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Toonami |Sep14| This is our Final Dandy, baby

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I don't know why, but I feel incredibly offended.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Want to never get banned?

99% of all bannings come from losing your cool/think you are joking around and insulting a person or group of people and keeping it up.

The other 1% comes from linking shit against the TOS, asking for a ban so you can get homework done, or being a colossal shit lord while not personally insulting people.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
When you type in your post, think to yourself "Is this a good idea?" and consider moving away.
I feel half my posts are not good enough and often find myself clicking away.


Another way to never get banned is to be bland and boring, and never have anything interesting to say that people will notice



Majority of bans are threadwhining or hiveminding. Basically "why is this a thread" or "SonyGAF is dumb", respectively. Then there are many 'jerk' bans. Calling posters names, mocking them, or otherwise being mean.

More blatant TOS violations aren't as prevalent, but still happen occasionally.

It's a good thing we don't have a strikes policy on this forum or he'd be gone for good by now.

I mean, bans are recorded and don't go unnoticed. But right, no hard strike rule.


Another way to never get banned is to be bland and boring, and never have anything interesting to say that people will notice


Pretttyyy much. Be agreeable, and when you disagree, always incorporate their side in too.
"Look, i know you enjoy doing X, which I completely understand if you want to, but you seem to be missing Y, a key thing which makes this wrong in my opinion" comes off way better than "hey screw you for not mentioning Y your argument sucks OP"

^And really the only "hes overall a dick" ban that I can think of is Derrick, but I dont know if thats what he was banned for in actuality, and that may be an extreme case. I think others kept mentioning issues with him (thankfully I never had any personal issues with said member)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I don't enjoy the suffering of others but nothing quite matches the perfect cosmic timing of a flood of juniors coming in+ a game worth port begging over.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I don't enjoy the suffering of others but nothing quite matches the perfect cosmic timing of a flood of juniors coming in+ a game worth port begging over.

Not just the port begging.
The console warriors too. The ones that un-ironically use "Xbots" or "Sony Ponies" or "Nintendrones" or spell MS or Sony with $ signs.


I don't enjoy the suffering of others but nothing quite matches the perfect cosmic timing of a flood of juniors coming in+ a game worth port begging over.

This reminds me- why do so many new members not get the fact that necrobumping to literally simply say "I liked this/this was an enjoyable thread" is simply annoying? No one wants a pointless 5yr bump :/

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Can't wait to see where the next Platinum title ends up.

Eh, their XBONE exclusive was small time. I'm talking FF VII remake on X platform tier.

Monster Hunter Tri was my favorite one of all time though because the vast majority of people were clearly only pissed because it was moving to Nintendo and not because they actually played Monster Hunter back then. Same to a lesser extent with DQ IX.


Gucci got banned again? Hopefully it wasn't a long one this time.

This reminds me- why do so many new members not get the fact that necrobumping to literally simply say "I liked this/this was an enjoyable thread" is simply annoying? No one wants a pointless 5yr bump :/

Cause they like the game and want to post about it. I feel bad about bumping anything more than a few hours old, let alone something that hasn't been posted in for well over a year.

I will say that it seems like a lot of new members find there way here through other boards and sites (I only found this site through an article linked on Reddit) and forget that a lot of stuff that might fly there doesn't here. Especially the drive by posts that seems to happen a lot and get buried on Reddit.


Gucci got banned again? Hopefully it wasn't a long one this time.

Cause they like the game and want to post about it. I feel bad about bumping anything more than a few hours old, let alone something that hasn't been posted in for well over a year.

I will say that it seems like a lot of new members find there way here through other boards and sites (I only found this site through an article linked on Reddit) and forget that a lot of stuff that might fly there doesn't here. Especially the drive by posts that seems to happen a lot and get buried on Reddit.

Well yes, id say since reddit has had a larger....influence? on GAF its different (Then again, I only joined two years ago, a machinima employee -not parner- is the reason I know GAF) to an extent. And I also feel bad about bumping. But we can assume at years no one is going to have a discussion other than "that bump"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm not going to lie, I'm going to miss Clone Wars. This season has been bad overall but the next two are supposed to be great. Yeah, yeah, I can watch it whenever on Netflix.

I mean, I love GITS and Big O Season 2 so I can't really complain.


I'm never up that late anyway.

They could slot in Mr pickles and king star king at those slots and it wouldn't affect me


One of 3 movies in my life I have ever walked out of, and the only one that was due to the quality (as in, lack of) of the movie.

I honestly don't think you can watch talladega nights as a movie to take seriously. You have to watch it expecting...er...yeah, whatever the hell it is?


Been trying to catch up with the Toonami retired shows I've missed

Just finished fooly Cooly (?) episode 1. Conflicted and dont even know what just happened or what they were trying to say fooly cooly meant but I like the animation. Show feels fresh in a sense.


Been trying to catch up with the Toonami retired shows I've missed

Just finished fooly Cooly (?) episode 1. Conflicted and dont even know what just happened or what they were trying to say fooly cooly meant but I like the animation. Show feels fresh in a sense.

Its not supposed to make sense. Just try to understand this question "What does Fooly Cooly mean?"

Also eyebrows
One of 3 movies in my life I have ever walked out of, and the only one that was due to the quality (as in, lack of) of the movie.

Agreed a terribly unfunny comedy like most comedies now a days, I will give it credit for being a step above those shit spoof movies

I honestly don't think you can watch talladega nights as a movie to take seriously. You have to watch it expecting...er...yeah, whatever the hell it is?

It was trying to be anchorman but with nascar drivers, it didn't work


I honestly don't think you can watch talladega nights as a movie to take seriously. You have to watch it expecting...er...yeah, whatever the hell it is?

I expected to laugh at least once in the first 45 minutes. I was more annoyed by the whole thing, and left.

Other movies I have walked out of are Star Trek (my 2nd time seeing it, one of the people I was with who brought a flask with them started vomiting everywhere, and I left because I didn't want to get banned from the theater) and The Man with the Iron Fists (because I had to SHIT UNCONTROLLABLY about an hour into that movie. I ended up being sick for a whole week after that with some stomach virus)


Ricky Bobby may be one of Will Ferrell's lesser movies but it is still so dumb it is funny and lots of quotable lines.

I have a high tolerance for bad movies though. Worst movie I have ever watched is still Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

I would have left the theater if I wasn't with other people.

Invasion of the Neptune Men is another pretty painful movie to sit through. Even MST3K couldn't save it.


Ricky Bobby may be one of Will Ferrell's lesser movies but it is still so dumb it is funny and lots of quotable lines.

I have a high tolerance for bad movies though. Worst movie I have ever watched is still Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

I would have left the theater if I wasn't with other people.

Invasion of the Neptune Men is another pretty painful movie to sit through. Even MST3K couldn't save it.

I have a high tolerance for bad movies, but have almost zero tolerance for movies that fail at what they set out to do. It's why I can watch and enjoy even the most terrible slasher movies (because all they set out to do is make a bunch of teenagers unlikeable and show them killed in terrible ways, with the possibility of some boobs. AND EVEN THE BAD ONES GET THIS RIGHT), but why I hate the Transformers movies, which somehow make 200 million dollars of insane CG just seem boring and unimpactful.

If your comedy isn't making me laugh, you are failing. There is a reason I don't pay money to see most of them (I think Grand Budapest Hotel was the first comedy I paid money to see in the 2010's)- I'm too jaded to be entertained by "dumb bullshit", for lack of a better word.
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