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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

i have a stupid question

when i'm 18, i don't need the permission of my parents or whatever to start seeing a therapist or whatever, do i?

I don't think you would depending on your living circumstances (if you're just in vanilla, urbanized America you'll probably be fine), but depending on the payment methods (if it's covered under your insurance, for example) your parents might still be made aware of it just because it would be on their financial radar.


The cold weather is finally coming around and I can't stand it at all now. I can't even stand going to the frozen food aisle anymore since it feels like my tits are about to freeze off. >_>

It is 35° C here ... wanna trade ?

i have a stupid question

when i'm 18, i don't need the permission of my parents or whatever to start seeing a therapist or whatever, do i?

You must need to look on your contry to be sure, but I think that you don't need the permission of your parents to see a therapist.... would make no sense to be denied treatment ...

Yay for being a disease, I guess


Carded again. This time when I went to buy white wine. Legal drinking age here is 18, and I'm 32. I know HRT and facial hair removal will make you look young but this is ridiculous.


I came out to the person I'm seeing and she was very accepting. :)



Hello, transgaf :^)

I was just wondering what you beautiful folks thought of Jared Leto's performance in "Dallas Buyers Club." In the movie he plays a transgender woman, and critics have been saying he did a great job at avoiding the stereotypes associated with being transgendered. So if anyone has seen it I'd love to hear your opinion.


Didn't saw the movie yet, but my opinion is divided.

Part of me thinks that another great role for a trans actress was lost because hollywood thinks a MAN is better than us to play it.

...and part of me thinks it is scary how good he could pass xD
That is Lee Pace levels of "that is a waste of hormone therapy"

Which in an 8 in the "80's action hero -> Andrej Pejic" scale

Congrats Femme !
Lets hope she honors her reaction
Thanks everyone. :)
Didn't saw the movie yet, but my opinion is divided.

Part of me thinks that another great role for a trans actress was lost because hollywood thinks a MAN is better than us to play it.
They would have to exist to be given the part. :(
Congrats Femme !
Lets hope she honors her reaction
She is pretty open minded and queer in her own way. Besides, transition is still a ways away for me. :\


Hello, transgaf :^)

I was just wondering what you beautiful folks thought of Jared Leto's performance in "Dallas Buyers Club." In the movie he plays a transgender woman, and critics have been saying he did a great job at avoiding the stereotypes associated with being transgendered. So if anyone has seen it I'd love to hear your opinion.

I haven't seen the movie, so I can't say with certainty, but I've read many reviews from a trans perspective that say while it's not bad, it's not great.


I came out to the person I'm seeing and she was very accepting. :)

That's so great! Congrats. :)

Frankly, I should really be around here more. A lot's happened, and I'm trying to get myself back in control (despression, getting screwed out of my job, gender issues). With how things are going, though, I don't think I'll get to progress too much anytime soon.


Today my name gets officially changed. Theoretically, I don't think the civil-office is working on Saturday. But still, Yay!

It's not only great that I have a female name now but also that I finally got rid of my fathers name as second name (not the last name).
Today my name gets officially changed. Theoretically, I don't think the civil-office is working on Saturday. But still, Yay!

It's not only great that I have a female name now but also that I finally got rid of my fathers name as second name (not the last name).
I wish I could change my name before I'm 18. :\


That girl in the bunny hat
That's fantastic and also congrats Amalthea. I hope you didn't have to jump through too many hoops to get it finalized.

I really should catalog what hoops I need to jump through. I'm pretty sure I need to talk to a psychiatrist, and establish official residency, but.... *flail*.


That's fantastic and also congrats Amalthea. I hope you didn't have to jump through too many hoops to get it finalized.
Thanks, there weren't many hoops. Just sent them a letter and then had to fill out a form and send some documents proving my life as a woman. The biggest hoop will be paying the fee and changing all documents.


That's so great! Congrats. :)

Frankly, I should really be around here more. A lot's happened, and I'm trying to get myself back in control (despression, getting screwed out of my job, gender issues). With how things are going, though, I don't think I'll get to progress too much anytime soon.

We're always around to chat and console!


Last night I woke up from sleep with my head shaking. I was totally aware of it and lasted for all of 2 seconds. I knew it wasn't a seizure because a noise or something woke me up, and I have no head pain or any headache after the fact. However, my body was twitching a bit since waking up like I had the shivers. I think the cold is half responsible so they were definitely a response to cold weather I think. It is pretty cold outside due to the storm and apparently my heater was set to 74 fucking degrees. Doesn't help I'm going through some stomach issues the past day. So I'm probably sick.

Anyways, my pharmacy gave me a different kind of Spiro on Thursday. It is called Greenstone and I've never seen Spiro like this. It doesn't even have the traditional Spiro mark/logo on it but has a G on it. I'm not sure about this stuff and I've been on it for two days. I read Spiro can cause muscle spasms so I dunno what to do. I go to my doc on the 18th for blood work then a week later come back again for probably an up in my E dose (yay) so I'm not sure if I should keep taking the Spiro and be aware of the muscle spasms or if I should stop until the appointment. I'm not even sure if they WERE spasms, maybe I woke up shivering because it WAS cold.

I'm going to my GP about the head shake to see about an MRI but still, what the hell.

Don't know about the head shaking, but, spasms can be caused by spironolactone, yes.

Spiro is a potassium-sparing diuretic, which can mean two things.

1) It's a diuretic. It can make you pee a lot. And with that, your body will excrete sodium, and other electrolytes. You might find yourself with low sodium levels, (which I had myself and which I believed caused cramps for me).

2) It's potassium-sparing. You may retain excess potassium. So your potassium levels might be higher than normal. This can also cause cramps. All you can really do about this is limit potassium-rich foods.

But, you won't be able to figure out which it is until you get blood work done. Outside of sodium and potassium, you could also in theory have issues with either chloride or magnesium, etc. Blood work should be able to confirm if there's an issue.

In the interim, you may want to have a little extra salt, and track the potassium-rich foods you eat. But don't stop or change your medication dosages (without consulting your doctor first) because you want your bloodwork to accurately reflect your levels.


I wish I could change my name before I'm 18. :

I do wish I could as well. But I'm a little bit to young for adult service's and I'm to old to use o get physical treatment via the child service but at least i'm seeing a psychiatrist i'm moving forward.

I'm sorry if this is a bad first post for me in transgaf I can't really think of a decent introduction :(


Setec Astronomer
So I'm at my zen center for a ceremony and I talk to this sweet girl and it immediately moves down there. Why now? It hasn't moved in months. MONTHS. I talked to her like normal, and pushed the physical attraction down under because I REFUSE to treat this sweet woman like a piece of meat.

WHY NOW? I felt so guilty and I had to end the conversation abruptly just to get back into my comfort zone. Sigh, any m2f here struggle with this?

I dunno. It just caught me off guard. This is the first woman in months to turn me on as I'm typically interested in men now. Just out of the blue, and I felt naked and exposed and that something was wrong and I haven't felt as dyphoric as I did at that moment.
What the hell is wrong with that? You're attracted to who you're attracted to. Even getting a physical response isn't a problem. It's what you do about it that runs you into problems!


I don't really mind my height, I've just got giant feet that dwarfs my whole extended family in size that make shoe shopping difficult already even before transitioning to female.

Why do you want to be shorter Bo?


I don't really mind my height, I've just got giant feet that dwarfs my whole extended family in size that make shoe shopping difficult already even before transitioning to female.

Why do you want to be shorter Bo?
Pretty sure 5'10" is the average height for men in Canada, and I'd kinda like to be shorter than my SO (whether they be man or woman). Not a dealbreaker or anything, though.


Pretty sure 5'10" is the average height for men in Canada, and I'd kinda like to be shorter than my SO (whether they be man or woman). Not a dealbreaker or anything, though.

I'm way above the female average of 5'3" in the UK and just slightly above male average so it's not all bad.

I've never known people to be picky about height is that common?


Obsidian fan
My sister wears heels and she's 6'1"

I don't think I could pull it off. I already look tall due to my frame, and I've worn heeled shoes once in the past (I was messing around with a friend) and it was just "nah, this is weird" lol.

Having small feet is good tho, so there's that.

edit: wait, the female average here is 5'3"? That sounds low.


I'm way above the female average of 5'3" in the UK and just slightly above male average so it's not all bad.

I've never known people to be picky about height is that common?
I can't speak for others, but that whole romantic notion of tilting one's head back to kiss a lover drives my brain wild. Not sure where I picked it up from :p


CHEEZMO™;92976301 said:
>being 6' tall

I could never wear anything heeled.

You can always wear heeled things no matter how tall you are.

You might need to go to Holland or Germany so people don't bat an eye, but you can always wear it


I can't speak for others, but that whole romantic notion of tilting one's head back to kiss a lover drives my brain wild. Not sure where I picked it up from :p

I'd in all honesty stand on tip toes or find something to stand on.

That average height I got from a BBC article dated 2010.
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