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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Welcome, Sats. :) I'm also here if you ever need someone to chat with; either through PM or in the transgaf IRC.

CHEEZMO™;79195377 said:
I've never even tasted tea :p

Something needs to be done about this. I propose we mail Cheezmo a big crate of fancy teas and teaware. :p


The personality, and the behavior, is all me. The only thing that wasn't me, was being physically female. I feel disgusted and ashamed with myself everytime I even think about wishing I was a girl, having this personality, and wanting to do these things, so I created a female persona that I could exhibit that behavior in, without feeling disgusted with myself. I clouded my mind by thinking that everyone on GAF would be repulsed by me, but it was just my insecurity...

It might take a while for those feelings to go away, and that's something you'll have to come to terms with. When I first starting dealing with being trans, I was disgusted at the thought of wanted to be a woman. Even though I'd had those feelings internally for nearly my entire life, it still felt wrong and weird, and I thought things like dressing up as a woman or thinking about having a sex change were disgusting and embarrassing. It was like I had two people inside of me, and one of those people thought the other was the most vile person in the world.

I think part of that might come from how we can get conditioned to think about being transgender, and what that supposedly means. I had a lot of misinformation and stereotypes in my head. Now, I know better, but it took a lot for me to get past all of that.

Also, tea is amazing, and coffee is disgusting.


The personality, and the behavior, is all me. The only thing that wasn't me, was being physically female. I feel disgusted and ashamed with myself everytime I even think about wishing I was a girl, having this personality, and wanting to do these things, so I created a female persona that I could exhibit that behavior in, without feeling disgusted with myself. I clouded my mind by thinking that everyone on GAF would be repulsed by me, but it was just my insecurity...

Sats we all love you, don't even let it bother you. GAF got your back.



relies on auto-aim
The personality, and the behavior, is all me. The only thing that wasn't me, was being physically female. I feel disgusted and ashamed with myself everytime I even think about wishing I was a girl, having this personality, and wanting to do these things, so I created a female persona that I could exhibit that behavior in, without feeling disgusted with myself. I clouded my mind by thinking that everyone on GAF would be repulsed by me, but it was just my insecurity...
You got support here even if there are always some uneducated bad apples around.
It tastes like leaves

I cannot drink tea because all I can think is "LEAF WATER"
When overbrewed, yes. You can also have flower water.
CHEEZMO™;79179061 said:
I only just noticed what your avatar is, Sats. I thought it was a cup of tea lmao.
Most shocking post en entire thread.


Never got the appeal of coffee, I can't drink the stuff unless it's overwhelmed by cream, sugar, and more cream. Tea has always been good to me, love me a creamy Earl Grey.


fuck everything

when i got my hormone description i got bloodwork done. i get bloodwork done for other medicine im on and its covered by insurance. just got sent a fucking $600 bill because my insurance doesnt cover g.i.d. and my dad is wondering what the hell i got bloodwork done that isnt covered and what was the diganosis fuck fuck fuck


fuck everything

when i got my hormone description i got bloodwork done. i get bloodwork done for other medicine im on and its covered by insurance. just got sent a fucking $600 bill because my insurance doesnt cover g.i.d. and my dad is wondering what the hell i got bloodwork done that isnt covered and what was the diganosis fuck fuck fuck
That's crazy. even my shitty insurance covered bloodwork :( i'm so sorry Em :(


That's crazy. even my shitty insurance covered bloodwork :( i'm so sorry Em :(

When I went and had bloodwork done, I was told upfront that they wouldn't send it through insurance and that I'd have to eat the $650 cost.

Did they tell out that insurance would cover it Em, or did they not say anything?



I'm currently 4mg E, 200mg Spiro and today I took just 100 mg Spiro and 2 mg E. Right now, I've got a slight headache and I REALLY NEED E IN MY BODY RIGHT NOW but I've only got 7 more pills. I've got maybe only 6 pills of spiro left.

I don't have the cash to get refills on my rx on either right now.

I'm worried what masculation or health problems will happen when I run out and have withdrawal? :( I'm worried even being a week off will fuck everything up. :(

HRT is a marathon not a sprint, a week off isn't got to have massive adverse effects, your body may barely notice it in the grand scheme of things.


I moving out tomorrow. Now that I'm away from home I'll try to live full time as a woman. I've been outed for months at most places, they respected me even at the internship during the first half of the year. The doctors feel that now that I won't have to live with my parents anymore it would be soon time for HRT. Sounds good.
I moving out tomorrow. Now that I'm away from home I'll try to live full time as a woman. I've been outed for months at most places, they respected me even at the internship during the first half of the year. The doctors feel that now that I won't have to live with my parents anymore it would be soon time for HRT. Sounds good.
That's great! :D


I think it's actually the people who are clinging to the gender binary norm who live in a psychotic denial of reality. Alone the fact that hermaphroditism exist in nature and any biological reasons as to why this happens just shows, that those "sane" people who even deny or ignore that intersex humans and animals exist are actually the ones who are rejecting facts of reality because they can't handle them mentally.

I think this is a huge issue that goes way beyond Trans.
So much penis phobia in that thread.

Edit: To be more fair, if this forum was mostly populated by women I'm sure we would be seeing plenty of vulva phobia too.


Platy, you're a much stronger person than I am.

Some of the posts in that thread I just can't deal with; there's simply too much willful ignorance. I notice it's a similar group of people too.


Maybe ... maybe not.

It came to a point where I said "fuck this shit, i will not post anymore or I am going to kill someone" =P

The fun part is that now Dax is saying basicaly the same thing as me and everyone is ok.
She does write 200 times better than me =P


A Good Citizen
I gave up on trans topics that aren't this thread sans a post here or there a long time (=lol ~2.5 months) ago.

Not worth it. Just upsets me.


A little spunk never hurt anyone.

And by spunk I mean courage and determination, or: courage, bravery, valor, nerve, confidence, daring, audacity, pluck, spirit, grit, mettle, spine, backbone.


I found something ridiculously rare !

.... a joke with trans people who is not offensive =O

tumblr transcription :
Will Weldon said:
You always see the same scene in TV and movies. A guy is in a bar, making out with a girl, then it’s revealed she’s transgendered, smash cut to him throwing up in the bathroom going “I can’t believe I kissed a dude.” Here’s the problem with that. We were all children once. Making out with an adult doesn’t make you a pedophile because we used to be children.

video of the comedian using this joke : http://vimeo.com/60809689


Oh well, living alone isn't as hard as I imagined on the administrative front but on the other hand it's the loneliness that drives me crazy as I have to wait until the 22nd until I can start my new job. I should spend more time in the city shopping for clothes but I still feel like an intruder in the female department (and worst of all it's the same in the male sections too). I feel somehow guilty yet nobody notices me whenever I go shipping. I'm way too paranoid.

In those moments I don't actually feel like I'm trapped in a male body I feel more like a sexually neutral body trying to follow into the most comforting of the two directions


Try thrift stores if you're looking for clothing. A lot cheaper than normal retail stores, also able to experiment with a wider range of clothing styles and employees don't really care all that much anyways. It'll help build confidence as well.
Uh, I was mainly talking about my personal insecurities. I've never had a bad experience shopping for Womens clothes. Last time in H&M I even got two coupons worth 20 bucks from the cashier. Another time I bought female pyjamas- afterwards another customer approached me because she wanted to know if I want her Mini Mania Mini's she didn't need (It's a campaign in a major Swiss retailer where they give you small blindpacket collectibles for every 20 CHF spent). I'm just hitting my head because I'm so lucky yet I am still afraid.


Rolling Girl
Yeah things can bit a bit difficult. I've only gone clothes shopping upfront with friends out of state so I haven't gone exploring by myself here where I live because I get extremely nervous.


Hi TransGAF.

I finally started visiting a local transgender support group a few months ago on the advice of a therapist after I realised that, with my university graduation out of the way, I'd ran out of excuses to keep me running away from my issues/problems with my gender identity. Now my only regret is not trying to deal with this much sooner than I currently am (I turned 26 in August).

I feel like the only thing really stopping me from proceeding further now is my own personal insecurities, combined with a healthy dose of fear. I have been advised by the group not to disclose my transgender identity to the company I'm starting work for on Monday in case they use the 3-Month Probationary Period clause of my employment contact to fire me. I haven't started HRT, so this isn't too much of a problem on a practical level, even though it bothers me on an emotional one. I am exceedingly lucky to have a supportive fiancé, although he knew about my identity problems from the start.

While I am uncloseted to my close friends and housemates (who have been cool with it), most of my extended family currently remains in the dark. My mother has been the most supportive, although she continues to doubt the veracity of my claims that I've felt this way for longer than the shit that went down when I was a teenager. My Dad remains pretty frosty, but I'm not sure where his priorities lie right now.

I'm at that point where I feel comfortable enough passing with friends, at the group, and short walks outside, but not enough to go for lengthy trips outside, it feels like a really tough mental barrier to break through. I think I can do it, but it'll take time. At least I'm earning money now so I can get some things I still need.

Still, I'm glad something like this is here so I can vent a little.
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