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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Regarding the feminininininity thing, I remember before I realized I was trans (which I think was when I was like 14 or so, may have been 15) people online always thought I was a girl based upon the way I acted. (They also thought I must have been much older than I was because of how mature I tended to act back then)

Ironically now some people admit they thought I was a boy based upon the way I act online, although I don't think I act any different. Although I am a bit blunt. (Although on the other hand, some people who don't know if I'm a boy or girl still choose girl based on the way I act online)

I think I just confuse people.
I've come across quite a few people who thought I was female based on how I act on the internet. Not so much now though, I was a lot more expressive and open when I was younger, before depression took its toll I guess and robbed me of a lot of my warmth and emotion.

Also been hit on in online games. Apparently female avatar + quiet + healer = girl.

Hope laser works for you, never did for me on the face :(

It's taken 70 hours of electrolysis to rid my face of facial hair. Nothing really left now. Few more sessions and the gruelling fun time is over with for good. I estimate I've spent a good 7 grand at least on facial hair removal.

One of the worst parts of the whole process.
Yeah, I really hope this works too. Electrolysis does not sound fun and in my current situation I can't really afford it.

And iirate, that really, really sucks. I hope you find a way to get hair removal at some point :/


Sadly, I'm not a huge fan of heels.

That said, I don't mind smaller heels on feminine boots, I just need to find some in size 12.
Big feet here as well a us 11.5 and I'm still growing. High heels I just can't walk in, but I <3 boots. As for hair removal I've got no idea if the NHS will cover it.


People always talk about how HRT doesn't reduce the beard growth but what if somebody has a weak beard growth in the first place?


Big feet here as well a us 11.5 and I'm still growing. High heels I just can't walk in, but I <3 boots. As for hair removal I've got no idea if the NHS will cover it.
Apparently it depends on the GIC? I'm on a waiting list for the Porterbrook and according to a friend who went there they fund it, but some others don't.


Apparently it depends on the GIC? I'm on a waiting list for the Porterbrook and according to a friend who went there they fund it, but some others don't.
It's kinda hope and wait thing for me, I'm too old for the service i'm with to provide physical aid. So my referral to adult services should happen at some point... Then it's just a matter of location getting to London for Tavistock is fine, but I'm nearly at the point of applying to a university for courses so I can be a paleontologist. So I hope that it happens soon rather than latter for my own happiness and I'm not constricted in following my dreams.


Also been hit on in online games. Apparently female avatar + quiet + healer = girl.

Funnily enough, female avatar + joking/sarcastic + healer = guy, at least from my own experiences. I don't bother to correct strangers online either, so when they find out otherwise after a couple of months of knowing me, there's normally a pretty funny reaction.

People always talk about how HRT doesn't reduce the beard growth but what if somebody has a weak beard growth in the first place?

My beard growth has always been on the light side, but it definitely wasn't reduced by HRT.


Had my local psych appointment yesterday, he's going to refer me to The Laurels clinic in Exeter for further assessment. I'm pretty happy about this.


Well here's a question and a story...

How do you cope with friends cutting you off for being transgender? With basically that being pretty much the only reason? I assume others have gone through this?

I've had the experience of having that done to me slowly and gradually in various ways over the course of the last few years until I had enough and pulled the plug. Basically what the person was trying to accomplish and got what they wanted. I tried to keep it cordial (and did at first) but the rage inside me is seething. After calmly stating that I thought it was best to cease contact I suppose I just couldn't get over it and I absolutely, utterly tore strips off of this person recently via text message. I had enough thinking about it, I had to get it out of me and give it to this person. I was sick of the way I was being seen as less, being excluded and looked down upon in various ways and treated like shit amongst his friends behind my back. The fakery, the lies, the deceit. I was fucking over it.

I took it too far, was quite vicious actually, and have utterly annihilated any semblance of friendship there was left there. In a way I think good, it was a long time coming and well deserved. On the other hand it was cruel and callous. Out of character in many ways and I would late offer an apology for it.

Of course the person really is quite the ignorant douchebag but had good qualities and was someone I had known a good 20 years since we were kids. I did do a lot for for this person over a long time. I was apparently the only one he 'trusted' to mind (i.e. live in and look after) his house and dogs for a month. Which I did, after driving 14 hours interstate to do so. I uprooted my life in one state and moved basically for this fucker, and the thanks I get when I need a help in life...the thanks I get. He has a young son, about a year. My guess is that I would be a bad influence or some nonsense, that his boy might catch what I've got or something.

Of course the person is a total user and always has been, an idea of friendship that was a total one way street. You know the people you will always go out of your way for but they will never in blue hell go out of their way for you? That type. Unfortunately due to my lack of social connection I put of with all this shit. More fool me.

I know people will say 'fuck him' but I'm really not happy about it because I'm finding it hard to cope. This whole idea of being excluded for being different is a rather recent phenomenon in my life with transitioning. It's hard to cope with when that is basically the only reason and I could never, ever do that to someone myself.

My mother found it quite difficult, being from an older generation (in her 70's now). I've largely only spoken with her over the past few years over the phone (only seen her twice in that time with a year and a half difference as we live in different states) but she has coped overall. Saw her today, she see's how much I've changed but barely blinked an eyelid really. Nice :) Despite her difficulty in understanding, the idea of cutting me off as a result of me being transgender she considers abhorrent.

So the fact that this other bastard works to progressively do this over a period of a few years (basically put up with it at first begrudgingly) and then the moment I go full time the intentional fucking me around with catching up, the complete disrespect for me as transgender etc, the shit kicks into overdrive. All planned for a long time, as I had suspected for a long time.

Really fucking unhappy about it and this person just couldn't care less it seems. Not an apology, not an explanation, nothing. I'm not worth anything. Whatever.


I'm not the best person to answer this, because my answer indeed would be "fuck them". That goes for friends, family, whoever.

I grew up being alone most of the time, so that's what I got used to. I love having people in my life, but I also realized how capable I am of not having them there. As cold as it might sound, there's not one person I couldn't live without. So, I'd rather cut ties with someone and not have their negativity in my life.

That was something I also learned from school. I tended to find and make friends who were truly good people and who accepted me (and others) for who they were, so I simply had no time or concern for everyone else. Part of it too helps in not caring what people think about you. I mean, I DO care, but only to a certain point. At that point, you have to realize that you're living your life for them, not yourself, and that's a waste of your time. (Having something that instantly makes you stand our in school, like red hair, forces you to learn pretty quick that you can't pay attention to what everyone says about you.)

Thankfully, I've had not one of my friends be negative to me over all of this.

If someone is, though, they're out of my life without a look back. If they can't be a true friend to you, why would you waste and time or thought on them? Especially in what you said in the end. You're sitting here having concern over them (because you're a good person), and they probably aren't giving you another thought. All you're doing is wasting your time, energy, and emotion on a person who isn't worth any of it.
I have to agree with shidoshi , it may feel bad at first but truly, fuck them. I have to say this, there are FAR too many people in this world who will accept you for who you are, will love you for it, will support you for it, who aren't a bigoted assholes that you can't nor do you have to waste time on people who won't. I mean , if someone needs time to come around or remorse the loss of the person they thought you were, etc then sure.But if someone wants to paint you as a bad person unworthy of their time then fuck them, same thing if they want to impede your transition or life. It's not worth going through this with anyone as far as I'm concerned regardless of history or relations.


Totally with Shidoshi on this. I don't really mind being alone, well I'm far too clingy and emotionally needy for anyone for relationships to last. I'm one of those crazy people everyone advises against...


I agree with all the above points.

This friend sounds like a poison that's badly affecting your life and happiness. 'Fuck him' may not seem like the nicest or best outcome, but at the end of the day, it's not your job to make him tolerant or accepting of you. He's the one with the problem and there has to be a cutoff point where you refuse to let him drag you down anymore.


I always had such "friends" who would just exploit me and do nothing in return. In hindsight they were more like abusive boyfriends rather than buddy-bro's.
In the end I vowed to never have any friendships anymore, wich as luckily about a year before I realized my trans-issues.


I always had such "friends" who would just exploit me and do nothing in return. In hindsight they were more like abusive boyfriends rather than buddy-bro's.
In the end I vowed to never have any friendships anymore, wich as luckily about a year before I realized my trans-issues.
No friends forever? I don't mind condemning myself to isolation but making other people do it must have been horrible.


I started HRT on Thursday. I'm so happy <3

Yay! Awesome! Glad to hear it.

I'm getting close to the 2-month estrogen / 1-month T-blockers mark. Not a huge amount of emotional changes so far, except for the fact that I feel like it's far easier for me to fall into laughing fits now. I've had three times recently when I ended up laughing so much I was on the floor in pain.

Also, man—chest soreness and anything that makes you bounce are not a fun combination. *heh*


Thanks for the all the advice. I've spoken with this 'friend' and have decided to be keeping him at arms length from now on. He reckons he wasn't pushing me away, whatever. It isn't how I saw it, but whatever. I'll go there in the capacity of an acquaintance for the occasional games of pool and darts for old time sake and that's it. I still expect an effort to be made in respect of my situation.

I don't really consider myself having any friends and I can't say I really, even care that much anymore, anyway.

My bigger problem is society in general. I'm sure some of you have experience. Getting gawked at, comments, snide looks etc. Not outright laughter or abuse, haven't really dealt with much of that but still, a complete lack of consideration, respect and understanding nonetheless. And I...just don't handle it well. In fact I can't stand it and need to learn how to cope with it but it utterly fucking pisses me right off. It upsets me. It angers me.

I wish I could say, 'couldn't give a fuck, doesn't bother me at all. Who cares about what others think? Fuck 'em'. But I can't seem to do that. I am so consumed by how others react to my situation and it's self-defeating. I need to break out of it and not care, but I can't seem to do that.


I just saw this posted on FB, and decided to share it here.


These beautiful photographs of transgender women, in Paris from the late 1950s and early 1960s were taken by Swedish photographer Christer Strömholm, who traveled to Paris in the late-fifties, where he hoped to create a new kind of night-life street photography. Strömholm lived in the Red Light district, around Place Blanche and Pigalle, where he made friends with many of the young transgender women who worked the streets and hotels to make a living.

In 1983, Strömholm published many of these photographs in his book Les Amies de Place Blanche. In his introduction to the book he wrote:

“This is a book about the quest for self-identity, about the right to live, about the right to own and control one’s body.
...These are images of people whose lives I shared and whom I think I understood.​
More pics in the link.
EDIT: The link to the image collection on the site contains NSFW material.




Since Leto won the Oscar for his performance in Dallas Buyers Club I've been reading up on it, since I haven't seen it yet. Sounds really awful. The clip they played was cringe inducing too.
The only thing I can say is that I have no real interest in movies about trans characters and with trans narratives until they have trans characters that are played by trans actors/actresses (and narratives themselves that don't treat us as mere stereotypes and comic relief ) . Anything else I feel is problematic and just reinforces narratives that we aren't the genders we say we are, i have no interest in taking part or seeing cis people pat themselves on the back for being so "progressive" for portraying trans narratives / trans characters that don't even involve actually trans people (nor realistically and respectfully portray us ). Anything else I could say on the matter has safely been said better here and here .
I'm not 100% against a cis man portraying a trans woman but it would certainly appear that Jared Leto was the wrong person for the job.


Probably the biggest problem is that :

1)They never ask a trans person to play the part of a cis person of the gender they identify.

2)Unless it is the "lol the hot lady is a dude" I can only remember Transamerica where a cis woman played a trans woman.

So hollywood is CLEARLY sending the message that we are actualy men in dresses, not women =P


So part of me wants to come out as Transgender to my friends and family but I'm terrified of what would happen. Some background, I came out to my friends/family as gay a few years ago and it went well. I guess it was my way of sort of "testing the waters" for me coming out as trans, but now I'm hesitant to. I know that I am Trans. I also tend to steer most conversation about myself away since I'm uncomfortable discussing "me" personally. It's scary for me to have to. Being Transgender is one of those things that is a personal thing for me. Triggers are a terrible thing for me.

Just sort of lost right now. Time just keeps ticking away and feels like I'm getting farther away from me.

/late night depressive rant


My biggest problem with this specific case was that the character was just reinforcing stereotypes.

It would probably reinforce 95% of the stereotypes if was played by a trans/cis woman anyway, since the problem is how it is written.

Yes, I know that transgender people who are drug addicts, HIV positive, ridiculously depressive, can't get hormones and love pink exists ... and I know cis people who make jokes about how SRS is mutilation and trans people who laugh at those jokes.

But this is how society views EVERY transgender person and there will not be a SINGLE transphobic person who will get out of the movie with their prejudices shaken.


I've been considering posting here for a while now, but I've been hesitant because I don't really wanna cause things to derail. That being said, I think opinions and thoughts from people who I don't know IRL might provide some personal insight to what's going on in my life right now. I've been putting a lot of thought in some things that my "friend" has been going through, and I'm at the end of my rope when it comes to emotional sanity because of it. All I really wanna know is, would it be okay if the post ends up being rather long? I don't think I can shrink many months of... things to a paragraph.


Anybody who has seen me post about trans issues here on GAF has seen me vomit endless paragraphs of text into posts.

So if that's what you need to do, vomit away!


Unconfirmed Member
The only thing I can say is that I have no real interest in movies about trans characters and with trans narratives until they have trans characters that are played by trans actors/actresses (and narratives themselves that don't treat us as mere stereotypes and comic relief ) . Anything else I feel is problematic and just reinforces narratives that we aren't the genders we say we are, i have no interest in taking part or seeing cis people pat themselves on the back for being so "progressive" for portraying trans narratives / trans characters that don't even involve actually trans people (nor realistically and respectfully portray us ). Anything else I could say on the matter has safely been said better here and here .

I don't know was Boys Don't Cry that bad? (I havn't watched Boys Don't Cry).


I've been considering posting here for a while now, but I've been hesitant because I don't really wanna cause things to derail. That being said, I think opinions and thoughts from people who I don't know IRL might provide some personal insight to what's going on in my life right now. I've been putting a lot of thought in some things that my "friend" has been going through, and I'm at the end of my rope when it comes to emotional sanity because of it. All I really wanna know is, would it be okay if the post ends up being rather long? I don't think I can shrink many months of... things to a paragraph.
Post away. It sounds like you need to get it off your chest anyway.


Rolling Girl
What can I say I'm a dirty girl... A bit of a nympho probably based on how much it is on my mind.

That's quite alright I understand completely! I'll have to read through it when I get home on Tuesday.

Also feel free to post mountains of text Huelen! That is what this place is for.
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