Hi people. The op was a success. Onward to weeks / months of recovery! Thanks for all the well wishes.
I'm pretty lucid. I don't think I really get the high that some others get all drugged up. The talking lion at the end of my bed agrees with me.
Hi people. The op was a success. Onward to weeks / months of recovery! Thanks for all the well wishes.
I'm pretty lucid. I don't think I really get the high that some others get all drugged up. The talking lion at the end of my bed agrees with me.
I was going to make a furry joke but I genuinely don't know anyone with a lion character. So I guess basic congratulations will have to suffice in this case.
Hi people. The op was a success. Onward to weeks / months of recovery! Thanks for all the well wishes.
I'm pretty lucid. I don't think I really get the high that some others get all drugged up. The talking lion at the end of my bed agrees with me.
I'm so nervous for tomorrow.
I hope I don't break out into tears.
My co-host of the furry persuasion (fursuasion?) from WAHP has, I believe, a lion character as his main fursona.
Did you ask them why you're not on the schedule?I now have nothing to look forward to, i don't know what i'm going to do.
I don't even want to eat, or do anything.
*hugs*I now have nothing to look forward to, i don't know what i'm going to do.
I don't even want to eat, or do anything.
I now have nothing to look forward to, i don't know what i'm going to do.
I don't even want to eat, or do anything.
Just got a call from them apologizing, told me to come in for 5, so yay!
Huzzork!Just got a call from them apologizing, told me to come in for 5, so yay!
Just got a call from them apologizing, told me to come in for 5, so yay!
^^Kathryn, Girl, where you been? The lack of conffetti was unbearable!
I've been pretty depressed lately so I haven't been posting that often. But things are getting better now.
Sorry for the lack of confetti! Confetti posting should be back to normal though.
Oh.... sorry to hear that and appologies for sounding like an ass. Glad to hear things are getting better. I hope the best for you.
As for the conffetti, i'll gladly cover you if not around , no biggie.
Hell yes, sister! Starting close to when I did this year.No blood, but was told I'll start by march!
So they took the bandages and stuff off today.
It's real. I'm afraid to touch it cause it looks like it can take your finger off.
Sound good. I hope you don't have much pain.So they took the bandages and stuff off today.
It's real. I'm afraid to touch it cause it looks like it can take your finger off.
Well I have been reading this thread for the past few days, since page 100, whenever I had the free time to do so and well...I am not sure what to think. I am not sure if I want to post any of my feelings, due to it being the same old "can't transition, due to x" reasons. However, after going through it for the past few years and reading into y'all's lives, I have to say that I am happy for those folk that have started the process of transitioning, I am also jealous. Congrats Lexi on the SRS.
Also, do people still use the IRC channel? And if so, what times?
Ok cool, I stopped by last night and while there were people there...nobody was talking. I'll probably be hop tonight late.There's always someone at one of the IRC channels. I usually hang around until late at night, sometimes even all the way until morning so feel free to drop by and say hi
Ok cool, I stopped by last night and while there were people there...nobody was talking. I'll probably be hop tonight late.
So they took the bandages and stuff off today.
It's real. I'm afraid to touch it cause it looks like it can take your finger off.
I've had my bloods done and my next appointment is on Jan 15th. Looks like I'll be starting HRT shortly thereafter.
Gotta come out at work as well; that I'm less looking forward to.
So they took the bandages and stuff off today.
It's real. I'm afraid to touch it cause it looks like it can take your finger off.
I've had my bloods done and my next appointment is on Jan 15th. Looks like I'll be starting HRT shortly thereafter.
Gotta come out at work as well; that I'm less looking forward to.
I've had my bloods done and my next appointment is on Jan 15th. Looks like I'll be starting HRT shortly thereafter.
Gotta come out at work as well; that I'm less looking forward to.
Happy holidays to all!!
Santa got everyone breast implants right?
I got $150, so I could get balloons. The cheap implants.Santa got everyone breast implants right?
Well as of last week I decided to post in this thread, but was feeling too depressed to actually talk about being trans. I'm 19 and pre-op/pre-hormone mtf transsexual. I've known about wanting/being a girl since I was small, around 4, and learned about surgery and hormones when I was 12 via the Internet. Came out to my mom at 15, where she thought it was basically a "grass is greener on the other side," and just a phase...we haven't really spoken about it since. I was suicidal from 14-15, until I came out to my best friend who became my girlfriend later on. After feeling depressed for around a month, I re-came out to her and our main source of conflict is the fact that she's straight and doesn't like girls sexually. I came out to her parents last night, and I am feeling much happier to say the least. I want to go on hormones, but don't know when/if that will be ever happen. I'm glad that everyone had a nice Christmas =).
Thanks for your input, I appreciate it. When it comes to therapy my girlfriend's mother said she would take me to someone if I really wanted too. The only issue with that is saying why I would need to go one when telling my parents, for insurance reasons. She said I could just say I was depressed as a cover, but if it was a specalist, it probably wouldn't work. My other problem with therapy is just...I'm not really sure what they can do to be honest. My girlfriend suggested to join the LGBT group at our local community college, but I'm not sure if I would feel comfortable with that.I don't know if this is possible for you at this point, but either getting a therapist to talk about this or talking to an existing one about this may be a good idea, although if the latter they may well feel unqualified/untrained to deal with it and may suggest seeing a specialist. If this isn't an option for one reason or another, you may want to seek out any local trans community that might exist, since they could potentially help guide you going forward. Not to say that you can't get some of this online, but I feel having someone physically close can be important.