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Toronto-Age |OT2|


Divvy said:
Bell is run by morons. When I left my last apartment I called Bell to see how I could return their modem. They told me that they'd ship me a return package. They never did, so I still have their modem. *shrug*

I had my Internet account with Bell suspended (as per their advice) because I was moving and wanted to try out Teksavvy. They claimed the account would remain frozen until I was ready to reactivate it so I left it as is. 8 months later I get a bill for an outstanding balance of 2 months unpaid plus interest despite having zero Internet activity for that time frame. I call Bell, they explain suspended accounts only last for 6 months at which point it automatically reactivates and resumes charges to my account.

Not only did they not make this clear at the very beginning, but they didn't even have the courtesy to call or send a reminder that my service with them was about to resume when the 6 months was up. Also, they flat out refused to cancel the charges. Partially my fault as I shouldn't have let that much time go by. I spent days fighting them to reverse them, at which point they finally did and requested the modem be sent back. 2 weeks go by and I don't receive the empty box in the mail. They claim it was sent and continue charge me for another month's use of the modem, at which point I lost it.

Fortunately, Teksavvy has been surprisingly good and I have no intent on ever signing up for anything Bell again.

So Divvy, I would go ahead and make sure you get that modem back to them asap. They are expecting it to be returned even if you didn't receive the box from them.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Congrats, EM!


Wife is PR, and I don't think she'll go for citizenship.

So now you can vote for our next shitty mayor, priemier, and prime minister.


Canadians burned my passport
Scythe27 said:
I had my Internet account with Bell suspended (as per their advice) because I was moving and wanted to try out Teksavvy. They claimed the account would remain frozen until I was ready to reactivate it so I left it as is. 8 months later I get a bill for an outstanding balance of 2 months unpaid plus interest despite having zero Internet activity for that time frame. I call Bell, they explain suspended accounts only last for 6 months at which point it automatically reactivates and resumes charges to my account.

Not only did they not make this clear at the very beginning, but they didn't even have the courtesy to call or send a reminder that my service with them was about to resume when the 6 months was up. Also, they flat out refused to cancel the charges. Partially my fault as I shouldn't have let that much time go by. I spent days fighting them to reverse them, at which point they finally did and requested the modem be sent back. 2 weeks go by and I don't receive the empty box in the mail. They claim it was sent and continue charge me for another month's use of the modem, at which point I lost it.

Fortunately, Teksavvy has been surprisingly good and I have no intent on ever signing up for anything Bell again.

So Divvy, I would go ahead and make sure you get that modem back to them asap. They are expecting it to be returned even if you didn't receive the box from them.

It was like over half a year ago and I haven't heard from them since or have been billed. Meh.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Epic Tales of Penis said:
Dude, try the homeburger here. EASILY one of the best in town.

Great owners here too. They've owned it for well over 25 years.

It's also closer to Donlands/Danforth than Coxwell.
Which subway stn is it near?

Maybe I'll pop by there after work tomorrow.


Will QA for food.
Kuro Madoushi said:
Congrats, EM!


Wife is PR, and I don't think she'll go for citizenship.

So now you can vote for our next shitty mayor, priemier, and prime minister.

My sister in-law's fiance has been here for over 30 years, and he's still a permanent resident. Personally, I find a lot of pride in being (or soon to be) Canadian, so I wanted to get citizenship as soon as possible. Helps me never having to deal with CIC and renewing my PR every five years too. :p


EvilMario said:
My sister in-law's fiance has been here for over 30 years, and he's still a permanent resident. Personally, I find a lot of pride in being (or soon to be) Canadian, so I wanted to get citizenship as soon as possible. Helps me never having to deal with CIC and renewing my PR every five years too. :p
I've been here for more 30 years as well and I am still a PR. I'm considering getting it now, but I'll be honest that it mostly has to do with traveling as a Canadian.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
EvilMario said:
My sister in-law's fiance has been here for over 30 years, and he's still a permanent resident. Personally, I find a lot of pride in being (or soon to be) Canadian, so I wanted to get citizenship as soon as possible. Helps me never having to deal with CIC and renewing my PR every five years too. :p
so is it just a matter of applying to take that joke of a test or is there more?


Will QA for food.
Kuro Madoushi said:
so is it just a matter of applying to take that joke of a test or is there more?

Like all things with the CIC, there's a cost (around $200CAD), but consider the cost of renewing permanent residency over and over. Then you wait a year as they review your file (travel history, how you came to Canada, etc) and they send you a notice three weeks before your test.

Then it's the joke of a test, and then a few months later a ceremony. All pretty simple. I guess with people that have more travel history during their time here, or a complicated past could tie it up more, but if your wife has been here a while, it's not like the 'time spent in country' will matter.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
EvilMario said:
Like all things with the CIC, there's a cost (around $200CAD), but consider the cost of renewing permanent residency over and over. Then you wait a year as they review your file (travel history, how you came to Canada, etc) and they send you a notice three weeks before your test.

Then it's the joke of a test, and then a few months later a ceremony. All pretty simple. I guess with people that have more travel history during their time here, or a complicated past could tie it up more, but if your wife has been here a while, it's not like the 'time spent in country' will matter.
Hmm..."awhile" in this case is 4-5 years. Figure it'll be a few more years before she decides to take the test. She still votes in Korean elections via the Internet, so she may hold onto it since she likes voting there.

Myself, I'm not interested in politics and...for fuck's sake, all the candidates suck...

And the only one I would've voted for is dead!


Will QA for food.
Looks like we have another bicycle discussion coming..

Licenses and plates may loom for Toronto cyclists

Councillor Frances Nunziata raised the issue after Chief Bill Blair presented a report on the enforcement of cycling infractions in the city.

The York South-Weston councillor wants the city to look at licensing cyclists.

“I think that is something that we need to look at because of the number of fatalities we have on the streets,” Nunziata told the Sun following the meeting.

Blair said licensing motor vehicles is “very useful” and licensing cyclists would have some positive aspects.

“One of the more positive aspects is it does create some accountability for the owner of the bicycle that could assist us in enforcement,” he told the cop board.

He added licensing would help ensure stolen bicycles could be returned to the rightful owner.

The board also discussed the hodgepodge of bylaws within the city when it comes to bikes, particularly cycling on the sidewalk.

Blair acknowledged sidewalk cyclists are a big complaint police hear about.

Board members voted to ask city council to look at creating a comprehensive bike policy for the whole city.

Most people know my view on it; If only the police force would actually enforce the laws that already exist. I see bicycles ride past cops on the side walks all the time, and the officers could care less. The fines the cyclist face are probably so small that it's hardly worth the time for revenue purposes, and cyclist only run over people occasionally, so public safety? lulz

The City really should encourage people to be using transit, bicycles, and walking. Instead, they will just look toward this money grab, because it's not like they'll actually be enforcing it laws any more. It's a shame that a small percentage of cyclist ruin it for everyone in the end.


Kraftwerk said:
Well, my Bell Ordeal just came to an end thanks to ConvenientBox. That was fast.

TL;DR They apologised and gave a MASSIVE discount on all my services for the next 3 years. Basically 50% off everything.

:bow ConvenientBox :bow:

What did you do? I really want to get rid of this modem non return fee. They want to charge me $75 for basically returning their modem. Really pissing me off.


In your opinions, what are the better coffee & espresso cafes in Toronto? Wheelchair accessible too as I know some cafes are small hole in the wall types.

Also related, if you had a limit of $1000 what espresso maker would you buy? I want to save up and buy one and the past two sub-$250 ones have had to be returned.


Kraftwerk said:
Well, my Bell Ordeal just came to an end thanks to ConvenientBox. That was fast.

TL;DR They apologised and gave a MASSIVE discount on all my services for the next 3 years. Basically 50% off everything.

:bow ConvenientBox :bow:

Glad I could help!
So I asked this in the Gaming Deals thread, but it went unanswered. I was wondering if anyne had seen any deals on an Ipod Touch. Futureshop has one for $199.


Will QA for food.
SpaceBridge said:
So I asked this in the Gaming Deals thread, but it went unanswered. I was wondering if anyne had seen any deals on an Ipod Touch. Futureshop has one for $199.

I've seen nothing lately on RedFlagDeals. You might want to wait until Black Friday, if you can manage. There will surely be 'some sort of deal'.


Congrats EvilMario. Let us know how the swearing ceremony goes. My mom kept quiet on the allegiance to the Queen bit lol.


Epic Tales of Penis said:
Dude, try the homeburger here. EASILY one of the best in town.

Great owners here too. They've owned it for well over 25 years.

It's also closer to Donlands/Danforth than Coxwell.
I probably should, never have tried the homeburger.

And yeah donlands is closer... I don't know why I said Coxwell lol, it's nowhere near coxwell.
Azih said:
Congrats EvilMario. Let us know how the swearing ceremony goes. My mom kept quiet on the allegiance to the Queen bit lol.

Why are we still under monarchy ? I respect the fact but come on this is not 19th century. I hope I will see canada without queen and kings. It should be about people nothing else. Get one of the normal citizen to be president above prime minister every 4 years or something if you need something higherup. If queen dies tommrow we will have charles or that yound dude as king I can't even imagine that.


crazy monkey said:
Why are we still under monarchy ? I respect the fact but come on this is not 19th century. I hope I will see canada without queen and kings. It should be about people nothing else. Get one of the normal citizen to be president above prime minister every 4 years or something if you need something higherup. If queen dies tommrow we will have charles or that yound dude as king I can't even imagine that.

You mean like the governor general. Thank god some people are born Canadian citizens.


crazy monkey said:
Why are we still under monarchy ? I respect the fact but come on this is not 19th century. I hope I will see canada without queen and kings. It should be about people nothing else. Get one of the normal citizen to be president above prime minister every 4 years or something if you need something higherup. If queen dies tommrow we will have charles or that yound dude as king I can't even imagine that.

Pretty sure it means nothing nowadays. If the governer general was to go against the wishes of the party in power I'm pretty sure the next step would be to abolish the position. It's just symbolic now.

Never had a problem with it, with the exception of when my dumb american friends would say 'lol ur still ruled by a queen' heh.


Home said:
If the governer general was to go against the wishes of the party in power I'm pretty sure the next step would be to abolish the position.
Wish we would've seen what would happen if the Governor General said no to a PM back when Harper prorogued and Jean just said "Sure."


Will QA for food.
Stet said:
Wish we would've seen what would happen if the Governor General said no to a PM back when Harper prorogued and Jean just said "Sure."

I remember that, and everyone thought it was a real possibility. A shame it didn't happen.


Stet said:
Wish we would've seen what would happen if the Governor General said no to a PM back when Harper prorogued and Jean just said "Sure."

It the King-Byng affair from the 1920s all over again!

Although not really because a completely different situation.


EvilMario said:
I remember that, and everyone thought it was a real possibility. A shame it didn't happen.
Blocphobia scuppered that. I think Jean did the best she could. Man I'd never want to be in that kinda position.
Not only did this Toronto thread do the trick for Ontario elections, it also serves as a place to discuss issues of the entire country.
Centre of the Universe, indeed!


Will QA for food.
If people didn't take the time to play Scott Pilgrim vs the World on PSN (and XBLA, I believe) check out a few of the sprites from around Toronto. Definitely worth picking up too, in my opinion. Great co-op beat 'em up.






Yeah, that game's cool. Too bad they replaced so many of the real-life names of places with altered fake ones. :p Like "Second Cup" becomes "Delicious Cup" and "Casa Loma" is "Casa Lomo."


Black Canada Mafia
Roto13 said:
Yeah, that game's cool. Too bad they replaced so many of the real-life names of places with altered fake ones. :p Like "Second Cup" becomes "Delicious Cup" and "Casa Loma" is "Casa Lomo."

Dee's Texmex? Now I want to go to Sneaky Dee's and get a Texas Tea. Thanks a lot Scott Pilgrim.
Roto13 said:
Yeah, that game's cool. Too bad they replaced so many of the real-life names of places with altered fake ones. :p Like "Second Cup" becomes "Delicious Cup" and "Casa Loma" is "Casa Lomo."

Yeah, but they came up with a really funny one for Lee's Palace - "Lee's Place" haha


Divvy said:

What could possibly be more impulsive than the ferris wheel? lol

If people didn't take the time to play Scott Pilgrim vs the World on PSN (and XBLA, I believe) check out a few of the sprites from around Toronto. Definitely worth picking up too, in my opinion. Great co-op beat 'em up.

Is this only on PSN? :( Tell me there's a PC version slated to release.


Will QA for food.
I just wanted to say that while I usually bemoan construction, transit and road work in this city, I'm very happy with these gigantic street wide four inch deep one meter across holes they've left in the road on Windermere.

Windermere, while a long stretch of road people use as a thruway, a neighborhood street and the limit is 40km. But people tend to push around 80km on it, especially after the round about. Thanks to these awesome lazy ass construction jobs though, these pitfall traps act as some sort of inverted speed bump, and traffic has been forced to slow down quite a bit.

And it is very satisfying to hear a few jackasses slam into one of these holes, denting their fender.

So, bravo you lazy ass people that Toronto hires to do road work. Bravo.
Home said:
Pretty sure it means nothing nowadays. If the governer general was to go against the wishes of the party in power I'm pretty sure the next step would be to abolish the position. It's just symbolic now.

Never had a problem with it, with the exception of when my dumb american friends would say 'lol ur still ruled by a queen' heh.

still she is the head of state officially. I personally have no problem till the queen is queen but afterwards I can not even imagine. I hope we get rid of it.


That's one of the coolest things about anything Scott Pilgrim for me, it's all in my neighborhood.

Same for Nikita, I like picking out where they filmed each episode. This weeks' ep was in Graydon Hall.

As for who becomes king, I'm not all that knowledgeable but doesn't the queen choose? I think William will end up being king.
crazy monkey said:
still she is the head of state officially. I personally have no problem till the queen is queen but afterwards I can not even imagine. I hope we get rid of it.
The Queen is our head of state and the Governor General is her representative in Canada.

Abolishing the position would require constitutional change, which Canada has a startlingly poor record of achieving.

I like that we have a head of state who is distinct from our head of government. It is a check on the centralization of executive power and a balance to legislative whims.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Rinoa said:
That's one of the coolest things about anything Scott Pilgrim for me, it's all in my neighborhood.

Same for Nikita, I like picking out where they filmed each episode. This weeks' ep was in Graydon Hall.

As for who becomes king, I'm not all that knowledgeable but doesn't the queen choose? I think William will end up being king.
She doesn't get a choice. After she dies (or abdicates) Charles becomes King. After Charles comes William. If William doesn't have any kids then Harry will ascend but if Will does have kids then they're in-line before Harry. I learned about the succession to the throne from watching King Ralph. :p
Kuro Madoushi said:
I'm still bitter about the GG. Fuck her! She's symbolic! Noy supposed to get involved!
Our new one is this guy:

Previously the president of University of Waterloo. I don't think there's been much he's done to really overstep his powers yet.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
AlphaTwo00 said:
Our new one is this guy:

Previously the president of University of Waterloo. I don't think there's been much he's done to really overstep his powers yet.
Pfft, we'll see if there a situation that'll come up that needs Harper to shut down the gov't again.

Can't believe Canadians revoted for the PC.
BladeWorker said:
The Queen is our head of state and the Governor General is her representative in Canada.

Abolishing the position would require constitutional change, which Canada has a startlingly poor record of achieving.

I like that we have a head of state who is distinct from our head of government. It is a check on the centralization of executive power and a balance to legislative whims.

so you have no prblem with king charles or king the youge dude and bowing before them with your family?


Fuzzy said:
She doesn't get a choice. After she dies (or abdicates) Charles becomes King. After Charles comes William. If William doesn't have any kids then Harry will ascend but if Will does have kids then they're in-line before Harry. I learned about the succession to the throne from watching King Ralph. :p
I bet it kills Elizabeth that unpopular Charles will become king, potentially undoing all of her work.
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