Zombie James said:
That's terrible. Just make voting mandatory, or make election days a holiday.
I wouldn't want to make voting mandatory, because people are just not educated enough to know who they're voting for. If they don't even want to vote, chances are they have little to no clue about issues, platforms, and their representative.
Having a holiday for elections might work, as long as it's on a Thursday and not a Friday/Monday. Then people will just make it an extended weekend and blow off the polls.
There has to be better education about why voting matters, especially among young people. There's way too much 'my riding is doomed', or 'my voice won't matter' sentiment. Even when a riding comes down to less than 100 votes. So much loathing for politics, but people never want to step up to make a change.
lunarworks said:
Is this surprising? None of the leaders were inspiring. McGuinty got reelected simply because he didn't burn the place down and Hudak is scary.
Agreed. It was not a very engaging election, aside from the horror of a possible conservative trifecta. I can't stand the people that complain about elections about how it went, when they didn't vote.