Pretty much every surgery is kinda a struggle once it is done till it is perfectly healed
Being severly cut open next to a doctor is the basic definition of surgery =P
Laying in bed for three day while you eat hospital food and cute nurses give you sponge baths sounds like the BEST THING EVER. I need to do this SRS thing.
I'm going to San Fran for mine, and I talked my stylist into going with me so I could try out new looks in my down time lol.Wait until you meet Sri (Chettawutt's head nurse, may upgrade to surgeon soon). She can be the goddamn Rottenmeier, specially if you fail to dilate the first days and she has to force you. The rest of the nurses were nice, although being told non stop "you are a girl now!" While I had all my face bandaged and wanting to puke was surrealistic. I could only say "we will see that when we fix the bottom".
BTW, this 3-5 days also include a catheter down there, not exactly nice
I kinda miss Thailand. I could have FFS alone without problens, but for SRS I would need somebody to accompany me. I would break down fast.
Fuuuuck, I have to write this autobiographical letter to see a psych for hrt, after getting a recommendation from a GP, and I feel like I'm being judged for every sentence. I know he won't even care though, that's the thing.
He said on a radio show about this stuff that most of the time, the first session or two is all lies and he sometimes doesn't even write stuff down. Like, I put this off for days because of this letter, and it doesn't even matter.
But hey, at least the GP was cool and didn't charge me; and I can go to him for the actual hormones part. So I can make the wankers in my government pay for all this shit, which is very gratifying.
It's worse sometimes than them just not writing anything down. 2 sessions in my therapist couldn't even remember my gender. Then at the end of the third session she said she had all the information needed to write a letter of recommendation, but refused to give it to me until I had payed for 12 sessions.
I'm saying this not to discourage you from seeing a therapist, but so you make sure you see the right one.
I'm saying this not to discourage you from seeing a therapist, but so you make sure you see the right one.
Transition mever really ends, or at least it wont for meGeez, the hoops you guys have had to go through. : (
I'm glad it sounds like some of you guys are for the most part near the end of your journey's tho!
I'm about to see a Dr. myself to discuss HRT for the first time too, Tekomandor. It's actually tomorrow, in about 24 hours from now. Really nervous but I hope it goes well. Not going to do anything necessarily, jsut going to discuss options with him and things like that. Not entirely sure what will happen/how long it will last. He's probably going to direct me to a therapist since he has a history of doing that.
Geez, the hoops you guys have had to go through. : (
I'm glad it sounds like some of you guys are for the most part near the end of your journey's tho!
I'm about to see a Dr. myself to discuss HRT for the first time too, Tekomandor. It's actually tomorrow, in about 24 hours from now. Really nervous but I hope it goes well. Not going to do anything necessarily, jsut going to discuss options with him and things like that. Not entirely sure what will happen/how long it will last. He's probably going to direct me to a therapist since he has a history of doing that.
No need to be sorry. I just worry sometimes that others think transition ends for some of us it doesnt so i just like to put up my personal experience.Back from my appointment! I got the spiro and am waiting on the estrogen for a few days until blood-work results come back to determine proper doseages and stuff, I suppose. Signed informed consent forms and everything.
Back from my appointment! I got the spiro and am waiting on the estrogen for a few days until blood-work results come back to determine proper doseages and stuff, I suppose. Signed informed consent forms and everything.
Thanks!!!I hope the surgery goes well, Beth!
I got my estradoil today. I was also told that the lab work showed I had naturally have lower than the lower limit of testosterone for genetic males.
Not getting the progesterone (sp?) yet because the doc. is worried about my history with dvts and the medications potential in influencing blood clots.
I hope the surgery goes well, Beth!
I got my estradoil today. I was also told that the lab work showed I naturally have lower than the lower limit of testosterone for genetic males.
Not getting the progesterone (sp?) yet because the doc. is worried about my history with dvts and the medications potential in influencing blood clots.
Progesterone is still something that I have yet to find any real evidence of doing anything at all for trans women.
Progesterone is still something that I have yet to find any real evidence of doing anything at all for trans women.
Thank you very much, ladies!
My doc told me as much that there's debate on it's safety and whether it does anything or not. He also requested I call him by his first name instead of Dr. (his last name) when I thanked him over the phone. He seems nice.
Sadly most most things without it are praticaly impossible to find here =/
I heard the pure estrogen injections were banned because of something like farm doping =P
Gratz Kristie
question: how long till HRT is noticeable? cause I just got a new job with people my family knows and I'd rather have more distance between myself and my family before doing anything obvious
Anyways, In 10 days I can propose exchanging my "free" P.I. SRS with public healthcare for an orchi to the surgeon. I've been giving this a lot of thought, as right now I don't feel capable of undergoing SRS and my T has always been a problem due to being fairly resistant to even cyproterone acetate. My plan was to go under the knife on fall 2016 through the private surgeon route, but no matter how I look at it there are several issues I can't overcome, from time to dilate when I go back to work to finding a place to live that has an elevator (I have been warned that there are far too many stairs were I live and it won't hold up), and the fact that I would have to go to Thailand alone with nobody to support me. Not to mention the regret I'm going through with the BA.
The problem with the orchi is the obvious, if I change my mind later I will have to deal with tissue athropy and worse SRS results.
As with everything, YMMV.
Your features will change very slowly so I don't think you'll have much concern with that. When I was one year into HRT I could still very easily put on boy clothes and have no one be the wiser. The dental assistant once thought I was 17 (lol) but that's about it.
I'm losing weight currently so in theory that should help with that and people in general seem to find me young looking anyway.
just trying to kill off all the blocks in my head on not doing anything. really doesn't help to repeatedly think "y'know, it really wouldn't hurt to wait a little longer..."
I'm really sorry that you have had to deal with the things you have had to deal with in regards to your BA. As someone who is eagerly awaiting to do the same, I cannot imagine what it would be like to not get exactly what I want.
I understand that you have problems with your T but couldn't you just do an orchi and do implants to keep the scrotal skin distended enough for SRS later on? From what I understand your main problem with your BA has been not getting what you wanted out of it so I'd say think about what's the most important for yourself: just controlling the T production or actually having a vagina. I'm not really sure how to solve your other issues but do you not have any friends who'd be willing to "babysit" you a bit or help you out?
Well not hormones specifically by my mom has a habit of noticing physical changes for better or worse :/You're fine then. I mean, how many times have you seen someone change over time and thought "hmm... they're probably taking hormones"? It's not really something that people think about, especially cis people.
The only people who tell me that I look super different are those people who haven't seen me in 5+ years, otherwise it's if there's the oddball chance of me browsing old photos and directly comparing them to a recent photo.
Well not hormones specifically by my mom has a habit of noticing physical changes for better or worse :/
Which tbf the people at work probably wouldn't, especially since it's a group of guys
No lie, my mom suggested that something in the water/food was causing me to have less testosterone/more estrogen so she'd probably believe it if I said something like thatFarm Dopping in the meaning that people injected cows so they can give milk soon or some crazy stuff like that
"you look ...strange"
"yeah my body is weird these days... must be some weird hormones they put on the meat"
By meat you mean your body xD
Appleseason that sounds horrid!And that's an understatement. It's just a way for them to try to control women, it sounds like. Where are you, exactly? Whereever it is, I hope things improve wonderfully for you very soon.
Misha is your mom judgmental or?
question: how long till HRT is noticeable? cause I just got a new job with people my family knows and I'd rather have more distance between myself and my family before doing anything obvious
Your features will change very slowly so I don't think you'll have much concern with that. When I was one year into HRT I could still very easily put on boy clothes and have no one be the wiser. The dental assistant once thought I was 17 (lol) but that's about it.
Well I already somewhat have boobs (probably due to being overweight unfortunately) and more noticeable butt/theighs etc, enough of both of those that guys cuts of clothing have been awkward for me as long as I can remember. And I've always been super clean shaven and not particularly masculine facial features.There's no solid answer. It all depends on how you ramp up on the hormones, your levels, how aggressive your doctor / self-medicating is, how your body handles the hormones, etc.
I started estrogen in January of last year, testosterone blockers in February, progesterone in April. When I met up with a trans friend right after my April appointment, she made a comment that I was started to get big enough chest-wise that I should start doing more than just wearing a shirt by itself. (I thought I was still getting away with it, but maybe not.)
In my case, I go to a doctor that takes things safe instead of fast. So, I could maybe have seen results even before that if I was going harder on my levels. The thing about breasts is when you're going from nothing to something, it's going to be noticeable quick. So, you might not have all that long before somebody notices, you might have a handful of months, it all depends on your body.
Face-wise and other things, the changes won't be nearly as fast as you might expect.
How people "know" you really is one of the biggest things. If you're a bit more on the androgynous side, then it'll obviously be easier to get away with things, because people will noticed the changes less. If you're going from totally hardcore boy mode, then even the smaller changes will stand out more.
On another note I'm frustrated with cameras. Looking in the mirror I tend to look pretty good but with a camera I look like a zombie and more masculine too. Hopefully the mirror is what everyone else sees
On another note I'm frustrated with cameras. Looking in the mirror I tend to look pretty good but with a camera I look like a zombie and more masculine too. Hopefully the mirror is what everyone else sees
yup that exact same situation except I have an iPhone and it doesn't really help (and I think cute rather than sexyI have this same problem! I'll see myself in the mirror and think "I look sexy today I should take some selfies" and then I take like 20 pics before I find one I'm even somewhat satisfied with.
But the only camera I have is the one on my phone which is an 8 year old dumbphone so that's probably a factor.
Well there's a few other theories I have too. Like it feels like there's a slight fisheye effect that feels like it makes my nose bigger and it seems like the light it picks up is more yellow which makes the bags under my eyes look worse. Also I have a theory that when you're looking at someone/ a mirror you're constantly moving so you can't pick out specifics as much but with a static image you can see every little bitFor the vast majority of people that's the case. Most people don't have perfectly symmetrical faces, so when you look at photos your features are flipped, which sends confusing signals to your brain because you're so used to seeing your face the other way when looking in the mirror.
For example, my nose is ever-so slightly crooked. I can't even tell when looking in a mirror, but it becomes super apparent to me in every photo because its now curving the other way.
Hi everyone, I'm Bec!
I found out about this thread a while back and have lurked a bit but my account finally got validated so hello! I am but a humble nonbinary person trying to make it in the big ass scary world, but I have to say this thread makes it a little less scary. (they/them pronouns btw)