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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Those people probably are of the belief that "what you're born with is what you are! no amount of surgery will change that!"

Also known as "ignorants".
Yeah, if you get a brain amputation you're simply brainless but how could they know. They don't have their brain anymore.



AP: Bradley Manning willing to sue to get gender disorder treatment (screws up the title and the lead-in subtitle, but gets pronouns and her name right for the rest of the article)

I have deep doubts that the military or the courts will uphold proper medical care here, but nonetheless applaud her fighting for her health.

I also have doubts; however, even the most stubborn of voices can be changed with enough effort and determination.

It's not the same setting/situation, I know, but I've experienced it firsthand on this forum; a poster who was ignorant about this very topic and refused to look at it in a different way, until I convinced him otherwise.

I hope Chelsea can do the same, and get the care she needs.


So has anyone else had any significant changes regarding sexual preferences? Or to be more specific for my case, expansions.

I've always been into girls, that was easy to understand. Guys were a bit different. I try not to define my sexuality in terms of labels, but prior to the transition, it took me a long time for me to really admit to myself that I could find guys sexually attractive. Bi can be such a dirty word. And even when I did finally admit it, there were just so many barriers –physical and psychological, internal and external– that would have made it hard for me to feel comfortable being with a guy. It was just an "open to the possibility, kinda maybe sorta" type thing.

The transition helped me overcome a number of those barriers, allowing me to open myself, something I anticipated. But those damned hormones... Now, it's just like... I can see guys in that way so easily, something that most likely goes beyond the removal of some mental blocks.

If I were to put it in terms of arbitrary numbers, pre-transition, if girls were a 100, guys were about an 8. Nearly two years since the start of my physical transition? Guys are up to about a 94. I can't say I feel any differently about girls than I did before, to any significant point. But I have been asked "you do still prefer girls, right?" a few times, haha.

To which I usually reply, "Yes... I think."

I removed about ten cases of "just" before posting. It's just like I just just just so easily, you know?


I have heard of this in literature. But I can're really comment on it personally because I was always a pretty gay child. :p
EDIT: I'm all for guys getting even hotter on hormones, can't wait for New Year to start HRT! :3


So has anyone else had any significant changes regarding sexual preferences? Or to be more specific for my case, expansions.

I've always been into girls, that was easy to understand. Guys were a bit different. I try not to define my sexuality in terms of labels, but prior to the transition, it took me a long time for me to really admit to myself that I could find guys sexually attractive. Bi can be such a dirty word. And even when I did finally admit it, there were just so many barriers –physical and psychological, internal and external– that would have made it hard for me to feel comfortable being with a guy. It was just an "open to the possibility, kinda maybe sorta" type thing.

The transition helped me overcome a number of those barriers, allowing me to open myself, something I anticipated. But those damned hormones... Now, it's just like... I can see guys in that way so easily, something that most likely goes beyond the removal of some mental blocks.

If I were to put it in terms of arbitrary numbers, pre-transition, if girls were a 100, guys were about an 8. Nearly two years since the start of my physical transition? Guys are up to about a 94. I can't say I feel any differently about girls than I did before, to any significant point. But I have been asked "you do still prefer girls, right?" a few times, haha.

To which I usually reply, "Yes... I think."

I removed about ten cases of "just" before posting. It's just like I just just just so easily, you know?

I'm a year and some change from starting hormones and my experiences are pretty similar - maybe not as drastic, though. I DO find myself way more likely to check out an attractive guy, but I still fall for women far more easily.


I have heard of this in literature. But I can're really comment on it personally because I was always a pretty gay child. :p
EDIT: I'm all for guys getting even hotter on hormones, can't wait for New Year to start HRT! :3
Here's to hoping I join ye in 2014, still waiting in a nondescript "done with waiting list, waiting to be called for my consultation" zone. It's getting a little unbearable at times.


Rolling Girl
So has anyone else had any significant changes regarding sexual preferences? Or to be more specific for my case, expansions.

I've always been into girls, that was easy to understand. Guys were a bit different. I try not to define my sexuality in terms of labels, but prior to the transition, it took me a long time for me to really admit to myself that I could find guys sexually attractive. Bi can be such a dirty word. And even when I did finally admit it, there were just so many barriers –physical and psychological, internal and external– that would have made it hard for me to feel comfortable being with a guy. It was just an "open to the possibility, kinda maybe sorta" type thing.

The transition helped me overcome a number of those barriers, allowing me to open myself, something I anticipated. But those damned hormones... Now, it's just like... I can see guys in that way so easily, something that most likely goes beyond the removal of some mental blocks.

If I were to put it in terms of arbitrary numbers, pre-transition, if girls were a 100, guys were about an 8. Nearly two years since the start of my physical transition? Guys are up to about a 94. I can't say I feel any differently about girls than I did before, to any significant point. But I have been asked "you do still prefer girls, right?" a few times, haha.

To which I usually reply, "Yes... I think."

I removed about ten cases of "just" before posting. It's just like I just just just so easily, you know?

Well I'm still not attracted to guys that much but I'm still pre-HRT. I'm wondering if that will change after.


I remember expressing doubts about both my gender and sexual identity at around the same time to a psychologist. Sadly, she was being paid by some lawyers to basically dismiss or minimize my concerns as much as possible, as I was being assessed for a court case at the time.

Around the same time, I met my current fiancé online (on a kink site, no less) and after meeting him, I became very comfortable around him and expressing that to others. In a very shot period of time, I'd gone from living in utter denial about my pansexuality to outright embracing it. Facing my gender issues took a couple more years, but I'm glad I started.

So really, I'm hoping that going on HRT won't change anything. I quite like my sexuality where it is.


I think I'm more bi than I was before starting HRT. Girls were always a 100 but guys at like a 15 instead of a 4 now :p
Sure thing! Where we're going, we don't need roads.

Just comfy chairs to wait in.

Thanks! I'm tired of trying to do this on my own.

Is there like an IRC channel or something where people get together? This thread is a WEALTH of information but there are some things I'd rather talk in real time instead.


Thanks! I'm tired of trying to do this on my own.

Is there like an IRC channel or something where people get together? This thread is a WEALTH of information but there are some things I'd rather talk in real time instead.
Passed on your post to the IRC so someone can hook ye up with the details.
That's sort of expected though no? I mean, it's not that weird to expect your erogenous zones to re-align themselves since you're basically re-programming your body through hormones, yes?

I haven't really heard much about sexual orientation shifts or anything, that sounds like a pretty interesting "side effect".

Boys are so missing out on the female orgasm.

Now you're making me jealous :(


I'm not sure about sexual preference, but the way you derive pleasure from that sexuality may change. I love playing with my breasts and feeling wave orgasms. I don't even have to masturbate, playing with my tits is enough for me. Rather than wanking off and being done about it, masturbation for me now is extended gratification of my playing with my breasts and it's better than any masturbation session I had pre-mones. Play with them for an hour and feel the warmth in move from your stomach and into your pelvis. Keep doing that until you feel like you are going to burst.

Boys are so missing out on the female orgasm.

I need a time machine.


I need a time machine.



Those tweets were just... wow. The amount of people that think like that scares me.

The feelings that Lin described sound amazing. I hope I get a full time job soon so I can start paying for a therapist.

My mother has met a trans woman through her job and has done a 180 on her views of trans people. This gives me hope that I won't have to completely restart my life when I start to transition.
Tonight I experimented more.

This post is explicit and is sexually explorative. It could also create potential triggers (words like vagina and penis) so if you aren't cool with that stop now.

Best thing that turns me on isn't pinching my nipples or anything like that, it is the soft sensation of a light touch. I take the palm of my hands and lightly move them accross my nipples as if I were touching a priceless jewel. Just a small, light touch and electricity shoots from my tits to my stomach and to my groin. Ooh! It is even better somehow by long gaps. Like, I tease myself like I would any other girl and stop touching my nipples for a few seconds and then do it again OH MY GOD!!!! UNF!!!!

A girlfriend suggested that because I don't have a vagina I could simulate one by pressing my fingers against my body between the penis and the anus - the taint in other words - ever so gently. It really works and I can feel this is sorta where the electricity goes to. I rub it and simulate a vagina while rubbing breasts as said before. The feeling is amazing. I get wet and leak without touching my penis once. Fuck yes.
Congrats on the sex! The body can really take you to great places when you figure out how to work it.

I've actually done the 'simulate a vagina' thing myself and was surprised at how into it I got and how real it felt. You should try stacking up some pillows with something on top to create pressure on that spot and then ride them. I've been able to have so-called 'no touch' orgasms like this when I'm in the right mood.


I feel like I could add to this conversation, but then it might be TMI. :p

Let's just say that this whole "simulating a vagina" thing is not a bad idea, and there is more than one way to do it.


I feel like I could add to this conversation, but then it might be TMI. :p

Let's just say that this whole "simulating a vagina" thing is not a bad idea, and there is more than one way to do it.

Been doing it for years.

Weed is your ally here as it will easily put you in the kind of mental state you need. Be careful though, for that stuff can be a double edged sword; in moderation only.


Ugh.... I'm having so much difficulty right now, mentally.

See, I'll be honest. I don't know really if I'm transgender or not. I can look at some of my feelings and say yes. But my mind, especially now, wonders what is an escape, and what is real. Even weirder lately, what was a topic almost always on my mind... just disappeared. And I don't know why.

There is truly a side of me that wants this to all be true. That was disappointed and scared at the disappearance of such thoughts. But is that me feeling like I've lost myself, or simply my method of escape.

I don't know, and it's scaring me.


Ugh.... I'm having so much difficulty right now, mentally.

See, I'll be honest. I don't know really if I'm transgender or not. I can look at some of my feelings and say yes. But my mind, especially now, wonders what is an escape, and what is real. Even weirder lately, what was a topic almost always on my mind... just disappeared. And I don't know why.

There is truly a side of me that wants this to all be true. That was disappointed and scared at the disappearance of such thoughts. But is that me feeling like I've lost myself, or simply my method of escape.

I don't know, and it's scaring me.

Being honest with yourself involves looking at the whole picture. It's important to look at the voices and influences around you and ask yourself if that is making you feel this way. I'm not saying that is necessarily the case, but when our feelings are in a fragile state it's easy to be lead away from what's true. Maybe it's just a form of escape, or maybe you identify in a way that is different than you originally thought. The answer is there, whatever it is; listen to yourself, away from everything else, and give it some time.

I have had moments in the past where I felt like maybe I wasn't trans; usually after some external event happened in my life. But my original feelings always came back. It was my brain's way of saying to me, "Hey, this who you really are." If it's really there then you can't repress it, and it will eventually come out, one way or another.


Tonight I experimented more.

This post is explicit and is sexually explorative. It could also create potential triggers (words like vagina and penis) so if you aren't cool with that stop now.

Best thing that turns me on isn't pinching my nipples or anything like that, it is the soft sensation of a light touch. I take the palm of my hands and lightly move them accross my nipples as if I were touching a priceless jewel. Just a small, light touch and electricity shoots from my tits to my stomach and to my groin. Ooh! It is even better somehow by long gaps. Like, I tease myself like I would any other girl and stop touching my nipples for a few seconds and then do it again OH MY GOD!!!! UNF!!!!

A girlfriend suggested that because I don't have a vagina I could simulate one by pressing my fingers against my body between the penis and the anus - the taint in other words - ever so gently. It really works and I can feel this is sorta where the electricity goes to. I rub it and simulate a vagina while rubbing breasts as said before. The feeling is amazing. I get wet and leak without touching my penis once. Fuck yes.

So I'm not the only one who gets super leaky now?


The cold weather is finally coming around and I can't stand it at all now. I can't even stand going to the frozen food aisle anymore since it feels like my tits are about to freeze off. >_>

I've always felt that way - don't think hormones changed that for better or worse.

i have a stupid question

when i'm 18, i don't need the permission of my parents or whatever to start seeing a therapist or whatever, do i?

Sure don't.
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