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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Hang in there with your voice! The power of T, eh. It's a wonder in the other direction. One trans girl I know (sample size of 1, purportedly Dr. okay'd) with thinning hair says she started at 1mg and now takes 4mg of Finasteride a day for it.
I'm a girl.

Do you play League of Legends by chance? I'd watch the hell outa some LoL streaming.
I have been starting to learn Dota 2 which is like LoL but actually fun :3
Thank you Junpei, that is helpful.

I am surprised to be posting in this thread openly but I am a male to female trangender.I'm surprised because I often don't want to associate with the stigma of being "trans" rather than being a woman. Completely and entirely.

Maybe this thread can help me come to terms and accept that aspect of myself.
Respect++ It's understandable, no one wants to disadvantage themselves or open themselves to it. But doing so can help others, like anything in life it's about finding balance. I'm pre-transition and have no/low social status, so I have no problem waving my trans banner. (Well, online that is.) I'll face your dilemma too one day.


Thank you Junpei, that is helpful.

I am surprised to be posting in this thread openly but I am a male to female trangender.I'm surprised because I often don't want to associate with the stigma of being "trans" rather than being a woman. Completely and entirely.

Maybe this thread can help me come to terms and accept that aspect of myself.

Welcome !
Would you like to enter on more details about the stage of your transition?

Don't be afraid to call yourself trans when you need.
One thing does not make the other lower.
Just because society says it so does not make it true.

You are free to ignore that part of your life most of the time, but we are here to help others and discuss things related to news related to trans issues
You know what's somewhat awkward? When someone who only knows you online starts talking to you and they're transgender but they don't know you are and think you're lucky to be a "real" girl/boy.
Thank you for this thread. I'm a trans-ally as well. Many of my friends are trans, and I strive to be as knowledgeable about issues and help whenever possible.

Femmeworth - Love your avatar, see you all over Neogaf, and as an AA fan, absolutely love it. ^^
Thank you Junpei, that is helpful.

I am surprised to be posting in this thread openly but I am a male to female trangender.I'm surprised because I often don't want to associate with the stigma of being "trans" rather than being a woman. Completely and entirely.

Maybe this thread can help me come to terms and accept that aspect of myself.
Hello, I've only been here a short while but I can tell you the people here are great. I hope this thread helps you.


Sorry I'm having trouble understanding your posts.
Suggesting supplementing with Finasteride was directed at iirate. A very small percentage of users experience feminizing side effects and it's very cheap.

The T quip was more about how much of a force it is. I could say the same about E, but one, trans women aren't battling against E and two, T deepens the voice where E doesn't. I didn't intend to deeply encode any assumed sex into it which might explain why I might have been too ambiguous when I failed to play both sides.


I answered my cell this morning groggy and still in bed and the guy on the other end thought I was his daughter-in-law(wrong number of course). Then, the new guy at work correctly gendered me when we met tonight! He was immediately corrected of course, but this kind of thing is happening more and more! Made my night.


Not central to the series. Just a scene in episode one where the GM changes their avatars from the character creator avatar to a biometric and camera composite one created from their personal data.


Not central to the series. Just a scene in episode one where the GM changes their avatars from the character creator avatar to a biometric and camera composite one created from their personal data.

Only seen the first 4 episodes of the show but I liked that part. Too bad the show is bad.


Not central to the series. Just a scene in episode one where the GM changes their avatars from the character creator avatar to a biometric and camera composite one created from their personal data.

I find it complicated to be trans related because it kinda shows that people HAVE to choose avatars of their own gender ....

Unless it is stated that the caracter is a pre-everything trans person


Only seen the first 4 episodes of the show but I liked that part. Too bad the show is bad.

I'd still recommend the first arc to anyone one enjoyed .hack and the second arc to anyone who liked .hack AND oreimo. If you don't like oreimo then consider S01E14 to be the last one. (You can tell where the first arc ends because it's
whichever one was the one that ended with Kazuto leaving the hospital.

I find it complicated to be trans related because it kinda shows that people HAVE to choose avatars of their own gender ....

Unless it is stated that the character is a pre-everything trans person

The avatar revision wasn't a central theme. It didn't even mention if the armors were gendered - just that the new avatars were created from camera and terminal calibration. The terminal integrated touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight so there was a scene where they mentioned calibration involved touching yourself all over. So, maybe just basic sizing data?



I have been reading NeoGAF for years, but I didn’t make an account until a few months ago, and wasn’t activated until just recently (thank you to whoever activated me ^^). I figured I would make this my introduction post. About 7 months ago I began dealing with issues surrounding my gender identity. It’s hard for me to describe how it began, but there was a sort of gradual process of events that led to me one day feeling like I had encountered an aspect of myself that seemed right, but was unfamiliar at the same time. That’s not a good description, I know; it’s an innate feeling that I have trouble describing. At first I was in denial about it; I said to myself that it was just a phase, and within a few months I probably wouldn’t be thinking about it anymore. But since then the question of being trans/transitioning has always been on my mind. I have noticed changes in the way I think and act, but whether or not that is my horrible attempt at trying to have some form of transition I don’t know. About two months ago I experimented with altering my voice, but quickly felt demotivated and gave up.

I feel like the longer I wait to do anything the more of my life I am throwing away (I’m 22). It bothers me more and more, and this feeling that I’m not being myself is always on my mind, including when I’m out and about. No one in my family knows about it, nor do most of my friends. I realized that I need to talk to a gender therapist, because I have pretty much been trying to figure this out on my own, which is silly given how difficult of a problem it is. Part of me is scared about burning bridges; losing friendships, losing relationships with family members, and wondering how transitioning would affect my career goals. But then part of me understands that I need to be honest with myself or else I won’t ever be fully happy with my life. I’m pretty confident that the people who are closest to me (my mom and my best friends) would understand and support me; well, one of them already does. I think one of my biggest problems is that I'm worried too much over what other people think and expect of me. The most important goal for me at the moment is to talk to a gender therapist, but I honestly don’t know how soon that would be (I’m in college and looking for a source of income).

Anyway, this thread, along with the trans primer thread that was made last year, have been extremely helpful in clearing up some of the questions I’ve had, and in educating me about trans issues in general. You are all awesome, inspiring people, and I’m glad that I finally have the chance to be a part of this community.



Hi! Welcome to the thread. If anything that's been said in here—or in other threads—has helped you in any way, then that's an example of why threads like this exist. So, I'm glad if they have.

Part of me is scared about burning bridges; losing friendships, losing relationships with family members, and wondering how transitioning would affect my career goals. But then part of me understands that I need to be honest with myself or else I won’t ever be fully happy with my life. I’m pretty confident that the people who are closest to me (my mom and my best friends) would understand and support me; well, one of them already does. I think one of my biggest problems is that I'm worried too much over what other people think and expect of me.

Yup, this really is one of the toughest parts. It's that unknown factor in how people are going to react to you telling them what's going on, and the fact that you can never take back that revelation of knowledge. Part of me wants to say that it gets easier, but I'm not sure that that's true—maybe it's just a case of losing your ability to care what reaction you get after a while. *heh*

At the end of the day, though, you've got to ask yourself: does it make sense to live your life with your first priority making other people happy, or making yourself happy? I can guarantee you that most people you'll meet in life put their happiness first before yours, so there's nothing wrong in you doing the same.


I feel like the longer I wait to do anything the more of my life I am throwing away (I’m 22).

...any time somebody young comes into this thread and says something akin to this, it makes me want to gently but firmly slap them. *laughs*



Hi and welcome!

You seem to have a solid grasp on what this means for you, and a plan to take action and progress forward. You're still super young, and at a prime stage of your life to begin evaluating what changes you need to make to be happy.

You're doing awesomely at this point to know what you know and have a plan of action.


Like Kino 27 I just got activated too. I've actually wanted to participate in this thread for ages so i'm real happy to be able to now :)

So basically here's my situation. Times are difficult. I've had gender identity issues since I was about 12, and I'm 31 now. Decided to finally act. It was that or suicide. Went through therapy and all that. I remember coming out to 'friends' in late 2011, hardest thing I ever did. I was terrified of rejection and eventually that's what I got. Besides my parents I basically have no one now.

Been on hormones since August. I certainly look different but I'm never going to pass without FFS. Electrolysis drags on. I think I've done around 35 hours now of this torture. Not yet to the point where I'm getting my face cleared in one session but getting closer. I also need to lose muscle mass. I've started serious calorie restriction today as well as cardio, I have to get rid of it. I'm 75kg now, I aim to drop 10kg in 3 months.

At any rate all this precludes me from going fulltime, I'm just not comfortable doing so right now. The trouble is money. I need a full time job and can't get one. I go to interviews but, yeah, I don't exactly look typical anymore. Finding it increasingly hard to present as male, can't really present as female yet. In limbo.

My thinking is if I sold the car and near maxed the credit card I could get the most important FFS stuff done for me (brow and nose). I could pass then. Puts me in a very vulnerable financial position though and I'd still need a job. But I'd be a lot happier, could be my true self and would probably have a better shot at getting work.


Hi! Welcome to the thread. If anything that's been said in here—or in other threads—has helped you in any way, then that's an example of why threads like this exist. So, I'm glad if they have.

They definitely have! I feel really lucky to have found a community like this one.

Yup, this really is one of the toughest parts. It's that unknown factor in how people are going to react to you telling them what's going on, and the fact that you can never take back that revelation of knowledge. Part of me wants to say that it gets easier, but I'm not sure that that's true—maybe it's just a case of losing your ability to care what reaction you get after a while. *heh*

At the end of the day, though, you've got to ask yourself: does it make sense to live your life with your first priority making other people happy, or making yourself happy? I can guarantee you that most people you'll meet in life put their happiness first before yours, so there's nothing wrong in you doing the same.

I think what has helped me is having goals in life that are more important to me than everything else; no matter what happens, they give me something to work toward and be optimistic about. Ironically, one of those goals is to do something that makes other people happy. But you’re right: There are just some things we have to do for ourselves. I’m not a huge social butterfly, so I’m not worried about there being too much damage; rather, it’s letting a few key people know that will be hard.

...any time somebody young comes into this thread and says something akin to this, it makes me want to gently but firmly slap them. *laughs*

I appreciate your gentle slap. :p My perspective needs readjusting sometimes haha.

Hi and welcome!

You seem to have a solid grasp on what this means for you, and a plan to take action and progress forward. You're still super young, and at a prime stage of your life to begin evaluating what changes you need to make to be happy.

You're doing awesomely at this point to know what you know and have a plan of action.

Thanks! I’m hoping to make some kind of real progress later this year. But in the meantime I’m learning and taking in as much as I can (well, I would do that anyway, but you know what I mean :lol).


Since there are quite a few new members joining in this thread (hi!), I’d thought I’d mention the IRC channel again. I know how difficult it can be to talk about things related to being trans on a forum as big and popular as this one, so the IRC channel is for trans or questioning people who would like somewhere a bit more private to talk about whatever. Please do not hesitate to send me a PM if you would like the info, I promise I don’t bite.


Since there are quite a few new members joining in this thread (hi!), I’d thought I’d mention the IRC channel again. I know how difficult it can be to talk about things related to being trans on a forum as big and popular as this one, so the IRC channel is for trans or questioning people who would like somewhere a bit more private to talk about whatever. Please do not hesitate to send me a PM if you would like the info, I promise I don’t bite.
I can vouch for fireside not being a biter.


That girl in the bunny hat
Does hrt help with mental depression?

I found it actually made it worse, but for two reasons- one, it's become a lot harder for me (in general) to restrain emotions, including being depressed; two, when you don't see the level of progress you want it can be rather dispiriting. However, I also had a lot of unrelated challenges at the same time so maybe not.

grow already boobs, for fuck's sake


grow already boobs, for fuck's sake

Yeah, my problem too :(

I mean they're quite sore to touch, so the gland has developed. There seems to be more fat in there; so I suppose they're coming along but slowly.

The irony in all of this for me is that I developed gynocomastia in my early twenties as a side effect from a hair loss medication of all things and had two surgeries to get them removed at the time, as it was my inner-shame made real. Sigh. Wish I had the courage then I do now.

At least my hair is slowly growing back I guess :)


Setec Astronomer
Yeah, my problem too :(

I mean they're quite sore to touch, so the gland has developed. There seems to be more fat in there; so I suppose they're coming along but slowly.

The irony in all of this for me is that I developed gynocomastia in my early twenties as a side effect from a hair loss medication of all things and had two surgeries to get them removed at the time, as it was my inner-shame made real. Sigh. Wish I had the courage then I do now.
Those surgeries are probably going to hurt you here. Fat cells tend to remain relatively static in number over time and just shrink or grow as you gain/lose weight. Surgery decreases the number of fat cells available, although with enough fat storage demand they can be provoked into increasing.


Does hrt help with mental depression?

With most people yes, it helps insanely

Takes a while for you to notice chances, but even just START it already gives a huge boost of "OMFG I'm doing SOMETHING about it"

The changes it makes helps greatly with passing and THIS is for sure the best boost you can have for confidence and happyness


Neo Member
I guess it's my turn to say hi and introduce myself.

Hello, another transgirl here. I'm from Texas too, seems there's quite a bit of us.

Been waiting a couple months now to just come here and thank everyone for this thread being here and for making it what it is. I sort of accidentally broke through my shell of denial and repression while browsing through the cool pics thread one night at work. This thread was here to keep me from repressing it back down and actually start to accept it. So thanks :)

Jeez, that little bit took me 40 minutes to type. This stuff is hard.


Welcome !

Is it true that E has little to no effect on body hair (not facial hair)? Because I have to shave my entire body and I am very hairy. I can't shave my back due to reach. I read on Reddit that E and blockers definitely do help with the body hair problem.


Testosterone Blockers can do wonders for body hair.... even if they don't completly disapear, they turn almost invisible

...even eybrows gets much better with blockers


That girl in the bunny hat


Don't. You're getting me excited. Stop it. I mean keep going. Please.

It takes a while, I've been on spiro for about five months and I haven't noticed any change in that department. It's a very low dose, but still.

Laser kicks ass though.




Don't. You're getting me excited. Stop it. I mean keep going. Please.

When I was at the begining of the transition a picture of me drawing something "outed me" to a friend who studied with me because she keep asking me what had I done to make my arm hair so thin xD


That girl in the bunny hat
Reading up on it, it takes at least a year to see effects. Given from how apparently blockers help with body hair, laser seems like a waste of money. Especially if you're hairy like me. I'll wait a year and if my hair isn't how I want it, I'll get laser.

They help, but I want my facial hair gone. All of it. For good. And my facial hair was about as rough as your body hair probably is, so it needed help.


My arms were covered in dark, thick hairs before HRT, much like in Platy's first pic. I'm only 6 months in, and what few hairs I still have on my arms are super light and nearly invisible. The(already sparse) leg hair I had is continuing to thin out. Funnily enough, the chest hair that I had very, very little of to start with is what's seemingly taking the longest to change.

As with anything hormone related, YMMV.


contribute something
Cisguy here, but I recently created a petition on whitehouse.gov about promoting the awareness and equal rights for trans, nongendered, and other non-cispeople.


I would really love it if you guys could sign it and pass it around. You don't need to be American, or even eighteen years old. Anybody can sign it. It'll need 100,000 signatures before it will receive federal attention, but I believe that if we share it enough it could get there.


(The description is very bare-bones, I'm just hoping that President Obama will see this and recognize that non-cispeople deserve and need to be recognized and treated by cispeople as equals.)


I guess it's my turn to say hi and introduce myself.

Hello, another transgirl here. I'm from Texas too, seems there's quite a bit of us.

Been waiting a couple months now to just come here and thank everyone for this thread being here and for making it what it is. I sort of accidentally broke through my shell of denial and repression while browsing through the cool pics thread one night at work. This thread was here to keep me from repressing it back down and actually start to accept it. So thanks :)

Jeez, that little bit took me 40 minutes to type. This stuff is hard.

Welcome! I think I know where TransGAF Con should be held...


That girl in the bunny hat
Looking at it now, I've had a little reduction on my hands, not much apparent on the arms themselves.

That or it used to be really thick.


Electrolysis is more effective then laser but given the price it's more efficient to start with laser, especially on dark hair, and clean up the stragglers with electrolysis.
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