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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Can't it just be the only pizza place that wasn't run by a transphobic piece of shit so they hired everyone not being hired ? =P

We are such a group of varied bunch that has a varied acces to doctors and medical care.

If everyone here didn't had ANY chance of access to medical care, than trust me on that that most people here would try suicide

That is like the basic idea of dysphoria =P

All pizza places are run by transphobic pieces of shit?


All pizza places are run by transphobic pieces of shit?

On texas ? I would not be surprised xD

Joking .. I never set foot outside my country ... no idea how Texas is =P

I was just imagining a place where they all tryed to work on other pizza places but they weren't hired simply because they were trans.

How many damn times to have to tell my mother that I AM A GIRL until she gets it through her goddamn head that I AM A GIRL not a boy.

It's really starting to piss me off and I am seething with rage right now at her. Five freaking times during the last three days ALONE.


On a related "shit people see trans girls as dudes" moments .... the feminist scene here in brazil is on a revival of the "womyn born womyn" with radfeminists vs transfeminists.

It is kinda sad =(


On a related "shit people see trans girls as dudes" moments .... the feminist scene here in brazil is on a revival of the "womyn born womyn" with radfeminists vs transfeminists.

It is kinda sad =(

WOW. I always though that women would be more supportive but i see is all the contrary. Hardcore feminist have some extreme skew views about some issues that make them look as bad and don't help at all to their causes.


WOW. I always though that women would be more supportive but i see is all the contrary. Hardcore feminist have some extreme skew views about some issues that make them look as bad and don't help at all to their causes.

Well .. the radfems looks like a very small group....
You know .. which feminist group appears on media ? The ones that protests for equal salaries or ... FEMEN and their bare breasts ? =P

But yes, the simple existence of transphobic feminists is kinda sad =/
WOW. I always though that women would be more supportive but i see is all the contrary. Hardcore feminist have some extreme skew views about some issues that make them look as bad and don't help at all to their causes.
(Portion of) minority group turning against a minority within that group is not that surprising. That's politics for you. :\


Well .. the radfems looks like a very small group....
You know .. which feminist group appears on media ? The ones that protests for equal salaries or ... FEMEN and their bare breasts ? =P

But yes, the simple existence of transphobic feminists is kinda sad =/

Usually the smallest groups are the most vocal, radical (see those ass-hats from westboro) and sadly the ones with most airtime in the media. Femen is just beyond my comprehension. I usually support and i'm all for equality and justice and all but with them is hardly to show support and sympathy for their cause.

Transphobic feminists. That's sounds ironic and yeah, it's pretty sad.


Usually the smallest groups are the most vocal, radical (see those ass-hats from westboro) and sadly the ones with most airtime in the media. Femen is just beyond my comprehension. I usually support and i'm all for equality and justice and all but with them is hardly to show support and sympathy for their cause.

Transphobic feminists. That's sounds ironic and yeah, it's pretty sad.

To have an idea, FEMEN global just said that FEMEN BRAZIL is no longer supported as an oficial extension xD

Also, it is kinda hilarious because of the RadFems arguments are totaly contracting thenselfs. Like "A person with a penis will trigger post traumatic stress" and then talks about how women must understand better their sexuality with vibrators who happens to be penis shaped =P
No, the article didn't had a bunny or any other non penis shaed vibrator. She choose one that even faked the balls


Hidden away where no one will find us to get help :<

Well pretty much every other thread with a remote community-like vibe has been moved too. This section of the forum will get a lot more traffic due to that.

What can I say, I'm feeling optimistic today.


Welcome to the community side. Have some wine



So, in other news, I think my mom is finally starting to realize that I am a girl.

That's great!

My mom has surprisingly become my greatest transitioning frustration. I came out to her a year and a half ago, and she was completely awesome about it. She didn't make it into a big deal at all, said she was happy for me, etc. Fast forward a bunch and I'm completely out and everything is great EXCEPT with her.

Whenever we meet up, she completely avoids using names or pronouns of any kind, and I've seen that her phone still has me under <boyname>. She was getting my measurements to help me with a cosplay(she's a professional costume designer) and the sheet of paper she was writing them on was labeled with <boyname>. We went out to eat afterwards and she "he'd" me to a stranger when she thought I was out of earshot. It's really uncomfortable and I haven't found the strength to come out to her yet again. I've told her how I felt once and later what I expected of her, and if that wasn't enough, it almost hurts too much to have to repeat myself. I love her so much and here's this HUGE disrespect to me, one which everyone else in my life isn't having much of a problem with. Even my bigoted father, who I took much longer to talk to in the first place, was almost immediately accepting and completely respectful.

I'm constantly waking up from dreams now that end in or involve me yelling at her. There's this huge elephant in the room, and I'm too angry to talk about it.


That's great!

My mom has surprisingly become my greatest transitioning frustration. I came out to her a year and a half ago, and she was completely awesome about it. She didn't make it into a big deal at all, said she was happy for me, etc. Fast forward a bunch and I'm completely out and everything is great EXCEPT with her.

I have a similar problem =/

Mine lookslike she is trying... and then suddenly "see ? you did *totaly non related gender thing* and you still say you are a girl" =(

Also, I discovered yesterday that the tv show my parents always watch on weekends has transphobic jokes.
How do I politely explain that I find offensive that they gave views for that tv show ?
We are already considered a joke by others. Great, make them all make them think we have a stick up our ass by going off on random tangents and rants no one gives a fuck about. What exactly did anyone gain from your rant? Most were confused. Others, annoyed.

This goes for the rest of transgaf. The hug box ultra sensitive crap makes us look like more jokes than anything else. Trans gaf is already considered laughable due to many of the antics of the members in this thread. Thanks for giving them more ammo. You want to bring something to our cause? Stop going off on authorative random rants like on abortion (when we can't even get pregnant) and threads about breast cancer and breast removal. Instead, try explaining in a logical, and not "release the hounds because they're wrong" scattershot "strategy". It makes all look like idiots and makes me embarrassed to even post in this thread. Gaf is not your pulpit for trans issues.

I don't think the point was lost on the thread, Instigator. Big 'ol discussion about it.

I was in the land of the banned when that was written. I'm just giving my delayed props to a rare example of fearless introspection in this thread/forum.


Hello Transgaf!

Its been a bit of a mental journey for me, but I'm finally at peace with myself. I've been having feelings about it for years, but I finally was able to come out at tell myself what I'm feeling. The truth is that I am not comfortable the way I am. I hate my voice, I dislike my body, everything pointed to it, and eventually I learned that I wasn't alone. It wrecked my mind for a good while. But finally, I understand myself, and believe in myself. I am a trans woman. I'm happy, happier than I've been in a long while.

I'm going to be starting some consoling soon with a general counselor. I'm hoping that bringing it up to them might start me on the path I want to go.


Hello Transgaf!

Its been a bit of a mental journey for me, but I'm finally at peace with myself. I've been having feelings about it for years, but I finally was able to come out at tell myself what I'm feeling. The truth is that I am not comfortable the way I am. I hate my voice, I dislike my body, everything pointed to it, and eventually I learned that I wasn't alone. It wrecked my mind for a good while. But finally, I understand myself, and believe in myself. I am a trans woman. I'm happy, happier than I've been in a long while.

I'm going to be starting some consoling soon with a general counselor. I'm hoping that bringing it up to them might start me on the path I want to go.

*hugs tightly* A fine hello to you, and I wish you all the best on your counseling. :)


Hello Transgaf!

Its been a bit of a mental journey for me, but I'm finally at peace with myself. I've been having feelings about it for years, but I finally was able to come out at tell myself what I'm feeling. The truth is that I am not comfortable the way I am. I hate my voice, I dislike my body, everything pointed to it, and eventually I learned that I wasn't alone. It wrecked my mind for a good while. But finally, I understand myself, and believe in myself. I am a trans woman. I'm happy, happier than I've been in a long while.

I'm going to be starting some consoling soon with a general counselor. I'm hoping that bringing it up to them might start me on the path I want to go.

Hello! Always great to see someone coming to terms with themselves. Liking Nichijou is awesome too <3


Hello Transgaf!

Its been a bit of a mental journey for me, but I'm finally at peace with myself. I've been having feelings about it for years, but I finally was able to come out at tell myself what I'm feeling. The truth is that I am not comfortable the way I am. I hate my voice, I dislike my body, everything pointed to it, and eventually I learned that I wasn't alone. It wrecked my mind for a good while. But finally, I understand myself, and believe in myself. I am a trans woman. I'm happy, happier than I've been in a long while.

I'm going to be starting some consoling soon with a general counselor. I'm hoping that bringing it up to them might start me on the path I want to go.

Hello! I think I've seen you in animegaf, am I right?

This makes me wonder... how did everyone in this topic figure out they weren't happy with who they are? Like... what was everyone's moment of revelation, I guess?


Ah, alrighty; keep us updated on your journey, please?

Will do. My mother keeps procrastinating about helping me set up some appointments. Its annoying, but luckily it sounds like tomorrow I'll finally have my counseling appointment set up, and hopefully things go well from there.
Hello! I think I've seen you in animegaf, am I right?

This makes me wonder... how did everyone in this topic figure out they weren't happy with who they are? Like... what was everyone's moment of revelation, I guess?

I don't like this framework of thinking personally, the revelation wasn't that I wasn't happy with "who I am" , it was that a part of "how I was"(male bodied) and the core part of "who I am" (female minded/brained) where at odds with each other. Though it wasn't really a revelation, it was a procedural process over years with many points of denial,repression, acceptance, more denial and repression and well, I guess here I am now. If I had to say, probably a more poignant moment was a year ago when a friend decided to come out.

Also welcome Tenumi, I hope all is the best on whatever path you take. I think I've seen you around ToonamiGaf.


I don't like this framework of thinking personally, the revelation wasn't that I wasn't happy with "who I am" , it was that a part of "how I was"(male bodied) and the core part of "who I am" (female minded/brained) where at odds with each other. Though it wasn't really a revelation, it was a procedural process over years with many points of denial,repression, acceptance, more denial and repression and well, I guess here I am now. If I had to say, probably a more poignant moment was a year ago when a friend decided to come out.

I'm sorry, I'm not good at articulating my thoughts.
There is no need to apologize, I wasn't offended, nor am I strictly right in my opinions, I just have a different perspective about that stuff.For me I don't consider my currently masculine body part of "who I am" in the way people usually mean the phrase.Which is to say, an intrinsic, "natural" and immutable aspect of an individual. I'm not gonna perpetuate the stereotypical narrative that "I always felt like a female" either, sometimes ( actually a lot of the time) in my youth , I did very much so and at some points of my life I genuinely didn't. Be it because I was really infatuated with someone or because I was too busy with other things or whatever. As of now I am resolute that being treated as female and having a feminized body will make me more contented with life than now, so it's worth pursuing.

Dead Man

Interesting legal case decided today in Australia, didn't think it was thread worthy but thought some here might be interested:


People who do not identify as male or female have achieved formal legal recognition in Australia for the first time, after the NSW Court of Appeal overturned a ruling that everyone must be listed as a man or a woman with the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.

In a landmark decision with major implications for thousands of intersex, androgynous and neuter people across the country, the court on Friday upheld an appeal by Sydney activist 'Norrie' against a decision by the Administrative Decisions Tribunal that people must be officially registered as 'M' or 'F'.

In 2010, Norrie, who identifies as neuter and uses only a first name, became the first in NSW to be neither man nor woman in the eyes of the NSW government when the 52-year-old Sydneysider was given the designation "sex not specified".

But four months later the registry wrote to Norrie, saying that the change was invalid and had been "issued in error".

Norrie subsequently appealed the decision in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. But this was dismissed, with the tribunal declaring that, as a matter of law, the Registry must list someone's sex as either male or female.

Norrie appealed to the Court of Appeal and on Friday, three years later, won a near-total victory. The three-judge appeal panel unanimously declared that "as a matter of construction ... the word sex does not bear a binary meaning of 'male' or 'female'".

"The Appeal Panel erred in law in concluding that it was not open to the Registrar to register Norrie's sex as 'non-specific'," the judges said.

The matter has now been sent back to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal which must decide on a 'sexless' designation for Norrie in the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.

Though strictly the decision only applies to those such as Norrie who have had sex affirmation surgery (previously known as sex change surgery), it has potential implications for many others, including babies who are born with ambiguous genetalia, and people who do not identify as male or female despite having physical characteristics of a man or a woman.

"This is the first decision that recognises that 'sex' is not binary - it is not only 'male' or 'female' - and that we should have recognition of that in the law and in our legal documents," one of Norrie's solicitors, Emily Christie from DLA Piper said.

"This sets a precedent. In future, government departments and courts may adopt the reasoning found here."

Norrie said the decision was recognition that not all people were "unambiguously male or female".

"It's not good enough if the law is just for the majority of people," Norrie said.

"We accept that most people are going to be unproblematicly male or female, but the law should include everybody."

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I have to say, I am very proud of all of you. It can't be easy to be of a different gender than the sex you were born as. It takes quite a bit of courage to go through what you all have to go through. I am not transgendered, but I feel quite passionate about LGTBQ issues and I hope one day society as a whole accepts those that do not seem to conform to the stereotypical idea of what it means to be a man, woman and the relationships they should have with one another. Just thought I would chime in and let you know that there are people out there working and fighting for you guys and gals. Stay strong, and stay positive! :)
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