Just remember: At the end of the day, there's one person above all others that you need to look out foryou. As hard as it might be if you have to end up wanting the path you need to walk without the support of your family, that's what you'll need to do, and that's what you're going to do. You'd better believe that members of our families do whatever they need to do to look our for their own health and happiness, so it's disingenuous for them to then tell us we shouldn't be doing the same.
However, an initial negative reaction isn't the end of the world. Things like this take time to process, come to term with, understand. How many of us here who are trans thought the entire idea was weird and disgusting when we first started dealing with it? It's still a piece of life that's hard to fully comprehend until you're forced to deal with it. Time moves on, our understanding is expanded, and opinions canand dochange.
I don't want to tell you what to do in your situation, so I'll just re-iterate my own situation. What I have, and still will, decide to do with my life are my choices. I want my family and friends to still be there, and I certainly hope that's the case. If they can't accept that that's who I am, however, then I'll simply cut them off from my life. I don't need people who aren't willing to support my decisions, and I don't need their negativity bringing me down. I also make it clear that they are the reason that our relationship has become brokennot meand if they reach the point that they realize the mistake that they've made, I'll be happy to take them back.
It's easier for me, because I've never been in a situation where I felt that overly strong family bond. I love my family, and care about them, but I also know I'll have no trouble surviving without them if that's what it comes to. For you, that might not be the caseand this could end up being really tough. Again, though, you're doing what you're doing because you need to do it for yourself, and if others don't care enough about you to want to see you in a better place, then that is their failing.