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ToQGAF 2014 | Hanamichi! The Next Stop Is Imagination's Stage!

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Elder ToQGAF members, what happened between MMPR and Zeo for people to act like MMPR is the only season of Power Rangers? I vaguely remember watching parts of MMPR as it aired and I caught some of Zeo, but those two aren't my favorite seasons by far. In fact, I hate MMPR with a passion.

It's pretty simple, really. A lot of MMPR's audience aged out of the show around the time Season 3 ended. They just stopped watching after MMPR. Hell, I remember in middle school, I was the only one still left watching Power Rangers among the people I knew. I stuck around through Zeo then dropped off.


Elder ToQGAF members, what happened between MMPR and Zeo for people to act like MMPR is the only season of Power Rangers? I vaguely remember watching parts of MMPR as it aired and I caught some of Zeo, but those two aren't my favorite seasons by far. In fact, I hate MMPR with a passion.
I was an infant around the time MMPR was airing, so I missed out on a lot of the Zordon era, only watching a few multi-parters in MMPR, while Zeo and Turbo were barely seen by me. I watched a very good chunk of in Space and liked it a lot, but the first season I actually finished was Lost Galaxy and I would go on to complete every season until Wild Force. Nothing has topped my love for Time Force, although there were some good seasons I watched good chunks of.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Elder ToQGAF members, what happened between MMPR and Zeo for people to act like MMPR is the only season of Power Rangers? I vaguely remember watching parts of MMPR as it aired and I caught some of Zeo, but those two aren't my favorite seasons by far. In fact, I hate MMPR with a passion.

Fad phase wore off. It's the same reason why genwunners exist, as well as "muh original anime"


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Fad phase wore off. It's the same reason why genwunners exist, as well as "muh original anime"

PR genwunners are just as bad as the Transformers and Pokemon genwunners.
Only going by "muh nostalgia", they refuse to accept anything after the "original". I imagine Japan is kind of similar with Goranger but since that's older, there's less of them.
It's a shame since in the overall scheme of things, only MMPR Season 1 is decent. S2 and S3 are fairly messy, and they're missing out on good seasons.

I do keep seeing a couple guys on Facebook that keep demanding more Dino Thunder and Jungle Fury. Either they don't know about Sentai, or they're in denial.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I watched MMPR when I was a kid, but at the same time I was also exposed to Maskman and Bioman.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Super Megaforce 18

You know, for approaching the end game, the stakes still feel really low.
Just going to pretend that all the stuff with Vrak didn't happen? The stuff with the prince's BROTHER? I'm referring to the villains here since they're supposed to know him.
I'll give them credit for having the lips on Damaras and Mavro (mostly) match what they say in the original footage. Something Toei never bothers with.

Where the hell did Troy get that money?! We never see him working, in fact all we saw him do was go to school and train. Did he take it from Orion?
So, the Armada kidnaps Troy while he's de-morphed, but when they tie him up he's in his Megaforce suit. Did they just have a spare suit lying around?
Not even bothering to hide "Don Jake" anymore...
"You did great out there Tensou" Yes, the really hard task of breaking chains... Pfffft.

And of course, stock footage of Antonio and Mia. I saw people try to defend this scene with "Power Rangers uses stock footage all the time". There's a difference between using footage from Sentai, and recycling original footage from a previous season. The former is the whole point of PR, the latter is pure laziness.

Two more episodes left...

EDIT: I did think that "What should we do Gosei?" "..." exchange was hilarious for all the wrong reasons.


At this point in the franchise, they're both pure laziness.

I miss when Power Rangers shows were almost entirely original footage during the Disney era. Sure, there was no logical reasons for this to be the case, and Sakamoto's fight scenes were butchered so heavily by the editing and Kalishplosions that they were outright awful; but it was cool seeing new stuff.

I remember in some parts of SPD and Jungle Fury where they recreated an entire set from the Sentai just so that they could have the American actors have a couple of shots in there. They were awfully written scenes, sure; there was no good production or story reasons to justify the expense, sure; but they did it.


I miss when Power Rangers shows were almost entirely original footage during the Disney era. Sure, there was no logical reasons for this to be the case, and Sakamoto's fight scenes were butchered so heavily by the editing and Kalishplosions that they were outright awful; but it was cool seeing new stuff.

I remember in some parts of SPD and Jungle Fury where they recreated an entire set from the Sentai just so that they could have the American actors have a couple of shots in there. They were awfully written scenes, sure; there was no good production or story reasons to justify the expense, sure; but they did it.

Always wondered (never bothered comparing), how much sentai footage did RPM have besides megazord stuff and finishers? Either they blended it together masterfully or something.

I recall there was that one video where they compare the same MOTW fight and they were completely different footage for the most part.


Always wondered (never bothered comparing), how much sentai footage did RPM have besides megazord stuff and finishers? Either they blended it together masterfully or something.

I recall there was that one video where they compare the same MOTW fight and they were completely different footage for the most part.

For the most part, the only footage that was shared between the two shows were finisher attacks, particular shots with special effects, and the Megazord sequences. There were some exceptions, usually scenes that were rather boring to reshoot (like close-up shots of the Rangers in-suit talking to one another, but even then a lot of those shots were refilmed).
I miss when Power Rangers shows were almost entirely original footage during the Disney era. Sure, there was no logical reasons for this to be the case, and Sakamoto's fight scenes were butchered so heavily by the editing and Kalishplosions that they were outright awful; but it was cool seeing new stuff.

I remember in some parts of SPD and Jungle Fury where they recreated an entire set from the Sentai just so that they could have the American actors have a couple of shots in there. They were awfully written scenes, sure; there was no good production or story reasons to justify the expense, sure; but they did it.

I meant more along the lines of original suits, original monsters, being it's own original thing. Sure, back in the 90s when it was this weird experiment taking the Zyuranger suits and monsters made sense. Then it was this huge phenomenon and beyond that, always made a good bunch of money to the point where this show could totally be it's own thing completely. It would just come off as much less cheap and lazy and would let them have more creativity in making the show.

The mcdonald's toqer commerical is greatness. And the Ultrazord design is fucking lazy.

The use of the word "Ultrazord" is fucking lazy.


kinda wish there was more original megazord formations/footage like those silly ultrazord ones that were just toys.

Did the destruction of the thundermegazord and tigerzord happen in dairanger? I forget.
I meant more along the lines of original suits, original monsters, being it's own original thing.

But then it wouldn't be Power Rangers.

Like, being repurposed Sentai footage/designs is what makes it Power Rangers. Working around those existing elements to create original characters and stories is what makes it Power Rangers. Without that it's just Live Action Superhero Show.


There is also that new power rangers movie thats gonna be oh so... ok lets face it. its probably gonna be awful review wise and fans won't like it.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
kinda wish there was more original megazord formations/footage like those silly ultrazord ones that were just toys.

Did the destruction of the thundermegazord and tigerzord happen in dairanger? I forget.

Nope, that was the rare instance of original Megazord footage.
Though I imagine Toei only agreed to it as an easy way to trash the old props.

To see the best/only example of what that would be like, look no further than Mystic Knights.

There's very few good Western toku. You have Doctor Who sure, but there's a lot of "Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills".
That's why PR is still repurposed Sentai.

There is also that new power rangers movie thats gonna be oh so... ok lets face it. its probably gonna be awful review wise and fans won't like it.

Aren't the X-Men: First Class writers attached? That's gotta be worth something.
But then it wouldn't be Power Rangers.

Like, being repurposed Sentai footage/designs is what makes it Power Rangers. Working around those existing elements to create original characters and stories is what makes it Power Rangers. Without that it's just Live Action Superhero Show.

That's not true at all. By that logic, all those original PR Rangers like Titanium and the Spirits would be make those seasons less Power Rangers.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.

Makes Battle Fever J look... um... decent I guess?
By that logic, all those original PR Rangers like Titanium and the Spirits would be make those seasons less Power Rangers.

Adding original elements isn't the same thing as making an entirely original show and you know it.

Power Rangers is recontextualised Sentai. It always has been. That's literally the reason it exists in the first place. There's nothing to gain from changing that.
Adding original elements isn't the same thing as making an entirely original show and you know it.

Power Rangers is recontextualised Sentai. It always has been. That's literally the reason it exists in the first place. There's nothing to gain from changing that.


Self Respect?

Ideas that make sense in context?
Super Megaforce 18

You know, for approaching the end game, the stakes still feel really low.
Just going to pretend that all the stuff with Vrak didn't happen? The stuff with the prince's BROTHER? I'm referring to the villains here since they're supposed to know him.
I'll give them credit for having the lips on Damaras and Mavro (mostly) match what they say in the original footage. Something Toei never bothers with.

Where the hell did Troy get that money?! We never see him working, in fact all we saw him do was go to school and train. Did he take it from Orion?
So, the Armada kidnaps Troy while he's de-morphed, but when they tie him up he's in his Megaforce suit. Did they just have a spare suit lying around?
Not even bothering to hide "Don Jake" anymore...
"You did great out there Tensou" Yes, the really hard task of breaking chains... Pfffft.

And of course, stock footage of Antonio and Mia. I saw people try to defend this scene with "Power Rangers uses stock footage all the time". There's a difference between using footage from Sentai, and recycling original footage from a previous season. The former is the whole point of PR, the latter is pure laziness.

Two more episodes left...

EDIT: I did think that "What should we do Gosei?" "..." exchange was hilarious for all the wrong reasons.

Everything I wanted to say already said. Just plain ass incompetency. At least this "thing" is almost over.

Self Respect?

Ideas that make sense in context?

Just because we get lazy stuff like Samurai doesn't mean Power Rangers can't be creative. Personally, I find the times that they're creative while working within the restrictions of the Sentai materials to be more interesting than whatever just Saban Brands' Low Budget Kids' Hero Show would get us.

You think people working on a yearly toy commercial are gonna have more self respect because an American designed the toys they've gotta write about or act as instead of just being given pre-existing Japanese ones?



Self Respect?

Ideas that make sense in context?

You don't seem to get it. Power Rangers isn't some kind of exploitation, it's also how Toei and Bandai considered the best way to export Super Sentai to the west. Disney had a project for a Power Rangers cartoon with original designs but couldn't get it made due to how the propriety works. On the other hand, Toei stopped bothering to sell new Sentai shows to some Western countries that used to get them around the same time they started negotiations with Saban for Power Rangers since that quickly became their main priority for the west.


Just got home and still thinking about Faiz 34. If you haven't seen this series go in on it. Lots of grim going around and people don't get the whole" happy ending everything tied up with a bow neatly " sort of endings. Everything has consequence. Mistakes MATTER for the main Rider and no one...NO ONE is as good as they seem. Everything is a shade of gray and which side you fall in whether its light or darkness hinges on a few mistakes.

Highest body count of ANY Rider series I've seen so far. That includes Kabuto and Blade. Just...holy fuck Faiz. I'm just curious where will this show go from ep 34? EVERYTHING just hit the kind of world changing story point across almost the entire cast on individual levels. Great stuff...go IN on this one.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe

Disney made a better PR and they don't even have the PR brand. I am talking about Big Hero 6.

The mcdonald's toqer commerical is greatness. And the Ultrazord design is fucking lazy.

Yeah saw that last thursday on pokemon, shit was hilarious lol


Just got home and still thinking about Faiz 34. If you haven't seen this series go in on it. Lots of grim going around and people don't get the whole" happy ending everything tied up with a bow neatly " sort of endings. Everything has consequence. Mistakes MATTER for the main Rider and no one...NO ONE is as good as they seem. Everything is a shade of gray and which side you fall in whether its light or darkness hinges on a few mistakes.

Highest body count of ANY Rider series I've seen so far. That includes Kabuto and Blade. Just...holy fuck Faiz. I'm just curious where will this show go from ep 34? EVERYTHING just hit the kind of world changing story point across almost the entire cast on individual levels. Great stuff...go IN on this one.

I stopped watching Faiz around the teens when characters started to refuse to talk to one another for no apparent reason. I liked where it was going beforehand, though.


Lol they are going to run out of movie clips at this stage. The teaser in the OP is particularly long.

Noticed something about Drive's transformation, looks like they went with a little extra effort to make it looks like actor and suit actor are around the same height. It's kind of like Kiva's transformation in Decade but less noticeable.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Kamen Rider Drive 05

Is it me, or is Drive turning into Spider-Man with all his quipping?
"Well it isn't the pizza delivery man, that's for sure"
"What, do you want my autograph?"
" What is this, your generic villain speech?"

Smuggling explosives... I get the feeling there's a very seedy under-belly that's going to get exposed further down the line.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Kamen Rider Drive 05

Is it me, or is Drive turning into Spider-Man with all his quipping?
"Well it isn't the pizza delivery man, that's for sure"
"What, do you want my autograph?"
" What is this, your generic villain speech?"

Smuggling explosives... I get the feeling there's a very seedy under-belly that's going to get exposed further down the line.

It's kind of weird because he's definitely not like that at all when he's not transformed. Almost seems like a different character.


I had a really hard time suspending my disbelief on how no one at least suspects Shinnosuke as Kamen Rider when he drives one hell of a car and wears a huge-ass bracelet all the time.


I had a really hard time suspending my disbelief on how no one at least suspects Shinnosuke as Kamen Rider when he drives one hell of a car and wears a huge-ass bracelet all the time.

W suffered from the same thing (Shotaro's bike). I guess since people didn't complain there they're not worrying about it.


Not to mention the guy whose name means "meteor" always disappearing when the mysterious masked Meteor is near. For some reason he also joined the school right after Meteor started appearing.


W suffered from the same thing (Shotaro's bike). I guess since people didn't complain there they're not worrying about it.

I have easier time with W because Shotaro's not really actively hiding it (apart from the few early episodes) and bikes are, in a stretch, easier to hide than car. But here Drive has been asked to fight in secret (admittedly a red hot car isn't the best way to be discreet). I guess people's suspension of disbelief differ, but right now this is my main pet peeve with the show.


I have easier time with W because Shotaro's not really actively hiding it (apart from the few early episodes) and bikes are, in a stretch, easier to hide than car. But here Drive has been asked to fight in secret (admittedly a red hot car isn't the best way to be discreet). I guess people's suspension of disbelief differ, but right now this is my main pet peeve with the show.

And does no one ever notice the car coming out of the ground right in front of the police station's front entrance? (Even if there are no security cameras watching that spot in this day and age.)

Plus everyone's blind beyond 10 feet and doesn't see him transform. He doesn't even need to duck around a corner like Meteor does.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Kamen Rider Drive 05

Is it me, or is Drive turning into Spider-Man with all his quipping?
"Well it isn't the pizza delivery man, that's for sure"
"What, do you want my autograph?"
" What is this, your generic villain speech?"

Smuggling explosives... I get the feeling there's a very seedy under-belly that's going to get exposed further down the line.

I sort of think next episode is gonna reveal that the explosives were there for a noble purpose, and not just some evil plot...

Although, another upcoming episode summary does seem to hint at another corporate espionage incident (buildings being built wrong or something like that), so perhaps that's going to end up being a threat equal to the Roidmude.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
ToQger 35

I really hope Ninninja has a better Megazord team, all these clusterfucks are unattractive.
ToQ Rainbow has nothing on the Grand Liner/Supertrain
At least it looks better than the toy.

Once again we're at the point where I care more for the villains than the heroes. Hopefully that changes next week with the
teacher plot line


I stopped watching Faiz around the teens when characters started to refuse to talk to one another for no apparent reason. I liked where it was going beforehand, though.

It had a small lull in the teens then picks right back up heavy and hard within only a few episodes. All of the twenties were rock solid. Definitely pick it back up...this one is going places...really dark places.


oh god. toqger final form mecha is something.

makes the previous clusterfucks seem well designed. This just screams lazy and the toy looks awful too.

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