This thread needs a best punk bars/venues section. Im going to toronto in the summer but I have no idea what venues (that hold less than 100 people) are good.
Doesn't seem like it. Sometimes The Star does a blog, but not today. Nothing on BlogTO, Torontist, Spacing, or Toronto Life either. :/
Live blog Torontoist:
population information
Well shit. the GTA really can't handle more people without some serious infrastructure changes...
I wonder when we'll start including Hamilton in the GTA count. Some of the metropolitan areas in the States extend so far out (like Chicagoland), where some places like the Bay Area don't even include the South Bay (San Jose) in the mix. So tough to really put population in to perspective without a bit of studying.
Is there a set time for this vote?
If youre trying to get a sense of the day: currently councillors are questioning City staff about the details of various plans and proposals; this will likely last at least until the lunch break and 12:30. Council will reconvene at 2 p.m., wrap up questions of City staff if there are any left, and then move on to consideration of motions. We know Stintz has one (outlined in the blue box above); quite likely Ford allies will present at least one and possibly several motions meant to counteract Stintzs. Other motions and amendments are also likely, as individual councillors have ward-specific concerns they want addressed. Councillors will have two opportunities to speak: questioning the mover of any motion, and making a five minute speech on the main item. In short: its going to be a long day.
Toronto's 2011 population is 2,615,060. That is an increase of 4.5% or 111,779 since 2006.
To put that growth into perspective: That is like 1/6th of Boston moving to Toronto in just 5 years.
That is true. In some ways, it would make sense to include the whole Golden Horseshoe region in the Toronto area since the economics are definitely totally intertwined. The population of the Golden Horseshoe is well over 8 million.
Since you brought up San Francisco, I will also point out that the San Francisco Transit Agency has honoured Toronto by painting one of their streetcars in the style of the old TTC ones:
San Francisco pays tribute to TTCs historic Red Rocket
They did this as a tribute to our city for sticking with streetcars and transit at a time when almost every single other city in the US abandoned them after the auto industry lobbied for complete highway and car infrastructure.
Ugh. This thread makes me so mad that st. john's doesn't have street cars.
When I worked at Transport Canada as a co-op a long time ago, I remember reading stuff like this, and technically, Guelph would count into GTA because of it's volume in trade/transaction with Toronto vs neighbouring cities (Kitchener/Waterloo)I wonder when we'll start including Hamilton in the GTA count. Some of the metropolitan areas in the States extend so far out (like Chicagoland), where some places like the Bay Area don't even include the South Bay (San Jose) in the mix. So tough to really put population in to perspective without a bit of studying.
Ugh, the stupid rogers stream has turned to shit.
I'm keeping a Twitter tab with #topoli in the search. It's an alright substitute (just have to filter through all the BS comments).
I'm keeping a Twitter tab with #topoli in the search. It's an alright substitute (just have to filter through all the BS comments).
Apparently Ford isn't even sitting in, listening to the questions right now.
Stream died again. What the fuck rogers?
Another stream:
If you support ford, You're a piece of human trash
And that 40 year comment sums up how absolutely fucking clueless fords transit stupidity is
Transit is a constantly evolving thing, fuck bag
When you build a subway, you're basically stuck with it, LRVs are far more adaptable to the growing needs of the city
If you support ford, You're a piece of human trash
And that 40 year comment sums up how absolutely fucking clueless fords transit stupidity is
Transit is a constantly evolving thing, fuck bag
When you build a subway, you're basically stuck with it, LRVs are far more adaptable to the growing needs of the city
How about the trolls on council like Nunziata. Her points were, LRTs slow down emergency vehicles (wat), endanger children (wat), turn neighborhoods into a hellish place to live (wat).
I just turned the stream on.. who was that just talking that Doug Ford kept interrupting? Was it someone from Metrolinx?
Does it make sense to buy a condo in Toronto these days? They cost so much. How does condo value change as it ages? What happens when the building gets so old they have to knock it down? Do you get a unit in the new condo they build? Do you have to sell your unit on the cheap? How long does a condo last before it needs to be taken down?
Most of these worries are unfounded. We still have apartment buildings from the 1950s standing. Plus the population pressure is doing anything but abating, so the prices haven't crashed.
An agent will answer most of these questions. The one thing I will say, any time you buy pre-built, they always always go way over the time estimate for move-in. I have never bought a condo myself (have a house) but everyone I know who bought pre-built got burned by the delays.