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Torment: Tides of Numenera Kickstarter by InXile [Complete; $4.3 million funded]


I was actually pretty worried about the fact you have to play as a guy, glad they fixed it :)

Also, the stretch goals are pretty cool. I have no doubt they will soon pass each and every one of them.


very tempted to pledge to this
but project eternity will be my only kickstarter until I see how there projects really turn out.

will simply buy this as well as wasteland 2 when they are released and if they're good.

edit: fuck it it just pledged to it


Reading one of the stretch goals was a female PC.

Thanks to your enthusiasm and support, we have already passed what would have been our first Stretch Goal and are excited to announce that, though you will play Torment as a specific character, we will provide you with the choice to choose your character’s gender when you begin a playthrough.

Besides the obvious impacts of PC gender (e.g., character model, animations, increased localization work for languages for which gender matters, etc.), there will be appropriate reactivity from NPCs in the game world. This doesn’t mean that the overarching story will depend on your gender, but the level of reactivity will be significant and noticeable. Shown below is a concept piece for the female PC, drawn by Nils Hamm. Nils is still working on the male PC and we’ll show you him in a later update. (Again, this isn't all that occurs by going from $0.9m through $1.2m, just a major element we want to call out.)

The bolded makes sense as to why this is a stretch goal, it's extra work which technically outside the "core" game. Being able to play as a female character is important for a lot of players, but changing pronouns, doing extra localisation, proofing all the dialog an extra time has a cost associated with it.

But I'm reading the KS thread...

And people are arguing if it's sexist to include a female PC.

Holy shit.

They're getting into crazy deep ethical debates over nothing.

Honestly, the "pet" NPC is like a thousand times more controversial in a game design capacity.



Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I was actually pretty worried about the fact you have to play as a guy, glad they fixed it :)

Also, the stretch goals are pretty cool. I have no doubt they will soon pass each and every one of them.

The stretch goals are a bit meh. Not the content mind you, but they should have already put out stretch goals to 3M. The carrot is not big enough for now!


The comments in that Female PC update are so incredibly disheartening. Torment fans were supposed to be better than this :(

Edit: My reading of the comments might have been pre-mature. Apparently it's mostly the same guy being critical of the option for some strange reason. Other people seem level-headed and reasonable.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
The comments in that Female PC update are so incredibly disheartening. Torment fans were supposed to be better than this :(

I dont even.. want to look at them.

This could add all kinds of cool reasons for replayability. Its not only about whether people address you as Mr or Mrs or whether its "gender equality" done right. Playing as a female character could highlight facets of the world a male character might not care about as much and issues that you wouldnt encounter as a male character.


Why... I don't understand. Not sure I want to understand either. What point can possibly be made to call a female pc option sexist?
Just put a suggestion that they should start work on a Wii U port. The Unity 4 licence free with every dev kit and Nintendo following the Steam model for the eShop makes it a no-brainer.


The comments in that Female PC update are so incredibly disheartening. Torment fans were supposed to be better than this :(

My real issue is that the current female PC reminds me waaay to much of Jack from Mass Effect :)

And she's got a shaved head, so no TressFX confirmed.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Just put a suggestion that they should start work on a Wii U port. The Unity 4 licence free with every dev kit and Nintendo following the Steam model for the eShop makes it a no-brainer.
I was thinking the same thing. I wonder how well the game would translate to the Gamepad? It wouldn't happen until after the PC release, but the game would benefit from the exposure.


Adam Heine writes in the comment sections:

Robert wrote: "I have a sneaking suspicion that these stretch goals were originally conceived as being at much lower dollar amounts."

Actually, the stretch goal of two playable genders was originally going to be a HIGHER stretch goal. Adding another gender costs quite a bit in terms of art, reactivity (doubles the writing work in many places), and *especially* in localization (and remember we have 6 other languages to port to :).

But it's also something we really, really, really wanted to do (hopefully that's obvious by the fact that we commissioned the female PC concept piece FIRST). We're all really excited that we got to release this goal first. It wouldn't have been possible without the record-breaking support you guys have shown us.

So, the original Planescape: Torment was about a single character that you couldn't customize beyond his stats; his name, gender, and backstory were the same no matter how many times you played it. This was one of the things that made PST unique among RPGs: it was about a very specific character, which allowed for the ridiculous story depth that PST is famous for.

And so that was our baseline. At minimum funding, we would've done it just like PST did it, with a character whose gender could not be changed. But as I said further down this thread, we really, really, really wanted to make this game playable by either gender, but we weren't sure we were going to have the funds to do that while at the same time providing a Torment experience.

So, yes, gender choice is something that most RPGs have by default, but most RPGs don't have the depth of reactivity that Torment had. We are therefore extremely happy to be able to provide this choice in a game with the kind of depth we plan to provide.

Hope that makes sense, guys :)

It feels good that they really seem to have their heart in the right place with this.

My real issue is that the current female PC reminds me waaay to much of Jack from Mass Effect :)

And she's got a shaved head, so no TressFX confirmed.

Haha, that's true. But I wouldn't expect a Kickstarter project to use TressFX and I would bet my boxed copy of Planescape: Torment that the writing for the main character will be ten times better than what Bioware did with Jack in Mass Effect.

I also personally like that the female character is bald. It's more subversive in regards to gender stereotypes in video games.


the stretch goals are rather uninteresting so far, but we'll surpass them quickly anyway. I liked how they handled it in Project Eternity, hopefully they do something similar here

this is easily my favorite piece of concept art so far, from the looks of it it could be one of the main locations - the central city perhaps. I'd love to explore a place like this in the game



Yeah, I remember how quickly he backtracked from his "social features" goal.

Seems like "social features" is just something all producers have to include as a bullet-point when pitching a publisher. Fargo probably momentarily forgot that the KS backers were actual gamers for whom that shit by-and-large does not matter :p

I forget, do any of these games (WL2; PE; T:ToN) have co-op as a feature? That'd be cool maybe.


Shadowrun Returns is one of the projects I backed. Can't wait to see it in action. Some of those earlier big Kickstarters are starting to really take shape. :)
I was thinking the same thing. I wonder how well the game would translate to the Gamepad? It wouldn't happen until after the PC release, but the game would benefit from the exposure.

Any RPG is ideal for the GamePad, leveling up with the touchscreen is going to be full of Instant Win.

I think we're going to see plenty of PC ports of Unity 4 driven games during these next few years from indie developers thanks to all of that free middleware and software that Nintendo are giving them with each dev kit. That's tens of thousands of pounds saved with each dev kit compared to PS4 and 720 dev kits unless Sony and Microsoft do the same thing. It's a really great idea, I'm surprised that a platform holder hasn't done this before tbh.


Why... I don't understand. Not sure I want to understand either. What point can possibly be made to call a female pc option sexist?

Apparently different choices/reaction to your character's gender "pander to the straight white male privilege", whatever that means in this context.
I'm torn on Shadowrun Returns. While the gameplay seems to be my cup of tea I've never really gotten into the whole Cyberpunk with Fantasy Races thing. Much prefer my Cyberpunk along the lines of Interface Zero (a d20 / Savage Worlds setting) -- humans and (what I consider) more reasonable "races" that one could imagine occurring in the next 100 years (genetically modified humans, simulacrums, human / animal DNA hybrids, etc.). I think I'll pre-order this though. At $15 it's almost a no-brainer, thanks a ton for the heads up!


Apparently different choices/reaction to your character's gender "pander to the straight white male privilege", whatever that means in this context.
It's pretty amazing really. Now people are talking about heteronormativity in the comments. (Firefox thinks that isn't a word. I'm tempted to agree)


Why... I don't understand. Not sure I want to understand either. What point can possibly be made to call a female pc option sexist?
who knows, apparently men and women are treated equally and exactly the same in those haters' world. So realistic.


It's pretty amazing really. Now people are talking about heteronormativity in the comments. (Firefox thinks that isn't a word. I'm tempted to agree)

The crazy thing is, that none of this was an issue when the PC was a male. But by making the PC male or female, then it's offensive that the character must be cis male or cis female.

It's subtraction by addition in the minds of some!


in other words, kickstarter comments are like youtube comments

Here's the trend I see:

KS starts - positive positive hype.
KS gets funded - positive positive praise and joy.
KS announces stretch goals - positive positive and then any negatives if they don't like them.
KS funding continues - people start nitpicking more decisions they don't like.


$ 1,7mln and 24 minutes till end of first day.

I don't think they'll make 200% in one day. Still, pretty amazing so far. They would have hit 200% easy if they had PayPal donations at launch, as I'm fairly sure there are at least 100k worth of backers waiting to use PayPal.


I don't think they'll make 200% in one day. Still, pretty amazing so far. They would have hit 200% easy if they had PayPal donations at launch, as I'm fairly sure there are at least 100k worth of backers waiting to use PayPal.

We don't know how much people paid for paypal.
I was thinking about bumping up my pledge to help get to the Female PC but it blew pass the stretch goal before I could act. :)

Oh and those Shadow Run screen shots look great!


Here's the trend I see:

KS starts - positive positive hype.
KS gets funded - positive positive praise and joy.
KS announces stretch goals - positive positive and then any negatives if they don't like them.
KS funding continues - people start nitpicking more decisions they don't like.

which is perfectly fine.

If the games turn out good in the end the people that love it will continue to praise it's legacy. I doubt the haters of PS:T are still around today nitpicking every little aspect.

It's good these sentiments are getting out in the development, it helps to devs to know what the fans are looking for.


which is perfectly fine.

If the games turn out good in the end the people that love it will continue to praise it's legacy. I doubt the haters of PS:T are still around today nitpicking every little aspect.

It's good these sentiments are getting out in the development, it helps to devs to know what the fans are looking for.

I don't mind if they strongly disagree with a reward or change to the game. But stuff like the "sexist" accusations for the ability to change to a female is just silly.


I don't think they'll make 200% in one day. Still, pretty amazing so far. They would have hit 200% easy if they had PayPal donations at launch, as I'm fairly sure there are at least 100k worth of backers waiting to use PayPal.

Yup. Wait for us Europeans without a CC to pledge for it. Hopefully it will be on par with Star Citizen in that regard (two times the amount of money via their own site using paypal).


I don't mind if they strongly disagree with a reward or change to the game. But stuff like the "sexist" accusations for the ability to change to a female is just silly.

and the devs will ignore them, the end

PE so far is enjoying some great community feedback.


$1.7m in the first 24 hour. Nice!

Based on the average promise of $54, and a roughly estimated 68,000 backers by the end.

The will end with around $3,700,000.00. Which is pretty close the the 1.5-2x the amount that is earned in the first 2 days. A trend that a lot of other kick-starters show.

This bodes really well, If they really add some neat stretch goals I can see this passing over the amount PE garnered.
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