I think I've street passed him 3 times so far. 1st I saw him at the PS event, the other 2 were random.My wife and I both Streetpassed DoctorWho today, who has Neogaf.com in his message. heh heh
I think I've street passed him 3 times so far. 1st I saw him at the PS event, the other 2 were random.My wife and I both Streetpassed DoctorWho today, who has Neogaf.com in his message. heh heh
A new one is opening soon south of Eglinton on Laird.
I'm currently at Summerhill, they just kicked everyone off the train due to "unsanitary conditions"...
Wtf? Has anyone heard of this one before? Why this time? The ttc is usually unsanitary, amirite?
I just had a deja vu. I could have sworn you posted this before.I'm currently at Summerhill, they just kicked everyone off the train due to "unsanitary conditions"...
Wtf? Has anyone heard of this one before? Why this time? The ttc is usually unsanitary, amirite?
I just had a deja vu. I could have sworn you posted this before.
Johnny Jackson, College and Clinton, 8PM-3:30AM Friday&Saturday (closed during the week). All dishes are 10 bucks (tax incl)
Right right. The one near the futureshop/best buy area north of donlands station.
You guys should try Mikado near there some day. Not as good as Taro's fish, but damn!
Probably asked a million times but what's the best burger place in Toronto? I know there's the list in the OP but are they the best? My friend and I are looking to go find the best place in Toronto probably some time next week and the only good burger places I know are Five Guys, Johnny's, and I guess Burger Priest >__>
Unf, looks fucking awesome.
Yep right there. Mikado is on the west side of Laird right? It's very good. Ever try the fish and chips on the same side near there on the corner called "Olde York"?
Man is it ever amazing and I'm not even a fish and chips guy.
Anyone making a TIFF thread this year?
Didn't end up getting a package this year so I had to scramble for single tickets this morning, but luckily got everything I wanted. First up for me is the premiere of Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing next Saturday. Excited!
heh, good to have you back 'cube'.
Yeah, Mikado rocks. Every time I go there, I am tempted to try Olde York since there's ALWAYS a goddamn line up for it.
How is it compared to Reliable?
edit: UGH! EM, that place is so freakin terrible. I'd rather go to Five Guys than that place. Aside from being dry, it just tasted....off...
The Queen and Spadina location used to SUCK, but six months to a year back they fired their cook and hired someone else. It's pretty good now, but their main issue is that the burgers fall apart.
Umm... it's been a while, but you can get down there via Riverdale park pretty easily. I don't know if there's an access point near Danforth though.Very random question, but does anyone know a quick way to get down to the don valley (recreation trail) from roughly Broadview station? Is it accessible from the east side?
We rarely go, but I've been there a dozen times and never had a bad experience. Their place at Queen and Spadina has always let be down though. Maybe they're trying to become more like that. ;_;
Umm... it's been a while, but you can get down there via Riverdale park pretty easily. I don't know if there's an access point near Danforth though.
Yes. Never had a good exp there.Is out a bad idea to go to Wonderland today? I guess it will be 2 hour wait in line bullshit.
Is out a bad idea to go to Wonderland today? I guess it will be 2 hour wait in line bullshit.
Is out a bad idea to go to Wonderland today? I guess it will be 2 hour wait in line bullshit.
Whats best for street level photos?You guys should really just bookmark Skyscrapercity and Urban Toronto.![]()
Whats best for street level photos?
Johnny Jackson, College and Clinton, 8PM-3:30AM Friday&Saturday (closed during the week). All dishes are 10 bucks (tax incl).
Unf, looks fucking awesome.
Street Cars.
The TTC will never get good looking, ergonomic seats.
No toronto pic for today? I was hoping for a new one.
Yeah, wtf added_time
Those BART seats would get dirty and ruined really fast. The TTC already replaces/repairs something like 20,000 seats a year.BART seats, please.
We'll also be greeted with these face to face seats in the streetcars too.
Those BART seats would get dirty and ruined really fast. The TTC already replaces/repairs something like 20,000 seats a year.
Those BART seats would get dirty and ruined really fast. The TTC already replaces/repairs something like 20,000 seats a year.
What's the opinion on these older model subway car seats? They always seemed pretty comfortable to me. But of course they probably tear and crack easily.
I could've sworn they mentioned it in the Karen Stintz/TTC episode of Undercover Boss Canada but I'm too lazy to look it up.Indeed, and they retain a musty smell. Not that TTC seats on the streetcars, or subways are void of stains, or smells either though. I wonder how often they replace the fabric sections of the seats?
The TTC will never get good looking, ergonomic seats.
It's nearly impossible to destroy the TTC seats.
Also, homeless people. If the seats are too comfy, they'll ride back and forth all day. (Or so i heard.)