Ticking the unlimited vram thing solved the whole looks like shit runs like shit issue for me. It looks good now and performance is solid with most settings on ultra with a gtx660. Had one crash so far during deployment phase of a siege but otherwise it's been smooth sailing.
So as Britons I conquered all France and spain. Now going for Rome.
How do you win this game ? I'm so confused. I miss all my windows from shogun. I can't find half of the information I need... I play so safe and I feel i'm missing so much. I hate first playthrough haha
Ticking the unlimited vram thing solved the whole looks like shit runs like shit issue for me. It looks good now and performance is solid with most settings on ultra with a gtx660. Had one crash so far during deployment phase of a siege but otherwise it's been smooth sailing.
Here some 1080p screen, nearly maxed out
Does anyone know, can all cities end up with walls around them, or is it just the regional capitals or what?
Does anyone know, can all cities end up with walls around them, or is it just the regional capitals or what?
I've read that only one city per province can have walls.
Our folks will of course look at optimization; sometimes there isn't anything to find, but more often than not it's on the developer's end that things need to change. Then we can implement driver-end stuff.
In this case, I have nothing to report at this time.
Really don't understand why it launched with an AA on/off switch that doesn't seem to work. As I said I got the last few games past launch but they all had multiple AA settings and the like. The one Rome II has just doesn't work and I can't downsample because of the performance issues.
how do you hide the UI?
To encourage purchases of other entries of the series, maybe.I don't understand the purpose of this launcher. Why does it exist? Why put another barrier to entering your game??
I don't understand the purpose of this launcher. Why does it exist? Why put another barrier to entering your game??
I hope CA work their asses fast.GOTY after a few patches.
6000 Praetorians vs 3000 Berserkers interesting that performance not bad as expected also in other video the Berserkers destroyed the Heroes Of Sparta but crushed here.
So Praetorians seem be OP unit at moment
Those unit cards. What the hell. They block a ton of screen estate.
My i5 2500K is going to love this game!Kill me.
wait does the prologue end when you take the samanite capital or is there more? game quit to menu so i assumed that was it.
I love the random battle conversations;
'have you seen my gladius ?'
also, is this right, later on its best to NOT BUILD any buildings because of squalor? Any only keep construction to a minimum ?
Not sure if this was a bug or if this is just the way the prologue is set up. I finished the Defense of Visuvius and after the battle...am again asked to fortify my troops and defend Visuvius again? Like with the same dialogue and everything. I routed those fuckers in the first battle by the way so it's not like I failed the mission.
The game does not auto detected and run using your GPU/Video Card. It uses your Integrated GPU. To fix this go to the Nvidia control panel, or whichever software your GPU uses, and force it to use your card.
The performance is okay. Sure it feels unoptimized, but it doesn't take my enjoyment of the game away.
I suck at strategy games, gonna restart the whole campaign.