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Toronto-Age |OT2|

whitehawk said:
This is probably my fault. It's frosh this week for UofT, and we sat in the middle during a scramble, but we took too long and held up traffic for a bit.
First years always ruining it for everyone, tsk tsk.


I swear to god you fucks better not cut down on clearing snow.

Fuck I hate winter, and I know in just a couple of months it will be here...again.

After 29 years, I still fucking hate it.
Kunohara said:
I swear to god you fucks better not cut down on clearing snow.

Fuck I hate winter, and I know in just a couple of months it will be here...again.

After 29 years, I still fucking hate it.

I look forward to the battle between Rob "I Hate Social Services" Ford vs. Rod "I Love Cars" Ford. He might implode.


Kunohara said:
I swear to god you fucks better not cut down on clearing snow.

Fuck I hate winter, and I know in just a couple of months it will be here...again.

After 29 years, I still fucking hate it.

It's such short-sighted BS. Save a couple million clearning snow by waiting until it reaches a higher number of cm before sending out the plows? Sure. But then what about the cost of emergency workers clearing out the increased amounts of accidents?

I hope they don't sell the zoo

That's the first thing that's going to happen, I bet :(
Panda sponsored by Pepsi yee. If they can decrease the entrance fee I do not mind. It has good membership fees but if you go with the family it is quite expensive.
I've been a Zoo member almost my entire life.....the only thing I want in there is more food selection

And I just saw the Globe and Mail seat projetction after 1 week on the campaign trail
lol @ the Libs and PCs being tied at 44 :|


StevieP said:
It's such short-sighted BS. Save a couple million clearning snow by waiting until it reaches a higher number of cm before sending out the plows? Sure. But then what about the cost of emergency workers clearing out the increased amounts of accidents?
Crazy thing is this is what Mel Lastman did and then when there was more snow than expected he had to call in the army to dig the city out.


Will QA for food.
Never forget.

Ford starts first day as Mayor.

TORONTO, Ont. - Mayor Rob Ford took the reins of City Hall, Wednesday, and as promised in his campaign, slammed the brakes on Transit City.

Ford's day began with a meeting with TTC general manager Gary Webster.

"I just wanted to make it quite clear that he understood that Transit City is over and the war on the car is over, and all the subway expansion is going underground," he said.

"We're going to build subways, I was elected on that mandate, [I'm going] to deliver my promise to the taxpayers that subways will be built in this city."

Earlier on Wednesday, Ford told 680News political affairs specialist John Stall, "people do not want streetcars and we're going to start building subways, and we're going to start right now."

Ford's plan to kill transit city has already coming under fire from some city councillors.

Ward 31 Councillor Janet Davis said the Mayor has no right to disband the city's transit plan.

"The mayor does not have the unilateral right to declare an end to Transit City." Davis told 680News.

And Councillor Adam Vaughan said cancelling transit city could be complicated and costly.

"Whether council gets a say in that or not, well wait and see. How he does it is really up to him. And then the penalties. The penalties could be quiet substantial." said Vaughan.

Ford has not released any details on how the building of subways would proceed or what happens to the money already spent on Transit City.

Also on the list of the new mayor's plans, he said he will move to eliminate the car registration tax at the first council meeting, taking effect January 1, 2011.

Ford also outlined four priorities including customer service excellence and make government transparent and accountable, and cutting councillor expense accounts.

The mayor says Toronto taxpayers do not want a larger budget.

"There will be no tax increases next year. There will be no major service cuts next year." said Ford.

Ford spent his first day as mayor visiting the offices of city councillors.

The swearing-in ceremony takes place on Tuesday, Dec. 7, but Ford has the legal authority as of Wednesday to speak and sign on behalf of Toronto.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Azih said:
Crazy thing is this is what Mel Lastman did and then when there was more snow than expected he had to call in the army to dig the city out.
So instead of the City paying for it the Federal Government does. Perfect!


lunarworks said:
The city has had all these things for decades, and managed to do well... and then "the people" elect the human wrecking ball.

The Toronto Zoo is a staple of this city. I couldn't fathom it in the hands of a private corporation...

So instead of the City paying for it the Federal Government does. Perfect!

Toronto: making sure it continues to be the bane of the rest of the country.
Everyone uses a public service of some kind. Even lazy fat fucks that sit at home watching tv all day. Eventually ford will cut something that offends every single person in Toronto (even the bad people that voted for him)


added_time said:
Everyone uses a public service of some kind. Even lazy fat fucks that sit at home watching tv all day. Eventually ford will cut something that offends every single person in Toronto (even the bad people that voted for him)

What are you talking about? He can do no wrong.


Will QA for food.
added_time said:
Everyone uses a public service of some kind. Even lazy fat fucks that sit at home watching tv all day. Eventually ford will cut something that offends every single person in Toronto (even the bad people that voted for him)

I walked back from the subway today at Runnymede, and I noticed some unsettling signs being put up.

For the last four years we've been living in Swansea.. signs for parties around election time normally go 50 NDP / 30 Liberal / 20 PC. But now.. it looks much closer to 45/20/35. There are so many more signs for the Cons now than ever before. And this is after the apparent 'backlash' against Ford, in a neighborhood that went to Smitherman.

It looks like many Liberals would rather jump ship to the Tories than vote NDP.

I'm so very scared.
EvilMario said:
I walked back from the subway today at Runnymede, and I noticed some unsettling signs being put up.

For the last four years we've been living in Swansea.. signs for parties around election time normally go 50 NDP / 30 Liberal / 20 PC. But now.. it looks much closer to 45/20/35. There are so many more signs for the Cons now than ever before. And this is after the apparent 'backlash' against Ford, in a neighborhood that went to Smitherman.

It looks like many Liberals would rather jump ship to the Tories than vote NDP.

I'm so very scared.

Plenty of Rob Ford backlash to come. A lot of the big votes are going down a good week before the election.
EvilMario said:
I walked back from the subway today at Runnymede, and I noticed some unsettling signs being put up.

For the last four years we've been living in Swansea.. signs for parties around election time normally go 50 NDP / 30 Liberal / 20 PC. But now.. it looks much closer to 45/20/35. There are so many more signs for the Cons now than ever before. And this is after the apparent 'backlash' against Ford, in a neighborhood that went to Smitherman.

It looks like many Liberals would rather jump ship to the Tories than vote NDP.

I'm so very scared.
Mostly depends on who gets the drop canvassing in particular neighbourhoods. If you're looking to even the score (hell, even on behalf of the Spaghetti Monster party) then get out and canvas. Every party can use more volunteers.

Typical conservative ideology.
When I was a Frosh I got realllllly drunk and had a water balloon fight at York U

Remember, back when OAC existed and first years were over 19 :p
BigJonsson said:

As much as I want the PCs to lose, I noticed during the Municipal election that the Globe and Star were only printing polls showing Smitherman was gaining ground when he actually wasn't. I hope it's not the case again here though. I'm not suggesting that they are lying about the poll results either, just that they are only printing the polls that show Liberal gains and not mentioning others they might have done.


Zombie James said:
Just like the $774M number he keeps throwing around, "double-digit" is inflated.

No, the city regularly has budget shortfalls of 500-1billion dollars, it's just that... well this article puts it better than I can.


For years, the city of Toronto has faced a structural deficit of about $500-$700 million dollars. This means that every year when we write out our projected expenses and our projected revenue, we see a shortfall of about half a billion. Once that number is announced, there’s usually a period of shock-inspiring possible cuts announced to illustrate how serious the problem is. [**] Then, when the panic has taken hold, everyone goes about shaving a bit here, deferring expenses there, across every department, until the $700 million number gets down to zero. This is the same way you might, in your home budget, decide that rather than selling your car to make your budget balance, you’ll budget $10 less per week for groceries, $20 less per week for entertainment, and $5 less per week for coffee, etc. etc. Since this is projected spending—the size of each department’s allowance—the money can usually be found. The budget is balanced, and then it gets passed by council.

In 2010, for example—the year Perks is referring to—the city faced a projected deficit of $821 million. After weeks of haggling, that number was balanced without any significant service cuts at all, and with just a 4 per cent tax increase for residents (lower for businesses).

This process has taken place under Mel Lastman and David Miller pretty much every year since amalgamation.
What still amazes me is that this is all a manufactured crisis.

The city's books have been FINE for several years now. All this bullshit was cooked-up by Ford to get elected, and then to put his hare-brained Tea Party policies into effect.


EvilMario said:
Hudak reassures us he'll kill the Samsung Green Energy deal when he's elected.

I guess this will spell doom for the wind turbines in Toronto too. :/

What the fuck is happening? Am I still in Canada? I would say the environment is a bit more important than money. If we fuck up this planet, that's it. All the money in the world won't do anything once it is fucked. If other countries see what we are doing, they might start doing it, and that would help out every one.

Fucking money man. I wish we didn't have to deal with it.


Black Canada Mafia
No way Conservatives get elected. I will canvas if I have to, I will give up girls for as long as I have to. It can't happen. I thought Harper was bad, then I got a taste of Ford... I can't take any more conservatives in my life.

On a side note, any chance Ford decides being a mayor is too stressful and decides to step down?... At all?


EvilMario said:
I walked back from the subway today at Runnymede, and I noticed some unsettling signs being put up.

For the last four years we've been living in Swansea.. signs for parties around election time normally go 50 NDP / 30 Liberal / 20 PC. But now.. it looks much closer to 45/20/35. There are so many more signs for the Cons now than ever before. And this is after the apparent 'backlash' against Ford, in a neighborhood that went to Smitherman.

It looks like many Liberals would rather jump ship to the Tories than vote NDP.

I'm so very scared.

I noticed the same thing as well. Especially by jane/bloor up to annette. But, I try to equate this to the area being more conservative in general.


Well, look at him. He's clearly at critical mass and is ready to burst like a gory water balloon at any minute. We can dream.


Black Canada Mafia
I swear to fucking god, I am not even getting any enjoyment out of the Rob Ford fuck up news anymore. For a little while it was nice knowing that I didn't vote for the wrong guy, and that the people who did are going to reap what they sow.

But now it's dawning on me that I'll have to reap it too. And I didn't even sow it. I didn't even plow the field.
EvilMario said:
One too many donuts may do him in though.

I don't doubt that. His campaign platform is definitely looking like it was built with popsicle sticks. I wonder what the Very Silent Majority is thinking, because I definitely know what the Very Vocal Minority is thinking.

Kinitari said:
I swear to fucking god, I am not even getting any enjoyment out of the Rob Ford fuck up news anymore. For a little while it was nice knowing that I didn't vote for the wrong guy, and that the people who did are going to reap what they sow.

But now it's dawning on me that I'll have to reap it too. And I didn't even sow it. I didn't even plow the field.

You're not even a farmer. We're fucked.
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