I know this might not be a popular opinion, but I'm going to put it out there anyway. No offense to anybody.
Gender is not a big thing to me. My best friend is trans and we argue about it sometimes. I respect and support her, but I don't agree with her in every way. She desperately wants to be outwardly female. I'm like, "what's the difference?" Obviously it's a big deal to her; I don't discourage her, she's very distressed by her situation and I want to help however I can. But to me, there isn't really a difference between men and women.
I mean, obviously there are tons of differences between men and women, but to me those are just part of the differences between any two individuals. It sounds cliche, but I don't like to put people in boxes. Black, asian, female, short, baptist, whatever. I don't care. Those are just utterly useless labels that don't actually say anything about a person. They're not descriptive. Each person is an individual with tons of unique things about them. I don't see 2 categories, men and women. I see infinite variation in every way, between everybody. If you tell me that a person is female, that means nothing to me. It's useless information.
So, my friend is often frustrated by my stance on this. She wants me to see her as a woman, but I still see her as the same person she has always been. Shy, passionate, smart, etc. Gender doesn't change anything about her to me.
I think I'm an empathetic person, but "wanting to be the other gender" is a feeling I have a hard time truly understanding. I can respect it, but I don't see the world the same way. I'm a guy I suppose, but I don't see myself as a guy. That's like, near the bottom of the list of useful information about me.
Anyway, I'm not sure what the point of saying this was. I guess I wish some of you weren't so upset by your situations. I realize I don't understand what you're going through, but I guess try to find some comfort that not everybody in the world is judging you or looking down on you.
I'm sorry if what I said seems insensitive.