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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


You start to realize that you'll always be a guy to some people, even if they don't want to believe that themselves. It really, really, hurts.

There are some people that even if a genie magicaly transforms into a ciswoman and you shake a bloody tampoon on their faces they will still see a dude =P

You just have to explain how important it is for you that they get the right pronoum


Some people will be like this is it worth keeping them as friends if they can't accept you for who you are?

I don't think so. Being trans is hard enough. If someone won't come around on something that is so personally important and core to who you are, then they aren't real friends, and aren't worth keeping around. Just my blunt opinion.
I don't think so. Being trans is hard enough. If someone won't come around on something that is so personally important and core to who you are, then they aren't real friends, and aren't worth keeping around. Just my blunt opinion.

Agreed. How can you trust and respect someone that disrespects you to the point of denying you of your identity?


What do you mean?

Bad choice of words on my part, I've started the specialist appointments with a child psychologist but due to my age i'll surpass physical treatment stage on child services being 17 physical aid will from adult services. So I was that what I was asking (still makes no sense doesn't it).


Because we can always take a non bad trans representation


More info here


Huh, that's really interesting. It's something that a lot of people wouldn't get at first, because they'd just think her "transformation" means going from someone who's seen as being tough and maybe more "masculine" to someone who's more ladylike and "feminine". (Or at least that's how I'd take it.)


According to one of the people on that Tumblr, the term used in the original Japanese—"Karateou"—is specifically a term for male Black Belts in karate. So, she's saying that half a year ago, she was a guy, but thanks to the power of medicine she is what she is now.

And my exact translation for the original Japanese (from that Tumble) would be: "Even though I was a [Karate term] half a year ago, the power of medical science is amazing isn't it!"

I don't know enough about Karate to be able to confirm the idea of "Karateou" being a male-specific term, but looking up readings for "ou", one of them is "king, ruler, sovereign, monarch". So, that would certainly fit as a male-specific term. The problem is, for the "ou", kanji isn't used, so I'm not sure which exact reading it's supposed to be.

I did a quick search for "karateou", but most of the results I came up with seem to be Pokemon-related. Some of those results, however, do use the kanji that refers to the reading I mentioned above.
The key point is more Black Belt/Karate king, refers to a specific trainer class that's male only in Pokemon, with the female "karate" trainer class in Pokemon being called "Crush Girl/Battle Girl" . If they just wanted to say she went from being a karate person to a Beauty (her new trainer class) they could have just used Crush Girl/ Battle Girl , but since they didn't, within the context of Pokemon they are talking about the character being trans.
So it was not my lack of karate knowledge, but my lack of Pokemon knowledge. *heh*

You weren't the only one caught off guard with that one, lol. I stared at it for quite some time before it hit me that it could be Pokémon related.

Who would think that Pokémon of all things would have a respectable depiction of a trans woman...


You weren't the only one caught off guard with that one, lol. I stared at it for quite some time before it hit me that it could be Pokémon related.

Who would think that Pokémon of all things would have a respectable depiction of a trans woman...

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door has a good depiction of a trans woman so I'm not too surprised that Pokemon does too.


Here is the relevant stuff for Vivian gender in the in roughly translated Japanese:

Mario wiki said:
"One of the shadow group, Vivian appears to be a girl but is really a boy." (in Japanese: 「カゲ三人組の一人だった オンナのコのよ うで ホントは オトコのコ」). Additionally, Goombella's Tattle reads: "That's Vivian. Of the shadow group, she's the youngest sister... er, brother." (in Japanese: 「『ビビアン』よ カゲ三人組の一人で いちばん下の妹[1]


Not to forget Birdo. If this keeps going Nintendo will be responsible for 70% of non-insulting depictions of Trans chararacters in entertainment overall and 99% in gaming.

In Final Fantasy Legend 3 the characters could kinda change their sex and species as a part of the battle system. If for example a barbarian type male warrior ate Fairy meat he would turn into a petite big breasted fairy. It's kinda Pokemon-esque as you could copy those enemies abilities permanently that way.


The Final Fantasy thing would CREATE a transgender male character ....

Not to forget Birdo. If this keeps going Nintendo will be responsible for 70% of non-insulting depictions of Trans chararacters in entertainment overall and 99% in gaming.

She is called Birdetta >=/


There was also a CD or trans character in Shenmue II. I think Sega pathetically re-dubbed her in the European Dreamcast version and did a re-write for the Xbox English dub.


That girl in the bunny hat
So, my anxiety and job situations have made it hard to get a new endocrinologist and keep up HRT since moving cross-country. I finally get referred to one by a major clinic in the area. Call her up, tell her what's up, doctor responds all "sure, no prob, we'll have the woman that does scheduling call you back".


The woman that does scheduling called today. I repeat that I'm trans, looking to just keep all that monitored and stuff. She goes "nope, won't treat you."


So fuck her, basically.


I got a letter from the local psych hospital yesterday confirming that I have an appointment with them on Thursday 13th February for a potential referral to the gender clinic at Charing Cross in London.

While I should be very happy about this, I can't help but feel very nervous as well.


I'm still stuck in a looping cycle. After the fourth time of seeing the psychiatrist (that I was referred to by my GP for gender dysphoria) said 'come back in six months and we'll talk about your gender issues more then', I went back to my GP to demand referral to another one. It'd already been a year and he's adding six months on, where all he wants to talk about is upping the dose of anti-depressants I'm on? Fuck him.

So I'm back to square one where I'm probably going to have to wait god knows how many months again.

Seriously, fuck the NHS.

Anyway, congrats Reishiki. Hope you get that referral.


Sorry to hear about that Hop. Ridiculous that the doctor said there's be no problem and then the scheduling lady won't help.

Same for you Dash. I know how utterly frustrating it must be trying to get help and feeling like nobody is willing to give you some.
Hop, if you had a previous appointment and they knew you were trans then i is probably just the schedule referral clerk being stupid. All you have to do is go over her head and ask for either her supervisor or for the department supervisor.


That's ridiculous Dash.

Good luck guys.

Sorry to hear about that Hop. Ridiculous that the doctor said there's be no problem and then the scheduling lady won't help.

Same for you Dash. I know how utterly frustrating it must be trying to get help and feeling like nobody is willing to give you some.

Thanks. : ) My situation could be a lot worse. I can currently afford hormones and my mum wants to loan me some money for FFS later in the year, so I'm not as screwed as some people. I just wish I wouldn't be put on this merrygoround. I have a friend where it took them four years to get a referral, so things aren't as bad as they could be.

Oh and hop, good luck on changing endos. The one you spoke to sounded like a bitch.


my mum wants to loan me some money for FFS later in the year

Please, leave FFS for last.

It is VERY common for people to don't consider it as important as they once imagined after everything is done

Let the HRT changes happen, change your wardrobe, laser, voice.... maybe even SRS.

They all afect greatly on both your face/body and in your confidence


I've done laser and IPL (and am restarting the former this month). By the time I get FFS in the latter half of this year it'll be getting on for almost two years HRT. I have to accept that my hormones aren't doing a lot for my face (front on it's quite angular).

I do get your general gist though. HRT affects peoples' faces in different ways. Some it drastically feminises them, others not so much.


2 years is NOTHING for hrt.
It is not even half of the time for most people.

Also, not only the physical changes.
Usualy people start passing more because of other reasons and they feel that they should use the money on something more like srs or implants (THAT is something I rarely see someone happy with... even cis girls xD) =P

One of the examples that I know is a girl whose face is basicaly a square for so much "angular" and she now even did some modeling jobs and don't think about ffs anymore.
She does live in northern europe, where people have more angular features ... but still.


I'm not too bothered about implants because I prefer natural looking boobs to fake looking ones, and I'm not doing too badly in that area. I do agree that confidence is a huge issue. I was getting heckled a lot in the street towards the latter end of last year and it really affected my confidence, but since then, I've been feeling better about myself.

Voice is a big thing too. If I can half-decently get to a point where I feel it doesn't sound so masculine before FFS, I might not be as inclined to do it this year.

I wish passability wasn't such a thing with me because I whole heartedly believe that people should respect a person's gender expression and identity, no matter where they are along the spectrum or transition. Makes me feel like a hypocrite. I guess it's less about other people and lessening the dysphoria.


Yeah, better take a voice therapy first. It's an invisible change but the effect on your appearance can be huge. And I think you look good anyway.


It's crazy how much voice with helps with passability. Three was definitely a period of time where people seemed unsure of how to gender me ...until I opened my mouth.

That being said, my job required me to talk to strangers on the phone constantly, so I had lots of "free" practice.


It's crazy how much voice with helps with passability. Three was definitely a period of time where people seemed unsure of how to gender me ...until I opened my mouth.

That being said, my job required me to talk to strangers on the phone constantly, so I had lots of "free" practice.
I think there's a stereotype that no matter how feminine Transwomen look they always have a deep manly voice. Imagine how shitty this is for Ciswomen who have such a voice (like from smoking).


I'm still stuck in a looping cycle. After the fourth time of seeing the psychiatrist (that I was referred to by my GP for gender dysphoria) said 'come back in six months and we'll talk about your gender issues more then', I went back to my GP to demand referral to another one. It'd already been a year and he's adding six months on, where all he wants to talk about is upping the dose of anti-depressants I'm on? Fuck him.

So I'm back to square one where I'm probably going to have to wait god knows how many months again.

Seriously, fuck the NHS.

Anyway, congrats Reishiki. Hope you get that referral.

That sucks bad.

This is what I'm worried about, I think. I've finally worked up enough courage (I guess you could call it that) to confront my gender identity issues via sessions with a councilor at a local support group and I'm worried that the system will turn around and trample all over it.

I haven't even started any procedures because I don't know where to really start, and I work full time, so I can barely afford the time out to do anything like electrolysis. Plus, I feel like the only way to have work accept me as TG is if I have a GID diagnosis letter I can wave in front of their faces.

Argh, how am I even meant to pass if I need a diagnosis to start HRT? It's maddening.


So I'm back to square one where I'm probably going to have to wait god knows how many months again.

Seriously, fuck the NHS.
That's the NHS for you I've been stuck in a loop before after two years I've had pretty much squat. Even though it's just eczema I'd rather not look like I've got giant red spots on my arms and hands on a bad day.
There are some people that even if a genie magicaly transforms into a ciswoman and you shake a bloody tampoon on their faces they will still see a dude =P
I bet this is going to be a reality someday, as technology improves.

Then again I am very optimistic, about technology.


Science has more priorities over creating a robot genie that grants wishes than evolving transgender treatment, so maybe one day

On a related trivia, onde day when I was at the begining of the transition I dreamed that a friend was magicaly transformed into a girl and I was SO PISSED at him because HE was the one transformed and he could not explain what happened =(
Science has more priorities over creating a robot genie that grants wishes than evolving transgender treatment, so maybe one day
I am guessing that by robot genie, you mean strong AI.

I'm sure that many medical advances will come in the future, though. Even if optimists aren't quite right, there are many therapies and treatments that exist today, that did not exist all that long ago.

On the subject of dreams. I like to lay in bed at night, before going to sleep. And imagine various things. Often things I wish would happen. For instance, sometimes, when I lay in bed at night, I dream of something sudden happening, and being transformed into the girl of my dreams. Like, being in the middle of a crowd, and an unidentified bubble coming in from space, hits me. And instead of hurting me, it recognizes my mind's greatest wishes, and turns me into a girl. And all sorts of news programs and scientists, want to know what happened.

I also read books about a technologically optimistic future. And dream of a day when I can be as young and healthy as I would like. And safely having any kind of body I would like. Being young, happy, and female, forever. And just the way I want to be female. That would be nice. I lay in bed thinking about various technologies that would show up, and how I can adopt them.

Right now, I can remove my body hair. And I'm looking into dermatologists for treatment. But there's not much else I can do. There's plastic surgery, but plastic surgery scares me. I've heard too many bad stories about plastic surgery today. And it seems risky. I could also undergo HRT, but I'm afraid of growing breasts, and other things I don't want.

But I dream of a day when that's completely different. And that's what I often think about, when I lay in bed.
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