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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Generalisation time. Lone trans woman who doesn't pass going to a lesbian bar. Asking for trouble from the clientele Yay or nay?

After reading Julia Serano's Excluded, I'm wary. But I also think if cis-women are going to look at me like I shouldn't be there, then that's not my problem.


Why what did they say? I'm not to good at this stuff mostly due to personality
neurotic ice queen apparently :/

He sounded distant. Like the previous two text messages to him with me saying I still wanted to see him hadn't even been read. I then asked him how his day was afterwards but no response.

I don't want to pester him, but then I feel he might think I'm not showing enough interest.


He sounded distant. Like the previous two text messages to him with me saying I still wanted to see him hadn't even been read. I then asked him how his day was afterwards but no response.

I don't want to pester him, but then I feel he might think I'm not showing enough interest.
Maybe give him some time? Do you argue a lot or is this a big argument? I don't mean to pry or anything.


Looks like I'll be leaving my family sooner than expected, my father threatened to attack me. Do any of you girls have any experience dealing with something like this?

My uncle has offered me a place to stay, but I have to wait until Monday before I can sneak out. I'm freaking out here.


Looks like I'll be leaving my family sooner than expected, my father threatened to attack me. Do any of you girls have any experience dealing with something like this?

My uncle has offered me a place to stay, but I have to wait until Monday before I can sneak out. I'm freaking out here.

Really sorry to hear that, and I wish I had some kind of advice to give you. I was long out of the house when I started going through this, so I had no worry about finding myself in such a situation. All you can really do is put yourself in the best situation you can for now, and work toward making a more stable life for yourself in whatever ways you can.

I come at it from a bit of an odd (?) outlook. I love my family, and get along with them, but I've always felt distant from even those in my family I'm closest to. So, I've never had a problem walking away from any of them if I needed to for whatever reason. In your situation, I'd walk away from my father and never look back.

You'd be amazed how adaptable us humans can be when need be. You can get through it.

On a lighter note:

I found out today that the lead singer of Against Me wished me well in my transition via a mutual acquaintance. *laughs*


I'm pretty much the same with my family. Excluding my mum, dad and my brother/sister, I don't really see my extended family much. I'd definitely jump at the offer from your uncle for a place to stay kinsei. I'm just sorry that it happened with someone who should have been there to support and nurture you instead of being idiotically blindsided by their own prejudice.

Last night was weird. Lin, you were right. I had little to fear as the bar was welcoming. I even really got on with someone there but she eventually disappeared on me. : ( Maybe she has SA too. I don't know. Anyway, I'm trying to reflect on the positives. Glad I went.


You shouldn't visit the thread about Dr. V we have on Gaf then. There are many users there who think that her transition was just a cherry on top of her con. As if she took all the fear, pain and loss of transitioning to sell some fucking golf putter.



Wow. I can understand wanting to reveal her falsified credentials, but outing her as trans was going way too far.

This morning my father apologized for everything last night saying that he thought what my mother and I were discussing was that she was cheating on him. I don't think he even registered the fact that I'm trans he was that angry, and assuming he's telling the truth I can kinda understand why. I wouldn't know how to react if I found out my partner was cheating on me. Even if he isn't telling the truth I figure if he can keep his anger in check long enough for me to get a job and save up the cash to get my own apartment that it would be beneficial for me to stay here. My uncle lives out in the country where no buses run, and I don't have a car. I would be really limiting the range of my job search if I were to move in with him.

It's times like this where I wish life was a fairy tale. Where is my fairy godmother when I need her?


You shouldn't visit the thread about Dr. V we have on Gaf then. There are many users there who think that her transition was just a cherry on top of her con. As if she took all the fear, pain and loss of transitioning to sell some fucking golf putter.
Yep I saw that as I read through the thread, just awful really.

Really sums up the thread for me.


Was reading the thread on the article at my friends to see what it was about without actually reading it, mistake on my part since it mad me instantly sad. Asked my friend if he read it yet and he hasn't heard of it, this same friend I sort of came out to as trans. Every now and then he brings up the subject, which I usually segway into something else since I'm not too fond of talking personal stuff about me, especially that...just is too personal and stuff...I always feel apprehensive about it. Then that feeds into my depression about always hiding and avoiding talking about it, and I tell myself I should open myself up but I get scared and come down on myself more. It just all spirals all out of control like how I feel now while I post this, I'll probably just not do anything but stay in bed all night thinking.

tldr; ugh :(


Just wanted to throw out my support for this thread.

I've had way too many crushes on adorable ftm trans guys.

One of my few guy crushes was on a trans guy friend of mine from school. The two of us started hormones the same year, so it was interesting comparing our experiences, especially considering how many things were the opposite of what the other was going through.

Also, congrats to both Bo and Shidoshi! Exciting stuff. :)


....I'm starting to get jealous :p

Unfortunately that moment is still pretty far away for me, but I'll never give up!
I'm a little bit jealous as well :p, I've still got appointments with the child psychologist, before any referral's even happen. But it will happen eventually so there's that to look forward too.
Is it normal that I sometimes wish I could just take a knife and just...chop off this growth between my legs?

Obviously I'm not going to do it, I hate blood, but still.
Is it normal that I sometimes wish I could just take a knife and just...chop off this growth between my legs?

Obviously I'm not going to do it, I hate blood, but still.

Think of it as an investment, it's annoying and bother you more than it helps but you'll need it to fulfill your dreams one day :)


This has been a crappy day. Went charity shop browsing and picked up a load of clothes that I found didn't fit because I was too SA to go to the changing room. My body is telling me size 14 (UK), but I don't want to admit it. : (


I just feel fat. And I know that saying that isn't nice considering there'll be people as big or bigger here and I'm not saying there's anything naturally wrong with being that weight.

it just feels weird compared to how I used to be. Ever since I started taking anti-depressants for bi-polar I've developed a gut and wearing mid-riff or short tops makes me feel ridiculous. It's probably BDD more than anything. Before I transitioned I was below eight stone. Now in a year and a half since I'm well over eleven stone.


I don't know what to say dash other than don't be too harsh on yourself. My anxiety is awful and coupled with autism it is horrible. Not even mentioning my body.


Finally accepted that I am trans (MtF) a few weeks ago, after a long long period of repressing it. Few friends and my eldest brother and parents know and are totally supportive. Spoke to my GP as well so I've got a referral to my local gender clinic. Very early days obviously and one of my closest friends is trans as well so I have an idea what to expect on that front...

But, um, yes, hi!
Recently Piers Morgan had an interview with a transgender author. (here), now I don't usually watch Piers Morgan but I did hear about some controversy surrounding this interview (explanation).

This directly results in Piers doing a second interview (watch here) with some mixed results (analysis)

It doesn't seem this was discussed here before (blame GAF search if not true), but I wanted to get GAF's perspective on this, what do you think of the controversy, was it legitimate? watching the videos I don't get the impression that Piers did anything wrong, but then again I may be wrong
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