somuchwater said:
1) Rob was experiencing abdominal pain.
2) He either left it, knowing full well that he has led an unhealthy life and his father died quite quickly from colon cancer, deciding to get it checked later for the purposes of winning the election, KNOWING FULL WELL THAT HE COULD DIE BY DELAYING THINGS.
3) OR, he instead secretly got the mass in his abdomen checked out, and then learned it was benign, found a way to hush up all the health care workers involved in finding out something like that, then decided to go public with it already knowing the results and having the doctors play along and pretend like they're discovering it for the first time.
No, none of those. Not sure what's hard to understand here. (#3, "hush it up"? like I said nothing would get out without his permission)
- after he supposedly went to rehab, Rob started experiencing pain in his gut; he may or may not have been checked out ("the "broken toe?"); didn't talk about it either way
- he's trailing in the election solidly
- he checked himself into the hospital a day after what was probaby a decisive poll result; may or may not be coincidence
- he RELEASED specifics about his medical condition - didn't need to do that, and wouldn't, if it didn't serve a narrative they were trying to build
- TODAY is the last day Doug can announce
Therefore, given their previous chicanery (*which is extensive), is it really so hard to believe that this very real medical issue is being used as a pivot, to have Doug run for Mayor and then Rob can run again for City Counciller, once he gets better or at least knows what is up with his condition?
I don't find it hard to believe. At all. Consider the history. They are totally incapable of shame.
edit - note that we don't know it's cancer yet, there's no biopsy results