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Torchlight |OT| The Definitive Loot game of 2009

Zzoram said:
So the dungeon in the base game has infinite levels? Does that mean there are waypoints every 5 levels down, or do there stop being waypoints after level 50?

There aren't any waypoints in the infinite dungeon, but it level scales from the moment you walk in; i.e. if you start on level 1 at level 35, level 1 will be a level 35 scaled dungeon. Always keep a TP up at all times or you'll have to start at the top again. Also, if you start again, the maps don't really change but the level of the monsters will rescale to whatever you are, and they'll all repopulate.

MoFuzz said:
Also, is there a merchant in town who can identify items, or do you just have to rely on scrolls?

Sadly, there isn't one. Check the spell merchant every single visit to town and you may be lucky enough to have them spawn a spell version so that you don't need to carry scrolls.


Axel Hertz
Ok.. so...

I never played Diablo (not for realsies anyway), but i had my share of WoW, so i'm kinda aware of how this goes, so I started a game on hard.

Anyway, i only did the optional dungeon quest thing (you know, the inifinite one) twice. I'm level 15 and I believe i'm on either floor 16 or 17.

I'm a Vanquisher (that's the lady rogue class, right?) and I spent most of my points on the "Freeze shot" and "critical hit" skills. Critical is maxed, freeze shot not yet.

And the thing is... it's quite easy as of right now. I don't know if my weapons are massively kick ass or what:


I enchanted them a couple times each.

But even on hard the game seems easy. Eventually, when i make my alchemist, should i go Very Hard, or the game's difficult ramps up?


Holy shit, you guys were not kidding about the game being addicting. My first day of playing today, and I've already logged one session of 4 hours straight...I'm behind on my sleep as it is, ugh.

Also, it's almost criminal that I only paid $10 for this game! All I can say is...



drizzle said:
I agree...Game is pretty easy. Perhaps vanquisher is just super good, idk. Still having a blast though.

Kinda odd, found and bought pistol that does 248dps(I'm lv 13). I haven't even found a 2 handed gun or bow(or any weapon for that matter) that does that kind of damage. The thing is a beast.


Axel Hertz
NeoUltima said:
I agree...Game is pretty easy. Perhaps vanquisher is just super good, idk. Still having a blast though.

Kinda odd, found and bought pistol that does 248dps(I'm lv 13). I haven't even found a 2 handed gun or bow(or any weapon for that matter) that does that kind of damage. The thing is a beast.

Exactly. Game looks too esay and some weapons seem overpowered. I cna't find one item drop that's stronger than any of those two weapons I pasted. Be it weapons, bows, axes, maces, wands...


With Vanquisher, you pretty much only need to use the explosive arrows to win the game. It will probably get harder, but I doubt you'll be dying much either way.

I found it getting to be boring using the same skill over and over again, so I used the respec mod and changed my skills to rogue. Finding it much harder, and dying fairly often. The skills are more fun to use, but they are really underpowered.
Torchlight ramps up in difficulty each time you reach a new tileset. Once you reach the 4th or so area, you'll find yourself getting killed in one or two hits before you realize it if you're not careful. (On Hard and Very Hard)


Game is extremely good, i'm surprised. I thought this looked like a another generic diablo-clone. It almost is, but there's something more to the game, that i can't put a finger on.

I'm impressed by the current mod support the game has, there are already new classes, respec mods etc. I can see the game having a nice future in terms of mods, as the editor already supposedly allows you to make your own campaigns. Going be interesting seeing what the modders come up with, in the future.

Torchlight ramps up in difficulty each time you reach a new tileset. Once you reach the 4th or so area, you'll find yourself getting killed in one or two hits before you realize it if you're not careful. (On Hard and Very Hard)
Good to hear, as i am playing on hard mode. I'm not minding the easy difficulty though i wish i had chosen a harder class. A ranged vanquisher seems really op. Especially since i got lucky with the gambler, and managed to acquire a uber 2h gun.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
i bought this for ten dollars .... game is soooo good. I have never played diablo or anything like it.


Had my copy gifted to me at release, so I can't call anyone a cheap ass.

That said, I bought a second copy and gave it to another friend. PAY IT FORWARD!

Love this game, just haven't played much since I got it a few days before Dragon Age Origins and a couple weeks before reupping WoW.


Some folks at work were talking about this game. What kind of specs do i need? They all have much better computers than I do.:D I'm just running a Dell Inspirion right now until I can get a dedicated gaming PC in Jan.


enewtabie said:
Some folks at work were talking about this game. What kind of specs do i need? They all have much better computers than I do.:D I'm just running a Dell Inspirion right now until I can get a dedicated gaming PC in Jan.

There's a netbook mode, specifically. You'll be fine.


Axel Hertz
Alright.. so, i just had a problem with Cloud support for the game.

I was making some gem transmutation and, somehow, just after i made the transmutation, my computer crashed. I restarted and went for the game again.

obviously, steam said that the files i had locally were newer than the ones on the cloud, and if i wished to load the local files instead. I said ok. (which means, yeah, load the local files instead and update them to the cloud).

I start the game... my char is nowhere to be seen. So i quit off the game and go look at the files. Thye're there, but they're completely blank.

Maybe the game was saving when my computer crashed. Whatever, no biggie. I'll just copy the backup.bin (which is the last save before the current), rename it and load the game again, right?

Wrong. It detects that the save files in the cloud are newer than the one i'm trying to use, and it automatically downloads them from the cloud again, overwriting my good backups.

Good thing i'm a smart person and I backuped the backup pefore trying to do this.

I also tried renaming from backup.bin to 1.SVT. That fixed it: My character is now back to life. However, Steam Cloud continues to sync the hell out of everything on that folder. When I was renaming files, I renamed 0.SVT to WAT.SVT, since it was blank and I was worried. Now, everytime i delete it locally, SteamCloud redownloads it. My 0.SVT file is completely blank, and 1.SVT has my character.

This is a mess.

Edit: I had to manually hexedit each file (including the sharedstash.bin) so they had a newer date than the one stored SOMEWHERE (not really on the cloud, since Torchlight managed to keep replacing the manually inserted save files with the last cloud update, even tho my internet cable was pulled from the ethernet adapter).

After i deleted EVERY SINGLE save, savebackup, savebackupbeforecloud, torchlight would recreate them out of thin air (even with the internet off). After i manually hexedited them all (only opened them and saved, no actual editing involved), they got a newer date than the one in the "cloud" (or whatever internal backup steam/torchlight makes other than the ones in the appdata folder), i got prompted about the local files being newer and then i managed to recover everything.

I'll tell you, that's more of a hassle than a feature.

I'm posting this info on the official forums


drizzle said:
Alright.. so, i just had a problem with Cloud support for the game.

I was making some gem transmution and, somehow, jsut after i made the transmution, my computer crashed. I restarted and went for the game again.

obviously, steam said that the files i had locally were newer than the ones on the cloud, and if i wished to load the local files instead. I said ok. (which means, yeah, load the local files instead and update them to the cloud).

I start the game... my char is nowhere to be seen. So i quit off the game and go look at the files. Thye're there, but they're completly blank.

Maybe the game was saving when my computer crashed. Whatever, no biggie. I'll just copy the backup.bin (which is the last save before the current), rename it and load the game again, right?

Wrong. It detects that the save files in the cloud are newer than the one i'm trying to use, and it automatically downloads them from the cloud again, overwriting my good backups.

Good thing i'm a smart person and i backuped the backup pefore trying to do this.

So i had to kill my internet connection, replace my current (corrupted) save with the manually renamed backup, play the game without internet (so it couldn't sync with the cloud), open the character, save the game, then quit out of the game, turn my internet back on and launch the game again, so it wouldn't sync with the cloud.

This time, it worked. Steam never prompted me that my local file was newer than the one in the cloud, but my character is back, just before i made the crystal transmutation.


Edit: Also, i just noticed something. I made a couple renames (renamed 0.SVT to WAT.SVT, since it was blank and I was worried). Now, everytime i delete it locally, SteamCloud redownloads it.

I'm posting this info on the official forums
Interesting, what does the 0.SVT do?

Also, this part: Good thing i'm a smart person and i backuped the backup pefore trying to do this. amused me. Thanks for the info. :D As long as the backup.bin file doesn't get corrupted I'll know what to do if I lose a character. I had already been making Borderlands backups since I'd heard about weapons etc. getting corrupted, and I'll may end up treating Torchlight the same way.


Axel Hertz
Blizzard said:
Interesting, what does the 0.SVT do?

Also, this part: Good thing i'm a smart person and i backuped the backup pefore trying to do this. amused me. Thanks for the info. :D As long as the backup.bin file doesn't get corrupted I'll know what to do if I lose a character. I had already been making Borderlands backups since I'd heard about weapons etc. getting corrupted, and I'll may end up treating Torchlight the same way.

0.SVT is your actual save. Each character is a different .SVT file.

I edited my message with better directions/changes/errors i noticed.

I don't know how good backup.tmp is. I think it's only a backup of the last save before the current of your last played character. I only have one character, so I managed to use it nicely, but i guess i'd be boned with multiple characters... (or maybe not, since only ONE save file got corrupted. I guess the other characters wouldn't be touched)?

I don't know, Steam cloud takes the power to keep my files the way I want from me, and i NEVER like that. Because if something wrong like this happens, i'm screwed.

Reading the forum, there seems to be a load of problems about characters disappearing and save files still being on the disk, but being completely blank. Also, lots of reports about computer resetting while playing the game (which happened twice with me), and those crashes lead to files being wiped.

So, as usual, manually backup your saves. Cloud helps a little bit, but I was in a 3 hour game run. My 3 hours ago save was much too different from my current character.

Thank god the game, at leasts, saves a backup of your last "quicksave" automatically, and, after some tinkering around, you can use it to get your latest installment of your char.


azentium said:
As someone who has never really played this type of RPG, is Torchlight a good starting point?
I had never played Diablo 1/2 or WoW, and it's pretty easy on normal so far. Basically pick hard or very hard if you want a challenge 30 levels deep, from what people are saying. (or hardcore so if you die, it's permanent game over)


So if I'm playing an alchemist, what stats should I be increasing? I'm not completely certain, but if I'm using a Staff as a weapon, then I should increase magic, right?


I found it pretty easy as a bow/rifle vanquisher until the last tileset when you run into demon cat ladies who will kill you before you can blink if you don't notice them amongst the crowd. And I died to the final boss like 15 times.

However all I did was max crit/ranged damage talents along with the ricochet shot which I ended up just spamming all day long by the end of the game which was super boring.

Going through it again as an alchemist and I'm finding it way harder. I hit like a chump and the minions I have seem to be kind of dumb and raising them from corpses seems hit or miss. I may try it again using my own magic instead of minions because the minions route seems kind of bad.


Guh, I just lost an awesome unique piece by dying right after getting it and accidentally clicking "Exit to Title" instead of "Restart in Town." :(
Steam cloud has been a godsend for me since I switch between my desktop and laptop everyday. I was really getting annoyed having to copy my Borderlands save over all the time when I was playing that. The game has only crashed once for me after playing about 33 hours and the save was just from the last loading screen I had which was about 3 minutes before I crashed. I think I'm addicted to it. It managed to pull me away from TF2 which I was pretty much playing all day before I got this.


CrookedRain said:
Steam cloud has been a godsend for me since I switch between my desktop and laptop everyday. I was really getting annoyed having to copy my Borderlands save over all the time when I was playing that. The game has only crashed once for me after playing about 33 hours and the save was just from the last loading screen I had which was about 3 minutes before I crashed. I think I'm addicted to it. It managed to pull me away from TF2 which I was pretty much playing all day before I got this.
Wait, Borderlands uses Steam Cloud now?

Edit: nvm I think you're saying Torchlight is awesome because it's not like Borderlands.
Firestorm said:
Wait, Borderlands uses Steam Cloud now?

Edit: nvm I think you're saying Torchlight is awesome because it's not like Borderlands.
Yeah, I'm saying I got tired of manually having to transfer my saves for Borderlands. Borderlands does not use Steam Cloud.
My steam version has no sound effects, except the odd random one here and there. I have a dodgy wireless connection, could drop outs be the reason? Am I best to just re download a copy?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
pseudocaesar said:
My steam version has no sound effects, except the odd random one here and there. I have a dodgy wireless connection, could drop outs be the reason? Am I best to just re download a copy?
Right click the game, go to properties, go to "local files", go to "verify integrity of game cache".


So this game is great and I've been playing it for the past 3 days, but I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job out of leveling my skills (playing an Alchemist). So far I'm level 16, and my skills:

Ember Bolt - 7
Critical Strikes - 5
Ember Lightning - 3

Nether Imp - 7
Thorned Minions - 2

I'm at the
level and I think I'm getting my ass kicked, but I'm not sure if that's because of my level, equipment, stats distribution (mostly magic/defense) or skill tree (or if I should just be more careful and not rush into everything :lol ). Any help? Also, where is this infinite dungeon people keep talking about? Or is it available only after the main quest?

Also, at $5 there is really no excuse to skip on this game.


i know there is a netbook mode but i read on the internet that it doesn't work that good. is it true? i own an eee pc 1005h and i'm really interested in this game.


Fireblend said:
So this game is great and I've been playing it for the past 3 days, but I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job out of leveling my skills (playing an Alchemist). So far I'm level 16, and my skills:

Ember Bolt - 7
Critical Strikes - 5
Ember Lightning - 3

Nether Imp - 7
Thorned Minions - 2

I'm at the
level and I think I'm getting my ass kicked, but I'm not sure if that's because of my level, equipment, stats distribution (mostly magic/defense) or skill tree (or if I should just be more careful and not rush into everything :lol ). Any help? Also, where is this infinite dungeon people keep talking about? Or is it available only after the main quest?

Also, at $5 there is really no excuse to skip on this game.
Are you dieing too fast or not doing dmg? Your skills while sort of random don't matter much. You get a ton of points and some of them lose their usefulness as you gain better ones. Now your stats depending on the first question you should either put some in magic or defense. Shouldn't need any agility or strength unless you really want to use an item. I would horde stat points and use them only when you need to.

Try some of the random dungeon maps and level up a bit might help as well.


Picked this up a few days ago. I never played any Diablo-style games before so this is my first dungeon/loot action-rpg. At first I was a little underwhelmed by it, but I actually just had a fun session and am starting to see the appeal. I like the art-style and it runs beautifully on my laptop.


CrookedRain said:
Yeah, I'm saying I got tired of manually having to transfer my saves for Borderlands. Borderlands does not use Steam Cloud.

I think i've made a horrible mistake. Had to completely reinstall theme, and thought that the latest update added Steam Cloud support for Borderlands... There goes my soldier.
Fireblend said:
So this game is great and I've been playing it for the past 3 days, but I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job out of leveling my skills (playing an Alchemist). So far I'm level 16, and my skills:

Ember Bolt - 7
Critical Strikes - 5
Ember Lightning - 3

Nether Imp - 7
Thorned Minions - 2

I'm at the
level and I think I'm getting my ass kicked, but I'm not sure if that's because of my level, equipment, stats distribution (mostly magic/defense) or skill tree (or if I should just be more careful and not rush into everything :lol ). Any help? Also, where is this infinite dungeon people keep talking about? Or is it available only after the main quest?

Also, at $5 there is really no excuse to skip on this game.

Wait until you get the best spells at level 25. The beam golem, fire from sky, and crystal that protects you with it's laser beam and you will be owning things. I think you might have spent to much on the imp and bolt though.
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