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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Obsidian fan
Dropping this here for the sake of a little levity


Dead Man

Underage boys tackling each other in group formations?

She said nothing about their age!! But yeah, high school or professional football is what I would prefer to watch, with college football I can never get past the fact that everyone is making bucket loads of money except the athletes.


Does anyone know what this kind of sexuality is called?
Pansexual (Umbrella term), Gynephilic (Looses the TS component), Transphilic (Niche usage), Skoliosexual (No one uses this), Chaser (Derogatory). Your question does not specify if you have a non-op, pre-op or post-op preference.

No need to label it, just don't make it fetishistic as that dehumanizes your partners.


That girl in the bunny hat
At the same time one of my greatest fears is being alone, never finding someone to be with. I have absolutely no idea how to go about meeting someone.

Look for trans support groups. There's likely one in your area, doubly so if you're near any sort of college campus. Any group worth their salt will be more than happy to have allies around. From there, just socialize. With anyone and everyone, especially those you have absolutely no desire or expectation of dating down the line. What Mitsuho mentioned about chasers and fetishists is very common, and (speaking for myself) we're pretty hesitant to let our guard down with anyone as a result. Prove first that you're a friend to the trans community, then it'll be easy to be a friend to particular trans people, then you can work to turn one friendship into a relationship. Worst case, you're still single but make a couple new friends.


As I said in my post it isn't a fetish. To me it feels like what a straight man would feel about women born physically as women. It is kind of hard to explain, but when talking to my friends the way I usually put it is that this is just what feels right to me. I honestly can't think of a different way to put it, but I can assure it isn't simply a fetish.

Don't have anything to prove to me, but even cissexuals have issues which might stem from a sexual nature - "You're too fat for me," "I don't date bald guys, ever." Be careful not misgender people too; that trans woman you have your eye on might be a genderqueer who thinks that demigirl and transfeminine are still too binary.


Not everyone wants SRS. And not everyone can afford it :(

From my experience, most people (as in more than 50%) WANT srs ... being able to get is another question.

This is probably just my problems of the past talking, but this talk makes me think that Thunder "preference" is no diferent than those people who awnsered that they would never date a trans women ...it is the exact same thing (including the focus on genitalia) except that it is the exact oposite.

And THIS don't sound good to me.
It feels WRONG for someone is in a gender to be excluded from it, even for a "good" thing in a sea of people excluding us from our gender for bad things.

Sorry if this sounded bad or something ... I kinda had a bad day =/


Rolling Girl
Not everyone wants SRS. And not everyone can afford it :(

Yeah, I don't really want SRS at the moment it could change but it's not something I want right now. I don't really hold people's preferences against them as long as they aren't big douche-bags about it.
From my experience, most people (as in more than 50%) WANT srs ... being able to get is another question.

This is probably just my problems of the past talking, but this talk makes me think that Thunder "preference" is no diferent than those people who awnsered that they would never date a trans women ...it is the exact same thing (including the focus on genitalia) except that it is the exact oposite.

And THIS don't sound good to me.
It feels WRONG for someone is in a gender to be excluded from it, even for a "good" thing in a sea of people excluding us from our gender for bad things.

Sorry if this sounded bad or something ... I kinda had a bad day =/

No, I don't think it is the exact same thing. The analogy is flawed in the sense that rejection of trans woman has societal origins.. A post op transwoman and a ciswoman are similar and it is extrabiological reasons that cause rejection of the trans. There is no analogue for someone attracted to pre op trans.
I liked this comment:
Taneria said:
At the heart of this is the same fallacious assumption that MRA's make. It is as if they believe there is a finite amount of respect and basic human decency to go around in the world and every time someone else is granted any that is less for everyone else. As being respectful to transgender women somehow diminishes the amount of respect available to "real" women.



"We are only ever a few HRT pills away from being a monstrous regiment." Can't get really angry without some testosterone? Women can't be an organzied group for change because of body chemistry? Trans women are monsters in her midst? What is she trying to say here!?

I was asked what my preference was so I answered. If I was with someone and they wanted the surgery I wouldn't stop them. I'd speak my mind for what would amount to my selfish wants, but I wouldn't stop them from doing something that would make them happy.

I didn't exactly ask, but to say it wasn't implied would be nit-picky. You're entitled to have a preference; it's just how you present it. It's never comfortable checking who else likes Vodka at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Genitalia can be just as sore of a topic. Check out some of the non-binary femme and genderqueer communities - more likely to find a non-op than a pre-op with long range plans for GRS. Plenty of precedent about couples front loading long term plans like deciding not have kids before they marry.


Hello, Transgaf! I've been following this thread for a little while. Consider me an ally! ;) For some time now I've been pretty interested in the transgender community, and now that I can post here I have some things I wanted to clear up.

So, I have a question. In your experience, has their ever been a period of time where any of you developed denial of your gender identity *after* you already came to terms with, and in some cases even came out as transgender? Basically, have you ever realized you gender identity and later un-realized it by convincing yourself that you were wrong all along? ("I wasn't really trans, I was just confused.")

On the opposite note, is it possible for a cisgender person to develop some form of gender dysphoria for reasons unrelated to actually being trans? In other words, can a cisgender person mistakenly believe they are trans?


So, I have a question. In your experience, has their ever been a period of time where any of you developed denial of your gender identity *after* you already came to terms with, and in some cases even came out as transgender? Basically, have you ever realized you gender identity and later un-realized it by convincing yourself that you were wrong all along? ("I wasn't really trans, I was just confused.")

Yes. Internalized transphobia, societal expectations, non binary gender identity, etc.; many possibilities of yes.

On the opposite note, is it possible for a cisgender person to develop some form of gender dysphoria for reasons unrelated to actually being trans? In other words, can a cisgender person mistakenly believe they are trans?

No*. Trans and transgender is inclusive of questioning. As a rough diagnostic tool,if you are questioning than you are not cisgender. *Transsexual is more restrictive a label and a person could potentially experience dysphoria if they transitioned too far into the wrong sex. A trangendered person could question if are transsexual. Especially for those who never settle such as genderqueer, bigender, or dualgender identies.
On the opposite note, is it possible for a cisgender person to develop some form of gender dysphoria for reasons unrelated to actually being trans? In other words, can a cisgender person mistakenly believe they are trans?
Various forms of psychological trauma can cause someone to believe they are trans when they really aren't. I know this isn't a real person, but the first name to come to mind is Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs.

Mr. Shankly

Neo Member
Hello transgaf :D nice to meet you all. I'm excited to see there's a thread here for trans* people. This makes me feel more welcome ♡


Haven't started 2 either, haven't even bought it yet. P3P is still in it's box, so you're ahead there. I'll slog through P1. (Public declarations make it easier to stick with resolutions, right? Haha) I got through FF1 so I'm sure I can get though something more modern.

Hello transgaf :D nice to meet you all.

Nice to meet you too. I've always been a fan of the open heart over the black one from the suits.

Mr. Shankly

Neo Member
;) i wish i were teddie sob. I aspire to be as cute as that.

I've never played P1! I don;t think there's many connections between P1, P2 and P3 and P4 (you see some P3 references in P4 tho). I honestly liked P3 a bit more than P4 but that's because P3 ripped my heart out sob.


Hello transgaf :D nice to meet you all. I'm excited to see there's a thread here for trans* people. This makes me feel more welcome ♡

Hello ! =D

Could you please elaborate more on your genderqueerness ?

Because i'm not sure if I understood by what you said in the girlgaf xD
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