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Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
lunarworks said:
The "awful fucking traffic problem we have here" is precisely because everyone wants to drive in this dense, metropolitan city.

There's two solutions: Go crazy expropriating property and building massive roads, or build-up a proper transit system. The first one is just plain stupid, and no one ever wants to commit to the second one.
Can start by getting rid of streetcars. Yes, I'm bringing this back! :mad:
People who don't live and work and commute within downtown will not get streetcars. The argument of "to replace a single street car = 3 buses" does not make sense to them.


I'm pretty sure everyone everywhere hates their public transit system, no matter what. Well, maybe except Japan, where they have that boner for trains.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
AlphaTwo00 said:
People who don't live and work and commute within downtown will not get streetcars. The argument of "to replace a single street car = 3 buses" does not make sense to them.

I live and work downtown.

I understand the argument that we shouldn't build a public transportation system around cars; however, we also don't need to build them around big, slow, wonky contraptions that block traffic behind them, often get stuck if a car is parked too far to the left, and WILL get stuck if a streetcar on the tracks ahead is malfunctioning.

Why do I prefer buses?
Faster - this should not need to be explained.
Safer - I don't have to worry about getting hit by a car when I step out.
More convenient - They can drive around traffic accidents. Buses with issues won't stop buses behind them, unlike streetcars.
No tracks - No track maintenance needed, no need for the driver to get out and change the track him/herself. No need for an employee to stand at a stop for hours whose only job is to change the fucking tracks.
Doesn't block traffic - The rare times I do drive, I freaking HATE having to wait behind streetcars when a bus could easily pull to the side and let me pass.

I realize space can be an issue, but we could also have better-designed buses, HAVE THE TTC STICK TO THEIR GODDAMN SCHEDULES, and have better overall-designed routes. For example, the 72 pape bus that I take everyday REALLY needs some tweaks with regards to their stops; I don't see the need for 3 goddamn stops on one short street. Additionally, there's this 81? or 82? bus from Pape station that arrives there less than 10 minutes. I guess it's convenient for those who need it, but it's not the end of the world if they increased it to a solid 10 minutes for each bus. It's insane to often see two buses of the same route in the station all the time and I don't see why they can't reduce one bus on that schedule and add it to another.

And here's the unfair comparison. When I lived in Seoul, which has around 5 times the amount of people, I had only ONE incident where I had to get off the subway train. Buses were almost always on time and extremely fast (though this is partly because of design and partly because of some bus-only lanes). Payment was done through a card, OR you could pay a little extra and just put cash in AND they would give you change if you needed it. Buses were frequent enough that there were only a handful of times I had to stand, and this is in the 2 years I lived there. All of this was for about 80 cents Canadian (though I've heard they've increased it to 2 dollars) for a short ride and 3? dollars for a really long ass ride, which I haven't ever reached. Oh, and also when I was there, SENIORS RODE FREE. I know there are problems associated with their transit system as well, but my point is that things could be better in Toronto, but we would need some massive overhauls and more people standing up and doing something that will make the TTC LISTEN and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.


Will QA for food.
I'm in agreement with the streetcar bashing.. some what. When it's laid out like Spadina and St Clair where they have the right of way.. they can be great. When it's a mess like Queen Street, it's a nightmare.

Buses are not as cool, but yes, they can detour.. and avoid accidents. They won't really be making the trip any faster though. I see plenty of routes like the Ossington and Dufferin buses, backed up to five in a row, and they just keep leapfrogging each other.

So streetcars are not the only ones backing up.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
EvilMario said:
I'm in agreement with the streetcar bashing.. some what. When it's laid out like Spadina and St Clair where they have the right of way.. they can be great. When it's a mess like Queen Street, it's a nightmare.

Buses are not as cool, but yes, they can detour.. and avoid accidents. They won't really be making the trip any faster though. I see plenty of routes like the Ossington and Dufferin buses, backed up to five in a row, and they just keep leapfrogging each other.

So streetcars are not the only ones backing up.
Again, I'd argue poor planning and scheduling. I've been to many other cities and I don't recall seeing backed up buses and two buses on the same route leapfrogging. I'd also argue the TTC union and it's members need to work out schedules where drivers aren't on split shifts and have strictly scheduled breaks. The TTC is the only system I've been on where drivers stop at intersections to run into convenience stores.

Streetcars really emphasize the TTC's shortfalls.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Damn! Stealth upgrade!

I was thinking of upgrading my teksavvy internet. Originally, I thought teksavvy bumped my plan up to 250 from 200GB/month

It's 300GB

If you guys haven't switched, either you can't cause it's not offered, OR YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM! :mad:

Ontario Residential Cable Internet

Service Down Up Gig Cap Price
TekSavvy Lite Cable Up to 3 Mbps Up to 256 K 300 $27.95/month
TekSavvy Express Cable Up to 10 Mbps Up to 512 K 300 $36.95/month
TekSavvy Extreme Cable Up to 15 Mbps Up to 1 Mbps 300 $42.95/month
TekSavvy Extreme Cable Pro Up to 15 Mbps Up to 1 Mbps Unlimited $54.95/month


Will QA for food.
Kuro Madoushi said:
Again, I'd argue poor planning and scheduling. I've been to many other cities and I don't recall seeing backed up buses and two buses on the same route leapfrogging. I'd also argue the TTC union and it's members need to work out schedules where drivers aren't on split shifts and have strictly scheduled breaks. The TTC is the only system I've been on where drivers stop at intersections to run into convenience stores.

Streetcars really emphasize the TTC's shortfalls.

Streetcars suffer because of the exact same issues with scheduling and less to do with being stuck in traffic with the rest of the cars. They're simple not able to evade accidents, which is very rarely the cause of bunching.

Until they work out their issues internally with their drivers, it won't matter what mode of transit they're using.

Kuro Madoushi said:
Damn! Stealth upgrade!

I was thinking of upgrading my teksavvy internet. Originally, I thought teksavvy bumped my plan up to 250 from 200GB/month

It's 300GB

If you guys haven't switched, either you can't cause it's not offered, OR YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM! :mad:

Ontario Residential Cable Internet

Service Down Up Gig Cap Price
TekSavvy Lite Cable Up to 3 Mbps Up to 256 K 300 $27.95/month
TekSavvy Express Cable Up to 10 Mbps Up to 512 K 300 $36.95/month
TekSavvy Extreme Cable Up to 15 Mbps Up to 1 Mbps 300 $42.95/month
TekSavvy Extreme Cable Pro Up to 15 Mbps Up to 1 Mbps Unlimited $54.95/month

Switching over May 2nd to cable from Dry Loop DSL finally. Hopefully it's a smooth transition.

dudeworld said:
Bus roads should be built above the streets. Like part of the subway in NYC

Seattle does it underground!


Canadians burned my passport
Kuro Madoushi said:
The TTC is the only system I've been on where drivers stop at intersections to run into convenience stores.

Streetcars really emphasize the TTC's shortfalls.

I've seen this in Ottawa and Oakville as well.


Kuro Madoushi said:
Again, I'd argue poor planning and scheduling. I've been to many other cities and I don't recall seeing backed up buses and two buses on the same route leapfrogging. .

When I lived in Ottawa, buses leapfrogged each other ALL the time, even on routes with bus ROW's.


Canadians burned my passport
Draff said:
When I lived in Ottawa, buses leapfrogged each other ALL the time, even on routes with bus ROW's.

Ottawa has probably the worst scheduling I've ever seen. It was compounded by the fact that you could never depend on their buses being on time (or showing up at all for that matter).


EvilMario said:
My wife and I both manage with metro passes, which undoubtedly cost much less than having a car.. and less time spent sitting in traffic. I mean, I can work on my laptop in the morning on the streetcar. I can't do that while driving.

Speaking of which, we do have Zipcar as an option when we do need a car. We only pay the $60~ whatever yearly fee, and then the cost (around $8.95 per hour, which includes insurance/gas) when we use it. It's a great system when we do need to pick up something large, or get to some place outside the range of the TTC.

This is exactly what i do, and have done for years. We've probably passed each other in a zipcar lot at some point. It's a great system (throw a bike or moped in there and you're really golden).

The traffic is never going to get better, it's a function of population. I think we should have a look at Paris and what kind of vehicle makeup is going on there for a glimpse at the future of Toronto.

Plus the Zipcar iPhone app rocks my socks. Never fails to get a laugh when I unlock the car, or sound the horn in a parking lot because I forgot what kind of car I drove there...

(p.s. I have experienced Ottawa transit first hand for over a year and it blows. Expensive, no pets allowed whatsoever (even goldfish ferfuxsake), slow, unreliable. They were ripping up all the roads while I was there so I'm sure that contributed, but eccchhh.)


Kunohara said:
The only reason I would want to go is for food. And taking the TTC would be more of a hassle to get there just to eat something. I bought a car so I could drive, not take the bus. Maybe they should fix the awful fucking traffic problem we have here.

Commuters use downtown like a shopping mall. They want to drive in hassle free and drive out. For people who actually live downtown it's a completely different environment.

The first thing suburbans complain about is public transit. The thing is if you actually live downtown then you wind up walking everywhere or taking a cab at night. Everything is ten or fifteen minutes away tops! Any more and you would be walking north of Bloor and technically out of downtown.

I live and work in the Yonge/Dundas area. It's the best place I've lived by far. You walk to every convenience and store you want. Everything is close, every plan a friend makes to meet is nearby. I take the bus only to visit places out of downtown, which is rare.

The city is a completely different place if you actually live in it.


Will QA for food.
A reminder to get out and vote tomorrow. Places are open late (until 9pm), so there's no excuse really. You can bring in simple Driver's license for ID, or even Hydro Bill+Healthcard (etc) if you're not on the voting list yet. If you don't know where to go, check out Elections.ca and look up your address.

Do it for Canada! <3



Dyno said:
Commuters use downtown like a shopping mall. They want to drive in hassle free and drive out. For people who actually live downtown it's a completely different environment.

The first thing suburbans complain about is public transit. The thing is if you actually live downtown then you wind up walking everywhere or taking a cab at night. Everything is ten or fifteen minutes away tops! Any more and you would be walking north of Bloor and technically out of downtown.

I live and work in the Yonge/Dundas area. It's the best place I've lived by far. You walk to every convenience and store you want. Everything is close, every plan a friend makes to meet is nearby. I take the bus only to visit places out of downtown, which is rare.

The city is a completely different place if you actually live in it.
Hear hear!


Kuro Madoushi said:
Again, I'd argue poor planning and scheduling. I've been to many other cities and I don't recall seeing backed up buses and two buses on the same route leapfrogging. I'd also argue the TTC union and it's members need to work out schedules where drivers aren't on split shifts and have strictly scheduled breaks. The TTC is the only system I've been on where drivers stop at intersections to run into convenience stores.

Streetcars really emphasize the TTC's shortfalls.
This is very common in Vancouver actually. I love Vancouver transit after going through Waterloo transit and somewhat Toronto transit, but that was always a big annoyance.

And driving downtown... why would anyone do this? You drive to a train station and then you take the train downtown.


Will QA for food.
Firestorm said:
This is very common in Vancouver actually. I love Vancouver transit after going through Waterloo transit and somewhat Toronto transit, but that was always a big annoyance.

And driving downtown... why would anyone do this? You drive to a train station and then you take the train downtown.

I know plenty of people that feel naked without their cars. And taking public transit is very taboo for some people that regard it as something only the poor take by default.

Speaking of Vancouver, I always thought the Skytrain was pretty nice. It's a distance based fare (like any reasonable transit system would do), and covers quite a distance on tracks alone.


I definitely prefer Vancouver's skytrain to Toronto's subway. The skytrain is actually pleasant to ride just for the hell of it. :p
EvilMario said:
A reminder to get out and vote tomorrow. Places are open late (until 9pm), so there's no excuse really. You can bring in simple Driver's license for ID, or even Hydro Bill+Healthcard (etc) if you're not on the voting list yet. If you don't know where to go, check out Elections.ca and look up your address.

Do it for Canada! <3

Point of order...Polls are only open until 9PM in certain jurisdictions. In Ontario, the polls are open until 9:30. Polls close earlier in the West.

I second your link though: For more detailed information on how to vote and what you need to do, go to Elections Canada.


EvilMario said:
Traffic stuff...

Switching over May 2nd to cable from Dry Loop DSL finally. Hopefully it's a smooth transition.

I don't have much input on the traffic situation, just that I know I hate driving downtown because of how crazy it is. I come from a small town, so I don't think I'll ever get use to the chaos down there, so I avoid it whenever I can. I've lived here for nearly 5 years now, and only got a car 2 years ago. If I lived downtown, there's no way I'd ever want a car, so I can understand that logic, it's just not practical. But I'm a small town guy, I'll always prefer to live on the outside somewhere (even know I want to move further outside of the city), so having a car for me has been wonderful... and I think I'm rambling now, no idea what I'm going on with anymore.. anyways!

And I really should switch to Teksavvy, so I guess it's just as easy to ask here.. how long would the switch take? Currently on Bell, so would there be any down time before switching, etc?


Will QA for food.
ShaneB said:
I don't have much input on the traffic situation, just that I know I hate driving downtown because of how crazy it is. I come from a small town, so I don't think I'll ever get use to the chaos down there, so I avoid it whenever I can. I've lived here for nearly 5 years now, and only got a car 2 years ago. If I lived downtown, there's no way I'd ever want a car, so I can understand that logic, it's just not practical. But I'm a small town guy, I'll always prefer to live on the outside somewhere (even know I want to move further outside of the city), so having a car for me has been wonderful... and I think I'm rambling now, no idea what I'm going on with anymore.. anyways!

And I really should switch to Teksavvy, so I guess it's just as easy to ask here.. how long would the switch take? Currently on Bell, so would there be any down time before switching, etc?

They usually schedule an appointment within 10 days. You'll probably want to have at least one month overlapping (ie; cancel Bell service starting in June, but he hooked up with Teksavvy cable toward the middle/end of May).

I agree with the traffic issues downtown. Like I said, I love to drive, but it's expensive.. and I'd hate to do it in city traffic all the time.. which is basically to sitting idle in a parking lot. That's what I find Zipcar to be before.. good when I need a car for a drive.. no gigantic monthly expense tied to it.


EvilMario said:
They usually schedule an appointment within 10 days. You'll probably want to have at least one month overlapping (ie; cancel Bell service starting in June, but he hooked up with Teksavvy cable toward the middle/end of May).

I agree with the traffic issues downtown. Like I said, I love to drive, but it's expensive.. and I'd hate to do it in city traffic all the time.. which is basically to sitting idle in a parking lot. That's what I find Zipcar to be before.. good when I need a car for a drive.. no gigantic monthly expense tied to it.

Gotcha, I guess I'm just hesitant because I'm thinking about moving, so I wouldn't want to go through the whole process twice. I guess finding a new apartment is a more important priority than switching to Teksavvy.

My issues mostly stem just from the fact that I'll never get use to the chaos downtown. It's just too much for my small town brain to comprehend. Signs everywhere, confusing lanes, too many people, parking confusion, etc. There is a zipcar station in my apartment parking lot, so yeah, that option was always there for me as well, very handy.

*grumbles about gas prices as well*
ShaneB said:
Gotcha, I guess I'm just hesitant because I'm thinking about moving, so I wouldn't want to go through the whole process twice. I guess finding a new apartment is a more important priority than switching to Teksavvy.

My issues mostly stem just from the fact that I'll never get use to the chaos downtown. It's just too much for my small town brain to comprehend. Signs everywhere, confusing lanes, too many people, parking confusion, etc. There is a zipcar station in my apartment parking lot, so yeah, that option was always there for me as well, very handy.

*grumbles about gas prices as well*
I grew up in the burbs, and basically spent my late teen years and undergrad years as a pedestrian in downtown Toronto. (I still do, given that I don't own a car.) It's given me a fair grasp of where stuff is and what lanes go where in Toronto - and where you can and can't turn, whether that's because of high pedestrian traffic or by-laws.

So I can usually manage driving downtown. That said...I wouldn't choose to, unless I had to. Getting north/south in Toronto is a bitch. East/west is only slightly easier. And, as I mentioned to someone last night, driving around Toronto, you have to make a choice: either be a full asshole, or not at all. If you're going to cut someone off, do it quickly and get it out of the way. There is no halfway.

And, having been a pedestrian in dozens of different cities, I can honestly see an argument for denying tourists the ability to drive in cities they visit. When you don't know the roads, it's easy to find yourself precisely where you don't want to - nor should - be.


Will QA for food.
TekSavvy Cable just activated at the apartment. Now we're just waiting on the modem.

Dry Loop DSL still active this month.. so we don't have any down time. I can't wait to see what sort of speed we'll get. Very exciting!


I would switch to TekSavvy but they do not offer good enough uploads to stream constantly in HD. Something I need.

Hopefully this changes, although when I asked they had no plans for it in the next 6 months.


EvilMario said:
TekSavvy Cable just activated at the apartment. Now we're just waiting on the modem.

Dry Loop DSL still active this month.. so we don't have any down time. I can't wait to see what sort of speed we'll get. Very exciting!

Buh? I just realized I'd be in the same situation than. Would still have dry loop DSL with Bell while I wait for Teksavvy to do the setup.. hmmm.. tempting... but again, I'm looking at moving, which brings me to my next point.

Can anyone suggest any sort of Apartment finding agencies/realtors? I know there are websites like viewit, and craigslist, and etc, but I really need someone to do the back end work for me, perhaps find me a deal that I'm not aware of obviously. Any help would be appreciated. I've seen a few of these listed on craigslist, but just wonder if anyone has other suggestions.

Also, you people jinxed me with your traffic talk. This morning was the start of my morning commute being turned into a mess because of lane closure on the 401, right where I get on, so I guess I'll be avoiding the highway in the morning.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Blackface said:
I would switch to TekSavvy but they do not offer good enough uploads to stream constantly in HD. Something I need.

Hopefully this changes, although when I asked they had no plans for it in the next 6 months.
What speeds are you looking for??????

Up to 15Mbps down and up to 1Mbps up isn't enough to stream HD content???? It's been fine for me, AND the plan they have is still cheaper than Robbers, AND there's no cap.


ShaneB said:
Buh? I just realized I'd be in the same situation than. Would still have dry loop DSL with Bell while I wait for Teksavvy to do the setup.. hmmm.. tempting... but again, I'm looking at moving, which brings me to my next point.

Can anyone suggest any sort of Apartment finding agencies/realtors? I know there are websites like viewit, and craigslist, and etc, but I really need someone to do the back end work for me, perhaps find me a deal that I'm not aware of obviously. Any help would be appreciated. I've seen a few of these listed on craigslist, but just wonder if anyone has other suggestions.

Also, you people jinxed me with your traffic talk. This morning was the start of my morning commute being turned into a mess because of lane closure on the 401, right where I get on, so I guess I'll be avoiding the highway in the morning.
If you know where you want to live, have you tried www.padmapper.com ? Not exactly what you're looking for but it's pretty awesome.


Will QA for food.
ShaneB said:
Awesome indeed but not exactly what I'm looking for. But it's good to have another resource, so thanks regardless :)

kijiji.ca is an alternative to craigslist. Lots of real estate places (Harding and King, we almost rented a bungalow from them) rent houses out. Just walk around neighborhoods too. You'll see lots of signs with website addresses you wouldn't find otherwise.


Will QA for food.
Kuro Madoushi said:
WTF!? You got unlimited, I assume? I thought it was 15Mbps max.


No, we're on the 300gb cap. We rarely approach 200gb most months, so I didn't find the need to pay the extra cash for unlimited.

It's listed as 'up to 15mbps', but depending on your location.. I've seen plenty of people like me (on RFD, etc) going anywhere from 20-30.

Really, I would have been happy with 10-12, so this is quite a treat. ^_^
The 30 Megabit is speedboost. Speedboost lasts for the first 10 MB of transfer for every new connection you make. (basically just useful for web browsing)


Will QA for food.
TouchMyBox said:
The 30 Megabit is speedboost. Speedboost lasts for the first 10 MB of transfer for every new connection you make. (basically just useful for web browsing)

The speedboost actually spikes even higher, and it usually settles around 27-30. I'm certain you're right that the connection is not a literal steady 30mbps.


Will QA for food.
I really should post more photos, I only take 20,000 (or so) photos per year!

For what is deemed a 'flat city' I always find Toronto picturesque. San Francisco turned upside (because of the ravines) is more true than most residents know, and the architecture in this city is light years beyond Vancouver. Although we could do with a few redwoods and mountains. :p
EvilMario said:
I really should post more photos, I only take 20,000 (or so) photos per year!

For what is deemed a 'flat city' I always find Toronto picturesque. San Francisco turned upside (because of the ravines) is more true than most residents know, and the architecture in this city is light years beyond Vancouver. Although we could do with a few redwoods and mountains. :p

Nice work! Please post more photos (especially on UrbanToronto!) but some here as well. I like the positive vibes!


Anyone planing to attend the Toronto Comic Arts Festival at the Toronto Reference Library this weekend? I'm excited about it. Specifically about Chris Ware (Acme Novelty Library, Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth) as a featured guest. A bunch of other great artists/cartoonists are going to be there, like Kate Beaton (Hark! A Vagrant), Dave Kellett (Sheldon), John Campbell (Pictures for Sad Children), and Rick Stevens (Diesel Sweeties). Should be a good time for fans of these kinds of comics.

Free admission is a plus. :p


Roto13 said:
Anyone planing to attend the Toronto Comic Arts Festival at the Toronto Reference Library this weekend? I'm excited about it. Specifically about Chris Ware (Acme Novelty Library, Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth) as a featured guest. A bunch of other great artists/cartoonists are going to be there, like Kate Beaton (Hark! A Vagrant), Dave Kellett (Sheldon), John Campbell (Pictures for Sad Children), and Rick Stevens (Diesel Sweeties). Should be a good time for fans of these kinds of comics.

Free admission is a plus. :p

I was thinking of going. I've always wanted to meet Ryan North (Dinosaur Comics guy), and apparently he'll be there.
I'm moving to London, ON this fall. I've never been east of Alberta so I have no idea what it's like. Anyone have any recommended links so I can read up about the city? Wikipedia wasn't really that useful. Thanks.


Will QA for food.
Roto13 said:
Anyone planing to attend the Toronto Comic Arts Festival at the Toronto Reference Library this weekend? I'm excited about it. Specifically about Chris Ware (Acme Novelty Library, Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth) as a featured guest. A bunch of other great artists/cartoonists are going to be there, like Kate Beaton (Hark! A Vagrant), Dave Kellett (Sheldon), John Campbell (Pictures for Sad Children), and Rick Stevens (Diesel Sweeties). Should be a good time for fans of these kinds of comics.

Free admission is a plus. :p

We've been to a couple of these. They're interesting, just to walk around and see illustrations, wasting a couple of hours.
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