately liked Korgoth, and I'm so sad now it never made it past pilot stage.

Oh, New thread titles? Hmm....

Toonami |OT8| Logic has died.

Korgoth wasn't bad. It wasn't amazing, but it was a strong enough pilot to justify a series. (It reminded me of a thing I did in middle school only with more tits and blood) It's just too bad it cost too much for AS at the time.


Tragic victim of fan death
This picture is sorta cute. =D



If King Star King, and to a lesser extent Korgath, did one good thing last night it proved that Toonami really won't have to censor stuff like Kill la Kill and more violent animes because good god.


No Scrubs
If King Star King, and to a lesser extent Korgath, did one good thing last night it proved that Toonami really won't have to censor stuff like Kill la Kill and more violent animes because good god.

Shit, Panty and Stocking could very well make it. They'd have to censor like half the dialogue, but other than that it'd be ok.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
How bad is the sexual content in Kill La Kill? Would one actually see nipples or does everyone have Barbie doll bodies? I've seen the outfits, and I can easily see those allowed on Adult Swim.


If King Star King, and to a lesser extent Korgath, did one good thing last night it proved that Toonami really won't have to censor stuff like Kill la Kill and more violent animes because good god.
Hyper violence isn't the problem, it's what could be seen as sexualization of minors that could be. Although, SAO gets away with it..........
If King Star King, and to a lesser extent Korgath, did one good thing last night it proved that Toonami really won't have to censor stuff like Kill la Kill and more violent animes because good god.

This subject was kinda broached on DeMarco's Ask.fm:

I was a little annoyed with KSK, but seeing Korgoth again was awesome! Though I have to wonder: why is it that comedies seem to get away with so much (high sexual content, extreme gore, etc.) on adultswim compared to other programs? Is it the different tone/intent? Less kids watching?

If I could answer that, I'd be a rich man! Thanks for the feedback though.

My suggestions:
Toonami |OT8| Kill Thousands, Forget Why
Toonami |OT8| This Time, I'm Going To Pay Close Attention To GitS, Honest
Toonami |OT8| It's Been One Week Since Our Last Kick-Heart
Toonami |OT8| King Star King Approved
What I do have a problem with, is the "author" (I use the term lightly) thinking that it is perfectly normal for people to commit suicide immediately after a friend dies. The best explanation I have is that the author has severe mental handicaps that prevent them from understanding human empathy, like some super evolved version of Aspergers. This isn't even the first time in this fucking series this happened! The fact that Kirito had to fucking ask that she would be prevented from killing herself, and her freaking out when Heathcliff allowing it is legitimately insulting to anyone over the age of 13,

Oh come on, the guy can be a bad writer without being mentally disabled.


Gives all the fucks
How bad is the sexual content in Kill La Kill? Would one actually see nipples or does everyone have Barbie doll bodies? I've seen the outfits, and I can easily see those allowed on Adult Swim.
Really, it's just been those outfits. Aside from beams of light, there hasn't been any actual nudity. Granted, we're only 5 episodes in, so who knows at this point, but so far, it wouldn't be too bad.
How bad is the sexual content in Kill La Kill? Would one actually see nipples or does everyone have Barbie doll bodies? I've seen the outfits, and I can easily see those allowed on Adult Swim.

Its really the battle outfit the two female leads wear, its basically half bikini top and a thong.

Man, I've been thinking about log horizon all day

You're thinking in the database database woahoh

Toonami |OT8| - Faster, we gotta go faster!

Winner winner!

Uh, probably Saturday morning. Might as well use this one until then.

This OT lasted only four 'Toonami's. Kind of crazy. We have a number of new, active posters since Summer. I probably wont even bother with new images if anyone cares.

Wait til Space Dandy starts airing, we will truly get flooded then.

Also I think the community aspect of Toonami gaf works well because it doesn't alienate people from joining us saturday night. We have a lot of regulars who post every weekend who don't take part in the weekly ramblings.


How bad is the sexual content in Kill La Kill? Would one actually see nipples or does everyone have Barbie doll bodies? I've seen the outfits, and I can easily see those allowed on Adult Swim.

It really isn't that bad I think. The 'worst' aspect is the transformation sequence particularly the lengthy one in episode 3 when it fastens in 'key areas'. That being nothing is anatomically correct so it is no worse than Sailor Moon's transformation even if it is a touch more suggestive. The worst I have seen in this series so far is one bare ass in episode 5 still it is not that bad.

Like most have said it is still early but I seriously doubt it will ever reach King Star King levels of suggestiveness.


I dunno, a lot of the costume stuff is really lewd and doesn't mind telling you about it

But yeah... never gonna get KSK levels


So I've caught up with all the regular Toonami shows. Not going to comment on the material I've already seen at least once before, I already know its good/bad. Bleach was meh as usual - terrible Macguffin girl needs to GTFO. One Piece had great wordlbuilding. As I've said before, I've never seen this arc but due to general osmosis of manga culture I already recognized a lot of faces this episode. I wonder if going into this completely blind would have been better but I can't un-remember the things I know. Soul Eater continues being Swagtastic and I remained convinced Medusa is the best female villain in shonen :) I haven't watched King Star King yet but it seems I don't want to :/ As for SAO..........oh boy..........>_>

My after the fact reactions:
Where was the fight? I paid (not) good money for a fight :(

Er I think you're making some logic reaches there Kirito

So he just admits to being the villain even though he could probably talk his way out of it? He'd make a shitty Ace Attorney villain.

I'm going to allow you to kill me because.......reasons?

Why is the murdering asshole Kirito had to kill in self-dense in the Death Montage?

"If I die, fix it so Asuna doesn't kill herself"? When a loved one dies, the sane/normal reaction is not to kill yourself. In what universe is that the first place your thoughts jump to?

There was a some of nice action during that "fight" but otherwise talk about a let down :(

Wait wasn't she paralyzed? She isn't supposed to be able to die right? REALLY? FUCK OFF!

Welp Kirito's dead.

Or not. Because........REASONS? This doesn't make any sense?!?!

"Yo dude why'd you do this?"
"I dunno" aka. REASONS

This is literally the worst thing ever. HOLY SHIT this is bad O_O

Shitty, shitty romance is oh so very shitty. Why aren't they dead again?

So he wakes up in RL. WHY ISN'T HE DEAD. Nothing about this feels earned or justified. Also how is he walking straight out of a coma?

The summary of this episode: REASONS

I'll be honest I kind of expected worse given the "hype". That was still pretty fucking bad though >_>

Not really. It's just that the people who love the show have shouted down the criticisms. A lot of people on the negative end have stopped watching or at least stopped talking. I'm really in the middle on that show right now.

Not really. There was a lot more negative talk in the first two episodes. It died down as the negative side stopped caring to talk about it.

This isn't unique to KLK. You've described literally every show ever. A bunch of people check out a new thing. Because not everything can appeal to everyone, regardless of quality, some people realize thing X isn't for them and go do something else with their time. Some who are only mildly engaged will stick by and chime in from time to time. The rest that enjoy it continue consuming it and discussing it but that rarely precludes critical discussion or people saying "aspect X of this sucks". If you're saying some people don't like the show well that's certainly true (as with every show ever). "All but three people love the show" isn't an accurate statement. "A lot of people are talking about this show and the overwhelming majority of posts about it are positive" is accurate though from what I've seen.

He was originally going to be female, but the author didn't want Inuyasha fighting a woman like that.

Considering the author is female, this is a weirdly sexist viewpoint to have O_O


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I'm so glad kick-heart aired again Saturday, we all was really hoping for it just to see bass fall inlove with it all over again


Master of the Google Search
Considering the author is female, this is a weirdly sexist viewpoint to have O_O

I don't think it was the author who demanded that change. I'm pretty sure it was the editors. And that should come to no surprise, one of Shonen's #1 rules is "Don't hit a lady". Unless the character is evil or a kid, you generally won't see them hit a lady in shonens.

And I can sorta understand why that rule is in place. For a genre that's primarily read/watched by little boys who copy what they see, I can understand why they don't want schoolboys punching their fellow girl classmates, even if it is a bit sexist.


And I can sorta understand why that rule is in place. For a genre that's primarily read/watched by little boys who copy what they see, I can understand why they don't want schoolboys punching their fellow girl classmates, even if it is a bit sexist.

Well little boys shouldn't be hitting their fellow boy classmates either. :p
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