I have been reading NeoGAF for years, but I didnt make an account until a few months ago, and wasnt activated until just recently (thank you to whoever activated me ^^). I figured I would make this my introduction post. About 7 months ago I began dealing with issues surrounding my gender identity. Its hard for me to describe how it began, but there was a sort of gradual process of events that led to me one day feeling like I had encountered an aspect of myself that seemed right, but was unfamiliar at the same time. Thats not a good description, I know; its an innate feeling that I have trouble describing. At first I was in denial about it; I said to myself that it was just a phase, and within a few months I probably wouldnt be thinking about it anymore. But since then the question of being trans/transitioning has always been on my mind. I have noticed changes in the way I think and act, but whether or not that is my horrible attempt at trying to have some form of transition I dont know. About two months ago I experimented with altering my voice, but quickly felt demotivated and gave up.
I feel like the longer I wait to do anything the more of my life I am throwing away (Im 22). It bothers me more and more, and this feeling that Im not being myself is always on my mind, including when Im out and about. No one in my family knows about it, nor do most of my friends. I realized that I need to talk to a gender therapist, because I have pretty much been trying to figure this out on my own, which is silly given how difficult of a problem it is. Part of me is scared about burning bridges; losing friendships, losing relationships with family members, and wondering how transitioning would affect my career goals. But then part of me understands that I need to be honest with myself or else I wont ever be fully happy with my life. Im pretty confident that the people who are closest to me (my mom and my best friends) would understand and support me; well, one of them already does. I think one of my biggest problems is that I'm worried too much over what other people think and expect of me. The most important goal for me at the moment is to talk to a gender therapist, but I honestly dont know how soon that would be (Im in college and looking for a source of income).
Anyway, this thread, along with the trans primer thread that was made last year, have been extremely helpful in clearing up some of the questions Ive had, and in educating me about trans issues in general. You are all awesome, inspiring people, and Im glad that I finally have the chance to be a part of this community.