So, a streetcar driver had a confrontation with Rob Ford:
The TTC won't say anything more than "it happened", but I'd LOVE to know how that happened and what was said.
Wait, did the driver leave the streetcar to talk to Ford who was in his car?The operator left his seat on the streetcar he was driving to speak to the mayor, something he agreed he shouldn’t have done, TTC spokesman Brad Ross said.
“The operators are not permitted to leave their seats to have a discussion of any kind with any motorist.”
Streetcar driver was probably getting out to yell at someone trying to speed past the open doors, and didn't realise it was Ford until later. Oh God, let this be true.
According to Twitter, this is exactly what happened, and has been confirmed by Bob Kinnear (the slimy union head.)
TORONTO - Mayor Rob Ford allegedly drove past the open doors of a streetcar sparking a run-in with a TTC worker, the transit union president said Friday.
Ford drove past the open rear doors of a Dundas St. streetcar near McCaul St. on Wednesday, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113 president Bob Kinnear said.
“My understanding is Mr. Ford did pass the open doors of a streetcar,” Kinnear said. “The operator counselled Mr. Ford on the serious safety violation and the potential danger of doing that. From there, my understanding is that Mayor Ford contacted the TTC.”
The TTC interviewed the employee and the employee was put back to work.
Kinnear said he didn’t know what time the incident occurred.
Rushing the doors of an open streetcar can lead to a traffic ticket.
It can get frustrating for operators to see cars rushing the doors of an open streetcar throughout the day, Kinnear said.
“It becomes very concerning for our passengers and the safety of our passengers,” he said. “We’re not opposed to our members advising the public of our rules in the interest of safety.”
But Kinnear added they don’t encourage operators to “interact with motorists” or leave the driver’s seat.
Kinnear said the mayor did roll down his window and “had some comments for the operator.”
“I don’t know specifically what those comments were,” he said.
The union boss said it’s not the first time Ford has complained about one of his members to TTC management.
“It’s not surprising,” he said.
The TTC was tight-lipped about the run-in Thursday night.
TTC spokesman Brad Ross refused to reveal what streetcar route the incident occurred along but did say the employee was “counselled” not to leave the driver’s seat in the future.
“As far as we’re concerned the matter is closed,” Ross said. “We’re not going to comment on the incident.”
The mayor’s office refused to confirm any details of the incident when contacted Thursday.
But when you're only facing a $109 for endangering people like this, why bother stopping? lulz
Do you think he's even going to get fined?
Pretty early to ask, but who's going to Fan Expo this year?
I'm about 80% going, depending on how much money I have by that time. I'll probably limit myself to 2 or 3 days this time. Going on Thursday was almost a waste of time last year since it was a half-day, and there wasn't much to see that interested me.
The Toronto Star is so awesome because if you try to post their articles on Facebook, for some reason none of the thumbnails ever have anything to do with the page you're posting.
Pretty early to ask, but who's going to Fan Expo this year?
I'm about 80% going, depending on how much money I have by that time. I'll probably limit myself to 2 or 3 days this time. Going on Thursday was almost a waste of time last year since it was a half-day, and there wasn't much to see that interested me.
Friday - Hotel party
Saturday - TED and pack
Sunday - Finish packing, watch the Euro game, watch NHL free agency, enjoy Canada day somehow, go to airport, fly to England
Monday - See Metric play in London
Gonna be a great weekend! What's your plans?
The perfect video to celebrate Gay Pride and Canada Day falling on the same day:
Kids in the Hall: Buddy Cole (Scott Thompson) - I'm Canadian
*love Scott Thompson*
Friday - Buying FFXIII-2, watching my wife play that.
He actually was in Millennium.
If I can get free tickets I might.
Haven't been able to find a good website that tracks highway closings in Toronto. Can you guys help? Got stuck for an hour on the 401 two weeks ago and would like to avoid that experience.
Just listen to 680 News.
Stet you need to take your good looks to the next meetup.
Don't worry, Kave_Man. On the fateful day when you finally get your meetup comeuppance, I'll be there.
I did nothing, Kraftwerks just decided I must die.
It's okay though the thousand armies of Leafs-GAF will descend upon him.
I did nothing, Kraftwerks just decided I must die.
It's okay though the thousand armies of Leafs-GAF will descend upon him.
You're a trumpet player? I was before my jaw got all messed up, went to Humber. What do you play?Friday: work
Saturday: record song, practice trumpet, party
Sunday: Practice trumpet
Monday: Trumpet audition, work.
You're a trumpet player? I was before my jaw got all messed up, went to Humber. What do you play?
In highschool I played anything from pop songs to jazz. I'm actually taking next year off to practice a lot so I can get into Humber. I went to UofT last semester but I hated it. I'm auditing for a spot on a band that plays 30s/40s big band music.You're a trumpet player? I was before my jaw got all messed up, went to Humber. What do you play?
I've been stuck in Charlotte for 4 hours now. Has Toronto either burned down, blown up, or melted away? I NEED MY TORONTO FIX.
Just came back from a jog. I can tell you it's freaking hot. But it's really nice.
Just came back from a jog. I can tell you it's freaking hot. But it's really nice.