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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


I'm sorry to hear how things have turned out, Servbot. I agree that you should go out and meet new people (even though it will hurt a lot in the beginning). Find someone who really appreciates you for who you are.

I was hoping we could leave "simping" out of the conversation. Welp.

Simping is so last year. The real trend is to become a superalphamegagodbossbrocheckmeout, and then to assert your dominance by vaporizing your enemies with a magical fire blast.


relies on auto-aim
Shrimp are great. Don't eat them.



Motherboard installed, spent about 130 bucks, three days, and a lot of physical and mental aggravation to get everything up and working again. But that's over and done with.

Wish transition (motherboard included :p) were that quick.


Motherboard installed, spent about 130 bucks, three days, and a lot of physical and mental aggravation to get everything up and working again. But that's over and done with.

Wish transition (motherboard included :p) were that quick.

3 days? Why you just didn't clone your hard drive? Or there where any other complications?
Also, LOL @ the second. Maybe one day in the near future.


Wish transition (motherboard included :p) were that quick.

I remember saying to my councillor a while back that if transitioning was faster, cheaper and less likely to get me looked at funny, I'd have done it years ago.

I think that probably applies to a lot of us, though.


I remember saying to my councillor a while back that if transitioning was faster, cheaper and less likely to get me looked at funny, I'd have done it years ago.

I think that probably applies to a lot of us, though.

Neil Gaiman has na interesting short story about this on his book Smokes and Mirrors


Mistakes were made. Backed up my data one GB at a time with an old USB thumb-drive :\


Just as a comment. When i've to replace a MoBo i just:

  1. Unistall the drivers of the old one (optional)
  2. Remove and replace
  3. If you encounter with a constant reboot maybe the HDD drivers got faulty and prevent you from running, you can fix this quite easily with a free tool called Fix HDD.
  4. Restart windows, install the new mobo drivers and voila your new set up up and running in just a few hours!


Oh damn. Feeling hella stupid right about now.

Don't be, it was just a mistake. I have done a pretty silly ones even though i fix computers for a living. You can have asked though. There's a thread for tech support here in the OT or even you could have asked in this very thread (i guess).


Question: You know how some comedies reveal a character's gender to be not what it originally seemed to be? The whole 'he was actually a she!' plot twist? Is that considered transphobic? I was thinking that maybe it could be, since its making a comedic point out of someone not being the gender they appear to be. But then maybe it couldn't because rarely do these events involve actual trans* people, just men disguised as women, and vice versa.

What do you guys think?


Question: You know how some comedies reveal a character's gender to be not what it originally seemed to be? The whole 'he was actually a she!' plot twist? Is that considered transphobic? I was thinking that maybe it could be, since its making a comedic point out of someone not being the gender they appear to be. But then maybe it couldn't because rarely do these events involve actual trans* people, just men disguised as women, and vice versa.

What do you guys think?

Most of the times I saw that it was with transgender characters.

So yes, it is pretty transphobic because it is the "hey you just kissed a dude" joke that makes transgender people look like people whose sole porpuese in life is make straight people gay because we are not the gender that we .... are.


I think, like a lot of things, it's a question that can't honestly be answered without considering intention and handling. To my head instantly pops Just One of the Guys, an 80's movie where a girl pretends to be a guy in high school for, I think, some reason tied to her being a journalist. The basic premise and set-up conveys nothing that I find offensive, because I don't think that has any real connection to being trans or cross dressing.

Then there would be the character that helped create the internet slang/meme that we all know and love (or hate, depending on your opinions on it), the trap. You've got a character like Bridget from Guilty Gear, who has storyline reasons for why he dresses up as a she, and wacky hijinks occasionally ensue because of it. Is that offensive to trans people? Well, Bridget doesn't actually identify as a girl, so his cross-dressing isn't tied to personal, gender-identification reasons.

That last part, to me, is key: if the character's actions and situation relates to their own personal gender identity. There are examples of cross dressing and using such acts for deception and trickery throughout history, and it's not a domain that I think the trans community can claim full ownership to. Cross dressing can, in those cases, be seen as, say, pretending to be a cop, or a doctor, or disguising yourself as another race, religion, or segment of people.

Now, let's say you've got a male character who present themselves as a female character, and they use that presentation to convince another male character to enter into a romantic relationship when said character would never be into men normally. I still don't know that that can really be said to relate to being trans, because a lot of specific questions need to be answered first—but I can understand why such stories could potentially be connected to the trans community. For some, it doesn't take much of a mental jump from that to a person who is actually trans, and the thought that it all amounts to trickery and lies.

It is a story that could harm opinions of the trans community if not handled properly? Sure—but I don't know that it's fair to consider it transphobic. Transphobia, to me, has to be a presented character or story or situation that specific and—with intent—involves a transgender character in a negative and demeaning way. The story has to be saying "this person is transgender, and is a lesser person because of that" or something similar.

Again, for me, it's intention. That's the biggest key point in my mind. I know others disagree–and I 100% support their doing so—but it's why words like "trap" or "tranny" don't completely bother me. What bothers me is the intention behind the words, not the words themselves. I say the same thing here. Having the "she's actually a he!" story doesn't bother me as a trope, because there's so much that could be done with that. Joan of Arc and Mulan were two examples of that, and both are pretty kick-ass if you ask me.

What really matters is what was done with the idea, and if there was honest intent to present something that either directly or indirectly insults the trans community.


Like shidoshi said, I think whether or not it is transphobic depends on the way it's handled. But with there being so much ignorance regarding what it means to be trans, I generally don't expect it to be handled well.


Question: You know how some comedies reveal a character's gender to be not what it originally seemed to be? The whole 'he was actually a she!' plot twist? Is that considered transphobic? I was thinking that maybe it could be, since its making a comedic point out of someone not being the gender they appear to be. But then maybe it couldn't because rarely do these events involve actual trans* people, just men disguised as women, and vice versa.

What do you guys think?

I don't think that in general they're strictly transphobic, but they do tend to at least spread false information.


There are signs of people actually trying harder at doing good on such topics, however. I think I mentioned it in here before, but the show Whitney that was on for a few years had an episode where the main character's sister revealed that she wanted to be a man. It still had a lot of humor and jokes, but they were never at the character's expense, and we're centered more around the natural difficulty of dealing with such a revelation.

Episode should be up on Hulu, titled "Lost in Transition".


There are signs of people actually trying harder at doing good on such topics, however. I think I mentioned it in here before, but the show Whitney that was on for a few years had an episode where the main character's sister revealed that she wanted to be a man. It still had a lot of humor and jokes, but they were never at the character's expense, and we're centered more around the natural difficulty of dealing with such a revelation.

Episode should be up on Hulu, titled "Lost in Transition".


There are signs of people actually trying harder at doing good on such topics, however. I think I mentioned it in here before, but the show Whitney that was on for a few years had an episode where the main character's sister revealed that she wanted to be a man. It still had a lot of humor and jokes, but they were never at the character's expense, and we're centered more around the natural difficulty of dealing with such a revelation.

Episode should be up on Hulu, titled "Lost in Transition".

I think I have deja vu.


Didn't saw it posted ... but I think if there was any doubt about transphobia in the GOP ... there is this RIDICULOUSLY HIGH LEVEL OF TRIGGER WARNING tweet

edit : It is because people like this guy that "tranny" is a slur. Because every eyesight of the word remembers me of people like him =|

What the flying fuck......... Even for a republican this must be a new level of hate.

I know its Halloween, but I went out in public (as a girl) today and I actually got whistled at a few times..

I swear to god it wasn't me.
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