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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Thanks for the answers, still unsure about the age thing, but I appreciate the answers, very insightful.

Like the Witch said ... you are either good to go at puberty or you are not.

If you disagree she must taker her hormones at 14 because she can't be sure at such a young age than you need to advocate puberty blockers for EVERYONE at 14

Adults have doubts because they fear they will not get good transitions and because we have all those adulty questions.

She is a child, she receives money from her parents and as soon as she takes hormones the less testosterone irreversible shit she will get and therefore will be a girliest girl that ever girlied and will not need laser or boob implants ... if she is lucky xD


Like the Witch said ... you are either good to go at puberty or you are not.

If you disagree she must taker her hormones at 14 because she can't be sure at such a young age than you need to advocate puberty blockers for EVERYONE at 14

Adults have doubts because they fear they will not get good transitions and because we have all those adulty questions.

She is a child, she receives money from her parents and as soon as she takes hormones the less testosterone irreversible shit she will get and therefore will be a girliest girl that ever girlied and will not need laser or boob implants ... if she is lucky xD
Well these "adulty questions" are something a teenager would not know to ask and probably. This is kinda of why I'm a bit on the fence regarding the age.


Well these "adulty questions" are something a teenager would not know to ask and probably. This is kinda of why I'm a bit on the fence regarding the age.

those adulty questions are stuff like "how will I get a job when I am on transition" and stuffs that are usualy ignored when you transition really early and when you start looking at jobs you are passable as a cis person AND have your documents changed
Well these "adulty questions" are something a teenager would not know to ask and probably. This is kinda of why I'm a bit on the fence regarding the age.

The thing is that she's not alone like most trans folk are. She has her family and a supportive team of medical experts which include a therapist who support her and are accepting of her.

In fact, by her starting at the age of 14 she will have a lot of the features that we don't get when we start as adults. She won't have to worry about facial hair, she won't have to worry about her shoulders being too big, her hips will grow wide and her waist narrower just like a cis woman's and her voice will not suffer the testosterone abuse, among many other things.

Now it's the best time for her. She won't have to worry about concealing or masking masculine features because she won't even grow them to begin with and it spares her body from going through two puberties. Her entire body will develop indistinguishably from any other cis teenager with the exception she won't ever have periods.

She will never have to worry about being fired from a job for transitioning on the job or how to maintain a job during those horrible "in-between" stages or even worry about "passing". She is truly blessed with having such understanding, loving parents and access to healthcare that we all should have had when we were her age .


As a friend said, I guess the best answer to this is :

Science is still doing their best to dificult the life of trans people ... so if EVEN THEM, doctors still say that it is the best for a 14 year old girl to take her hormones ... than you can trust science =P


I still haven't thought much of doing hormones, and I'm 21 now. Wonder how it would affect me if I tried, this late in. o.o

...every time I read things like this, I feel like I'm some sort of ancient artifact or something having started transitioning in my late 30's.


I would cry tears of joy and happiness if I could be 21 and able to start hormones then.
...every time I read things like this, I feel like I'm some sort of ancient artifact or something having started transitioning in my late 30's.


I would cry tears of joy and happiness if I could be 21 and able to start hormones then.
I wouldn't say 21 is late, but 23 is def a lot later than I wanted to start.


I regreted for a few years that I started only at 25 but like I suggested earlier, I did some untested shit in my teens to stop my development.

Now I'm more relaxed. And happy that at least the coming generations will get helpe earlier.

Lady Gaia

I didn't start hormones until 43. Do I wish I had started decades earlier? Sure, likewise with facial hair removal ... but I don't believe in regrets. There's nothing you can do to change the past, so I focus entirely on what changes I can make in the future and that philosophy has worked well for me.

I've certainly noticed significant changes in skin and hair texture, and my facial features have softened a lot more than I would have thought possible. I'll never have be a busty, curvaceous woman but I'm comfortable with the slim athletic look I can pull off. My wife constantly reminds me that I essentially never get misgendered and asserts that part of the reason is the fairly dramatic changes attributable to HRT.
Yeah there's this whole subculture that likes to spread this idea that if you didn't start before you turned 16 your life is over and you'll never pass. People read this misinformation and spend huge chunks of their life being needlessly miserable because they think there's no point. It's very upsetting

Started at 27.
32 here and also not on hormones, got a referral a few years ago as thread oldbies may remember, but I didn't attend in the end because I was living with religious family.

I've since moved out, so I should really get back on it, but being out of work has been bringing me down too, I'm so broke :3

On the plus side my partner should be getting onto hrt in December, she's just turned 30 herself.

This is how I look when I make an effort at the moment. I need to lose weight. Hopefully HRT will still be effective when I finally do get on it... but yeah, never think it's too late. You can miss a few years, which really sucks I know, but one day you will get there :)

I just need some self-motivation to go after my real self and not just 'accept' it because I've managed to tolerate it this long. Life can really bring you down sometimes. Best of luck to all the awesome trans girls and guys here, whether you're just starting on the road or you've been walking it for years.
32 here and also not on hormones, got a referral a few years ago as thread oldbies may remember, but I didn't attend in the end because I was living with religious family.

I've since moved out, so I should really get back on it, but being out of work has been bringing me down too, I'm so broke :3

On the plus side my partner should be getting onto hrt in December, she's just turned 30 herself.

This is how I look when I make an effort at the moment. I need to lose weight. Hopefully HRT will still be effective when I finally do get on it... but yeah, never think it's too late. You can miss a few years, which really sucks I know, but one day you will get there :)

I just need some self-motivation to go after my real self and not just 'accept' it because I've managed to tolerate it this long. Life can really bring you down sometimes. Best of luck to all the awesome trans girls and guys here, whether you're just starting on the road or you've been walking it for years.

Yeah, it's not. There are certainly quite real changes regardless of age.

All I can say to everyone is: Stick with it. Waiting sucks, but there's always time left for things to change and improve.
I hate how I feel right now.
I hate everything about myself right now.
I hate that I need to be a male out in public, otherwise I risk losing my job etc;
I feel like I'm forcing everyone to stay with me, or support me
I just feel like I'm ruining everyone's life that I know.\
I'm worried I'm pushing people away, especially my fiance, the only person I love.

Parents are making me feel selfish "Why do you need to change? Your fiance and your parents love you for who you already are"

uggh. I don't need this shit right now. I don't want to think these thoughts. I don't know what to do to get this off my mind.

I can't even sleep cause I'm thinking too much, and I constantly think my house is going to get broken into again...so if I do go to sleep, I wake up every half hour to my fridge making a creaking noise.

Beth Cyra

I hate how I feel right now.
I hate everything about myself right now.
I hate that I need to be a male out in public, otherwise I risk losing my job etc;
I feel like I'm forcing everyone to stay with me, or support me
I just feel like I'm ruining everyone's life that I know.
I'm worried I'm pushing people away, especially my fiance, the only person I love.

Parents are making me feel selfish "Why do you need to change? Your fiance and your parents love you for who you already are"

uggh. I don't need this shit right now. I don't want to think these thoughts. I don't know what to do to get this off my mind.

I can't even sleep cause I'm thinking too much, and I constantly think my house is going to get broken into again...so if I do go to sleep, I wake up every half hour to my fridge making a creaking noise.
I'm really sorry Ice.

I know withered is only so much we can say or do for you, but we are here and I know I at least am open to talking and just being there to support you as you wish to be, no pressure to be anything but yourself and I'd be happy to talk to you in anyway you want if you'd like.

Take care and stay safe, we all wish for you to be happy and are thinking about you.


Ugh. Just put on my workout outfit and looked in the mirror.
I can't believe I can go from passing to grossly masculine in 15 seconds.


Lady Gaia

I can't believe I can go from passing to grossly masculine in 15 seconds.

I can certainly sympathize. It's often hard to tell whether you're just less comfortable, which leads to seeing things in a mirror that nobody else would notice, or you just need someone to help you find workout clothes that suit you. Not having as much experience in finding flattering clothes is definitely one way we call unwelcome attention to ourselves.

Yesterday was one of those days that would have triggered all of my fears but I'm finally relaxing into. Surfing lessons meant not much clothing and zero makeup, following by lunch out without a chance to do much but drag fingers through my saltwater styled hair, and a shower in a women's locker room before a facial before dinner so I didn't want any makeup while my skin was still absorbing all the moisture and therapeutic goodness. Like I said, a day full of trigger opportunities but it all went really well with zero misgenderings. Give it time and experience and you'll be amazed at what can become the new normal.
That special feeling when national trans organizations support non-binary erasure and antagonism.



This person is so full of shit and even when talking about being binary.

Change the enviroment and life ? wtf ?

You can be 200% binary without doing this

Also, you can be non binary AND passable
People like Andreja Pejic were already CONSIDERABLY passable when she didn't started her transition =P
It's respectability politics and mass amounts of misinformation combined into one. I'm a non-binary trans person, but I've been on hormones for 4+ years, got my name and gender marker changed, and tend to be read as a cis butch lesbian. Of course, according to that person (and the Transgender National Alliance), I'm not even trans and don't transition.


It's respectability politics and mass amounts of misinformation combined into one. I'm a non-binary trans person, but I've been on hormones for 4+ years, got my name and gender marker changed, and tend to be read as a cis butch lesbian. Of course, according to that person (and the Transgender National Alliance), I'm not even trans and don't transition.
Sorry for being pretty late but that is totally discriminatory and non-inclusive. They should be ashamed of themselves. Dividing the community doesn't do any good for the whole.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with her, but a former Zelda OoT speedrunner Cosmo Wright is transitioning. Her name is Narcissa now. I'm really happy for her, since it seems like she's been feeling this for a long time (and I guess she was always doing her nails for a reason.) I hope she doesn't get shit for this from the gaming community, but who am I kidding.


I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with her, but a former Zelda OoT speedrunner Cosmo Wright is transitioning. Her name is Narcissa now. I'm really happy for her, since it seems like she's been feeling this for a long time (and I guess she was always doing her nails for a reason.) I hope she doesn't get shit for this from the gaming community, but who am I kidding.

Awesome ... sad that she stopped doing zelda speedruns and went for smash/mario maker only but ...

I guess each major fight game needs a trans player !
Street and Smash has it ... so where is the others ? xD

I bet anime fighters have it already


I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with her, but a former Zelda OoT speedrunner Cosmo Wright is transitioning. Her name is Narcissa now. I'm really happy for her, since it seems like she's been feeling this for a long time (and I guess she was always doing her nails for a reason.) I hope she doesn't get shit for this from the gaming community, but who am I kidding.
Aww, congratulations to her! Well wishes and all that too!
I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with her, but a former Zelda OoT speedrunner Cosmo Wright is transitioning. Her name is Narcissa now. I'm really happy for her, since it seems like she's been feeling this for a long time (and I guess she was always doing her nails for a reason.) I hope she doesn't get shit for this from the gaming community, but who am I kidding.

Well, good for her. She's a rather big name, at least as far as people that are or were involved in the speedrun community go. I had avoided reading too much into the nail painting since I don't see that as needing to be gendered.

Awesome ... sad that she stopped doing zelda speedruns and went for smash/mario maker only but ...

I guess each major fight game needs a trans player !
Street and Smash has it ... so where is the others ? xD

I bet anime fighters have it already

Yes, there are several trans anime players. I know or have known three personally as friends and they are certainly not the only ones.


Yes, there are several trans anime players. I know or have known three personally as friends and they are certainly not the only ones.

Awesome !

Are they tournament level players like Wright or Ricki ?

Soon EVO will have a small church where all trans players can pray to the direction of Kayo for good vibes on the tourney
Awesome !

Are they tournament level players like Wright or Ricki ?

Soon EVO will have a small church where all trans players can pray to the direction of Kayo for good vibes on the tourney

Two have found some level of success at higher levels, although I'm not sure the level of focus on the scene they have these days.


My curiousity question for those people who think seperate bathrooms is a good idea is who is going to pay to put TWO new bathrooms in every building. I mean, They can't expect transmen and transwomen to share bathrooms.


God I hope this jackass doesnt become president.

I'd like to think that most people are intelligent and smart enough to NOT let this happens.

Then i remember Dubya got elected, TWICE, and trump has a lot of supporters .....

But not gonna let those motherfuckers win. Let's prevent that ever happens. Please vote and convince your people and whatnot to it.
Nothing wrong with a single stall gender neutral "family" restroom. I tend to prefer those anyway when they're available.

Implying that all trans people should be forced to use them is a problem though.


My curiousity question for those people who think seperate bathrooms is a good idea is who is going to pay to put TWO new bathrooms in every building. I mean, They can't expect transmen and transwomen to share bathrooms.

I bet you they do/would.

And obviously that wouldn't be a sensible solution, but as someone who had used gender-neutral bathrooms before, I'd have no problem sharing with trans men.
My curiousity question for those people who think seperate bathrooms is a good idea is who is going to pay to put TWO new bathrooms in every building. I mean, They can't expect transmen and transwomen to share bathrooms.

I can see it now. New bathrooms for trans women and trans men, and still nothing but violence and erasure for non-binary genders.


Hello everyone! Just wanted to make my first post here on Gaf to introduce myself to all of you. You can call me Kristie, if you like, some people here may already know me by that name from the irc chat. Which I do want to go to more often but my personal life has been way too busy lately.
I'm also still working on getting HRT started, so just at the start of my journey. I actually have some of you to thank for showing me where to really start on this and I cannot thank anyone enough. Soooo THANK YOU! ^.^ I look forward to hanging here and getting to know all of you more!

Also, to be a bit on with the current topic, for a guy who is apparently a neurosurgeon, Ben Carson really doesn't seem to know much of anything....about...well...anything. He's not considering humanity, biology, the cost of this ridiculous plan of his (tho that's the least important part here), etc. etc. Screw that guy so much.

Beth Cyra


Lady Gaia

Also, to be a bit on with the current topic, for a guy who is apparently a neurosurgeon, Ben Carson really doesn't seem to know much of anything....about...well...anything. He's not considering humanity, biology, the cost of this ridiculous plan of his (tho that's the least important part here), etc. etc. Screw that guy so much.

He's doing what politicians have done since the dawn of time: trying to help large numbers of voters find him relatable by expressing his scorn for small numbers of people they don't understand who he can politically afford to ignore. Everybody knows we aren't going to build 50% more bathrooms in public places, so he's happy to aggressively marginalize us while trying to appear vaguely reasonable.

Thankfully he has plenty of skeletons in his closet. Like Trump, he's not likely to get the nomination. Of course if either of them did that would all but guarantee a Republican loss in the presidential race. I'm basically hoping one of them hangs on and drags the party into the dust bin of history.

I was at an event Friday and Saturday where literally the first couple I met were from Houston. I had to bite my tongue to keep from launching into political discussions from the moment I found out where they were from. In practice they were very pleasant, though I'm slowly getting used to the idea that very few people read me as trans.


Hello everyone! Just wanted to make my first post here on Gaf to introduce myself to all of you. You can call me Kristie, if you like, some people here may already know me by that name from the irc chat. Which I do want to go to more often but my personal life has been way too busy lately.
I'm also still working on getting HRT started, so just at the start of my journey. I actually have some of you to thank for showing me where to really start on this and I cannot thank anyone enough. Soooo THANK YOU! ^.^ I look forward to hanging here and getting to know all of you more!

Also, to be a bit on with the current topic, for a guy who is apparently a neurosurgeon, Ben Carson really doesn't seem to know much of anything....about...well...anything. He's not considering humanity, biology, the cost of this ridiculous plan of his (tho that's the least important part here), etc. etc. Screw that guy so much.

Welcome Kristie!

Feel yourself at home. The girls around here are marvelous and will help you gladly.

Have a complimentary drink and let me bring the conffetti cannon®



Are there any preferred names that people would like to be called by, if different from their username? If so, please let me know :)

Welcome, Kristie! :)

Thank you, Sibylus! :)

He's doing what politicians have done since the dawn of time: trying to help large numbers of voters find him relatable by expressing his scorn for small numbers of people they don't understand who he can politically afford to ignore. Everybody knows we aren't going to build 50% more bathrooms in public places, so he's happy to aggressively marginalize us while trying to appear vaguely reasonable.

Thankfully he has plenty of skeletons in his closet. Like Trump, he's not likely to get the nomination. Of course if either of them did that would all but guarantee a Republican loss in the presidential race. I'm basically hoping one of them hangs on and drags the party into the dust bin of history.

I was at an event Friday and Saturday where literally the first couple I met were from Houston. I had to bite my tongue to keep from launching into political discussions from the moment I found out where they were from. In practice they were very pleasant, though I'm slowly getting used to the idea that very few people read me as trans.

I don't know. I get the impression the Republican-base at large would believe such a thing would happen if Carson got the presidency. They're all gullible enough.

I've heard about what happened in Houston too. : / That's horrible. Mind if I ask what the event was?

Welcome Kristie!

Feel yourself at home. The girls around here are marvelous and will help you gladly.

Have a complimentary drink and let me bring the conffetti cannon®


*settles down in my confetti pool, drinks kiwi lemonade*
Thank you, Dai ^.^

Beth Cyra

Are there any preferred names that people would like to be called by, if different from their username? If so, please let me know :)

Thank you, Sibylus! :)

I don't know. I get the impression the Republican-base at large would believe such a thing would happen if Carson got the presidency. They're all gullible enough.

I've heard about what happened in Houston too. : / That's horrible. Mind if I ask what the event was?

*settles down in my confetti pool, drinks kiwi lemonade*
Thank you, Dai ^.^
Welcome welcome.

User name is my basic name. I also go by Bethy, beTh, and Corner Slut :) all suit me well.

Thanks for joining our little group !!

Lady Gaia

I don't know. I get the impression the Republican-base at large would believe such a thing would happen if Carson got the presidency.

I could see people imagining an out-of-the way poorly maintained alternative in the "separate but equal" vein of bathrooms during the segregation era. Mostly they're reassured by the idea that even if the bathrooms never materialized they could make trouble for any of us with the temerity to actually use existing public restrooms.

Mind if I ask what the event was?

Not at all! It was the first Fretboard Summit, a gathering of primarily acoustic guitar players just up the coast from where I live. A few hundred guitar players, builders, and collectors from all over the country converged for a few days of meeting and mingling, presentations, panel discussions, and lots of outstanding performances.

I met some wonderful people and my beloved 1994 Breedlove got plenty of attention, too.


I could see people imagining an out-of-the way poorly maintained alternative in the "separate but equal" vein of bathrooms during the segregation era. Mostly they're reassured by the idea that even if the bathrooms never materialized they could make trouble for any of us with the temerity to actually use existing public restrooms.

Not at all! It was the first Fretboard Summit, a gathering of primarily acoustic guitar players just up the coast from where I live. A few hundred guitar players, builders, and collectors from all over the country converged for a few days of meeting and mingling, presentations, panel discussions, and lots of outstanding performances.

I met some wonderful people and my beloved 1994 Breedlove got plenty of attention, too.

Yea. It's a shame really. It's just a scapegoat after a scapegoat for some people. : /

Oooooh, Fretboard Summit sounds like it's loads of fun! Did you perform at all? Kinda curious what kinda panel discussions/guests there were for those.
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