Hoh mai gah, 100 pages.
Auditor General says 'The people in Ontario are paying too much for alcohol'. LCBO's solution, raise price on beer and spirits.
I agree with the "they have to be removed from society".
It was very surprising when I saw you in my theatre. Hope you enjoyed the chicken sandwich lol.A gaffer said 'hi' to me the other day. Knew I would bump into one of you guys.
Meh, whoever buys the beer sold at the minimum price is just looking to get crazy hammered, ugh
whitehawk owns a theatre? :O
A gaffer said 'hi' to me the other day. Knew I would bump into one of you guys.
I agree with the "they have to be removed from society".
For once, I think most of us will totally agree with Boogie. That story is scary, and I've been avoiding ready the gritty details of it.
You hurt me with your words, EvilMario.
But yeah, it's a disgusting story. I can't imagine being the responding officer on it, and having to confront such a horrific scenario firsthand. There are benefits to working federal....
Eddie Izzard said it best when it comes to such behaviour that is beyond the pale (even though this couple didn't actually kill anyone):
After reading that whole story, its really fucked up. One of the worst I've ever read.
Times like this I wish we had the death penalty. These psychos will spend 25 years in jail and watch TV.
What the hell did you do to his sandwich you sicko?It was very surprising when I saw you in my theatre. Hope you enjoyed the chicken sandwich lol.
Free movies for everyone!
we got ourselves some fucked up people in this city...
Other places produce them and we attract them?The article said the three of them moved to Toronto from Vancouver together in 2008. That explains everything! (I kid, I kid)
The article said the three of them moved to Toronto from Vancouver together in 2008. That explains everything! (I kid, I kid)
Rob Ford weighed in at 330lbs today.
Rob Ford weighed in at 330lbs today.
Is it just me, or is every picture of Rob extremely unflattering? The dude half the time looks drunk, the other half looks surly.
Tasted like chalk.What the hell did you do to his sandwich you sicko?
My nose is running and I'm sneezing and I just want to relax but I can't afford to miss one of my classes today so I have to go now and wait for the bus to get to class. Fuck my life. So not in the mood.
My nose is running and I'm sneezing and I just want to relax but I can't afford to miss one of my classes today so I have to go now and wait for the bus to get to class. Fuck my life. So not in the mood.
Bright red people don't ever photograph well. He always looks like he's embarrassed or feverish or something, but he's not. He just has really high blood pressure. There's a lot of salt in gravy.
damn straightEveryone on the bus and in your class will now suffer your pain.
back in my first year I had a lot of those breaks, thank god my bus ride is only like 15-20 mins max lol.I had a 4 hour break between classes so I'm home relaxing a bit, but I don't want to go back to class! I will, I just don't want to.
I've had a cough for about 5 weeks... anybody ever have something like that? I was sick with a cough/cold/fever around December 6th or so. I got better in like 3 days but the cough just stayed with me and never went away.
I went to the doctor and told him I have been coughing for 5 weeks and he said "what do you want me to do about it?"
I guess I need a new doctor.
Yeah. I had one of those very apathetic family doctors for a while when I was having some scary health issues, but he was convinced nothing was wrong with me because 28 year olds don't have major health problems. Tough to find a decent doctor accepting patients in the city too, which is one of the biggest issues. It's no wonder so many people use ER like a walk-in clinic.
Yeah. I had one of those very apathetic family doctors for a while when I was having some scary health issues, but he was convinced nothing was wrong with me because 28 year olds don't have major health problems. Tough to find a decent doctor accepting patients in the city too, which is one of the biggest issues. It's no wonder so many people use ER like a walk-in clinic.
Speaking of family doctors, the one I've had since I was born, and the same one my mom had for years, passed away a couple of days ago. He was in his backyard doing some work, and he slipped and fell down. Went into a coma for a couple of days, and then just quietly went. He had to have been in his mid 80's. He never got to retire. He was helping people till the very end. Very sad. He was in awesome doctor.
I'm hoping that my wife's doctor will take me on. Since we're married and all, I'm hoping that will help. My friend last year had to look for a new family doctor, and he said it was a bitch to find someone.
Rob Ford weighed in at 330lbs today.
Is it just me, or is every picture of Rob extremely unflattering? The dude half the time looks drunk, the other half looks surly.
TBH I don't think I've ever seen a flattering picture of the guy. Maybe he's just not photogenic.. that or the media would rather publish these terrible photos just for fun.
That's pretty much it. They go out of their way to put up the unflattering pics.
That's pretty much it. They go out of their way to put up the unflattering pics.
That's pretty much it. They go out of their way to put up the unflattering pics.
Ugh, that's awful. My family doctor is the same with me, he's in his late 60s and delivered me at Mt. Sinai, and I dread the day he retires because I really feel comfortable telling him anything.