Since Earth is doomed, he's gone off to Aquatar to visit Billy.He'll likely have one last appearance to fully write his character off, then be done.
Heh. Looks like Toei's editors missed a little something in one of the Helheim scenes.
Since Earth is doomed, he's gone off to Aquatar to visit Billy.
What is it?
Since Earth is doomed, he's gone off to Aquatar to visit Billy.
What is it?
A jungle gym playground set.
I jsut realized the Overloards are acting like their rider counterparts.
White has a noble goal that he has to do an evil act to accomplish.
Red is all about power and not thinking shit through
Green is a sneaky sneak and plotting against all sides.
You don't see the playground in the background there?
A jungle gym playground set.
I thought that would be obvious to everyone by at least last episode when Kouta said to Kaito "WOW YOU'RE NOT LIKE THAT OTHER GUY WHO TALKS ABOUT POWER ALL THE TIME RIGHT?"
Looks like Baron and Gaim were late May.
Hmm, is this a good site to order this sort of thing from or are there others that are better?
Amiami is great. Highly recommended.
Hmm, is this a good site to order this sort of thing from or are there others that are better?
Noted then. Shoot though, it looks like Zangetsu is sold out. They ever get these things back in stock later? Odd question probably, but I'm curious.
If you're going to order from an online retailer based in Japan, be prepared to stick to forums for pre-order times. They can go by in a few minutes.There's a bunch you can choose before getting into middleman services, which are for the hardcore only. I prefer AmiAmi over the others, but occasionally they'll be sold out of new SICs.
After them, I usually hit Ebay and then check: (Caution they can pricegouge)
In that order and suss out who has the best pricing.
Rosalina doing her roll call.
DJ must be the Orange overlord. Except he knows the whole story unlike Kouta. What if DJ is Kouta from the future?
The show is back to its usual MoTW but with disturbing themes (and less boobs, apparently). The show made it a point that Kouga disappears mysteriously, so I hope he returns in an episode.
DJ must be the Orange overlord. Except he knows the whole story unlike Kouta. What if DJ is Kouta from the future?
With Giantbomb's 8-4 Play being fans of Gaim and ToQger, we could probably consider them a Toku podcast as well.
But seriously imo, this show shouldn't have push a early reveal of Kiwami arms. The past few episodes already prove Kouta with Kachidoki arms is enough to handle a overlord like Demushuu, the previous episode wasn't fair considering Kouta got ganked when he was about to finish Demushuu off.
Sagara's speech before giving the Kiwami keyseed (?) made it seem like Demushu is the weakest of the Overlords. And we just saw how powerful their king is.
Who outside of sprsk watches?
Why is hawktiger still in forest
Gaim's final form actually looks good, so I take back the hating I had.
I'd rather have all of MMPR S1 compressed into one movie. The rest of the show's story is so terrible I wouldn't want to see it again; just move on to another team.
So I was thinking of the possible ideas the upcoming Power Rangers movie could use.
This is under the assumption that Lionsgate and Saban will be making it a franchise (whether or not it succeeds is another matter entirely).
First movie: Introducing the main 5, Zordon, the villains, Bulk & Skull, and in the background will be Tommy.
Final act will be a big Dino Megazord battle with multiple giant monsters, and a stinger that foreshadows the Green Ranger
Second movie: Green with Evil story arc with Tommy changing sides in the second act. The final act will have the Dino Megazord and Dragonzord team up to take down multiple giant monsters. The stinger will foreshadow Cyclopsis.
Third movie: The Rangers find Titanus and face Lokar the first time. Tommy loses his Green Ranger powers, or it goes darker and actually kills him off (since this will probably be PG-13, this sounds likely), there will be foreshadowing to another team of Rangers (Dairanger) and the movie ends with the defeat of Rita and Lokar. The stinger foreshadows Lord Zedd.
Fourth movie: The Dairangers appear (under a different name of course... probably Thunder Rangers since Thunder Megazord and all, or Star Force) and start taking the spotlight. The two teams fight, but realize they'll have to team up if they want to take down Lord Zedd.
And that's where my ideas end. Terrible yes, but I'm bored so....
And that's where my ideas end. Terrible yes, but I'm bored so....
"damn, I need it on Climax Heroes with real time weapon switching".
So, you're implying that by the end of the first movie they wouldn't beat the villains or anything? I really think the first movie should cover Green With Evil and the Green Ranger's debut. It was basically the only story arc in MMPRs1. However, unlike the show, they should end with Rita being beaten and killed, possibly becoming a giant monster to duke it out with the Megazord. There's no point to keeping her alive in a movie series due to screentime issues.
Maybe when the Megazord is beaten by the Green Ranger, Rita starts a full scale invasion - cue the second act where the Rangers turn things around, the Green Ranger joins them and there's the final battle against Rita. Zedd can be kept for the second movie, obviously, but keeping even basic things like the Green Ranger for the second one really isn't a good idea.
So you want them to compress 40 episodes (this is only counting up to Doomsday since that was the intended finale) into a 90-120 minute movie?