Princess Viola
Better than me, I still haven't even palyed it.Heya, Teddie!
I still haven't beaten Persona 4...
Better than me, I still haven't even palyed it.Heya, Teddie!
I still haven't beaten Persona 4...
Hello ! =D
Could you please elaborate more on your genderqueerness ?
Because i'm not sure if I understood by what you said in the girlgaf xD
Well I consider myself genderqueer since i reject gender roles and i had other reasons but my brain is mush right now lol.
Sorry if I didn't expressed myself in the right way ... but I already meet SO MUCH types of "genderqueer" people that saying someone is "genderqueer" don't exacly say much xD
Are you closer to bigender, agender or something beyond ?
I already saw a FTM crossdresser (as in a ftm male that loved to dress as a girl) call himself genderqueer .... and I saw a person who wanted to have as much sexual characteristics as possible reaching a full level of body androginy (and read about someone who didn't wanted ANY sexual characteristics ..)
By your username I have to think that at least male pronoums are you prefered usage, right ?
I know someone at my school who goes by ey/em/eir . not sure if you feel better about those than hir/zer etc.
CHEEZMO™;46531252 said:
Yes. Internalized transphobia, societal expectations, non binary gender identity, etc.; many possibilities of yes.
No*. Trans and transgender is inclusive of questioning. As a rough diagnostic tool,if you are questioning than you are not cisgender. *Transsexual is more restrictive a label and a person could potentially experience dysphoria if they transitioned too far into the wrong sex. A trangendered person could question if are transsexual. Especially for those who never settle such as genderqueer, bigender, or dualgender identies.
Various forms of psychological trauma can cause someone to believe they are trans when they really aren't. I know this isn't a real person, but the first name to come to mind is Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs.
Can I answer some of these as someone that is trans* but not in the gender spectrum? Or do you specifically just want MTFs and FTMs to answer? I hope I don't offend any MTFs or FTMs with my answers of my own personal experience.Thank you for your answers!
I hope it's okay, TransGAF, but I have a list of questions I must have answered! >.< I know it's a little much, but if anyone here could answer them in detail I'd really appreciate it. There's a bunch of very specific things about being transgender I want to know that the Internet (or Google) just doesn't seem to say anything about.
Can I answer some of these as someone that is trans* but not in the gender spectrum? Or do you specifically just want MTFs and FTMs to answer? I hope I don't offend any MTFs or FTMs with my answers of my own personal experience.
If they apply to your situation, sure! I do specifically want to hear the answers of MTF/FTM, but I'm interested in non-binary people too!
Thank you for your answers!
I hope it's okay, TransGAF, but I have a list of questions I must have answered! >.< I know it's a little much, but if anyone here could answer them in detail I'd really appreciate it. There's a bunch of very specific things about being transgender I want to know that the Internet (or Google) just doesn't seem to say anything about.
Is it normal for a trans person to still feel solidarity/connection to members of their "original" gender? In the example of an MTF, could she still feel like "one of the guys" due to that being her upbringing, or even understand men better than other woman, and still be an actual trans woman? Does this happen often?
Can trans people have a sexuality based on, and dependent upon, their "incorrect" genitalia? Since everyone here seems to be MTF: do any of you not only enjoy sex with the original gear, so to speak, but have a sexuality based around sex with it? Can trans people fantasize about, and desire sex in which they use the original gear more than they fantasize/desire for sex with their "target" genitals?
To put it another way, could a tran woman feel the same way about her penis (and using it) that a cisgender man feels about his?
Before HRT or coming out, what does it feel like to socialze with people in the persona of the wrong gender? Do you feel awkward or uncomfortable? Do things feel "forced?" Also, does it make you feel "manly" (for MTF) or "girly" (for FTM) as a result of "playing the role", thus causing distress?
Regarding denial: has anyone ever used trivial, stupid logic based on stereotypes to affirm they are cisgender; ie "I can't be a woman, I like science and history, and that's a boy thing?" Also, has belief in those stereotypes made your gender identity feel threatened? Ex "I like first person shooters, I'm not a proper woman."
In other words, comparing yourself to a cultural stereotype of your target gender, and feeling less "real" as a result.
As we know, men tend to stereoptype women and women tend to stereotype men. Has anyone here ever regarded their own gender in a innocently-sexist manner as if they are their "original" gender? For example, has any trans woman ever caught herself talking about women in the same way men sometimes do; ie "I don't understand women."
Have you ever been grossed/weirded out by the thought of using bathrooms of your true gender, as a result of growing up being used to using the other one? Ex: a trans man feels weird about using the men's bathroom similar to how a ciswoman might.
Before coming out to yourself (this doesn't work for non-classic types), what kind of rationilizations did you use to explain or deny your feelings?
For pre-transition: if you knew that you could never pass as your true gender, would you rather just put up with being in the "wrong body" rather than put up with the hassle of public harrassment/possible self-hatred?
For trans gays/lesbians: Before transition, did you imagine your ideal body as one that you might otherwise find very sexy/attractive? Or this a sign of cisgender heterosexual perversion; ie autogynephyllia/autoandrophyllia.*
Also, did you feel comfortable/correct imagining yourself in a body that you would otherwise consider very unattractive/ugly?
*I'm aware that ciswoman experience autogynephyllia, so i suspect it might be a form of natural female sexuality. Has anyone here had it?
Is there a difference between the way gender-specific clothing (likes dresses for trans woman) makes you feel before and after transition? Basically, before transition does looking in the mirror and seeing the image of "a man with girl clothing" or "a woman with boy clothing" make you feel MORE like you target gender, because you're wearing their clothing, or LESS like your target gender, because the clothing emphasizes just how not feminine/masculine you are/were?
The fact that you used jurassic to describe that person's view on gender made my day. No idea why but it just made me have really jurassic views on gender
The fact that you used jurassic to describe that person's view on gender made my day. No idea why but it just made me giggle.
My day has been double made. Now the Jurassic Park theme will be stuck in my head all day.rawr rawr I'm a transosaur
I might be a little goofy today
rawr rawr I'm a transosaur
I might be a little goofy today
Long time ago there was actualy a TUMBLR called "Hormonal trans rex" that had memes like
Long time ago there was actualy a TUMBLR called "Hormonal trans rex" that had memes like[IMG]
It is also the creator of the famous bingotrys
Unfortunatly the tumblr was deactivated so it is now very rare to find those =([/QUOTE]
[quote="Charron, post: 46555012"]So I'm not even original?
I'm gonna go stomp on stuff now[/QUOTE] Eh, people come up with the same ideas all the time.
So I'm not even original?
I'm gonna go stomp on stuff now
Highlander transosaurs.Actualy Jurassic Park started with it ... but now till the opening of Jurassic Park 4, you are the true master of trans dinossaurs for a "there should be only one" kinda of thing since the tumblr don't exist anymore
I think you got the wrong idea, we weren't making fun of you.Are you seriously calling *my* views on gender "jurassic?" I'd really like to know specifically where you got that idea; I think you really misunderstood where I was coming from with a lot of those questions.
I really don't appreciate you guys making fun of me for being some "goofy ignorant cis 'ally'" either. You don't know me, so please don't make assumptions. I thought this was a thread where people could go for support, not be judged.
If anyone else would want to answer my questions, I would genuinely appreciate it. I did put real thought into them, as silly as they might seem to you.
Are you seriously calling *my* views on gender "jurassic?" I'd really like to know specifically where you got that idea; I think you really misunderstood where I was coming from with a lot of those questions.
I really don't appreciate you guys making fun of me for being some "goofy ignorant cis 'ally'" either. You don't know me, so please don't make assumptions. I thought this was a thread where people could go for support, not be judged.
If anyone else would want to answer my questions, I would genuinely appreciate it. I did put real thought into them, as silly as they might seem to you.
Are you seriously calling *my* views on gender "jurassic?" I'd really like to know specifically where you got that idea; I think you really misunderstood where I was coming from with a lot of those questions.
I really don't appreciate you guys making fun of me for being some "goofy ignorant cis 'ally'" either. You don't know me, so please don't make assumptions. I thought this was a thread where people could go for support, not be judged.
If anyone else would want to answer my questions, I would genuinely appreciate it. I did put real thought into them, as silly as they might seem to you.
I don't believe in any gender roles/stereotypes or anything. I'm sorry if I gave that impression; I believe I worded my questions very poorly. ^^; Platy, I wasn't implying that certain traits make one less of their own gender- I was describing irrational feelings and emotions to see if trans people had experience with them; I wasn't describing my own view of reality.
I've re-done my questions (except 5-6) to make more sense. Do these work better?
1.) Can people identify with, relate to, and prefer the company of the opposite gender to their own gender?
2.) Can a trans person not only be okay with, but prefer their original genitals to that of their true gender?
Put it this way: cismen make a huge deal out of how devastated they would be if their junk was destroyed. Do any trans women feel the same way? Can a trans women feel more "correct" with the genitalia she was born with as opposed to that typically held by other women?
3.) Pre-transition and coming out, does presenting as and being perceived as the wrong gender cause distress? Does it feel "weird" to talk to people and hear the wrong-gendered voice, and feel uncomfortable knowing how they perceive you; not as your true self?
4.) Have you ever FELT insecure about your gender because you didn't fit a cultural rule about it? (Ex. "Men like FPS.") You didn't believe in this rule and knew it was stupid, but you FELT the irrational emotion anyway as a result of cultural conditioning.
7.) If/when you were ever in denial, what "logic" did you use to deny that you were transgender? I'm not talking justification, but your thought process for not admitting it to yourself (Ex. "i know I can't be trans, because...")
8.) Before transition, IF you had/did know, 100%, that you would never visually pass as your true gender, do you still think it would be worth it?
9.) For trans gays/lesbians: Picture your ideal/desired body you imagine(d) yourself in before transitioning. If someone else in the real world had that body, would you find them sexy/attractive?
If not, was/is that "ideal" body one you would consider very unnattractive on another person?
(I'm NOT implying the existence of auto gyne/androphyllia, I just want to know if this a natural thought process for real trans gays/lesbians. I'm NOT implying self-sexualization either, I just want to know if people naturally conceive their mental personas as attractive by default.)
10.) Before transitioning, how did wearing gender-specific clothing of your true gender feel?
Specifically, did wearing clothing make you PHYSICALLY FEEL
*LESS femineine/masculine physically, because the clothing emphasized how incorrect your body was
*MORE feminine/masculine physically, because the clothing countered how incorrect your body was.
(I'm not talking about your mental perception of yourself, but what you see when you look in the mirror and how you feel about it.)
Not really my place to ask, but is something wrong?I've been very exhausted this week so I'm not in a great mental state but I didn't see anything wrong with their questions and I think it's good for people to come here and ask things.
Not really my place to ask, but is something wrong?
Sorry to hear. I asked because for some reason I like asking people to tell me about their problems.Nothing major besides dysphoria but I've been in a depression for the past week.
Is it normal for a trans person to still feel solidarity/connection to members of their "original" gender? In the example of an MTF, could she still feel like "one of the guys" due to that being her upbringing, or even understand men better than other woman, and still be an actual trans woman? Does this happen often?
I have no idea if it happens often or not. I know personally I feel no special affiliation between myself and males
Can trans people have a sexuality based on, and dependent upon, their "incorrect" genitalia? Since everyone here seems to be MTF: do any of you not only enjoy sex with the original gear, so to speak, but have a sexuality based around sex with it? Can trans people fantasize about, and desire sex in which they use the original gear more than they fantasize/desire for sex with their "target" genitals?
To put it another way, could a tran woman feel the same way about her penis (and using it) that a cisgender man feels about his?
I'm not sure once again, personally I have no such fantasies or desires, I know for others they have no qualms with keeping their equipment the way it is
Before HRT or coming out, what does it feel like to socialze with people in the persona of the wrong gender? Do you feel awkward or uncomfortable? Do things feel "forced?" Also, does it make you feel "manly" (for MTF) or "girly" (for FTM) as a result of "playing the role", thus causing distress?
I'll say I've never felt manly, I more or less got through my years of repression and denial by being an emotionless, indifferent person, than trying to be exceedingly manly or forcing a masculine role.At most I did willfully accept some homophobic tendencies, aversion to femininity that were expected of my assigned birth gender
Regarding denial: has anyone ever used trivial, stupid logic based on stereotypes to affirm they are cisgender; ie "I can't be a woman, I like science and history, and that's a boy thing?" Also, has belief in those stereotypes made your gender identity feel threatened? Ex "I like first person shooters, I'm not a proper woman."
In other words, comparing yourself to a cultural stereotype of your target gender, and feeling less "real" as a result.
I know too many ciswomen who dont ascribe to stereotypical things and even like "boy things" to have it threaten my gender identity. If anything sometimes I do feel like I shouldn't like so much stereotypical female things as that's what I feel is expected of me as a trans woman, but then i think that's equally silly for me to feel than liking "boy things".
As we know, men tend to stereoptype women and women tend to stereotype men. Has anyone here ever regarded their own gender in a innocently-sexist manner as if they are their "original" gender? For example, has any trans woman ever caught herself talking about women in the same way men sometimes do; ie "I don't understand women."
While, I identify as a woman, I have yet to been socialized as one outside of very limited interactions, thus a good bit of feminine norms are a mystery to me, even then I can't say i understand either gender, and every person is an individual with varying experiences and influences that make them harder or easier to understand than others regardless of gender.
Have you ever been grossed/weirded out by the thought of using bathrooms of your true gender, as a result of growing up being used to using the other one? Ex: a trans man feels weird about using the men's bathroom similar to how a ciswoman might.
Eh, not really. I dont think of public bathrooms as places that are entirely clean to begin with.
Before coming out to yourself (this doesn't work for non-classic types), what kind of rationilizations did you use to explain or deny your feelings?
I ascribed it as a sexual fetish, as something I couldnt actually do anything about, As something I didnt really want, etc,
For pre-transition: if you knew that you could never pass as your true gender, would you rather just put up with being in the "wrong body" rather than put up with the hassle of public harrassment/possible self-hatred?
I dont think it's possible to not "pass" to some degree, but ignoring that, I've already accepted that I will never 100% look the way I want to look, but hey that's true of even many many cis women . Also for me, there are many aspects of my body outside of general appearance to the outside world that I would still want to change.
For trans gays/lesbians: Before transition, did you imagine your ideal body as one that you might otherwise find very sexy/attractive? Or this a sign of cisgender heterosexual perversion; ie autogynephyllia/autoandrophyllia.*
Also, did you feel comfortable/correct imagining yourself in a body that you would otherwise consider very unattractive/ugly?
*I'm aware that ciswoman experience autogynephyllia, so i suspect it might be a form of natural female sexuality. Has anyone here had it?
I'd say the image I have in my head, while attractive/sexy to me, it is still very different than my ideal body and appearance for a potential partner.
Is there a difference between the way gender-specific clothing (likes dresses for trans woman) makes you feel before and after transition? Basically, before transition does looking in the mirror and seeing the image of "a man with girl clothing" or "a woman with boy clothing" make you feel MORE like you target gender, because you're wearing their clothing, or LESS like your target gender, because the clothing emphasizes just how not feminine/masculine you are/were?
I want to apologize in advance if any of these question offend anyone. That's not my intention!I just really want to know. I hope you guys can help me understand better.
For those working on your voices, I figured you would find this video series helpful.
Finding Your Female Voice:
It is for the purpose of stealth.
My voice has unintentionally been shifting into girl-mode at work. I don't really mind because if I do it slowly maybe no one will notice >_>
Have you tried different razors and/or cream?I need electrolysis. Fuck shaving. My neck is more red than skin colored and hurts like hell. FUCK.
I really have to save for electrolysis, finding the time to work on my voice is always a problem . Think I have some time in the mornings .
Sorry to hear that, I'm sure you sound fine. =)For me it's just neurosis. I hate talking to nobody, I hate hearing my own voice. Always feels awkward.
And I'm planning to do vocals for my own albums, what's wrong with me
For me it's just neurosis. I hate talking to nobody, I hate hearing my own voice. Always feels awkward.
And I'm planning to do vocals for my own albums, what's wrong with me
Do you play League of Legends by chance? I'd watch the hell outa some LoL streaming.I need to start livestreaming video games again to work on my voice. Played some XCOM last night.