It’s a phrase that’s become something of a slogan for LRT opponents in recent years – don’t approve “another St. Clair.” As Mayor Rob Ford put it at a news conference last spring to unveil his below-grade transportation strategy up for debate Wednesday: “Our new plan will not add to the gridlock faced by Toronto drivers every day, like we see on St. Clair Avenue West.”
The numbers, however, tell a starkly different tale. Since the June, 2010, completion of the right-of-way from Yonge Street to Gunns Loop, overall traffic and peak-period volumes have fallen sharply; transit ridership has jumped 13 per cent, while service frequency has improved; and collisions and personal injuries have plummeted by a third, according to city and TTC data compiled by The Globe and Mail. The St. Clair line now ranks eighth for productivity (boardings per hour) among the TTC’s 150 surface routes (the top spot belongs to the Spadina LRT), according to Mitch Stambler, the TTC’s manager of service planning.