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Trailer for "10 Cloverfield Lane" (aka Cloverfield 2) airs before 13 Hours

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Those are the kinds of movies that tend to appear on IMAX. The fact that this seemingly unassuming movie about people in a bunker is getting an IMAX release implies that it's more than just that, simply because it would have scenes and scale that would look good on IMAX

I would consider Life of Pi, Revenant, and Cloud Atlas to be relatively low key movies too. They got attention because the directors are well known, but in terms of budget and subject matter they're hardly blockbusters. The difference here is that the director is a nobody, so it needs a bit more spice and JJ Abram's name as a producer to push it.

I never suggested that this would be a movie about a bunch of people in a bunker for the entire film. You did. I'm just saying there's a good chance that it's not a giant monster movie and it's a different type of mystery scifi.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Because it's not a bait and switch. It's a Cloverfield movie to the people making it. I feel the question is, do you think the people making it have the same definition of Cloverfield as the majority of fans anticipating this now?

As a fan, if it takes place in the same universe, i'm good.


Gold Member
We need spies out at 10 Cloverfield Blvd in Santa Monica, and then someone to head over to Valencia. We must gather clues!


As a fan, if it takes place in the same universe, i'm good.

What does that even mean? Cloverfield is a movie about a bunch of kids surviving a giant monster attack which is never really ever explained or fleshed out, in an American city similar to NYC. That's basically all there is to it. If this is a mysterious scifi movie about a bunch of people who get involved with something really unusual in an American city similar to NYC, and doesn't reference any of the events from Cloverfield, could it be set in the same universe? Why not? Cloverfield could just be a stand-in name for a location in America where bad shit just goes down.
I would consider Life of Pi, Revenant, and Cloud Atlas to be relatively low key movies too. They got attention because the directors are well known, but in terms of budget and subject matter they're hardly blockbusters. The difference here is that the director is a nobody, so it needs a bit more spice and JJ Abram's name as a producer to push it.

I never suggested that this would be a movie about a bunch of people in a bunker for the entire film. You did. I'm just saying there's a good chance that it's not a giant monster movie and it's a different type of mystery scifi.
All three of those movies had $120+M budgets. That's certainly blockbuster territory.

No! No! No, don't! No! Don't open that door! You're going to get all of us killed!...Something's coming.

That tagline reference. I don't know if I'm kidding or not.
I like the idea of a Bad Robot 'Cloverfield' anthology film series that are all tonally tied together in various types of sci-fi/horror stories. It's not Cloverfield 2 in terms of a sequel to the original, but something tonally similar.


Gold Member
Man, can't wait for all the (likely needless) detective work.

Yeah, and the websites...Lordy.



After a drunken car crash, MICHELLE BURKE (18) wakes up in a strange room. Her leg is badly wounded and she cannot walk. When a strange man, HOWARD STAMMLER (40's,) appears, she tries to escape, but collapses from pain. When she wakes up again in the wine cellar-cum-bomb shelter, Howard tells her that he took care of her wounds when he found her unconscious on the highway. She demands to leave, but Howard warns her that a nuclear attack has destroyed the town and a chemical has poisoned the air outside. For now, she has no choice but to accept his help.

Meanwhile, Michelle intermittently has flashbacks to the night of her accident. She remembers leaving a party after her boyfriend cheats on her, and drunkenly hitting the road in her car.

Michelle hatches multiple plots to escape, none of which are successful. During one attempt, she finds NATE (20’s) banging on the door to the shelter in a hazmat suit. She lets him in, only to discover that he and Howard know each other. Howard is reluctant to allow Nate to stay in the shelter, but relents. It’s clear they have an unpleasant history. Nate is very flirtatious toward Michelle, and...
Because it's not a bait and switch. It's a Cloverfield movie to the people making it. I feel the question is, do you think the people making it have the same definition of Cloverfield as the majority of fans anticipating this now?
I understand what you're saying but that's not really how movies work. To everyone else on the planet earth that sees this trailer, the second the word "Cloverfield" fades onto screen and lingers before the rest of the title fades in, their mind will immediately shoot back in time eight years to the other movie with that name, which was about a giant monster attacking New York. If the people making it want to make an anthology of sci-fi movies that are unrelated to the one movie that exists called Cloverfield that's about a giant monster, and they put out a trailer where there is a thud large enough to shake an underground bunker and someone says "something's coming" and they flash the name Cloverfield, and then they release a movie that has absolutely nothing to do with the only other movie called that, then they fucked up and they tricked a shit load of people. Especially when JJ himself comes out and says it's a blood relative to Cloverfield based on an idea they had while filming the first one.

At this point in time there is one Cloverfield movie. Cloverfield isn't a brand of different far out sci-fi movies. It's a single movie about a giant monster and that is what everyone will think of when they see this trailer and expect when they walk into the theater in two months.

Dead Man

What does that even mean? Cloverfield is a movie about a bunch of kids surviving a giant monster attack which is never really ever explained or fleshed out, in an American city similar to NYC. That's basically all there is to it. If this is a mysterious scifi movie about a bunch of people who get involved with something really unusual in an American city similar to NYC, and doesn't reference any of the events from Cloverfield, could it be set in the same universe? Why not? Cloverfield could just be a stand-in name for a location in America where bad shit just goes down.

I don't think it's that complicated to figure out what the poster means. If there references to events in the first movie that will be enough for them.


Need to rewatch Cloverfield. Didn't really like it on first viewing. Either way this trailer has me hyped. Looks awesome


I don't think it's that complicated to figure out what the poster means. If there references to events in the first movie that will be enough for them.

Can't wait for deep and meaningful JJ Abrams style references like a news program in the background, and someone talking about "The Cloverfield Incident" in a throwaway line, followed by the punchline where someone else goes "What is it with places called Cloverfield?!"

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
What does that even mean? Cloverfield is a movie about a bunch of kids surviving a giant monster attack which is never really ever explained or fleshed out, in an American city similar to NYC. That's basically all there is to it. If this is a mysterious scifi movie about a bunch of people who get involved with something really unusual in an American city similar to NYC, and doesn't reference any of the events from Cloverfield, could it be set in the same universe? Why not? Cloverfield could just be a stand-in name for a location in America where bad shit just goes down.

Because Cloverfield is the monster movie that didn't have all those kids run into a scientist or shadow organization that knows everything about the monsters. There weren't any bullshit explanation scenes. It is the monster movie that dropped hints and kept secrets. It is mysterious and amazing.

Yeah, a sequel in that universe that builds on the story is all I want.


Lol. "Hitting the road" is an expression, not a description of the accident. It just means she got drunk and drove out in her car, and that's part of what she remembers.
Because Cloverfield is the monster movie that didn't have all those kids run into a scientist or shadow organization that knows everything about the monsters. There weren't any bullshit explanation scenes. It is the monster movie that dropped hints and kept secrets. It is mysterious and amazing.

Yeah, a sequel in that universe that builds on the story is all I want.

Yet it still had a character survive
being impaled and pinned for hours but minutes later running as if nothings wrong.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Portal takes place in the Cloverfield universe confirmed.

And the alien that appears from Super 8 and the Cloverfield monster is what propels the human race into pursuing more interstellar travel, thus leading to Star Trek.
So are Cloverfield fans going to be disappointed when they find out this isn't a monster movie and is a Cloverfield "style" film instead? ie: Lots of secrecy, low budget first hand account of an "event", vague scifi weirdness, etc.
I don't if I'm a fan, was excited before the movie came out, enjoyed the movie but not for the reasons I expected.

So as long as this is a good movie? Hell yeah.


And the alien that appears from Super 8 and the Cloverfield monster is what propels the human race into pursuing more interstellar travel, thus leading to Star Trek.

Start Trek introduces the idea of humanity making contact with other alien races and building a galactic federation eventually... which leads in to Star Wars! #ItsAllConnected


Like someone else pointed out, it's getting an IMAX release. A movie in a bunker that has no giant monster doesnt need an IMAX release

I'm guessing this trailer is what, the first act of the film? Like the party scene started Cloverfield and then the real film started. Which I'm cool with - it's almost like a prologue/teaser for the film proper. 'HEY HERE'S SOME CHARACTERS NOW WATCH SOME THEM GET FUCKED, PROPER FUCKED, BY A LION.'
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