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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Holidays were so-so (and to top it I gained 2 kilos, damn you Italian food ( ._.) ) but at least I finally managed to tell my friend that is following me on Twitter about myself. It went pretty good, even if she was on the "I could have never imagined that" side rather than in the "I always knew it" side. She was very accepting and after a couple of minutes of bewilderement and explaining everything was back to normal.

Twitter should start being a free talk zone soon, until then feel free to refer me as you like anyway since I'm officially genderless :p

A bit late but thanks for the support Levyne! :)

So, no big deal or whatever, but I started HRT on Monday.

Congrats! :D


we are in a generation where people are very accepting towards LBGT.
i came out on facebook 2 month ago, and it was very smooth, no one defriended me, feedback i got were all positive.


So… it's been a week. Am I a girl yet? When does that happen exactly? When do my boobs show up? I'm supposed to feel different. Do I feel different?

It's funny, because you go in knowing full well how things actually work, and that it's just the first step of a long process, but there's still something inside of you that expects that you'll wake up the next day and suddenly feel different. And, when you don't, it's a strange, slightly disappointing feeling.


So… it's been a week. Am I a girl yet? When does that happen exactly? When do my boobs show up? I'm supposed to feel different. Do I feel different?

Lets see

Probably before your mother gave birth to you
Somewhere between in a few months to a few years*
Not yet

in theory flat boobs are still boobs, so they show up when you ... take off your shirt ?


Congrats Shidoshi. : )

Effects vary. You should start seeing your skin become smoother and small signs of breast development in the first 4-6 weeks. Longer term effects are obviously female-like fat distribution, thining of body hair amongst the more obvious changes.

As for not feeling anything. I definitely felt very relieved and tranquil when I first started taking cyproterone a week before I introduced the estrogen. It was placebo, but it also felt like I was finally doing something about the poison in my body.


That sucks bad.

This is what I'm worried about, I think. I've finally worked up enough courage (I guess you could call it that) to confront my gender identity issues via sessions with a councilor at a local support group and I'm worried that the system will turn around and trample all over it.

I haven't even started any procedures because I don't know where to really start, and I work full time, so I can barely afford the time out to do anything like electrolysis. Plus, I feel like the only way to have work accept me as TG is if I have a GID diagnosis letter I can wave in front of their faces.

Argh, how am I even meant to pass if I need a diagnosis to start HRT? It's maddening.

It used to be that you had to go full-time for a few months before they'd even consider HRT (which to my mind is counterproductive). I think that's changed now so hopefully it won't be long after diagnosis where you'll be given a prescription.

That's the NHS for you I've been stuck in a loop before after two years I've had pretty much squat. Even though it's just eczema I'd rather not look like I've got giant red spots on my arms and hands on a bad day.

Let's hope it doesn't get any worse. Considering how cut throat they've been, It wouldn't surprise me at all if the tories eventually try and cut NHS funding for SRS, or any alternative funding for hormone treatment and facial hair reduction treatment.


Remember that puberty takes a long time. The first noticeable effects of hurt occur in the first two years. But changes last for five seven years before they're complete.

Yeah, sorry—the first part of my post wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I'm well aware that I've taken but a tiny step in a long, long journey.

It's just kind of that whole build-up you have to finally starting. You think about it, you want to get started, you do planning, you talk to a therapist, you make plans, you do research, you get things out of the way that you need to get out of the way, and then the day comes and there's this weird moment when it truly sinks in that changes don't come overnight.

I imagine it could be similar to having a baby, if it's something you've been wanting for a long time. Finally, you (or your wife) get pregnant, there's this rush of excitement, and then it hits you that you've got nine months until the event actually happens.

There's so many things in life that offer up instant gratification that it can be a bit of harsh reality when you encounter one that doesn't work that way. Again, I knew all of this going in, it's just been interesting to now be faced with that reality.

But, like Dash pointed out, there has been a little bit of a placebo effect, if that's even the right way to call it. Because, mentally, I know it's finally begun, and I'm finally on the road that I've wanted to walk for so long, now and then I'll sit there and it'll sink in and it'll effect me in that moment. But I remind myself that that comes from other things than the hormonal changes that are starting to happen in my body.


Let's hope it doesn't get any worse. Considering how cut throat they've been, It wouldn't surprise me at all if the tories eventually try and cut NHS funding for SRS, or any alternative funding for hormone treatment and facial hair reduction treatment.
I hope so too, I mean my family would foot the bill if they had to, but it's unfair on all of them. The management of my local NHS is mind boggling, especially based on population demographics and migration patterns.


That girl in the bunny hat
I imagine it could be similar to having a baby, if it's something you've been wanting for a long time. Finally, you (or your wife) get pregnant, there's this rush of excitement, and then it hits you that you've got nine months until the event actually happens.

But even then. A baby, unlike boobs, has a set popping-out point.


It used to be that you had to go full-time for a few months before they'd even consider HRT (which to my mind is counterproductive). I think that's changed now so hopefully it won't be long after diagnosis where you'll be given a prescription.

Oh snap, really? I was still under the impression this hadn't been changed.


Obsidian fan
Pellets. So inserted under my skin.



Incision in the skin, some sort of metal device to keep the incision open, stick in another device to scoop out some of the issue and create a hole, put the pellets in, close the wound, 5~7 days of having to keep a bandage over the incision while it heals.

Of course, I couldn't see the process (I was laying on my stomach, and it was done on the upper region of my backside), so I have no idea if it looks as bad as it may sound. *heh*


Incision in the skin, some sort of metal device to keep the incision open, stick in another device to scoop out some of the issue and create a hole, put the pellets in, close the wound, 5~7 days of having to keep a bandage over the incision while it heals.

Of course, I couldn't see the process (I was laying on my stomach, and it was done on the upper region of my backside), so I have no idea if it looks as bad as it may sound. *heh*

Wow that sound's bad, hopefully like you say it doesn't look too bad. At least there wasn't pics like when Frankie cut his finger off.


Incision in the skin, some sort of metal device to keep the incision open, stick in another device to scoop out some of the issue and create a hole, put the pellets in, close the wound, 5~7 days of having to keep a bandage over the incision while it heals.

Of course, I couldn't see the process (I was laying on my stomach, and it was done on the upper region of my backside), so I have no idea if it looks as bad as it may sound. *heh*

What D:


Rolling Girl
Incision in the skin, some sort of metal device to keep the incision open, stick in another device to scoop out some of the issue and create a hole, put the pellets in, close the wound, 5~7 days of having to keep a bandage over the incision while it heals.

Of course, I couldn't see the process (I was laying on my stomach, and it was done on the upper region of my backside), so I have no idea if it looks as bad as it may sound. *heh*

Well I'd pretty much have no problem doing this as long as it was the best way to absorb things, but it doesn't sound too pretty.


Well I'd pretty much have no problem doing this as long as it was the best way to absorb things, but it doesn't sound too pretty.

This and shots are the two methods where absorption is at its highest. And, for me, this is not only far more convenient, but I just don't think I could handle giving myself shots. I'm too paranoid that I'd do it wrong.


This and shots are the two methods where absorption is at its highest. And, for me, this is not only far more convenient, but I just don't think I could handle giving myself shots. I'm too paranoid that I'd do it wrong.

Did they explain the process to you at all? How does the delayed release work? I'm kind of fascinated by how it could last for 3 months.


Did they explain the process to you at all? How does the delayed release work? I'm kind of fascinated by how it could last for 3 months.

It's a mixture of the pellets and how your body reacts to them. From what I remember/understood, at first, your body is just like "what the hell happened to me?!", and it trying to repair the damage of the "pocket" that's been created means it isn't as efficient at absorbing the pellets as they naturally break down by being inside of you.

As that area gets more use (from future visits and putting in new batches) and your body gets used to what's going on, it creates new cell walls for that area, and at that point it gets more efficient at absorbing the raw estrogen.

In terms of lasting three months, it's just a case of how the pellets are made, and what the natural rate of dissolving would be when in your body. And, to be clear, it's not like one big pellet—I received five 25mg ones.


And I was thinking that starting with estrogen in gel form was weird.

...gel is more awkward, but this is WAY more weird


Today looking in the mirror is incredibly painful. I am never going to pass. Days like this suicide becomes a legitimate option.

I ended up crying, refusing to speak to anyone, and sleeping all day.

I looked at before and afters and they usually cheer me up. But I just ended up crying looking at them. I just woke up from a nap and just thinking of those b&A's brought me to tears again.

I'm sorry, hun. : ( It's never fun when the dysphoria hits a peak and you're left feeling like you're never going to look how you want. From the front-on, my face is incredibly squareish and when I'm not wearing foundation and have shadow on my face, I just want to smash every mirror in the apartment and crawl back into bed. Just remind yourself of the strength and the bravery that you're undertaking to express yourself as you feel. While passing can be incredibly vital to a person's sense of belonging and the way they want to see themselves, deep down I don't think it's as important as coming to the realisation and self-acceptance that you wanted to transition in the first place. I hope what you're feeling passes - I'm sure the further into transition you get the better you'll feel about things. Like you say, if the before and afters have cheered you up in the past then obviously you're making significant improvements to the way you want to look. And there'll be many more.
Might be trigger warning for some, but...

The album Transgender Dysphoria Blues was released
She hasn't changed her singing voice at all. Assuming she wants to change it, I guess this album was too soon.

Though her body has begun to develop, her voice will stay the same without surgery – something Grace doesn't mind. "I like my singing voice," she said.
Found this in an interview from last year.


Today looking in the mirror is incredibly painful. I am never going to pass. Days like this suicide becomes a legitimate option.

Obviously it's nowhere near the situation you're in, but that was one of the things that made me feel hesitant about starting hormones. One day I'd look in the mirror and think, "I can totally pull this off!", and the next I'd look at myself and be horrified and feel certain I'd never, ever be able to pass no matter what I did.

Mirrors are, like, my mortal enemy. It's amazing how much dread such a simple object can bring.


That girl in the bunny hat
Since the new year started, I've been using Medium and writing little posts on things that are important to me. Personality traits, projects, experiences, etc.

Obviously, I'm going to write about transition. And after watching my best friend go through a tense identity crisis himself tonight, I figured I'd write that part of my post now, when it's potent in my mind. And, since it's something we can all relate to, I figured I'd share it here for comment.

A crisis of identity feels, I would guess, a bit like being stabbed. I wouldn’t know from experience, but both are pretty traumatic experiences, and yet it’s entirely possible to go through both without actually noticing until after the fact. Both have a mix of suddenness and impending danger. Both can be accidents, but are more commonly concentrated attacks.

And both hurt. Like hell.

The first instance is the worst. It’s a new, painful sensation. It’s a visceral violation at the core of your self. Your temperature suddenly shifts. You find yourself exposed, weak. Your balance is shot. Confusion and fear dominate. The entire world looks cruel at the hands of your attacker.

And they don’t stop coming. Some hit shallower, some deeper, some seem to miss entirely. But now and then, someone you thought would never hold a knife stabs a “he” through your heart.

And you collapse. Left for dead.

Time passes. Your energy, your muscles come back. The old wounds have scabbed over, your skin becomes a sort of armor. What used to feel like a machete is now barely more than a papercut, or the prick of a needle.

But even with a papercut, a pin prick… you still bleed.

Every time. You bleed.

Every time I see my old name on some mail.

Every time I’m reminded of my less-than-feminine frame.

Every time someone calls me “sir”.

I bleed.



That girl in the bunny hat
It's kinda dark but it's good, emotive language on paper is far easier for some people me included. Being misgendered hurts irregardless of the source.

And about a couple sentences in you started sound like this guy in my head.

I was going for dark. One, that's where my head was at last night anyway, and two, I feel like positive emotional appeals aren't effective enough so I thought I'd try the other way 'round.


The last part resonates, mostly because it reminds me that you only need a few of those cuts before you start to become embittered. I hated Manchester for certain periods of the latter half of last year for random people being dicks, but now that I've got a little bit of perspective away from those moments you come to realise that letting people poison you against yourself is only letting them win.


Query; Are there any sites/apps/programs/whatever that can help with picking out suitable makeup? I've even had a professional makeup artist come and talk to our local group and everything still feels pretty overwhelming on that front. My next appointment is in the second week of February, and I'd like to at least try before then.

I work in Tech Support, I have to repeat my name for every single call I answer. Shit hurts after a long day.


I have a few hundred makeup tip videos from youtube which I could upload to dropbox if you wanted? I downloaded them at the start of transition.


I have a few hundred makeup tip videos from youtube which I could upload to dropbox if you wanted? I downloaded them at the start of transition.
I wouldn't mind that I need to learn as well, attempts on other's have been less than satisfying.


Dropbox isn't big enough, lol. Uploading to Mega now. : )

I wish I could forget the last 24 hours. Think I've just pushed away a really close friend. : /


My friend, or I should say the guy I'm dating, disappeared on me while we were out. Literally just started walking away and then when I went after him he was no longer on the street he'd turned on to. He's done this once before with me when we were going to see my friend's band play and he walked ithe opposite direction to his friends, so I assumed this time that he'd gone off to wherever and started on my way back to the bus station. Five minutes later he ends up phoning me saying he's back at the top of the street I was previously on. I was so angry with him at the time that I told him I was going home and then texted him to say we shouldn't see each other for a while.

Thing is I was drunk and I know I overreacted (he could have been walking ahead without realising how far I was behind him perhaps?). I already find making friends hard and I have feeling because I was drinking I probably expected the worst when I shouldn't have.
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