There was a discussion in my Gender Studies class about a small boy who I think was five years old and identified as a female. I can't remember the case exactly, I'll ask my professor tomorrow but we had a long discussion. We were talking about gender roles and norms that are social constructs. The parents are supportive of their child, an allowed for hormonal treatment and puberty blockers. However I had several questions myself, is it okay for a small child to undergo hormonal treatment at a very young age? I think that any drugs that can alter your physical state can have repercussions. I'm also wondering if the child has grasped the implications and has a clear idea of the process. I'm not against Transgender rights, but I think that the individual should grow up to a point where their bodies are developed an then make the conscious decision knowing everything about the treatment they will undergo, like hormonal treatment for example. I'm also skeptical of puberty blockers, I don't think they are the best method. In any case, I feel that there needs to be more research and more training for parents, teachers, medical staff in Transgender issues.
It's Switzerland, everybody thinks everything is just fine the way it is. Because most people here are just old, rich assholes.What the WHAT? .....
What gender do you identify with?
Hey, I live in a country where you can't get sexual confirmation surgery until you are 25 but working in prostitution is legal for 16 year olds!
It's Switzerland, everybody thinks everything is just fine the way it is. Because most people here are just old, rich assholes.
Except if it's about immigrants or foreign relations, then politicans and voters really catch the dumb.
In a few days we have to vote for or against a new rule that Swiss gold can't sold to foreign countries and that it becomes forbidden to keep reserves of our gold outside of Switzerland!
How retarded is that?
It was not always like this. It's because of a single random federal court descision because some doc didn't want to operate a patient who was younger than 25. Said patient sued the doctor but the federal court decided that the doc was right.I had no idea that was the case, seems like a very random age decision.
It was not always like this. It's because of a single random federal court descision because some doc didn't want to operate a patient who was younger than 25. Said patient sued the doctor but the federal court decided that the doc was right.
Well, shit...
He tought that the patient wasn't "mature enough".Why did the doctor not want to perform the operation and what were the basis for the court decision?
Is there not a higher instance of courts in Switzerland?
only boards like /b/ and /pol/ thoBut it's all for the lulz right? Isn't that how 4chan still operates?
I received my formal diagnosis letter today and my pre-HRT blood test is all booked up for the week after next.
I think "decent" is really underselling it. You did an amazingly awesome and brave thing.So I came out to a coworker today.
In order to help him support his trans son.
Think that's a decent reason to do it, personally.
So I came out to a coworker today.
In order to help him support his trans son.
Think that's a decent reason to do it, personally.
I saw you were over there and was wondering if that might be the reason! OMG yay!
You saw me?
Oh I should probably update. I'm in Thailand ATM once again for the thing that's not FFS, the other thing. Yeah that thing.
It all goes down on Tuesday so maybe I'll post updates here?
I will have a session with my doc on January 7th to transfer my case to a surgician for genital reassignment.
I'm alreaddy giddy!
Even if it will still take months after that.
So this Wednesday is my first appointment, I'm excited but scared at the same time.
I loathe needles so I don't really want them pricking me, but I know its the only way.
Good luck lexi!! Hope everything goes smoothly.
Congrats too!! Can i bring the drinks? Also we need some conffetti here
Zero hour. I'll talk when I'm able to, god know how I'm going to hold up after being gutted like a fish.
You got this!!!!! Make sure you'll ur nice and doped up then get back here and fill us in!Zero hour. I'll talk when I'm able to, god know how I'm going to hold up after being gutted like a fish.
I'm pretty lucid. I don't think I really get the high that some others get all drugged up. The talking lion at the end of my bed agrees with me.
LOL. I'm so happy for you. Just take care and get well.Hi people. The op was a success. Onward to weeks / months of recovery! Thanks for all the well wishes.
I'm pretty lucid. I don't think I really get the high that some others get all drugged up. The talking lion at the end of my bed agrees with me.