Queen and Spadina? Good luck sleeping...
I'm sure I'm used to it. I live right off 17th Ave here in Calgary.
Queen and Spadina? Good luck sleeping...
Damn, I just realized it's -15 :0
Only logical thing to do at this time is:
Cameron street and Queen street W. Just on that corner. Should be good. Don't really know anyone out there.
Only thing decent there is their Mac and Cheese on Fridays.
Damn, I just realized it's -15 :0
Only logical thing to do at this time is:
Rob Ford needs to stop drinking
WOW! This is a new low. Who the hell gets the cops called on him on CHRISTMAS MORNING of all times? It's a day to spend with your kids and other loved ones for crying out loud! This is white trash in effect, pure and simple.
You know, you're supposed to give everyone the benefit of the doubt or at least hear what they have to say but this kind of thing kills that. He is a disgrace to his family and a disaster for the city. No one should be taking this man's calls at this point.
He needs to check out and put his life back in order. He needs to make some big changes. If he can't keep his own home in order on Christmas morning then how the fuck can he hope to run a city? My disgust compelled me to bump this even though it happened a week ago.
All this Queen and Spadina talk and no mention of CJ Sushi for lunch? Bah! *goes there now*
Fuuuuuuuck you guys, it's too cold to live.
All this Queen and Spadina talk and no mention of CJ Sushi for lunch? Bah! *goes there now*
"Attempted" my ass. I've been home next to the phone since goddamn Friday when they were supposed to deliver it in the first place.13:02 MISSISSAUGA Attempted delivery. Notice card left indicating where item can be picked up.
"Attempted" my ass. I've been home next to the phone since goddamn Friday when they were supposed to deliver it in the first place.
It's like my mail carrier WANTS me to beat him unconscious.
Purolator by chance?
When they delivered my hp touchpad, the dude didn't ring my doorbell at all. I saw his truck pull out of my driveway at the last minute so I hoped in the car and chased him down. Guy was all, "wow you really want this box huh?" to which I said ring my doorbell next time.
purolator 90% of the time fucks me. Absolute worst company. I have reasonably good experiences with canada post.Purolator by chance?
When they delivered my hp touchpad, the dude didn't ring my doorbell at all. I saw his truck pull out of my driveway at the last minute so I hoped in the car and chased him down. Guy was all, "wow you really want this box huh?" to which I said ring my doorbell next time.
Wait for me!
Great place. When I worked there, I would stop by frequently. Good fast sushi, friendly service. Too bad they're not open on the weekends, or I would still visit more.
Got my first class of the winter semester tomorrow, fuck life. Hate the winter. But it leads to the absolute BEST feeling of the year. Which is when it's around april give or take and there is still snow on the ground, but the sun is out and it's kind of warm and it's all melting.
Fucking love that. That day is what keeps me going.
That sucks, seems everyone has different experiences.
What the fuck, why are you moving here Sonki?
I want to live in Toronto but everytime I browse this thread I get the impression that the city has gone to the dogs :|
Sidenote: has anyone here seen the Urbanized documentary? It premiered in Toronto (now available for streaming off the website/iTunes) and features some interesting perspectives on public transit... I'm curious to know if anyone attended the Q&As with the director and if any comments were made on the battle taking place in the GTA over the transportation systems.
I liked Miller though. He was the one mayor that seemed to genuinely care about the city and for the people in all the disparate parts of it.
This is the mildest winter in the ~18 years I've been here. This is a cakewalk. I've only just starting going through long sleeved shirt.Fuuuuuuuck you guys, it's too cold to live.
I'm taking a few courses and I don't know anyone there. That's exciting.What the fuck, why are you moving here Sonki?
But don't move to Toronto without a job. Competition for almost every position worth looking at is fierce, and you could spend a long time unemployed, or working for near minimum. I was just declined the chance to even interview with a developer in Toronto, even though I have nearly a decade of experience for the position they were looking to fill.![]()
I come home last night and find out that my TekSavvy internet isn't workingHas there been any updates? I see the blog post pertaining to the issues, and the temporary dsl fix, but has there been any updates for other folks?
mine just came back yesterday after 1,5 weeks of not working.
Sigh...after dealing with tekdsavvy and acanac, NOW I find out I'm still to be screwed by rogers. Tried to undo cancellation...can't...it'll take 5-10 business days on Teksavvy's part. They simply can't tell rogers not to cancel. Apparently, they can't communicate with them. W. T. F. I call acanac and wait a goddamn hour vs 5 min with teksavvy only yo learn that rogers hasn't issued a cancellation...oh and I'm not a fucking transfer but a new fucking set up. WHY?!?!?!?!?!? What the hell!!! I already have cable!!! Is it that fucking hard to just switch me over?! End result? I STILL have to wait. How long? They don't fucking know. I have to call Monday to get a fucking date for them to come and do something or other. So how soon?! My guess is mid January. That's right! Mid. Fucking. January! MAYBE!! Word of advice to all: don't switch during this time.
Fuck rogers....FUCK FUCK FUCK ROGERS!!!!!!!!
I don't get why you would switch at all, since all the cable guys are essentially reselling Rogers anyway.
But if the problem was with Rogers and not Teksavvy, switching from one Rogers reseller to another Rogers reseller seems at best a sideways move.Because it's cheaper and you get much more bandwidth?
But if the problem was with Rogers and not Teksavvy, switching from one Rogers reseller to another Rogers reseller seems at best a sideways move.
That's true, don't know his full story though.
Because it's cheaper and you get much more bandwidth?
Call Rogers. Threaten to quit twice. They may, may, offer you a 10 Mbps / 300 GB package.
Call Rogers. Threaten to quit twice. They may, may, offer you a 10 Mbps / 300 GB package.