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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

You know i never saw your posts in that thread before billie , we could have probably cleared this stuff up a bit earlier

I always play as a girl in RPGs. I've never been very masculine. Obviously I've never been through what the child in the article is, but I can understand her feelings a little bit.

Reading this thread is making me remember the gender identity problems I had in high school that I honestly haven't really thought about until now (which is why they weren't mentioned in my other posts).


Me always playing as a girl in video games is starting to make a lot of sense.

And you wondered why it was obvious...


"I have never met a trans person in my life. I have given zero thought or research to this. Let me tell you why trans people are just deluding themselves."




"I have never met a trans person in my life. I have given zero thought or research to this. Let me tell you why trans people are just deluding themselves."



You become desensitized to it eventually. Or at least I did. Doesn't mean you can't mad about it though!
I had no idea this thread existed on Neogaf until now.
This sure is a weird forum, it's a really weird clash of open-mindedness and close-mindedness mingling side by side.

Anyway, thumbs up for this thread existing.


"I have never met a trans person in my life. I have given zero thought or research to this. Let me tell you why trans people are just deluding themselves."


In a way it's sort of amusing the conclusions people come to wrt transgenderism despite knowing almost nothing about it. They talk and talk about "making peace with your inner self" and "embracing who you really are" without a hint of irony, totally oblivious to the fact that the words they are formulating come directly out of their ass.


Took an eye at the comments ... loved the dude who thinks trans people need to go to the "psycologist" to fix their stuff.


If he had ANY idea of what you need to do to get a single prescription for a CONTRACEPTIVE PILL ... =P

Also, the same dude said the "i have gay friends" xD
Took an eye at the comments ... loved the dude who thinks trans people need to go to the "psycologist" to fix their stuff.

I love that. It always comes up, as if no-one in nearly a century of medical transsexual treatment ever thought of it until this guy. Internet geniuses to the rescue!

Dead Man

Wouldn't that be a nice present for my parents lol

No, my girlfriend and I have been talking about her having a baby down the line. If we were together long-term, we'd want some sort of legal recognition of me as a parent in case something happened to her.

Good luck if you guys decide to go ahead!


So, I had my Constitutional Law final today, and I had to argue whether or not Congress would have the authority to pass legislation extending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to protect transgendered peoples. But my first though upon finishing reading this question was of this thread and a handful of posters who regularly post in it, lol. Took me a couple minutes before I could even think of some cases to use as examples haha.


Let's not kid ourselves. The reason there's so many bad comments on that article is because people are intolerant fuckwits.
Great to see EA being a safe workplace.

I wish Kelly had waited until she looked better to do this though. She still has beard shadow for example. The picture really invoked man-in-a-dress anxiety, which fuels a lot of misconceptions and assumptions about transgender people and the transition process. That's why there are so many bad comments on the article.

I think this is one of the conflicting messages from trans people in this thread.

On one hand, you admit you don't necessarily fit in and on the other hand some people need to be walking gender stereotypes to be accepted/acceptable. You insist to be addressed and talk to like the gender you wish to be and then you still have a transgender community which is different and separate from the standard gender dichotomy in society.

How about there will always be men in dresses because those people choose to be this way? It's a sad day when Instigator becomes the lone voice for tolerance in the Transgaf thread.


I think this is one of the conflicting messages from trans people in this thread.

On one hand, you admit you don't necessarily fit in and on the other hand some people need to be walking gender stereotypes to be accepted/acceptable. You insist to be addressed and talk to like the gender you wish to be and then you still have a transgender community which is different and separate from the standard gender dichotomy in society.

How about there will always be men in dresses because those people choose to be this way? It's a sad day when Instigator becomes the only voice of tolerance in the Transgaf thread.

No, I agree.

I won't lie; vanity and self-consciousness have held back aspects of my own transition. At the same time, I have an ENORMOUS amount of respect for those that transition even when their appearance may hold back other's opinion of them or their choices, for whatever reason (and whether that reason is incidental or intentional).

You can worry about how they may be "holding back" the trans movement, but even if they are, you can't worry too much about what other people are doing; if you want to propagate the idea that trans women aren't just men in dresses, you should go out and show people and worry a little less about what other people do. You can't force them to change anything, and if your stance on something or approach to doing something is truly better (which is a big "if" - none of us are even close to infallible, and even the things that seem obvious can look completely different from a different perspective), then making yourself an example is the best thing you can do to educate others.


I admit it's a personal failing.

I'm uncomfortable with it because I don't want people to have that perception of transgender women because I AM a transgender woman. I acknowledge it's an insecurity.


I admit it's a personal failing.

I'm uncomfortable with it because I don't want people to have that perception of transgender women because I AM a transgender woman. I acknowledge it's an insecurity.

I understand where you're coming from. I just think it leads to making people stay closeted until they feel they pass 100% and for a lot of people in their mind they feel they'll never pass.
In light of the recent transphobic sentiments expressed by the founding members of this community, I hereby present myself as the new leader of TransGAF.

As a straight-as-an-arrow cisman, I offer outside-of-the-box thinking for all trandgender issues. I promise a new era of openess for all people, free of old transgender constraints, taboos and hangups. While I am neither the owner of this site nor a mod/admin, I also promise to work with the people in charge to provide a freer and still civil discussion area for all things transgender, with no fear of the ban stick.

I believe we can take this community and this thread back. This I believe we can do. Together.

Instigator 2012:
"Free to be yourself"
Belliechu is all flash and no substance. My campaign is about the issues and giving back to the people.

As for Lexi, imagine, TransGAF receives a post at 3 AM and warns of men in dresses wanting to parade in the streets. Lexi would hesitate. I would not, I would tell them to parade in as great of number and as long as they want. That's what a decisive leader is supposed to do. The courage to stand by his/her convictions and fight for the people everyday.


To be brutally serious for a moment, I stumbled upon Kelly's blog, the trans woman whom I made callous remarks about in earlier posts, and well... I'm an awful person. I'm really sorry to everyone here. :( I think passing privilege is something that I absolutely take for granted on a minutely basis.
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