best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
They should have at least megaman'd his memory.
Damn, I would've been down for a Cyclone Nazca.
A lot of people wanted that. Instead they juat drug his corpse through the mud.
They should have at least megaman'd his memory.
Damn, I would've been down for a Cyclone Nazca.
Possible end spoilers based on episode summaries
I wonder if he's going to help with the reconstruction of Zawame at the end as a new head of Yggdrasil or something to come full circle with his brother? Or maybe die trying to protect Kouta from Kaito in a last-ditch attempt to be sympathetic?
I really should stop trying to predict what will happen in Gaim by assuming that the most obvious/likely outcome will occur.
Ryouma saying how Micchy was still a child and easy prey for manipulative adults really puts a cap on Micchy's entire story, and Kouta still able to be sympathetic for Micchy after all that's happened is admirable.
Gaim Warlord is in the preview - so you'd assume Kouta comes back from the "dead"? But what if it's Micchy that picks up the belt, somehow? Also, nice of Ryouma to leave a working driver behind for Minata
Thank you, you're doing god's work.Power Morphicon really did seem fun. Wish I could have gone, but I'd have nothing to wear.
Chaser will become good. I'm going to all but guarantee it. He'll be the Nazca we all wanted.
Miss you, bro.
Welp, there goes bananaman.
Also I find it really weird that the show is only a few episodes done yet still has a "promote the movie" intro.
Lion Maru takes itself way more seriously than I would have thought.
I really wish there was more effort in subbing these older shows. A lot of the storylines are just as good if not better than some of the recent stuff. And I'll take goofy practical effects over really obvious CG any day of the week.
Never finished Lion Maru, but it is basically a very serious samurai drama with a poorly made lion costume as far as I remember.Lion Maru takes itself way more seriously than I would have thought.
I really wish there was more effort in subbing these older shows. A lot of the storylines are just as good if not better than some of the recent stuff. And I'll take goofy practical effects over really obvious CG any day of the week.
Dear urobutchi
Jebus, you writing show for kids
Mai and Ryoma's death is so fucking brutal by context alone, wtf
Mai time travel thing has me confused, mostly the part how she's talking over herself.
Kind of want to se Micchy pick up the belt and be Gaim to fight Kaito, was kind of hoping for something crazy like that early on in the show. Now that Kaito is likely the main bad guy for the rest of the show it'd make sense for Micchy to stop him since they've been on opposing sides throughout the show. Probably not happening though since I wouldn't be surprised if Kouta overcomes death somehow, probably with the Mai's help, maybe because he already has some of the golden fruit in his lock seed.
edit: The Mai thing was explained away with "Time is incredibly hard to alter. It'll be hard to even speak with the clarity you want." That's a real awful asspull for her vaguesness.
My guess iscurrent Mai is the second loop and she doesn't enough power to change what she did the first time around.
What would be a better explanation for Mai'svague speeches to characters would be if the time-travel put a limit on how much she can interact with the past (kind of like static-fuzzy noise on a radio cutting out parts of a song) and that way only so much of her words (and meaning) get cut out (also, notice how blonde Mai seems to teleport around during her initial appearances).
That said, it seemed Urobuchi didn't quite think too much about that certain plot point.
Doubt it. Sagara clearly explainsthat time travel is too hard to do even with the power of the fruit, and she wouldn't be able to speak clearly. Future Mai says things like "are you sure you want to follow this path? If you do, you'll have to fight to the bitter end", which is not a lie, but it's not a "don't do this please because you'll all kill yourselves". It's more of a "are you sure you want to do this? things will get fucked up if you do".
Since they don't know it's actual future Mai saying those things, they can't parse the full meaning of the words. They don't know that they'll fight EACH OTHER to the bitter end - the original gist of her warning is there, it's just not the full message. Her time traveling actually made things worse, because it told Sagara/Hellheim/The Snake who were the members that were fit to yield the power of the forbidden fruit. I wanted to watch the FutureMai/DJ Sagara conversation on the rooftop looking at an exploding Yggdrasil tower to see if they changed the lines of dialog, but I don't remember in which episode that was and I lost all of my previous downloaded episodes, so I can't quickly do a search for it
.Time Travel is always a hard mechanic to use, and it's always full of plot holes, but this one works alright. I like of Time Travel plots where the story beats are an endless loop where things keep happening, no matter how hard you try to stop them, and you usually end up enabling them to happen/only temporarily avoiding them or making things worse. This falls into that line of thought.
Fake Edit: Wow, all spoilered post. Sorry for that.
23It was in the ep with the introduction of Triumphant. I think 20?
I can never prove that wrong, it really is the best episode.23
Best episode of the series. Prove me wrong.
Also noticed the ToQ-crossover appeared during that segment in the scenes. I guess it was canon, lol.
Reminds me of when Gekiblue's twin brother played his evil twin that one ep.
Also, did anyone else notice Micchy's weapon in Hell arms was Redue's staff?
I hadn't caught that, sorry.One of the whole points of Hell Fruit Arms was that he could use every Overlord's weapon (although he only used the spear and an axe). Kinda an inverse version of Kiwami Arms. We've known this since a few weeks before it appeared.