Trails through Daybreak II | Review Thread



Game Information

Game Title: The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II

  • PlayStation 5 (Feb 14, 2025)
  • PlayStation 4 (Feb 14, 2025)
  • Nintendo Switch (Feb 14, 2025)
  • PC (Feb 14, 2025)
Developer: Nihon Falcom
Publisher: NIS America




Critic Reviews

8Bit/Digi - Stan Rezaee - 9 / 10
The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II builds upon its predecessor while continuing Van Arkride’s story.

Analog Stick Gaming - Jeff M Young - 7.5 / 10
Trails through Daybreak II is certainly my least favorite Legend of Heroes game, but given that I adore them all, that isn’t saying anything too negative. It’s certainly hard to follow up the stunning saga that came before, even with a cast that is as likable as what is here. While the more mundane elements of this game certainly stand out more than they have before, the core story that is told here is worth the trek, even if the narrative hook I’ve mentioned previously can zap some of the emotional impact we are meant to have. Regardless, Trails through Daybreak II is quite enjoyable and provides you with a solid adventure with a fun cast and some engaging moments.

CGMagazine - Philip Watson - 8 / 10
The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is an excellent entry into the ongoing Trails series of games and an easy recommendation to RPG/Anime fans if they played the first.

Cerealkillerz - Nick Erlenhof - German - 8.1 / 10
Trails Through Daybreak II picks up exactly where its predecessor left off, but forgets the story somewhat. It stagnates in the overarching story and prefers to concentrate on the characters, their fates and even lets them die. However, new mechanics and improved features make this part before the grand finale an absolute must for fans and there is definitely no shortage of content.

Checkpoint Gaming - Charlie Kelly - 8 / 10
Though not quite as strong as its predecessor thanks to its narrative devices, The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is another incredibly strong RPG under Nihon Falcom's long-running belt. The party is stacked this time and serves as a warm-found family. Perhaps one of the best in the RPG scene. With this, there are a lot of exciting combat shenanigans and party DNA to engage in, joyously laying waste to beasties and mysterious figures. Better yet, the city of Edith feels more lived and breathed in than ever thanks to the bountiful list of activities and completion metrics to engage with. Though their journey is slightly rocky, at least Arkride Solutions has and always will have each other.

Final Weapon - Raul Ochoa - 4.5 / 5
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II is a near-perfect sequel that follows up the previous game with an intriguing story and premise. While shaking up the story formula, the game retains many of the redeeming qualities of its predecessor and makes improvements in the right areas, including the seamless action-to-turn-based combat system. This is a cant-miss RPG that brings everything Trails fans enjoy about the series.

Game Lodge - Pedro Ladino - Portuguese - 7.5 / 10
Although it feels more like an expansion than necessarily a sequel, The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II still brings with it some of the strengths of the first game, even if some sacrifices have been made. I really don't care if you like Trails through Daybreak II or not, but calling the game filler and skippable is probably one of the most stupid things ever said about this franchise.

Game Rant - Matt Karoglou - 9 / 10
Trails Through Daybreak 2 picks up where its predecessor left off, delivering a thrilling JRPG experience that furthers the series' current arc.

GameGrin - Mike Crewe - 8 / 10
Whilst the story isn't as strong as the previous title, the endearing, well-written characters and exciting battle systems make this a Trails game that's well worth it for long-time fans of the franchise.

Gamer Guides - Ben Chard - 80 / 100
Returning to Calvard and spending more time with Arkride Solutions is always welcome, but a mediocre storyline harms what is otherwise another excellent entry.

GamingTrend - David Flynn - 75 / 100
The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II feels like a game in stasis. The story starts off strong, but fails to deliver and quickly becomes uninteresting. Those who really love these characters will enjoy spending more time with them, but the combat doesn't feel improved enough to make this feel like a significant step forward.

Hardcore Gamer - Chris Shive - 4.5 / 5
Arkride Solutions is back in business in The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II.

IGN - George Yang - 7 / 10
The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak 2 makes a few missteps with the pacing of its multiversal story, but it puts a focus on quality character moments and impressive worldbuilding.

Nintendo Life - Mitch Vogel - 7 / 10
Trails Through Daybreak II doesn't feel nearly as refreshing as its predecessor, but it's still a solid entry in the long-running series that ticks the necessary boxes (legible text aside). Though its story isn't all that exceptional, the combat is as rewarding as ever and new gameplay features like the Marchen Garten help to make this feel distinct and worthwhile. And while we wouldn't necessarily suggest that this is a great starting point for newcomers, series fans will find lots to love here, even if it won't be topping many lists as a series favourite.

PSX Brasil - Luis Guilherme Machado Camargo - Portuguese - 75 / 100
Daybreak 2 is an uneven Trails. The battle systems and those related to gameplay have improved considerably, but the main story ended up being its weak point. It is a title that partially meets expectations and still remains a good game, despite being a series known for having high-level games. Hopefully the next game will deliver on all the potential that the current arc has built up so far.

Pizza Fria - Matheus Jenevain - Portuguese - 9 / 10
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II seemed like a good way to show how old franchises can still improve over time. The title managed to capitalize on all the strengths of its predecessor, improving them, while working to correct the weaknesses.

RPG Site - Scott White - 8 / 10
The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak 2 manages to improve in some areas while stumbling a bit in others, but still manages to deliver an exciting tale; here is our review.

Spaziogames - Italian - 7.6 / 10
Being a second part of a new story arc, The Legend of Heroes Trails through Daybreak II hits all the right marks, but in doing so the core system of the game, its challenging and deep turn-based combat system, somehow degenerates into a by the book real-time affair, that will surely please newcomers but probably alienate long-time fans. Still, another solid JRPG by Falcom.

The Outerhaven Productions - Scott Adams - 4.5 / 5
The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II capitalizes on the gameplay of the first game. It also enhances the animations and the effects of the predecessor.

TheGamer - Joshua Robertson - 3 / 5
Daybreak 2 sits in a weird space in which it’s a must-play for fans of the series, as it sets up events that will be built upon in future games, but it’s also really difficult to recommend. If you’re determined to go in regardless, keep your expectations in check, brace yourself for a seemingly endless amount of filler, and you should have a decent enough time.

TheSixthAxis - Miguel Moran - 7 / 10
The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is a fun and polished JRPG full of the most electrifying JRPG combat I've ever experienced, but it fails to weave its own compelling narrative, relying on filler to plug the gaps.

Worth Playing - Chris "Atom" DeAngelus - 8 / 10
The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is a case of one step forward and one step back. Mechanically, it's the best put-together Trails game to date, as it fixes the problems in the last game and introduces enough new mechanics so it's fun to play. It also retains and refines the likable cast. Unfortunately, the lackluster time travel mechanic and plot structure weaken the experience. It's still a fun game but ends up feeling weaker than its predecessor.

ZTGD - Jae Lee - 8.5 / 10
While Trails Through Daybreak II’s story doesn’t reach the heights of the previous entries, the expanded combat, re-introduction of side activities and a fun playground to test the might of the best teams I could muster made for a very enjoyable time all the same.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
It's a no brainer buy for previous fans of the series, but perhaps not a good entry point for newcomers.

You ain't kidding, lol.

Every time a company says "this is a great point of entry" on the umpreenth entry into a franchise, it's almost always bullshit.

The third Daybreak game will even bring in key characters back from the Cold Steel and other Trails sub-franchises. So full enjoyment and understanding of this requires knowledge of all previous games, basically.
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Every time a company says "this is a great point of entry" on the umpreenth entry into a franchise, it's almost always bullshit.

Exactly. I never believe that PR BS. At the same time I can't blame them hard to tell them to got out there and say "This is only for people who bought the first game. Do not buy the game unless you play the first one. You will not get the full experience if you just hop into this one."

I see a ton of people who want to get into this series or Yakuza but they don't want to start from the beginning and they feel like it's to many games to catch up.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Seriously. I want to get into this series but just can't bring myself to undertake 600hrs of gameplay to understand new entries.
I'm up for the challenge, it's just... taking a long time.

I started about two years ago, and have finished four games in the series so far. I'm about 70% through the fifth game. I've got eight more games (not counting this one) to catch up on, so probably honestly another few years before I'm caught up. Just in time for the series finale that's supposedly happening after this game.
I'm up for the challenge, it's just... taking a long time.

I started about two years ago, and have finished four games in the series so far. I'm about 70% through the fifth game. I've got eight more games (not counting this one) to catch up on, so probably honestly another few years before I'm caught up. Just in time for the series finale that's supposedly happening after this game.

This is exactly what I did with this series and Yakuza. I can't just play games from the same series back to back so it takes me longer since I play other games, take breaks from playing games in general, etc. Took me a few years to catch up on Yakuza and about 4 years for Trails.

I did try playing Cold steel 3 and 4 back to back because of the way things end in 3 but it was a mistake and I ended up just rushing through 4.
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Question for fans of the Trails franchise:

What is hindering this series from breaking that 9/10 glass ceiling? What improvements would need to be made in order for it to change from 'sleeper RPG hit series' to 'one of the greatest JRPG franchises ever'?

It can't just be budget, because Persona exists and is wildly popular.
Question for fans of the Trails franchise:

What is hindering this series from breaking that 9/10 glass ceiling? What improvements would need to be made in order for it to change from 'sleeper RPG hit series' to 'one of the greatest JRPG franchises ever'?

It can't just be budget, because Persona exists and is wildly popular.

I'd say the fact that falcom have to deliver these games at such a rapid pace is one of the main reasons they can't take the next step. To me personally i love all of the games and they're mostly amazing too me so I don't want them to change much of anything.
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Question for fans of the Trails franchise:

What is hindering this series from breaking that 9/10 glass ceiling? What improvements would need to be made in order for it to change from 'sleeper RPG hit series' to 'one of the greatest JRPG franchises ever'?

It can't just be budget, because Persona exists and is wildly popular.
Probably because at the end of the day they are very basic games when it comes to the gameplay. It's still fun and I enjoy the combat though. They are more about the story and characters. I don't know if it will ever reach a 9/10. Especially if Reverie didn't do it which I thought was a 9/10 without question.

Either way I don't need it to be a 9/10 and I don't want them trying to reach for something that doesn't matter. They are doing great the way they are nothing needs to change.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I believe that Falcom said recently that the next game (Farewell, O Zemuria) is about 90% of the way through the story they have planned out, and that the next arc will be "the end of the series".

Ah, here it is:

Yep they are very close to finishing. I wonder what they will do after that? Hopefully they start something new. I don't want them trying to stay in this world or universe. Take the metaphor route and do something new.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Yep they are very close to finishing. I wonder what they will do after that? Hopefully they start something new. I don't want them trying to stay in this world or universe. Take the metaphor route and do something new.
I imagine they'll be busy for a while making those 3D remakes of Trails in the Sky trilogy, then might even move on to the Crossbell arc being remade in the same engine (since those games are also "old").

But I agree, would love to see them branch out more. Maybe give us a proper sequel to Xanadu Next.
Buying day one for sure, but I'll admit I'm not up to date on the series. I've beaten ToCS 1 & 2, played half way through 3, then went to Zero, not done with that one, next up is Azure, then Reverie, then finish 3, then play 4, then Daybreak 1 & 2, then go back to Tits 1 & 2.

Oh yeah, they're making a TitS remake, so I'll probably just play that instead of the old versions. *sigh*


I can't help but noticing the games scores are getting weaker with each entry. Perhaps Falcom should take it slowlier.
It's not true, scores are pretty consistently 80+. On OC the last game that is lower than 80 is the first ToCS with score 79, all subsequent games are in range of 80-84. This one seems like outlier so far, but it was expected because reception of the japanese version was pretty lukewarm.
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Gold Member
Question for fans of the Trails franchise:

What is hindering this series from breaking that 9/10 glass ceiling? What improvements would need to be made in order for it to change from 'sleeper RPG hit series' to 'one of the greatest JRPG franchises ever'?

It can't just be budget, because Persona exists and is wildly popular.
Personally I found that writing and characters took a dive with Cold Steel and I noped out in the middle of CS2.

I loved the original TitS trilogy and the follow up duology, but Cold Steel kind of sucked. They tried to make it Not Persona and failed.

Edit: I did like Tokyo Xanadu Ex+ quite a bit which is set in modern day and is a mix of Ys and Cold Steel. IMO, it worked a lot better and had better characters.
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After reading a few reviews this is what I got:
- Story does not advance the overall Trails plot much.
- Story focuses more on character moments, and those seems to be pretty good and the highlight of the game.
- Combat is improved, both in action and turn-based mode.
- Act 3 seems to be the weak point of the game, some considering it badly written. The game "recovers" just in time for the final chapter though.
- Minigames are back.
- Presentation is basically the same as Daybreak 1.

So it seems like if you enjoyed the characters in Daybreak 1 then you're golden, since there is an abundance of character moments/interactions. If you are more interested in the overall Trails plot then you might be disappointed.
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Personally I found that writing and characters took a dive with Cold Steel and I noped out in the middle of CS2.

I loved the original TitS trilogy and the follow up duology, but Cold Steel kind of sucked. They tried to make it Not Persona and failed.

Edit: I did like Tokyo Xanadu Ex+ quite a bit which is set in modern day and is a mix of Ys and Cold Steel. IMO, it worked a lot better and had better characters.
If only Falcom made more accessible, shorter, polished, standalone RPGs like this, for people like me.

I still want to try Ys IX or Nordics, Xanadu seems neat too...


I haven't started Daybreak I yet enough.
But I imagine its hard to make a new main character on the level of Llyod or Rean.

Mister Wolf

I asked her about that and I think she is kind of into the main character (Rean, I think he is called), which would explain why it's only the second-worst in her rating.
That being said, I am inclined to dip my toes into the series with the upcoming Trails in the Sky FC remake.

Makes sense. Being a guy, I'm not on Rean nuts like that. I'm actually tired of seeing him.
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is waiting for Starfield 7
I haven't started Daybreak I yet enough.
But I imagine its hard to make a new main character on the level of Llyod or Rean.

Van Arkride is definitely better than Mr Perfect Goody Two shoes Rean where all the girls fall in love with him. Rean is the worst hero in the trails series.

Estelle Bright is the best. She's my girl.

Estelle > Van > Lloyd >>>>>>>>> Rean.
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Van Arkride is definitely better than Mr Perfect Goody Two shoes Rean where all the girls fall in love with him. Rean is the worst hero in the trails series.

Estelle Bright is the best. She's my girl.

Estelle > Van > Lloyd >>>>>>>>> Rean.
I agree except I have Rean over Lloyd. I just found most of the crossbell cast boring. Which surprised me considering how much fans love that arc.
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It's a no brainer buy for previous fans of the series, but perhaps not a good entry point for newcomers.
Incidentally, where would new comers find their best entry point, all things considered?

Not just the earliest part of the story available on modern hardware, but a game that does whatever it is that trails does so well that after playing it someone would want to go through all the other games? If there is such a trails game?


is waiting for Starfield 7
Incidentally, where would new comers find their best entry point, all things considered?

Not just the earliest part of the story available on modern hardware, but a game that does whatever it is that trails does so well that after playing it someone would want to go through all the other games? If there is such a trails game?

Start with the crossbell series.

The second game in the series, Trails to Azure is peak!

Cold Steel 3, Trails to Azure and Trails in the sky 2 are the best entries in the series.
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Incidentally, where would new comers find their best entry point, all things considered?

Not just the earliest part of the story available on modern hardware, but a game that does whatever it is that trails does so well that after playing it someone would want to go through all the other games? If there is such a trails game?
The Trails fandom has vastly different opinions on the quality of Trails games, so it's difficult to answer "which is the Trails game that does things best" objectively.

When it comes to the optimal starting point, it's Trails in the Sky FC without a doubt. It sets the standard for what Trails is about regarding world bulding, overall pacing, character interactions, etc.

At this point you might as well wait for the remake.

You can also start with either Cold Steel (if you like the high school setting) or with Daybreak (if you prefer an older protagonist). I would not advise starting with Zero since it concludes one of the main plot points introduced in Sky SC/3rd. I mean, you can still do that but it greatly diminish some of the best scenes in Trails.
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Day 1 purchase but like with all Falcom games now, I'm not keen on touching it until an OST mod's available to clean out the rubbish. Daybreak I, Ys IX, and Ys X all have OST mods, and I'm hopeful there'll be one for Daybreak II in a few months (although I understand that the bigger libraries make Trails games harder to fix).

As some others have said, most of what I've heard around this one has not been positive. I doubt it'll drop to the level of the worst parts of Cold Steel IV. I'm more expecting it to be kinda overall pointless because of the rushed dev cycle on it. I'm actually kinda interested because of that - Falcom's release schedules are usually very regular so I want to see what happens when they have to push a game out the door a year early.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
No OT for this?

It should be unlocking soon, if not already, for everyone.
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