Alright.. so, i just had a problem with Cloud support for the game.
I was making some gem transmutation and, somehow, just after i made the transmutation, my computer crashed. I restarted and went for the game again.
obviously, steam said that the files i had locally were newer than the ones on the cloud, and if i wished to load the local files instead. I said ok. (which means, yeah, load the local files instead and update them to the cloud).
I start the game... my char is nowhere to be seen. So i quit off the game and go look at the files. Thye're there, but they're completely blank.
Maybe the game was saving when my computer crashed. Whatever, no biggie. I'll just copy the backup.bin (which is the last save before the current), rename it and load the game again, right?
Wrong. It detects that the save files in the cloud are newer than the one i'm trying to use, and it automatically downloads them from the cloud again, overwriting my good backups.
Good thing i'm a smart person and I backuped the backup pefore trying to do this.
I also tried renaming from backup.bin to 1.SVT. That fixed it: My character is now back to life. However, Steam Cloud continues to sync the hell out of everything on that folder. When I was renaming files, I renamed 0.SVT to WAT.SVT, since it was blank and I was worried. Now, everytime i delete it locally, SteamCloud redownloads it. My 0.SVT file is completely blank, and 1.SVT has my character.
This is a mess.
Edit: I had to manually hexedit each file (including the sharedstash.bin) so they had a newer date than the one stored SOMEWHERE (not really on the cloud, since Torchlight managed to keep replacing the manually inserted save files with the last cloud update, even tho my internet cable was pulled from the ethernet adapter).
After i deleted EVERY SINGLE save, savebackup, savebackupbeforecloud, torchlight would recreate them out of thin air (even with the internet off). After i manually hexedited them all (only opened them and saved, no actual editing involved), they got a newer date than the one in the "cloud" (or whatever internal backup steam/torchlight makes other than the ones in the appdata folder), i got prompted about the local files being newer and then i managed to recover everything.
I'll tell you, that's more of a hassle than a feature.
I'm posting this info on the official forums