Mayor Rob Ford says he has a mandate to build subways and according to the latest numbers from Ipsos-Reid, he has the support of half of Toronto.
According to Ipsos Reid VP John Wright, their polling puts the Mayor's approval rating at 50% across the city, which is significant, as Wright estimates a Mayor in Toronto could win an election with roughly 35% of the vote.
The majority of support for the Mayor comes from the suburbs with close to 60% approving of the job he's done.
Wright says Ipsos-Reid polling suggests that 70-75% of downtown, East York, and York disapprove of the mayor, but his support in Scarborough, North York, and Etobicoke gives the mayor an approval rating at 50%.
Support is down significantly from March 2011, when Ford's approval rating was at a sky high 72%. A Forum research survey put Ford's approval rating at 42% in September 2011.
Ford's transit plan was defeated 25-18 Wednesday night at a special meeting of council, despite the mayor's insistence that people backed his subway plan.