Surely Stintz has raised her reputation right?
Maybe she has in the public's eyes, but if you listen to her speak and how she conducts her business, she's not great. Heavy conservative ties, even if more moderate, and the way she handles herself as TTC Chair bothers me. She can't take criticism (nothing is wrong with the TTC, these are all lies!), and she's reactive. One Transit was a cool idea, but it was more a play to try to show 'HEY LOOK WE WANT TO BUILD TRANSIT.. BUT THE MAYOR IS GOING TO SHOOT US DOWN', than anything that could realistically happen. You can bet it's going to be part of her platform when she runs for the office.
She's basically gaining praise to standing up to Ford when he showed weaknesses, but that shouldn't buy her a one way ticket into becoming the Mayor. The fact that every move she makes is basically setting herself up to run rubs me the wrong way as well. So better than Ford.. probably.. but that's not a great compliment, since three quarters of the populous might do a better job at this point.
Of course, then I see something like this and maybe I should be excited to have anyone else in there.