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Will QA for food.
BigJonsson said:
I'm excited for the aquarium @ CN Tower

I'm surprised to see so many people against it, mostly concerned about animal rights, but others just not wanting to front the cash. Personally, I think large aquariums are great when used properly. They can be utilized to help breed endangered species, and nurse injured animals back to health, while raising awareness as well.

Definitely something I want to see, hopefully red tape doesn't delay it thirty years.
I just don't see the point. It feels out of place. The base of the CN Tower doesn't seem like an ideal spot for an aquarium.


Will QA for food.
lunarworks said:
I just don't see the point. It feels out of place. The base of the CN Tower doesn't seem like an ideal spot for an aquarium.

Busiest tourist spot in the city that feels empty half the time. Better than building in say, East York where tourist will rarely find it. Tons of cities have aquariums right downtown and in heavy tourist spots. There's one at the Warf in San Francisco, for instance.

I enjoy that Ford backed off his 'this needs parking to go through' stance. Total accessible by transit and there are tons of parking lots around.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Don't care about the animal rights part of it at all.

Just think it could be better used for something else. Can't really give a suggestion though.


Will QA for food.
Kuro Madoushi said:
Don't care about the animal rights part of it at all.

Just think it could be better used for something else. Can't really give a suggestion though.

It's more reasonable if people think the cost is too much, but I see it as a decent investment for the city, so long as the cost to enter is not too extreme. But of course it will be, like the ROM, Science Centre (what a joke), and the AGO before it.
Holy shit @ "UBB" rally:



Authorized Fister
EvilMario said:
Torontoist has a pretty nice fantasy Transit City map.. as if it'll ever end up being this complete.


I'm actually surprised that in the Union station revitalization project, they didn't add new platforms for a new line or branching of the lines. The Spadina and University lines are not used the same, and dividing the lines would have helped tremendously for operational aspects.


Kuro Madoushi said:
Don't care about the animal rights part of it at all.

Just think it could be better used for something else. Can't really give a suggestion though.
The CN Tower is a shitty tourist trap.
What better use is there other than more tourist trappy stuff?
Firestorm said:
The CN Tower is a shitty tourist trap.
What better use is there other than more tourist trappy stuff?

Cn tower is not so awesome but yet awesome. I hate the high ticket price though same for Toronto zoo. I also support aquarium and shit as long as they put some good fish there.


Firestorm said:
The CN Tower is a shitty tourist trap.
What better use is there other than more tourist trappy stuff?

It's pretty cool to see the views of our city but apart from that, it's garbage. Especially now that it isn't the tallest anything in the world.
ConvenientBox said:
It's pretty cool to see the views of our city but apart from that, it's garbage. Especially now that it isn't the tallest anything in the world.

Also we do not celebrate enough. We do not market enough either. There should be Cn tower day and shit where you go up free but you buy relica and shit and have compitition of climbing and people jumping from the tower and fire works and shit


crazy monkey said:
Also we do not celebrate enough. We do not market enough either. There should be Cn tower day and shit where you go up free but you buy relica and shit and have compitition of climbing and people jumping from the tower and fire works and shit

I'd sign up for that.
ConvenientBox said:
I'd sign up for that.

ye. I really think we do not celebrate Toronto enough. We have sweet ass city but people need to be proud of it. We can make it much more famous than it is. Right now it is like distant cousin of new york but no where close.


Personally I think they should do a more unique tourist trap than an aquarium. The more unique, the more tourists that will visit.


DevelopmentArrested said:
problem with the CN Tower is the cost. 30+$ for one trip up? grr

The best part of the CN tower is walking up it. Only did it once but I should do it again some time.


Will QA for food.
dudeworld said:
do you still have to pay if you're walking up?

I believe he means, watching TOWARDS the tower. There are multiple charity events throughout the year that do runs up the tower's staircase.

Personally, I think visiting the tower once is decent. It's a fun trip if you manage to go in a non-touristy time/season, without the huge crowds. If it's a clear night, you can even see the lights from the Falls. And you get to see about 20 seconds of Blue Jays baseball on the elevator ride, if they're playing.


It's kind of a waste in the daytime though. From the glass floor level since we had to pay $10 to get to the Horizon restaurant anyway:


It's a little better at night from what I remember all those years ago, but yeah, once is enough and even then you think "I paid $30 for that?" It's just that there's really nothing to see once you get to the top. What else is Toronto really known for? You're just seeing a sprawling city.


Will QA for food.
Firestorm said:
It's kind of a waste in the daytime though. From the glass floor level since we had to pay $10 to get to the Horizon restaurant anyway:

It's a little better at night from what I remember all those years ago, but yeah, once is enough and even then you think "I paid $30 for that?" It's just that there's really nothing to see once you get to the top. What else is Toronto really known for? You're just seeing a sprawling city.

Easy there, Vancouverite.

A slightly better view. (in higher resolution if anyone is interested)



Anyways, CN Tower is definitely the most remarkable landmark, but it's not the best thing to do in the city if you only have a single day. As someone living here, I prefer most of my days downtown exploring the various shops my greatest amusement. The city is so large (and sprawling) that there's a never ending list of shops to check out. Likewise, our selection of resaturates fits the size of the city, and you can choose some place new to eat every day for years without running out of selections.

But the other popular tourist traps are likely the Toronto Islands, Casa Loma, High Park, the museums (ROM, AGO, Bata Shoe, Gardiner), Eaton's and Yonge St in general, the Zoo Fort York, the Hockey Hall of Fame. I definitely recommend visiting the first three, although as tourist season picks up, they'll become more and more of a headache.

If you want outdoors, the Scarborough Bluffs are pretty amazing, and I doubt most of the city is even aware of them. There's a bunch of ravines scattered throughout the city too, which make for great jogs.


Toronto is know for it's architecture as well, although it's sad to see a bunch of old Victorians (and cute and cheap bungalows) get ripped up. Or in the case of what's happening at Yonge and Dundas, left to rot until they can build ugly retail outlets.


allow me to recommend a record store in Toronto
in fact 2 record stores!

Cosmo Records and Cosmo Records East!
they are just a block away from each other, they carry all the oldies but goodies
all the vintage and rare groove records. Soul, Jazz, Funk, Bossa, all kind of great records, and staffs are super nice and they are just people who love music, very helpful and friendly!


Haha, I hope I wasn't too aggressive on the CN Tower thing. I just really find it overrated from a tourist point of view :p It's also super depressing during the winter. During summer there are all these people outside and hot dog stands and everything. In the winter it's deserted and blah outside :(

Yes, there was no end of places that looked great to eat at when I was last in town. Hoping to do the museums sometime as a friend was interested. Those views honestly do nothing for me though :p Guess I need my mountains / ocean.

Eaton's Centre bored me but I'm not a big shopper and I'm used to Metrotown back home.Definitely need to check out some of the more nature-y spots in the summer though.

I'm thinking of going to the Juno Awards too. I love discovering new Canadian artists :)
EvilMario said:
If you want outdoors, the Scarborough Bluffs are pretty amazing, and I doubt most of the city is even aware of them. There's a bunch of ravines scattered throughout the city too, which make for great jogs.



I almost live here teehee :p


i just found out about the aquarium plan for Toronto, and i have to admit im pretty excited about it!

and hey Firestorm! you still in T dot? where will you be for 3DS Launch this time? Yonge and Dundas again? ;)


Will QA for food.
Firestorm said:
Haha, I hope I wasn't too aggressive on the CN Tower thing. I just really find it overrated from a tourist point of view :p It's also super depressing during the winter. During summer there are all these people outside and hot dog stands and everything. In the winter it's deserted and blah outside :(

Yes, there was no end of places that looked great to eat at when I was last in town. Hoping to do the museums sometime as a friend was interested. Those views honestly do nothing for me though :p Guess I need my mountains / ocean.

Eaton's Centre bored me but I'm not a big shopper and I'm used to Metrotown back home.Definitely need to check out some of the more nature-y spots in the summer though.

I'm thinking of going to the Juno Awards too. I love discovering new Canadian artists :)

Yeah, Eaton's is generally pretty shitty unless you have a specific brand-name store you want to visit. You're better up walking around one of the neighborhoods, and checking out the mom n' pop shops. If you just walk up Yonge St, while there are some good shops, you'll likely see a lot of brand name shops and tourist crap. You might want to just check out Pacific Mall once, but being from Vancouver, I doubt you'll find this 'large' Asian mall very exciting.

I understand the mountain/ocean need, growing up in San Francisco. Haha. I've found my niche in the city though, with the ravine city, and living in Swansea which is 'sort of hilly'. Being able to buy a small bungalow for $300,000 in the city is a plus side as well (over San Francisco, and Vancouver :p)

And although not in the city, I recommend this Spring, or Summer, that you check out Tobermory, at the end of the Niagara Escarpment (specifically the Grotto). It's about a four hour drive from Toronto, but one of my favorite weekend spots to camp and hike.



The most interesting placeto check out stores (and a solid one for restaurants too) is Queen St West. It's one of my favourite areas of any city I've ever been to.


I'm in Waterloo until August gimz. I pre-ordered at Conestoga Mall and was pre-order #6 apparently so I think I'll get one :)

Haha yeah, I might go to Pacific Mall anyway. We have Aberdeen and Crystal Mall back home but I want to check out what Toronto's version is like. Maybe they'll have decent bubble tea :p I knew I shouldn't have ordered it from Freshly Squeezed in Eatons :(


lunarworks said:
The rest of the country tirelessly tries to knock us down whenever we show any sort of pride in our city, like some abusive family who can't have us "rise above our station". Enough of that shit. Toronto represent. (I absolutely love Canada, but enough of the Toronto hate.)

The only thing that needs to be knocked down is Toronto's ego.


Subete no aware
Firestorm said:
I'm in Waterloo until August gimz. I pre-ordered at Conestoga Mall and was pre-order #6 apparently so I think I'll get one :)

Haha yeah, I might go to Pacific Mall anyway. We have Aberdeen and Crystal Mall back home but I want to check out what Toronto's version is like. Maybe they'll have decent bubble tea :p I knew I shouldn't have ordered it from Freshly Squeezed in Eatons :(

I went recently last year... I think they were planning a massive renovation?
Anyway, there are just too many malls there, which is why they all seem relatively empty (in terms of shuttered stores). It's not as bad as the downtown Chinatowns, but it seems to be heading in that direction.


Will QA for food.
Ford moves to privatize more garbage collection

Source: http://www.thestar.com/news/article/934406--ford-moves-to-privatize-more-garbage-collection?bn=1

Mayor Rob Ford will announce Monday that he is formally issuing notice to CUPE Local 416 that he intends to contract out curbside garbage pickup west of Yonge St.

Ford, Deputy Mayor Doug Holyday and other members of his team will make the announcement at City Hall at 12:30 p.m., said a source with knowledge of the plans.

The source wouldn’t provide details, but said the general plan is to expand the scope of the current private contract for pickup in Etobicoke, and that’s why the city is focusing on the city’s west end.

Ford made city-wide garbage pickup privatization a core promise in his election campaign — “to invite competitive tenders from private companies as well as current unions to provide collection services …” — and said it could save taxpayers an estimated $20 million per year.

A C.D. Howe report has pegged the potential savings at up to $49 million per year, while CUPE Local 416 has said it would actually cost taxpayers money.

Holyday told the Star’s editorial board last month that a clause in the current contract with Local 416 — ensuring full-time permanent workers will be moved to another city job if their positions are contracted out — prevents an abrupt move to private pickup, like the one he oversaw as Etobicoke mayor in the 1990s.

But Holyday noted attrition will naturally thin the ranks of garbage workers, and some have temporary status. Their contract expires at the end of 2011.

There is nothing to prevent the city from expanding the territory of the contract for private collection in Etobicoke, while urging CUPE to start competing in terms of number of workers used and sick days taken, he said.

“Eventually what we end up with is a situation where we are going to be able to compete in a large part of the city, contractor against our own workers . . . maybe west of Yonge St. will be picked up by contractor and east of Yonge St. will be picked up by the city workers,” Holyday said.

CUPE should respond by ensuring its workforce becomes more efficient and productive, he added.

Good. The workers have not only their union to blame, but themselves as well. I remember people being picked on when they went to drop garbage up during the strike. Strikers yelling at people, not letting them pass. Shameful.

These people had their chance, and they screwed up royally. I'm not with Ford on most of his proposals, but fighting the insanely powerful unions in this city is one I can get behind.
EvilMario said:
Ford moves to privatize more garbage collection

Source: http://www.thestar.com/news/article/934406--ford-moves-to-privatize-more-garbage-collection?bn=1

Good. The workers have not only their union to blame, but themselves as well. I remember people being picked on when they went to drop garbage up during the strike. Strikers yelling at people, not letting them pass. Shameful.

These people had their chance, and they screwed up royally. I'm not with Ford on most of his proposals, but fighting the insanely powerful unions in this city is one I can get behind.

I was going to post about this too. Unions can compete with private bidders if they want to.


Will QA for food.
Zombie James said:
So this new garbage collection is going to be free?

Yeah, the whole 'this is going to save us so much money' is probably overstated. They garbage workers who are displaced will not be let go, but will be reassigned to other places/roles. However, the temporary/part-time workers who are only on contract through the year will likely be let go.

It depends on how careful the city is with the bidding as well. If they're not too quick to rush into it because of anti-union sentiment, they might be able to negotiate a good deal.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
EvilMario said:
Ford moves to privatize more garbage collection

Source: http://www.thestar.com/news/article/934406--ford-moves-to-privatize-more-garbage-collection?bn=1

Good. The workers have not only their union to blame, but themselves as well. I remember people being picked on when they went to drop garbage up during the strike. Strikers yelling at people, not letting them pass. Shameful.

These people had their chance, and they screwed up royally. I'm not with Ford on most of his proposals, but fighting the insanely powerful unions in this city is one I can get behind.
Took our garbage down to the lakeshore dump site.

Fuckers were rude, aggressive, and took their bad mood out on us when it should've been directed more at fucking Miller. Asses made EVERYONE wait even though there was no hold up. When asked why? 'because that's just the way it is'
Fuck greedy unions that hold cities hostage to get what they want. Also looking at you TTC.


Anyone have any great valentines day ideas, in or around Toronto?

Need something original because she doesn't want to do the old wine and dine. She wanted to see the Tim Burton thing at the Lightbox, but of course it isn't open on mondays. lol. So back to the drawing board.


Firestorm said:
I'm in Waterloo until August gimz. I pre-ordered at Conestoga Mall and was pre-order #6 apparently so I think I'll get one :)

Haha yeah, I might go to Pacific Mall anyway. We have Aberdeen and Crystal Mall back home but I want to check out what Toronto's version is like. Maybe they'll have decent bubble tea :p I knew I shouldn't have ordered it from Freshly Squeezed in Eatons :(

I live across the street from the place and there's probably two good places to get bubble tea: food jungle and uhh...one near the front of the mall.

I believe people go to the latter because they have these buy 2 for $5 "deals." Meanwhile TenRens has been awful for quite some time.


I would bang a hot farmer!
crazy monkey said:
I was going to post about this too. Unions can compete with private bidders if they want to.
Sure, if the workers take a huge pay cut.

I used to work for a non-union Electrical company and now work for a union one. Going union gave me a 28% pay increase on my hourly wage ($22.79 to $29.10 as a 5th year) plus I also now get an extra $5-something an hour towards my pension. My health benefits are slightly better and my employer funded RRSP contributions are the same. The non-union company would routinely bid against union companies for jobs and would sometimes even bid higher than union shops and still get the job. All the money the company saved in lower wages stayed in the owner's pockets instead of going to the workers.

Politicians are fooling themselves if they think they'll save anywhere near the amount of money they will all the while workers will make less money and be able to spend less money in this city.

RS4- said:
I live across the street from the place
I'm down the street at Finch. :)


lunarworks said:
Lemme guess. You're from Alberta.
He could be from anywhere basically. I was born and raised in Toronto but I've lived in Nova Scotia and Alberta. It's not just Albertans that are jealous of Toronto.
Anyone got a good list of things to do alone in this city? Also, any good twitter feeds keeping up-to-date on events/deals (i.e. Free ROM/Art Gallery) in the city?


shagg_187 said:
Those complaining about high prices for CN Tower and Zoo, ever heard of CityPass? :p


* CN Tower
* Casa Loma
* Ontario Science Centre
* Royal Ontario Museum
* Toronto Zoo

All for $60.
lol I click that and get this big popup:

CityPASS price increases March 1

Beginning March 1, 2011, Toronto CityPASS prices will change to:
$66 USD
Child 5-12:
$39 USD

Buy online today to get the lowest price. Your CityPASS will still be valid at all Toronto CityPASS attractions after March 1, 2011.

CityPASS price includes HST Canadian sales tax.
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