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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Does anyone have any updates on their transition? Rather than the typical policing/privilege/etc talk that tends to happen in here.

Well, I'm completely out now. My dad was the last piece of that puzzle, and despite his history of sexism and bigotry in general, he was both accepting and unsurprised.

I came out on Facebook shortly thereafter, had been out at work for about a month and a half. Mostly everyone is supportive and awesome, my mom is accepting but still mourning the old me(trying to hide that fact too, but it's obvious enough).

Only 9 months on hormones, my face has feminized nicely, my hair's getting long, and my hairline has been advancing a ton, but fat distribution and breast growth are taking time, as expected. I need electro still, but am busy saving for a trip to China with my besties at the end of the year. In the meantime, a combination of plucking, shaving, and makeup is taking care of any shadow decently enough.
Ooooh, I think I understand the situation now.
What I'm saying, to be clear, is that I don't believe my needs as far as medication go are being met nearly as much as they could be.
Then just self medicate. Waiting will never do you any favors in our position.
That's something I would possibly do if I were more independent. I live with my parents, no job. I attend a university nearby half-time and I barely handle that.


Then just self medicate. Waiting will never do you any favors in our position.
This. A thousand times, this. Do whatever you need to do to scrape together enough money to just self-medicate, and do it.
This goes to anyone else out there in even remotely similar a position. Just do it. Don't wait for a tomorrow that might never come.


Rolling Girl
Well I have had a needle in my hand for the past 9 hours because I still need money for hormones. I just hope my bad luck runs out soon so I can start already.


What I'm saying, to be clear, is that I don't believe my needs as far as medication go are being met nearly as much as they could be.

Oooh, I thought it was something like "Ehhh... we don't know if you're 100% sure about this" or "We're not sure you're in the right state of mind, so we're going to keep asking you stuff." Like they were purposely holding you back or something. Though I guess this would qualify as holding you back, too.
Lack of empathy towards the trans woman? I dunno. It's a hard situation. She definitely should not have done that, and being a journalist, he definitely had enough reason to reveal it. I haven't read the original article but I REALLY hope it didn't along the lines of,"SHE'S A TRANNY" and more along,"this person is scamming your money under false pretenses". I don't think empathy has anything to do with anything here, and I think you're pinching your chips because she's trans and you want to defend her. If she weren't trans and wasn't seeking srs but was using the money for something else, would your opinion change in any way? Why should we feel empathy for anyone who scams people out of their money just because we relate to their core situation?

That is illogical and part of the very thing I was talking about earlier on this page.
I take issue with it being called a scam. We can certainly determine she didn't act with full honesty. Am I biased? You're goddamn right.
if she weren't trans and wasn't seeking srs but was using the money for something else, would your opinion change in any way?
This is disingenuous.

Edit: I agree that she did commit fraud and should not have received the money raised under those false pretenses. Calling it a scam is a bit much.


Lack of empathy towards the trans woman? I dunno. It's a hard situation. She definitely should not have done that, and being a journalist, he definitely had enough reason to reveal it. I haven't read the original article but I REALLY hope it didn't along the lines of,"SHE'S A TRANNY" and more along,"this person is scamming your money under false pretenses". I don't think empathy has anything to do with anything here, and I think you're pinching your chips because she's trans and you want to defend her. If she weren't trans and wasn't seeking srs but was using the money for something else, would your opinion change in any way? Why should we feel empathy for anyone who scams people out of their money just because we relate to their core situation?

That is illogical and part of the very thing I was talking about earlier on this page.


The outing was TOTALY unecessary.
You don't NEED to know why a fraud happen, only that it happened.
"She didn't had a car accident" was enoght reason

We had lots of "the rich mom is not going to use this money to bring her kid to a vacation" threads that didn't had WHAT the mom was going to do with the money =P
The lack of empathy exhibited by some posters. The guilty until proven innocent mentality. I don't want to drag that shit into here, maybe I'll post in there.

I think this is a really unfair summary of the events and I'm completely confused by the "guilty until proven innocent" comment since it's clear cut what the person did, I'm not sure how the comment relates but I won't argue it unless you post in the other thread instead of here.
I think this is a really unfair summary of the events and I'm completely confused by the "guilty until proven innocent" comment since it's clear cut what the person did, I'm not sure how the comment relates but I won't argue it unless you post in the other thread instead of here.
Yeah, on second thought I shouldn't have said that, since reading more into the situation I agree, based on what we know, that she did commit fraud. (In a general sense, since I'm not well informed in regards to the law.)
CHEEZMO™;58017852 said:
Why is everyone in here from fuckin Texas. Is there something in the water there?

As much as your post may be tongue in cheek there is a strong basis to believe homosexuality and transgenderism occur more in conservative places. This mostly has to with the higher average family size and the fraternal birth order effect. The more older brothers a person has, the more likely they are to be transgendered or homosexual, or both. Again conservative families usually have more children in them and so this effect becomes more pronounced. We can even combine this with the fact that texas is one of the most populous states and boom, there's actually a strong basis for a lot of people in here to be from texas.


A Good Citizen
Lack of empathy towards the trans woman? I dunno. It's a hard situation. She definitely should not have done that, and being a journalist, he definitely had enough reason to reveal it. I haven't read the original article but I REALLY hope it didn't along the lines of,"SHE'S A TRANNY" and more along,"this person is scamming your money under false pretenses". I don't think empathy has anything to do with anything here, and I think you're pinching your chips because she's trans and you want to defend her. If she weren't trans and wasn't seeking srs but was using the money for something else, would your opinion change in any way? Why should we feel empathy for anyone who scams people out of their money just because we relate to their core situation?

That is illogical and part of the very thing I was talking about earlier on this page.
here's a line from the twitter goop that got allistair in trouble:
"She will eventually know that we know she is a liar, a scammer, and transgender."

he made sure to yell how much of a transgender she was at every turn, to be honest


As much as your post may be tongue in cheek there is a strong basis to believe homosexuality and transgenderism occur more in conservative places. This mostly has to with the higher average family size and the fraternal birth order effect. The more older brothers a person has, the more likely they are to be transgendered or homosexual, or both. Again conservative families usually have more children in them and so this effect becomes more pronounced. We can even combine this with the fact that texas is one of the most populous states and boom, there's actually a strong basis for a lot of people in here to be from texas.

I only read that you people are from the USA xD

he made sure to yell how much of a transgender she was at every turn, to be honest

He also used male pronoums, said she wasn't "truly" trans, was a dude, "he/she" and all the 101 how not treat a transgender person.

I think he only left "tranny" out
he made sure to yell how much of a transgender she was at every turn, to be honest
While I disagreed with outing her, I never really got that impression from what I had personally read. I must have missed that. (EDIT: Actually, I may be confusing him with someone else.) But anyway, it was a difficult situation all around. While I can empathize with her, merely stating that she had lied about being in a car accident would probably have set people into a frenzy considering the fact that she was exploiting people using the tale that she needed surgery to remove shrapnel before it would shortly kill her. That is most definitely fraud, which is illegal.

Without explaining her situation, it would be harder for people to understand her desperation (even though her falsely equating being transgendered and needing SRS to having a terminal illness would not help her situation). All in all, I don't think there is one truly satisfying resolution to the situation. She was obviously in a very dark place and was not thinking rationally.
While I disagreed with outing her, I never really got that impression from what I had personally read. I must have missed that. (EDIT: Actually, I may be confusing him with someone else.) But anyway, it was a difficult situation all around. While I can empathize with her, merely stating that she had lied about being in a car accident would probably have set people into a frenzy considering the fact that she was exploiting people using the tale that she needed surgery to remove shrapnel before it would shortly kill her. That is most definitely fraud, which is illegal.

Without explaining her situation, it would be harder for people to understand her desperation (even though her falsely equating being transgendered and needing SRS to having a terminal illness would not help her situation). All in all, I don't think there is one truly satisfying resolution to the situation. She was obviously in a very dark place and was not thinking rationally.

As I mentioned in the original closed thread, this is not so much of a stretch as most people think it is.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Why aren't of you in NYC, could be a teddy bear friend to ya'll

Also bore you with enough Trophy/Stats talk to bore your minds out


Rolling Girl
Forgive me for being so naive, but is it commonly known to be difficult to come out even on the Internet considering its anonymous nature?
Yeah, I don't really mention it outside this thread for a reason. I've seen enough terrible things being said on and off site by GAFfers to want to never mention it. While this name is just the mask I hide behind on the internet it is still me and unfairly outting me when I'm not ready would hurt all the same.


CHEEZMO™;58017852 said:
Why is everyone in here from fuckin Texas. Is there something in the water there?

I'm in Texas as well.

To add to this, I worked at a pizza place with two other trans women... at the same time. None of us knew each other prior. I also have a cousin that I looked up to growing up that I found out is trans last year.


Forgive me for being so naive, but is it commonly known to be difficult to come out even on the Internet considering its anonymous nature?

Trans women are women.

In the same way you don't need to say that you have a birthmark on the internet, it is highly common to people don't need to say they are anything other than a (cis, since it is the "default") women, specialy considering how society still sees trans women as just "some dude in drag"


I'm in Texas as well.

To add to this, I worked at a pizza place with two other trans women... at the same time. None of us knew each other prior. I also have a cousin that I looked up to growing up that I found out is trans last year.

What. That's crazy!
As I mentioned in the original closed thread, this is not so much of a stretch as most people think it is.
I can understand that, but most people would not be able to. But being trans is not a life-threatening condition. I know that many trans individuals can get to the point that they are suicidal due to being so unhappy with being unable to transition, but I still don't think it is a satisfying equivalent, or rather, that is a very extreme scenario for depressed individuals. Not all transpeople are going to react in such an extreme fashion.


I can understand that, but most people would not be able to. But being trans is not a life-threatening condition. I know that many trans individuals can get to the point that they are suicidal due to being so unhappy with being unable to transition, but I still don't think it is a satisfying equivalent, or rather, that is a very extreme scenario for depressed individuals. Not all transpeople are going to react in such an extreme fashion.

But most will, and the important point is that she did

Not really a surprise since if she had the guts to fraud to hide it ... of course she would be an extreme case
I'm in Texas as well.

To add to this, I worked at a pizza place with two other trans women... at the same time. None of us knew each other prior. I also have a cousin that I looked up to growing up that I found out is trans last year.
Maybe there really is something in the water.


Can't it just be the only pizza place that wasn't run by a transphobic piece of shit so they hired everyone not being hired ? =P

But you really can't say that, we're such a varied bunch.

We are such a group of varied bunch that has a varied acces to doctors and medical care.

If everyone here didn't had ANY chance of access to medical care, than trust me on that that most people here would try suicide

That is like the basic idea of dysphoria =P


Can't it just be the only pizza place that wasn't run by a transphobic piece of shit so they hired everyone not being hired ? =P

nope, all three of us were still closeted when we were hired, and all three were hired at different stores. two of us transferred to the store we all ended up at, and the third was hired there.
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