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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


It could definitely be cool. But, it would probably only serve to make the dysphoria worse. Because you'd be fully aware that it wasn't REALLY you.


Water is not wet!
shidoshi said:
It was a very interesting thing for me to consider. I wonder what the rest of you think. Would you be happy being able to solve your gender issues that way, or would it just make things worse for you?
hmm.. for me it would almost definitely make things worse.


shidoshi said:
...so, tangent real quick: why does it always have to be this way? Why, whenever a man is being shown to be at the controls of some sort of virtual female, it has to be some guy made to come off as creepy and disgusting? Even if you still want the "shock" factor of a guy controlling a female, couldn't you do it with a more average looking guy, and not always play into the same stereotype?

Any time gender is presented this way in film and television, it is always done like this, but I think it's to do with juxtaposition rather than anything else... Or maybe I'm just looking at optimistically.

It was a very interesting thing for me to consider. I wonder what the rest of you think. Would you be happy being able to solve your gender issues that way, or would it just make things worse for you?

Not at all. I think it would only amplify the unhappiness and misery I felt within my own real life, it would merely be a materialized fantasy, not the reality I want to have for myself.


lexi said:
Not at all. I think it would only amplify the unhappiness and misery I felt within my own real life, it would merely be a materialized fantasy, not the reality I want to have for myself.
I must agree. In the end, you would still feel like, "Oh, you like my surrogate. Why don't you like the real me"

Although, i wouldn't mind living through a surrogate modeled after my avatar. :D


Water is not wet!
tehAinsley said:
Elle's Mom was so awesome. No doubt about that.
Yea.. very sad that Elle lost her though :(

EDIT: Just got finished jumping through all the hoops to get new ID Cards for my Med Insurance, think Imma go ahead and set up a therapy appointment tomorrow. :D
Awesomes! :)

NewGamePlus said:
That reminds me, my doctor didn't call me back today. T.T
Maybe tomorrow...
Oh? That sounds kind of weird.

edit: also yay to all the new names :)


Aigis said:
Username changed :D

I think it will come as no surprise that I completely approve of this name change.

tehAinsley said:
EDIT: Just got finished jumping through all the hoops to get new ID Cards for my Med Insurance, think Imma go ahead and set up a therapy appointment tomorrow. :D

Really glad to hear you're going to be getting back to your therapist. I really wish I could be seeing mine more, but my insurance (when I had it - I just lost it in January) wouldn't cover the person I'm seeing (he's a gender specialist), so every time I see him I pay fully out of pocket. For that reason, I've only seen him three times now, which really sucks.

lexi said:
Any time gender is presented this way in film and television, it is always done like this, but I think it's to do with juxtaposition rather than anything else... Or maybe I'm just looking at optimistically.

Yeah, I understand the whole juxtaposition aspect, it just kind of bugs me that it helps to re-enforce the stereotype that men who want to be women do so for sexual pleasure, and are creepy unattractive people in the first place.


Have you thought about checking the Universities in your area? I know psych the department at University of Memphis will see and treat trans patients for extremely low costs. As low as $17/visit. There a several people in the support group here that go there for therapy. For people just in your sort of situation.


Water is not wet!
shidoshi said:
Yeah, I understand the whole juxtaposition aspect, it just kind of bugs me that it helps to re-enforce the stereotype that men who want to be women do so for sexual pleasure, and are creepy unattractive people in the first place.
It happens pretty much every time. The only instance i can think of where this didnt happen was.. umm.. i think the name was Candice from Heroes.. the one that could warp her appearance and reality.


shidoshi said:
I keep having to stop myself from making a joke connecting lexi's love of creme eggs to my peculiar "snack cream = penis" analogy.

*laughs* How did I miss this? This thread moves at a blistering pace sometimes.

Don't confuse your metaphors with my literal love of creme filled confectionery! :p


Water is not wet!
lexi said:
I eat like a rabbit most of the time, I'm allowed the occasional few. :p
Thats one of the best reasons for eating healthy/staying shape.. so you can splurge every now and then guilt-free. Well mostly guilt-free :lol


Thats something I really need to work on. I eat like a starving marvin everytime I sit down at the table. @_@


Water is not wet!
Me too. im fine if i have something to drink like really cold water or juice. If i dont keep myself occupied i find that i munch on junk food far too much.

i also really need to quit smoking. When i got laid off i got really depressed and started smoking more. After i had to dip into my therapy/surgery money i got really down and things seemed so far away. i should really just stop since it will save me money and ill need to quit anyways when i get on hormones. i think ill throw away what i have left and sleep it off. Lets see how long i last :lol

edit: ffs.. wrong time for me to quit. My brother-in-law just got fired. Its always something. im going to bed.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:
Have you seen Soldier's Girl?

All right, just finished this one about five minutes ago, and I had to sit and stew for a minute.

"Don't ask, Don't tell" is the most bullshit policy ever to come out of Washington. I can not begin to get my head around how what someone does in their bedroom with a willing partner has ANY bearings AT ALL on their combat or field performance. If this is the case, then women shouldn't serve. Ever. Period. Not even in field hospitals, because you might accidentally spring a boner when getting treated after losing an arm or leg.

What pisses me off more is that I knew what the outcome was going in, since I decided to wiki everything from the start, and seeing Cal and Barry actually happy with one another made me want to go back in time and strangle the ever living hell out of the people involved with his death. We are so hellbent on making everyone but ourselves miserable, that when someone doesn't conform to our limited view of the world, we think that killing them is a solution. Like the other one, this one made me angry.

As an aside, Lee Pace did a wonderful job portraying her, so I looked her up. Bombshell indeed, and totally my type of woman. Barry had wonderful taste, and I will be drinking a brewski in heaven with him one day. Here's to you buddy.


DADT is archaic. It was archaic when it was introduced, it's such a juvenile way of dealing with it.

But you are hammering through these films; What's the over / under on how many pages we get to before you come out. :p *playful tease*


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:
DADT is archaic. It was archaic when it was introduced, it's such a juvenile way of dealing with it.

But you are hammering through these films; What's the over / under on how many pages we get to before you come out. :p *playful tease*

Haha. When you're at work, and you're in management, and there is absolutely no problems whatsoever, and your higher ups aren't here because people in their family died, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Hah, but I'd have to have a surrogate, that way I could be the man my wife wants me to be, and the lady I'd be if not born who I was. Oh well, that won't stop y'all from taking bets.

I have one more day of the boss being gone, so I'll have to grab as many movies as I can tomorrow. <3 Air Video for iPhone, so I don't have to actually sync anything and can stream it all in DVD quality over 3G.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I wait... what? Oh god, I didn't mean for that to happen. Need more posts about Cadbury Creme Eggs, stat! :lol :lol

How do you see that, anyway?


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I blame my iPhone and the fact that I had to post several responses all in a row on this. I'll saunter into the distance with my crown until I'm knocked down a couple spots. :lol


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Must... resist... posting... more...

Ha! Now that I'm off of work, and at home, I'll have to hit the sack and talk to you ladies tomorrow. Maybe I'll have another five or six movies to comment on. I do only have a couple pages to go, after all. :lol :lol :lol


Must... resist... resisting... posting... more... :lol

Sleep gewd and don't let me down! Remember, two more pages!
So I've just been playing Heavy Rain for like the last four hours and an interesting question came to mind. If you still play games (which I assume we all at least used to for obvious reasons <.<) did your tastes change after starting hormones or even just coming out? I need to go to sleep now though, so I won't be back on for a while. I just wanted to post the question while it was in my head.

Well, at least try to go to sleep. I think I had at least two oh-god-my-hands-are-shaking adrenaline highs while playing.


NewGamePlus said:
So I've just been playing Heavy Rain for like the last four hours and an interesting question came to mind. If you still play games (which I assume we all at least used to for obvious reasons <.<) did your tastes change after starting hormones or even just coming out? I need to go to sleep now though, so I won't be back on for a while. I just wanted to post the question while it was in my head.

Well, at least try to go to sleep. I think I had at least two oh-god-my-hands-are-shaking adrenaline highs while playing.

I don't think this is going to be the case for everyone, but after starting hormones, I totally lost all interest in everything gaming. My non-gamer girlfriends took great delight in this and it was the cause of much despair with my gaming friends.


My sister has a rather similiar taste in gaming so I don't worry much about this. She just doesn't play as excessive as me.


During the time I was on hormones my tastes in games did change ever so slightly. I wasn't really all that interested in competitive games so much and ended up growing more fond of RPGs and more character driven games. Thats not to say I stopped playing FPS and Action games altogether, just less often.


Android18a said:
I wonder if there's any lurking ts's out there reading this? Don't hide!

It could be the case that we might have a lurker or two who are too hesitant to post under their account and have the entire board then know that they're trans.

If that is the case for anyone, I'd be happy to post a message for you if you send me a PM along with a nickname that you'd like to use. That way, you can still say hello without outing yourself to the entirety of GAF.


That girl in the bunny hat
Though, devil's advocate, there is the fact that hardly anyone's probably reading this thread. Not like it's the Heavy Rain thread or PoliGaf. I understand being nervous and shy and all but most Gaffers won't know (and clearly many don't care, and are even supportive!).

I mean, I'm not catching any crap in the Rock Band thread over this, and there's so much crap getting thrown around in that thread you'd think it was a chimpanzee exhibit.
Ok, just posting to show my support and respect.
(Damn you Canada for hooking me with this curling game, thread was on page 4 last time I checked! :D).

Android18a said:
For the non-trans people here: Would you date a trans-girl/guy? Or how would you respond if the person you'd been dating revealed they were trans after you'd been out a few times (and likely grown fond of already)? Would it change things for you, or would you find it irrelevant? Would you expect to be informed of your date being trans before you went out together, or wouldn't you mind if it came up later?

Curious as to how you guys think here. Sorry if this was asked and I missed it.
If it was just a date there would be no problem since I´m not a 'one night stand' kind of guy.

But in the case we´re starting to develop a relatioship/someone I´ve grown fond of?
I can´t give you an answer because I really don´t know. I thought about it, but any mental exercise/simulation here seems pointless given no real feelings are aplied. Goddamn you Android18a and your cunning question!! :lol

Upon the revelation, being somewhat surprised is very likely, but I wouldn´t, for sure, feel enraged, cheated or something like that.

Charron said:
Though, devil's advocate, there is the fact that hardly anyone's probably reading this thread. Not like it's the Heavy Rain thread or PoliGaf. I understand being nervous and shy and all but most Gaffers won't know (and clearly many don't care, and are even supportive!).

I mean, I'm not catching any crap in the Rock Band thread over this, and there's so much crap getting thrown around in that thread you'd think it was a chimpanzee exhibit.
Hey, not my fault that I would find curling engaging after years of "this game is so stupid" thoughts (well some of the girls were also hot so it became a win-win situation :D). Hell, I think it was the first time a sports event really got my attention.

p.s. I´m *<knocks wood>* still surprised no bigoted/moron/troll posted here.
lexi said:
I may regret watching this movie. There was a Law and Order episode a while ago about a transgendered girl who accidentally killed her boyfriend in self defense, and was convicted for murder and sent to a mens' prison. The closing shot was of her bruised and bloody on a gurney, and I could barely handle that.

In general, sexual and gender nonconformers are better off not watching law and order, I think.


Charron said:
Though, devil's advocate, there is the fact that hardly anyone's probably reading this thread. Not like it's the Heavy Rain thread or PoliGaf. I understand being nervous and shy and all but most Gaffers won't know (and clearly many don't care, and are even supportive!).

I mean, I'm not catching any crap in the Rock Band thread over this, and there's so much crap getting thrown around in that thread you'd think it was a chimpanzee exhibit.

True, but I still think that could be a very nervous situation for some. I'm on a smaller, more tight-knit community forum, and I came out on there last year via one of their private sections. I got support from almost the entire group, and came to find out that another member on there is a fully-transitioned MTF who never hid that fact but just wasn't overly public about it. So, there are two fully open and active trans members, and yet I ended up being contacted by three other people on there who are all trans but don't feel comfortable coming out on the forum - even though they know that there's nobody on there who is going to think less of them for it.

There's still a very strong mental fear over admitting it and having the possibility that attitudes toward them will change.

NewGamePlus said:
So I've just been playing Heavy Rain for like the last four hours and an interesting question came to mind. If you still play games (which I assume we all at least used to for obvious reasons <.<) did your tastes change after starting hormones or even just coming out? I need to go to sleep now though, so I won't be back on for a while. I just wanted to post the question while it was in my head.

So, this is a funny topic for me, because over the past year or so my tastes in gaming has indeed changed. I'm finding it harder to both care about games period and to enjoy as many games as I used to. There are still games I find and adore - I just for the first time played through Dead Space recently, and lord almighty did I love that - but I'm also finding a lot of games that I was excited about before, and maybe even purchased in order to play "later", but now I get about a half hour into them and I'm just bored to death.

The problem is, I don't know if this is a result of the way my feelings have changed since I started coming out and letting myself be more of the person I really am (which has certainly happened), the fact that I was getting to a point of being completely burned out on video games due to them being by job, or a combination of both. In a way, I was kind of excited when Play closed down, because that meant that I'd be able to play games as a hobby again, and maybe I could get back to enjoying them. In the time it's been since I've had to play games due to work-related reasons, however, that passion for them hasn't come back like it used to be there.

I do still enjoy them, but what I seem to be gravitating toward most are games that I can play for a short time and get enjoyment from, versus games I really have to sink hours into in order to make progress.
Hello d00ds and d00dettes. I'm not trans, but I approve of this thread! I wanted to contribute by linking to the first transgendered beauty pagent in India

India has a huuuuge community of GLBT and most of the time they remain in shadows and in case of Trans and Eunuchs, they remain in poverty. This Beauty Pageant is good stuff.


That girl in the bunny hat
shidoshi said:
True, but I still think that could be a very nervous situation for some. I'm on a smaller, more tight-knit community forum, and I came out on there last year via one of their private sections. I got support from almost the entire group, and came to find out that another member on there is a fully-transitioned MTF who never hid that fact but just wasn't overly public about it. So, there are two fully open and active trans members, and yet I ended up being contacted by three other people on there who are all trans but don't feel comfortable coming out on the forum - even though they know that there's nobody on there who is going to think less of them for it.

There's still a very strong mental fear over admitting it and having the possibility that attitudes toward them will change.

Oh, I understand completely. I'm not out in day-to-day life or at work even though I know pretty much everyone I encounter is either consciously cool with it or wouldn't care less.

Just trying to offer/encourage those gentle supporting prods. :)


Charron said:
Just trying to offer/encourage those gentle supporting prods. :)

Absolutely! I think the best thing would be for anybody in a similar situation be comfortable enough to come in here and join in the discussion, because having others to directly interact with can really be helpful. I just don't want anybody who might be afraid to be open with their situation to then feel like they can't participate at all.


Alfarif said:
"Don't ask, Don't tell" is the most bullshit policy ever to come out of Washington. I can not begin to get my head around how what someone does in their bedroom with a willing partner has ANY bearings AT ALL on their combat or field performance.
It represents a problem because soldiers live in pretty close quarters, showering and sleeping together. Nobody likes the feel of being leered at, which is why men and women don't bunk together. Homosexuality screws things up because it makes people uncomfortable to think they're being eyed up in intimate situations.

Maybe in a few hundred years it will be like Starship Troopers and all our troops can shower naked together, but if that's possible it's certainly a long way off.


Water is not wet!
RustyNails said:
Hello d00ds and d00dettes. I'm not trans, but I approve of this thread! I wanted to contribute by linking to the first transgendered beauty pagent in India

India has a huuuuge community of GLBT and most of the time they remain in shadows and in case of Trans and Eunuchs, they remain in poverty. This Beauty Pageant is good stuff.
You are so right.. its very good stuff :)


lexi said:
*edits op, prods shidoshi to opt in*

Okay, so, right after I read the latest updating in this thread, I was going to send you a PM to say that I suppose it's about time I'm listed in the OP. *laughs* So yeah, go ahead and add me.

Also, might we want to have a very brief FAQ in the OP as well? Maybe cover stuff like "what words are offensive" and stuff like that?


shidoshi said:
Okay, so, right after I read the latest updating in this thread, I was going to send you a PM to say that I suppose it's about time I'm listed in the OP. *laughs* So yeah, go ahead and add me.

Okay, you're in!

Also, might we want to have a very brief FAQ in the OP as well? Maybe cover stuff like "what words are offensive" and stuff like that?

Yes, excellent idea, I will add that today; if anybody, transgaf or otherwise has any thing they'd like submitted, please PM me. BTW, Jess, when you read this, could you do up a FAQ graphic? :p


Water is not wet!
lexi said:
Ooh, Congratulations on the username change!
Thanks! Lots of name changes around here lately, eh? :lol

And i have to say.. finding any alternative to the MTV player for that episode is crazy. MTV has their stuff on lockdown pretty hard. ill keep looking since its bound to be posted on another streaming site.. or at least parts of it.

edit: another great graphic Android18a :)


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
water_wendi said:
Thanks! Lots of name changes around here lately, eh? :lol

And i have to say.. finding any alternative to the MTV player for that episode is crazy. MTV has their stuff on lockdown pretty hard. ill keep looking since its bound to be posted on another streaming site.. or at least parts of it.

Haha, grats on the name change Wendi. It's getting to the point where I am overly confused, even when I know someone's avatar.

Oh, and today's movie viewing will include "Southern Comfort" and "Boy I Am," and if I have time "Let Me Die a Woman."
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