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Toronto-Age |OT2|


Rob Ford says best remedy for shootings is jobs

I'm not a huge fan of Ford (or Toronto City council), but this was my initial thought when I heard about the shootings. Who can have a "block party" on a Monday night? I'm assuming they weren't planning on going to work the following morning. Clearly the problem is less about handguns and more about the social problems that cause people to act like this.

On top of that, banning handguns is crazy for a number of reasons. Firstly, nothing will change as a very low percentage of firearms used in crimes are registered anyway. Secondly, if you are crazy enough to kill someone, I seriously doubt a handgun ban is going to prevent that. Finally, if theoretically the handgun ban somehow worked, this would mean that criminals would switch to hunting firearms. I would rather a criminal have a handgun than a shotgun any day. Anyone who has ever fired a weapon would agree. This handgun ban will change absolutely nothing.


I'm not a huge fan of Ford (or Toronto City council), but this was my initial thought when I heard about the shootings.
Well my issue with Ford is that he has no plan to create jobs in the first place. In face he guts social programs that are designed to get young people in at risk areas more resources and more education (which is what leads to good jobs).

On top of that, banning handguns is crazy for a number of reasons.
Eh, I support a handgun ban myself, just so the bastards doing these things get slapped with an extra charge.
Anyone know where to get jade rings in Toronto? I broke mine and need another.. I usually go to Pacific Mall to get it but I was trying to avoid such a long trip out to Markham if possible.


Canadians burned my passport
Yet I still have little confidence that he won't be re-elected.

It's going to be inevitable that multiple left leaning candidates will split the vote, leading to another Ford victory. Feels bad man.

My vote is with Wong-Tam though.


It's going to be inevitable that multiple left leaning candidates will split the vote, leading to another Ford victory. Feels bad man.

My vote is with Wong-Tam though.

The left should plant some right leaning candidates than. Split all the vote, and than GAF has a canidate and we win!


Just saw the "jobs" thing. In theory yes, but to get to that point (having a steady employed job) requires being raised more or less right and getting educated from the get go.

And as someone in comments pointed out, there's more money in illegal activities. Why get min wage, why go to school, why try so hard.


Will QA for food.
Karen Stintz TTCteam ‏@TTCchair
What #TTC Report Card said: 3) We need to do better for disabled passengers. (Every #TTC bus is now accessible; new streetcars will be);

I guess she doesn't realise how terrible 90% of the stations are for people with disabilities, elderly people, or someone with a stroller. Lack of elevators, constantly out of commission escalators, and how little thought streetcar and bus drivers give to flooring the peddle (or jamming on the breaks) as soon as the last person is in the door and not caring if the older person with trouble walking can find their seat first.

I understand elevators in all the stations will take time, but it pisses me off that she just brushes off the criticism. She's basically going on Twitter and slapping each one of these points down without giving them a thought.


I guess she doesn't realise how terrible 90% of the stations are for people with disabilities, elderly people, or someone with a stroller. Lack of elevators, constantly out of commission escalators, and how little thought streetcar and bus drivers give to flooring the peddle (or jamming on the breaks) as soon as the last person is in the door and not caring if the older person with trouble walking can find their seat first.

I understand elevators in all the stations will take time, but it pisses me off that she just brushes off the criticism. She's basically going on Twitter and slapping each one of these points down without giving them a thought.

My parents and their siblings can't use most of the stations because of no escalator/elevator. They've resorted to getting car rides. Sure there are often escalators going up.. but going downstairs is also painful for most the elderly or injured.

Should also point out that although the buses are accessible, they're not 100% safe. I've witnessed wheelchairs tipping over on exit/entrance a few times now. Usually when the bus is on an incline or just not quite at the same level as the sidewalk.


Will QA for food.
My parents and their siblings can't use most of the stations because of no escalator/elevator. They've resorted to getting car rides. Sure there are often escalators going up.. but going downstairs is also painful for most the elderly or injured.

Should also point out that although the buses are accessible, they're not 100% safe. I've witnessed wheelchairs tipping over on exit/entrance a few times now. Usually when the bus is on an incline or just not quite at the same level as the sidewalk.

Does this mean those 'high deck' buses, with the steep (and thin) steps are gone? They use to run those all the time on the Dufferin route, and even sometimes on the 77 here from Runnymede. I swear I road on one this year, but I'm guess they're gone now if they're claiming to be all accessible.

Stintz vs Ford for the next election is going to make me throw up.


Canadians burned my passport
Isn't Stintz more conservative? Maybe Centrist? We'll still get like Wong-Tam or Vaughan on the liberal side.


Does this mean those 'high deck' buses, with the steep (and thin) steps are gone? They use to run those all the time on the Dufferin route, and even sometimes on the 77 here from Runnymede. I swear I road on one this year, but I'm guess they're gone now if they're claiming to be all accessible.

Stintz vs Ford for the next election is going to make me throw up.

I see the old "step" buses every now and then, I guess they pull them out if there aren't any more reguluh ones available.


Via facebook:


Not that I think it's not a glaring difference, but how old are all the subways shown there? I don't want to make excuses for it and I do want more lines. But when a subway system is 100 years old it's probably going to be larger and more extensive then one that is 58 years old.


Will QA for food.
Not that I think it's not a glaring difference, but how old are all the subways shown there? I don't want to make excuses for it and I do want more lines. But when a subway system is 100 years old it's probably going to be larger and more extensive then one that is 58 years old.

Then let's throw Seoul into the mix, if you're looking for a more modern system that only started in the 70s. That gives us two decades on them. They also integrate other methods of transit better into their stations (buses), and take on seven times the ridership. 70km vs 927.4km is laughable.


It's Toronto's own fault for not expanding for decade after decade when given the chance. Politicians sat on their hands, or had circular arguments that were repeated with each election. Now we're basically stuck building at a snail's pace, because the cost are so high for building subways in this city.


Hey Toronto Gaf, could do with some advice.

Im thinking of moving over, Im in the early planning stages basically. Does Toronto do hostels for travellers? Obviously at the start I'll be living off the money that im currently saving until I can find a job.

Any advice would be cool.


Then let's throw Seoul into the mix, if you're looking for a more modern system that only started in the 70s. Or you can add Tokyo


It's Toronto's own fault for not expanding for decade after decade when given the chance. Politicians sat on their hands, or had circular arguments that were repeated with each election. Now we're basically stuck building at a snail's pace, because the cost are so high for building subways in this city.

Now that is very impressive. I totally agree that we had the chance to expand. It feels as if we have always heard of plans to expand but nothing ever comes of it. Now people don't want to pay the astronomical costs of adding more lines.


Will QA for food.
Now that is very impressive. I totally agree that we had the chance to expand. It feels as if we have always heard of plans to expand but nothing ever comes of it. Now people don't want to pay the astronomical costs of adding more lines.

I mean, even Taipei that opened up less than two decades ago has blown past us in lines and mileage covered. It's sad, but it's where we're stuck now. That's why it's all the more nerve wrecking when a solid plan like Transit City is tossed to the side because a new Mayor comes into power, wanting to make their own legacy.

We're screwed on a lot of ends though. The Province gives us shit for funding, but even if they did give us funding, you can bet the TTC would continue to trip over their own feet with advancing the ancient almost 0% automated system. All this while our roads fill up, but politicians are equally afraid of making big decisions on road issues (like tolls, the ultimate fate of the crumbling Gardiner) because it could cost them votes.

TTC is an okay system if you only look at it with blinders on. We manage to get around on it fine, and don't own a car.. or plan to own a car in the city. But when you start comparing it to other systems, it's almost depressing. And of course when the TTC Chair comes out on Twitter to toot their own horn while ignoring all issues brought to them.. well, I lose almost all hope.
Now people don't want to pay the astronomical costs of adding more lines.

That's one problem. The cost of labour and materials has went up so much since 1900 - 1950. If you look at NYC, most of their lines were built a very long time ago when it was cheaper because the workers had no rights and things like "environmental assessments" didn't exist.

However Korea has built their system recently so I'm curious what the cost of labour and basic cost of building a subway by kilometre versus what the projected cost would be in Toronto. It's important to look at those things to see if it really is easier to build there or not.

Of course, the biggest problem for transit in Toronto is that the three levels of government are constantly fighting each other and cancelling plans that were put in place by a previous government.


Via facebook:


Metro London: 13 million people

Metro Paris: 12 million people

Metro New York: 18 million people

Metro Toronto: 5.5 million people.

Not saying our system isn't laughable and in desperate need of improvement, but there's a slight difference in the scale of the cities between Toronto and those other three.


Will QA for food.
Metro London: 13 million people

Metro Paris: 12 million people

Metro New York: 18 million people

Metro Toronto: 5.5 million people.

Not saying our system isn't laughable and in desperate need of improvement, but there's a slight difference in the scale of the cities between Toronto and those other three.

Yes, those are not the best examples for those reasons and the reason brought up above about the age of those systems.

Better comparisons if you're just looking at population are:

Taipei 6.9 mil metro, new system opening in 1996, already ahead of us with 10 lines and 30km more track.

San Francisco Better 'amalgamated' system with BART and MUNI, covers more ground in a much smaller area, better cost, better POP and timed transfers.

Hong Kong. 175km of track, ten lines, most which are really far reaching.

Singapore Newer system from 1987, 199.7 km of track, 5 lines, 141 stations.

Now one of the key factors you'll see with all these systems are their rail connections to the airport. It's one of the largest faults of the TTC, if you can overlook the cleanliness issues of three quarters of the stations. It hurts business, growth, and cost the city far more every year we're without it.

Non-automation at our stations are killing operational cost too. Compared to most modern transit systems, walking into a TTC station (say at Runnymede) can feel like a trip into the 80s. They're basically fighting normal practices of things like charging by length traveled, or refillable plastic cards (<3 BART).

You could say city's population growth is really being bottle necked by the poor transit offered. More immigrants and families are opting to settle in the suburbs instead, where we're seeing the incredible population spikes. It's a tricky situation because if you build for projections, but are terribly wrong (Sheppard) it's a waste. But it's also a convenient excuse to not build at all if someone is against a project. I don't really understand people's objection to the Transit City plan either, which gives us a) what we can afford and b) a solution for the next four decades for population growth, with the ability to see where pockets of communities form, and will be in need of subway expansion without basing everything on projections. It's hilarious how LRT has become some sort of evil world in the Ford camp.

And that said, we're completely out on building any subways that are more than minor expansions right now. People hoping we end up with a massive NYC style system better hope they're reborn in 2200.


Will QA for food.
That's one problem. The cost of labour and materials has went up so much since 1900 - 1950. If you look at NYC, most of their lines were built a very long time ago when it was cheaper because the workers had no rights and things like "environmental assessments" didn't exist.

However Korea has built their system recently so I'm curious what the cost of labour and basic cost of building a subway by kilometre versus what the projected cost would be in Toronto. It's important to look at those things to see if it really is easier to build there or not.

Of course, the biggest problem for transit in Toronto is that the three levels of government are constantly fighting each other and cancelling plans that were put in place by a previous government.

Really true for the most part, which is why we're so screwed. That said, even NYC has multiple (4 I believe) subway expansions in the works right now. Maybe it's because they can actually agree on a plan and a system, unlike Toronto's never ending transit squabbling.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Then let's throw Seoul into the mix, if you're looking for a more modern system that only started in the 70s. That gives us two decades on them. They also integrate other methods of transit better into their stations (buses), and take on seven times the ridership. 70km vs 927.4km is laughable.


It's Toronto's own fault for not expanding for decade after decade when given the chance. Politicians sat on their hands, or had circular arguments that were repeated with each election. Now we're basically stuck building at a snail's pace, because the cost are so high for building subways in this city.

Kinda complicated, but damn did I love riding on it. Wife is there right now :(

Free for seniors (last time I checked) and extremely cheap.


What I wish is the TTC to be able to run 24/7. It's impossible because of track maintenance every night. In NYC they have express and local tracks a train can switch to so the subway can constantly run.


Will QA for food.
What I wish is the TTC to be able to run 24/7. It's impossible because of track maintenance every night. In NYC they have express and local tracks a train can switch to so the subway can constantly run.

I'm thankful for living next to the Queen car, so on the odd chance I'm actually out past 1am, I can find my way home while avoiding a taxi. And of course, the passengers are 1am are the most interesting..

p.s.; I opened a thread on transit, so feel free to give your input on the TTC if you'd like. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=483058
Glen Shields was always the black school you know this! The majority of the black families did live in that Glen Shields area.

I ended up going to Charlton for elementary school where I was one of 4 black kids in my graduating class of around 40ish.

And hey Vaughan settled down by the time I got there, school was cancelled basically when there were jewish holidays.

Your welcome :p
I've been riding the London and Paris transit systems the last 2 weeks+, they go EVERYWHERE you'd want to go but a lot of the stations are disgusting, a lot of the trains are disgusting, and very few stations have escalators or elevators.......which really sucks when you have to carry luggage around =/
Hey Toronto Gaf, could do with some advice.

Im thinking of moving over, Im in the early planning stages basically. Does Toronto do hostels for travellers? Obviously at the start I'll be living off the money that im currently saving until I can find a job.

Any advice would be cool.

Yes, we have hostels - one is a backpackers and I'm pretty sure the other is on a Hostelling International list...though I wouldn't recommend them, they look scuzzy on the outside.

I would suggest that, if you can afford it, you look for a sublet on Kijiji or Craigslist or whatnot. It's a few months in a cleaner place and you might have a better shot of being close to a subway line.

That is, unless Toronto-GAF is willing to lend you a couch for a week while you look for a place.


I think we need to be teaching kids/teens to be geeks. Because all they say is that crime is the only solution for them because there isn't playgrounds or after school stuff. but they could have whole new lives being "geek" reading comics, playing online games. I think when they discovery the whole other world they will be more likely to turn down joining gangs and other things.
Awesome idea. Until you have gangs of nerds roaming the streets getting into fanboy wars.

Nerds take things even more personally than gang members.


Canadians burned my passport
Where do people even get machetes? I wouldn't even have the faintest idea. Seems like it'd be easier to get a gun than a machete.
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