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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Lady Gaia

Oooooh, Fretboard Summit sounds like it's loads of fun! Did you perform at all? Kinda curious what kinda panel discussions/guests there were for those.

As a rank novice who just started to learn to play this year, I most definitely did not perform. I have immense respect for those who did and thoroughly enjoyed spending time around so many who are passionate for the instrument.

The conference schedule is public if you're curious. Lots of luminaries in the field were there, from established performers like Dave Crosby and Bill Frisell to up and coming artists like Eric Skye alongside luthiers like the founders of Santa Cruz Guitar Company and Paul Reed Smith guitars. I loved watching the techs from SCGC geek out over subtle details of my baby while they replaced her strings and gave her a few minor tweaks on the workbench.


She will also accept Super Beth, Beth Queen, Girl Dynamite, Chocolate Thun-dah! or just Beth


Hehe. I like Girl Dynamite! That's a cute nickname. I need more cute nick names. < . >

Welcome new people !

Also .. do you people like spoken word and/or rap ?

because this is awesome !

Thanks! :)

I love most music, though rap is one of the genres I'm a bit more picky on, but wow! That is indeed quite awesome. She rocks it! Definitely checking out more of her work if she has anyway. Spoken word can be very powerful and cool. ^^

As a rank novice who just started to learn to play this year, I most definitely did not perform. I have immense respect for those who did and thoroughly enjoyed spending time around so many who are passionate for the instrument.

The conference schedule is public if you're curious. Lots of luminaries in the field were there, from established performers like Dave Crosby and Bill Frisell to up and coming artists like Eric Skye alongside luthiers like the founders of Santa Cruz Guitar Company and Paul Reed Smith guitars. I loved watching the techs from SCGC geek out over subtle details of my baby while they replaced her strings and gave her a few minor tweaks on the workbench.

Oooooh, I hope your journey with the acoustic is a fabulous one! Got any pics of her?

It sounds like a fun event over all. Idk acoustic guitar toooo well but there are some folk artists I love that utilize it or have in the past. Always good to geek out over something, heh.

Hi new people!

Hello Kinsei! ^.^ How are you?



Press the "+" symbol


and then when you press "post reply" you have :

Hi new people!

Hehe. I like Girl Dynamite! That's a cute nickname. I need more cute nick names. < . >

Thanks! :)

I love most music, though rap is one of the genres I'm a bit more picky on, but wow! That is indeed quite awesome. She rocks it! Definitely checking out more of her work if she has anyway. Spoken word can be very powerful and cool. ^^

Oooooh, I hope your journey with the acoustic is a fabulous one! Got any pics of her?

It sounds like a fun event over all. Idk acoustic guitar toooo well but there are some folk artists I love that utilize it or have in the past. Always good to geek out over something, heh.

Hello Kinsei! ^.^ How are you?

Beth Cyra

Hehe. I like Girl Dynamite! That's a cute nickname. I need more cute nick names. < . >

Thanks! :)

I love most music, though rap is one of the genres I'm a bit more picky on, but wow! That is indeed quite awesome. She rocks it! Definitely checking out more of her work if she has anyway. Spoken word can be very powerful and cool. ^^

Oooooh, I hope your journey with the acoustic is a fabulous one! Got any pics of her?

It sounds like a fun event over all. Idk acoustic guitar toooo well but there are some folk artists I love that utilize it or have in the past. Always good to geek out over something, heh.

Hello Kinsei! ^.^ How are you?
Lol Girl Dynamite is brand new to me as well lol :D


We went in and bought pads to absorb the blood.....yet i stood staring with a huge smile because we bought pads for my panties.

Such a small thing but so big to me. It made me view my surgery in such a new light.


So I came out at work a while ago, and their response? Make the staff washrooms gender neutral. I don't see why the do it to all of the washrooms though seeing as the staff "washrooms" are just a private stall in the public ones.

Hello Kinsei! ^.^ How are you?



Lol Girl Dynamite is brand new to me as well lol :D


We went in and bought pads to absorb the blood.....yet i stood staring with a huge smile because we bought pads for my panties.

Such a small thing but so big to me. It made me view my surgery in such a new light.

Proud of you! :)

So I came out at work a while ago, and their response? Make the staff washrooms gender neutral. I don't see why the do it to all of the washrooms though seeing as the staff "washrooms" are just a private stall in the public ones.


Oh huh. I'm curious how my co-workers will take it when I come out about this. I mean, there was a transman working there but he left shortly after I arrived. They did, for the most part, try to use the correct pronouns. A few of them when he wasn't around referred to him with female ones however. : / Other than that they tried to refer to him with his preferred pronouns and name.

Glad to hear you're well! Is there any name you prefer as well or is your username fine?

Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things. Kurt Vonnegut.

Goooooooooooood. You have no idea how much I love Vonnegut. Such a wonderful writer.


Oh huh. I'm curious how my co-workers will take it when I come out about this. I mean, there was a transman working there but he left shortly after I arrived. They did, for the most part, try to use the correct pronouns. A few of them when he wasn't around referred to him with female ones however. : / Other than that they tried to refer to him with his preferred pronouns and name.

Glad to hear you're well! Is there any name you prefer as well or is your username fine?

I wish you the best for when you do decide to come out at work.

My username is fine.


Oh, I thought a hotline for that had already existed? Or am I mistaken? Either way, that's wonderful!

wasn't a transgender suicide hotline one of the things GamerGate targeted?

actually it appears that might be the same one I was thinking of since theres articles of it from last year. Guess the post is sorta old. Either way its good for people to keep in mind. website seems to be: translifeline.com


wasn't a transgender suicide hotline one of the things GamerGate targeted?

actually it appears that might be the same one I was thinking of since theres articles of it from last year. Guess the post is sorta old. Either way its good for people to keep in mind. website seems to be: translifeline.com

Ahh, yea. That's the one I was thinking of too! Glad everything is still alright with it.


So I don't have much more time today to do this but I'm looking over some information that a friend had given me a while back and I'm going to call a physican very soon about starting hrt. Probably not anytime this weekend cause I'm already booked up like crazy.

But I wanted to ask, would it be too straightforward to just say: "Hi, I'm calling because a friend of mine had shown me a Forge list of trans-friendly physicians, you were on it and I'd like to know what we can do to get started on the process of hrt". I feel like that's not worded the best. Just a bit nervous about what to say during the call.

The one I want to call isn't included in a pdf I have that says they require a letter from a therapist so I'm not sure if I'll end up needing to go down that route or not. I hope not but if so I do have a list for that too.

Beth Cyra

So I don't have much more time today to do this but I'm looking over some information that (person) had given me a while back and I'm going to call a physican very soon about starting hrt. Probably not anytime this weekend cause I'm already booked up like crazy.

But I wanted to ask, would it be too straightforward to just say: "Hi, I'm calling because a friend of mine had shown me a Forge list of trans-friendly physicians, you were on it and I'd like to know what we can do to get started on the process of hrt". I feel like that's not worded the best. Just a bit nervous about what to say during the call.

The one I want to call isn't included in a pdf I have that says they require a letter from a therapist so I'm not sure if I'll end up needing to go down that route or not. I hope not but if so I do have a list for that too.
Honestly it's the best way to go about it. The fact is that is what you need and if the more up front you are about it hopefully less people jerk you around :)


First one I called requires me to already be on medication in order to meet with her. So I have to call someone else. Just called now because I've been busy with various chores this whole day.

Edit update: She was also the only one on the list of trans-friendly physicians I have that was high-traffic and a doctor who would accept my insurance.
The others who are used to working with trans people aren't. And the ones who have experience all require a therapist letter.
I'd really rather work with a doctor that a lot of other trans-people have gone to but if my insurance won't cover it and a therapist letter is necessary to prove I'm trans enough....just....ugh. I may have to bite that bullet but I don't know if I can afford it on my own without the insurance.

Edit update: A potential physician who wouldn't have required the therapist letter and had high traffic of trans-patients is no longer working at the college she practiced at. She's also the only physician in that department's listing who had had any trans experience. So with her gone my only option for a physician with a trans-heavy traffic is the guy who I don't have coverage for and requires the letter. I do need to call him to see but I mean, if that's been the case for everyone else, I'm sure it'll be for me as well.

Edit update: I have an appointment on the 30th with a Dr who is trans-friendly according to this pdf to start the discussion of HRT. I also made sure to request off from work, they don't know why just that I have a doctor's appointment. The receptionist did use male pronouns though and when she asked for a name I stumbled but gave her my birth name because I have no clue if it would have been cool to give the name I would love to prefer to go by but am not legally named yet. I don't know how the Dr. is going to view that and I worry he'll prod me on it. Maybe I'm worrying too much. But hey, it's a first step and despite our health insurance website saying he doesn't accept our insurance he apparently does.

I was hoping to get another woman as the doctor but I guess this is what I'm going to have to do. All other ones who seem to specialize in trans-care in the area and were women have all left/transferred/been fired (not sure which) besides the first one I had called who requires me to already be on medication in order to see her. The receptionist also felt much shorter/ruder than the one I had spoken to from the first doctor's office I had called. So, that isn't helping my worries about this office. But he's one of the few who has a high traffic of trans clients who suggest him in the area. The pdf says he requires a therapist letter so I'm probably going to be shoved in that direction by him.

I'm also worried about how to present myself and if that first impression is going to influence him in any way. I mean, I'm only out to my mom in real life and I don't really have much in terms of a feminine outfit/make-up (outside of stage make-up) or anything really. I have a bunch of stuff online I've looked at and book-marked but that's not the same as owning those clothes or having stuff I'm comfortable in that fits right too. I'm probably over-thinking things, aren't I? I'm just getting started so I'm super analytical right now, I guess.
I'm also worried about how to present myself and if that first impression is going to influence him in any way. I mean, I'm only out to my mom in real life and I don't really have much in terms of a feminine outfit/make-up (outside of stage make-up) or anything really. I have a bunch of stuff online I've looked at and book-marked but that's not the same as owning those clothes or having stuff I'm comfortable in that fits right too. I'm probably over-thinking things, aren't I? I'm just getting started so I'm super analytical right now, I guess.

Present yourself however you are most comfortable. You don't need to present as a woman to get hormones.

Don't worry about it, you're doing this so you can continue your transition and they are aware of that :)

Congratulations on your appointment :)


The receptionist did use male pronouns though and when she asked for a name I stumbled but gave her my birth name because I have no clue if it would have been cool to give the name I would love to prefer to go by but am not legally named yet. I don't know how the Dr. is going to view that and I worry he'll prod me on it.

Always use your legal name with doctors / hospitals. Don't screw around with that. Yeah, it's not fun, but there's a lot of "not fun" you're going to have to deal with if you go through all of this. (I've been seeing my endocrinologist since January 2014 and only on my last visit at the end of October got my name switched over with his office.)

And I have to think that any doctor who is trans-friendly is going to understand if you're not presenting female at the point you're at. I didn't start until I was 1+ years into hormones, so that means nothing in terms of your commitment. And if the doctor wasn't trans-friendly, I don't know that the best way to start dealing with a doctor who may not be familiar with all of this stuff would be to go in presenting. So, I think you're thinking too much about it.

I'm also very much against starting hormones without going through a therapist first, but that's your decision and that's all I'll say on the matter.


Present yourself however you are most comfortable. You don't need to present as a woman to get hormones.

Don't worry about it, you're doing this so you can continue your transition and they are aware of that :)

Congratulations on your appointment :)

Thank you so much, Butterfly. :)

Always use your legal name with doctors / hospitals. Don't screw around with that. Yeah, it's not fun, but there's a lot of "not fun" you're going to have to deal with if you go through all of this.

And I have to think that any doctor who is trans-friendly is going to understand if you're not presenting female at the point you're at. I didn't start until I was 1+ years into hormones, so that means nothing in terms of your commitment. And if the doctor wasn't trans-friendly, I don't know that the best way to start dealing with a doctor who may not be familiar with all of this stuff would be to go in presenting. So, I think you're thinking too much about it.

I'm also very much against starting hormones without going through a therapist first, but that's your decision and that's all I'll say on the matter.

That's what I was figuring regarding hospitals.

Thank you for your input, shidoshi. I appreciate it. : )


Not sure if it's good or bad that I tend to think of scientific advances in terms of trans issues :p

With the first uterus transplants about to happen in Cleveland and the ability to grow vocal cords, we're getting closer to really being able to have your body the way you think it should be. (Idk on the wording for that but you get what I mean)
Not sure if it's good or bad that I tend to think of scientific advances in terms of trans issues :p

With the first uterus transplants about to happen in Cleveland and the ability to grow vocal cords, we're getting closer to really being able to have your body the way you think it should be. (Idk on the wording for that but you get what I mean)

The Yeson Clinic already has a terrific fairly non-intrusive "surgery" that is phenomenal, it's just not done anywhere else. It's really almost like the magical pill for voice.

As far as uterus transplants, those will make trans women be able to maybe carry a child but it still won't fix the main problem: no ovaries.


Not sure if it's good or bad that I tend to think of scientific advances in terms of trans issues :p

With the first uterus transplants about to happen in Cleveland and the ability to grow vocal cords, we're getting closer to really being able to have your body the way you think it should be. (Idk on the wording for that but you get what I mean)

The Yeson Clinic already has a terrific fairly non-intrusive "surgery" that is phenomenal, it's just not done anywhere else. It's really almost like the magical pill for voice.

As far as uterus transplants, those will make trans women be able to maybe carry a child but it still won't fix the main problem: no ovaries.

I never heard of either pieces of news. That's wonderful! Though I imagine the cost is pretty steep. I'd kill to at least do the vocal cords one....Both would be wonderful but the vocal cords one would make it easier than training my voice to "pass".


Purple Drazi
I've been reading along with some of the links in the OP/the thread in general lately. I just wanted to say thanks, it's good to have a resource on this subject. Myself, I'm cis, but my ex-wife has recently become something of an ex-husband. We're still friends -- it's hard not to be when we were together for four years -- and I've tried to be there for him and whatnot, and I know it might come across as selfish or something, but I've honestly spent as much time thinking about if it means anything for me as what it's like for him. He was a woman through and through the whole time we were together, but in recent times he's realized he's wanted this life instead, and it's gotten my head in a tizzy questioning stuff. I don't know. I guess it's just a confusing thing. So again, thanks.

It's a hard road he's going down right now, thanks to the social bigotry he's facing during his transformation and whatnot. I feel for him, I really do. So it's good to learn all this in order to speak with him on his wavelength too.

Augh, it's also good to get this off my chest. I'm sorry, again, if it sounds like I'm making this about me when it's obviously all about him. But he's my ex-wife, and that's just not a sentence I'd ever expected to type.


The Yeson Clinic already has a terrific fairly non-intrusive "surgery" that is phenomenal, it's just not done anywhere else. It's really almost like the magical pill for voice.

As far as uterus transplants, those will make trans women be able to maybe carry a child but it still won't fix the main problem: no ovaries.
I was unaware of that voice treatment. the times i've seen people with vocal surgeries have been a bit too squeaky for my liking. didn't quite normal (tho there definitely are girls with voices that squeaky)

i know. every advancement is still exciting though. 10 years ago most of these kinds of things would sound ridiculous (well at least to me). They really need to get moving on hair cloning tho
I've been reading along with some of the links in the OP/the thread in general lately. I just wanted to say thanks, it's good to have a resource on this subject. Myself, I'm cis, but my ex-wife has recently become something of an ex-husband. We're still friends -- it's hard not to be when we were together for four years -- and I've tried to be there for him and whatnot, and I know it might come across as selfish or something, but I've honestly spent as much time thinking about if it means anything for me as what it's like for him. He was a woman through and through the whole time we were together, but in recent times he's realized he's wanted this life instead, and it's gotten my head in a tizzy questioning stuff. I don't know. I guess it's just a confusing thing. So again, thanks.

It's a hard road he's going down right now, thanks to the social bigotry he's facing during his transformation and whatnot. I feel for him, I really do. So it's good to learn all this in order to speak with him on his wavelength too.

Augh, it's also good to get this off my chest. I'm sorry, again, if it sounds like I'm making this about me when it's obviously all about him. But he's my ex-wife, and that's just not a sentence I'd ever expected to type.

Nah, feel free to let it out. No need to be sorry!

This thread's meant to be a welcoming place. Especially when, given the world we live in right now, it's hard to find good answers and empathy.

I'm still learning quite a bunch, myself.


I do believe that today is the Transgender Day of Remembrance. It's sad, thinking of lives lost, but I do hope for a brighter future for all of us.

Stay safe, everyone.


I've been reading along with some of the links in the OP/the thread in general lately. I just wanted to say thanks, it's good to have a resource on this subject. Myself, I'm cis, but my ex-wife has recently become something of an ex-husband. We're still friends -- it's hard not to be when we were together for four years -- and I've tried to be there for him and whatnot, and I know it might come across as selfish or something, but I've honestly spent as much time thinking about if it means anything for me as what it's like for him. He was a woman through and through the whole time we were together, but in recent times he's realized he's wanted this life instead, and it's gotten my head in a tizzy questioning stuff. I don't know. I guess it's just a confusing thing. So again, thanks.

It's a hard road he's going down right now, thanks to the social bigotry he's facing during his transformation and whatnot. I feel for him, I really do. So it's good to learn all this in order to speak with him on his wavelength too.

Augh, it's also good to get this off my chest. I'm sorry, again, if it sounds like I'm making this about me when it's obviously all about him. But he's my ex-wife, and that's just not a sentence I'd ever expected to type.

I'm just glad you're trying to be there for him and are willing to take in and learn so much. :)
Feel free to do that as much as you want!

I do believe that today is the Transgender Day of Remembrance. It's sad, thinking of lives lost, but I do hope for a brighter future for all of us.

Stay safe, everyone.

Oh. You're right! It is. I knew it was coming up very soon.
You stay safe too! I believe in all of us. ^.^

Edit: Glaad has a wonderful page on this day http://www.glaad.org/tdor and on Transgender Awareness too.
Information on fellows lost: http://tdor.info/ http://www.advocate.com/transgender/2015/11/20/transgender-day-remembrance-2015-those-weve-lost To honor them. There's also info. on events that may be near you in those pages too. :)


Purple Drazi
Thanks, y'all. :D I was really worried that post was going to come across in the wrong sort of light; I almost didn't click submit. I'm definitely trying to be there for him as best I can. I will absolutely keep reading!
I've been reading along with some of the links in the OP/the thread in general lately. I just wanted to say thanks, it's good to have a resource on this subject. Myself, I'm cis, but my ex-wife has recently become something of an ex-husband. We're still friends -- it's hard not to be when we were together for four years -- and I've tried to be there for him and whatnot, and I know it might come across as selfish or something, but I've honestly spent as much time thinking about if it means anything for me as what it's like for him. He was a woman through and through the whole time we were together, but in recent times he's realized he's wanted this life instead, and it's gotten my head in a tizzy questioning stuff. I don't know. I guess it's just a confusing thing. So again, thanks.

It's a hard road he's going down right now, thanks to the social bigotry he's facing during his transformation and whatnot. I feel for him, I really do. So it's good to learn all this in order to speak with him on his wavelength too.

Augh, it's also good to get this off my chest. I'm sorry, again, if it sounds like I'm making this about me when it's obviously all about him. But he's my ex-wife, and that's just not a sentence I'd ever expected to type.

Welcome to the thread.

I'm glad you're willing to support your ex-partner through their very difficult endeavor of transitioning, thank you for that.

Having said that, it's normal to think how it affects you and I'm here to tell you that it doesn't change a thing. I'm sorry to say that he was never a woman, including when he was with you, even if he played the social role to the expectations of society. This isn't bad and it doesn't mean you're gay or anything, it just shows how fucked up things can be for trans folk and people who are close to them when people have to pretend they're something that they're not. Also, he's your ex-husband, sorry.

If you have any questions please do feel free to ask them, we're here to help :)

I never heard of either pieces of news. That's wonderful! Though I imagine the cost is pretty steep. I'd kill to at least do the vocal cords one....Both would be wonderful but the vocal cords one would make it easier than training my voice to "pass".

It's actually not. It's surprisingly affordable in a way, or at least as expensive as breast implants. From people's experiences, I believe they ended up paying around the $10000 which isn't too bad but still out of reach for many, especially since it involves international travel and 2+ months on not uttering a single sound.

I was unaware of that voice treatment. the times i've seen people with vocal surgeries have been a bit too squeaky for my liking. didn't quite normal (tho there definitely are girls with voices that squeaky)

i know. every advancement is still exciting though. 10 years ago most of these kinds of things would sound ridiculous (well at least to me). They really need to get moving on hair cloning tho

The problem with "traditional" voice surgeries is that they involve literally cutting out your throat and then having the surgeon use a dremel-like tool to sculpt your voice box all over again based on what you have. Then everything has to be re-attached somehow and hopes and prayers that your body doesn't reject it or you don't get an infection. With some luck you'll even sound like a human.

Yeson's technique is a lot simpler. Basically they just use a suture in your throat to "stitch" your vocal chords to your throat, which stretches them and raises the pitch considerably. Over time the suture gets absorbed by the body since it's bio-degradable but the body covers the suture point so your chords remain permanently stretched and therefore our voice permanently changed.

It does require 2+ months of not uttering a single sound though. In fact, for the first two weeks anything from just clearing your throat to a whisper can rip the suture clean out, which is why they ask you to stay at least that long at their clinic. Other than that, it requires you re-learning how to speak altogether since your body doesn't know how to use these new vocal chords, they no longer respond the same way so you'll make a lot of funny noises.

Anything else, just ask!!


Purple Drazi
Welcome to the thread.

I'm glad you're willing to support your ex-partner through their very difficult endeavor of transitioning, thank you for that.

Having said that, it's normal to think how it affects you and I'm here to tell you that it doesn't change a thing. I'm sorry to say that he was never a woman, including when he was with you, even if he played the social role to the expectations of society. This isn't bad and it doesn't mean you're gay or anything, it just shows how fucked up things can be for trans folk and people who are close to them when people have to pretend they're something that they're not. Also, he's your ex-husband, sorry.

If you have any questions please do feel free to ask them, we're here to help :)

Thank you. :) I'll brainstorm some questions and get back with you.


Yeson's technique is a lot simpler. Basically they just use a suture in your throat to "stitch" your vocal chords to your throat, which stretches them and raises the pitch considerably. Over time the suture gets absorbed by the body since it's bio-degradable but the body covers the suture point so your chords remain permanently stretched and therefore our voice permanently changed.

It does require 2+ months of not uttering a single sound though. In fact, for the first two weeks anything from just clearing your throat to a whisper can rip the suture clean out, which is why they ask you to stay at least that long at their clinic. Other than that, it requires you re-learning how to speak altogether since your body doesn't know how to use these new vocal chords, they no longer respond the same way so you'll make a lot of funny noises.

And THAT is non-invasive.

You need like 4 months to recover fully being GENTLE and it is non-invasive.

I will stay will voice training ... and maybe I can become the next Mel Blanc xD
And THAT is non-invasive.

You need like 4 months to recover fully being GENTLE and it is non-invasive.

I will stay will voice training ... and maybe I can become the next Mel Blanc xD

Glad voice training works for you. :)

Sadly there are those of us who have no vocal range to attune to so these kinds of things are the only option.

Beth Cyra

And THAT is non-invasive.

You need like 4 months to recover fully being GENTLE and it is non-invasive.

I will stay will voice training ... and maybe I can become the next Mel Blanc xD
Sadly VT cant get me where i want to go. I want a high sqeaky voice lol.
I probably have asked this on a few other communities, but... How would you define the first 3-5 days of MTF SRS bedridden 24 hours a day?

Pretty much that period is one of my biggest fears right now and the reason I keep postponing SRS all the time. I've been stuck in hospital for a BA (public healthcare, they do things differently) for five days already (drains) and for the first 36 hours I was forced to stay in bed without getting out. I simply could not between the back pain and I was sneaking when nobody was watching to walk a bit of stand. I get back pain quite fast and not being able to move is a major fear for me.

Doctors have offered me to visit the other SRS patients in this wing, but I'm not feeling like seeing anybody (going through bad surgery regret and wanting the implants removed), and overall I tend to avoid other trans people in real life (the only time I interacted with others was at the Bangkok-Rama after FFS with Chett) as I usually get triggered fast (started late + one of the worst voice ranges ever).

Beth Cyra

I probably have asked this on a few other communities, but... How would you define the first 3-5 days of MTF SRS bedridden 24 hours a day?

Pretty much that period is one of my biggest fears right now and the reason I keep postponing SRS all the time. I've been stuck in hospital for a BA (public healthcare, they do things differently) for five days already (drains) and for the first 36 hours I was forced to stay in bed without getting out. I simply could not between the back pain and I was sneaking when nobody was watching to walk a bit of stand. I get back pain quite fast and not being able to move is a major fear for me.

Doctors have offered me to visit the other SRS patients in this wing, but I'm not feeling like seeing anybody (going through bad surgery regret and wanting the implants removed), and overall I tend to avoid other trans people in real life (the only time I interacted with others was at the Bangkok-Rama after FFS with Chett) as I usually get triggered fast (started late + one of the worst voice ranges ever).
Can't tell you yet,I'll get back to you in two weeks as I will be having bottom surgery on the 8th of December.

I was released from the hospital the same day after bilateral chest augmentation, and while I understand that some get remorse, it wasn't something that happened to me and when I wasn't in pain or drowsy I was happy because my body was how I wanted it to be.

Sadly these are surgeries and things our bodies can't just fix itself real quick. That said its all about perseverance to me and I don't care if I'm stuck in bed for all 3 days of my hospital stay, having my vagina is something I've always wanted and something I need to be complete.


It wasn't a big problem for me until the fifth day and I had do lay for 7 in total. I think it helped that I'm a lazy bum who spends too much time in bed already.

The worst things were not being able to wash yourself properly, trouble to lie on the side (more due to the wound) and worst of all the dry flaky skin you develop after a while.

At the time I didn't think it was too horrible but now I can't imagine how I sat through this all.
The worst things were not being able to wash yourself properly, trouble to lie on the side (more due to the wound) and worst of all the dry flaky skin you develop after a while.

Oh, right. The sponge baths. I had forgotten those ones. And I had to ask my parents (who live near the hospital I'm in to bring me some body milk. Hospital soap is fairly aggressive.

I wonder if there is a way of putting yourself back in the right position during SRS. For the BA I would slip forward when lying down and when they raised the bed I could not put my whole back on the raised segment unless with help. And I am the kind of person that barely stays in bed once awake and needs to be active all day :(

Regarding the BA, healthcare did not allow me to choose the size or have an idea about how I was going to look, so I have ended fairly small to a point it was not worth the pain. I knew they weren't very generous with implant size, but this does not remotely meet the minimum I hoped for to a point where I'd liked better my old breasts. I still have to wait, but at least I have the choice of having them removed. I'm been going through severe depression and turned into a crying mass of meat for the last days since I woke up from anaesthetic. Wishing I had never took the risk knowing the size was going to be random and with the risk of not liking how I was going to come out. I am mentally drained to the point of dreaming about detransition or not pursuing more surgeries apart from an orchi.

PS: No TV, no visitors, no WiFi here. Every day I hope they will let me go home once the drains finish taking all the fluid out. No wonder I've advanced more in Persona 4 Golden in 4 days than in months.


Seesh, sounds pretty shitty. Not even a TV...
But don't be sad, your breasts might still grow a bit naturally and bras make a huge difference.

Repositioning yourself shouldn't be too hard since you can move your arms and chest after the bottom surgey. So you can lift and drag yourself for a bit. That is unless your arms were positioned badly during surgery like mine. I couldn't feel it for a while and then it hurt more than the surgery area.
The surgery area didn't hurt much but I've heard that it can be much worse, I think my hospital had a pretty good painkiller regimen.

EDIT: I also got a horrible rash on my hands from the soap there...
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